Female horoscopy as per Stree jatak.

Female horoscopy – planets in various houses and effects.
Ravi in 1 - produces hot body, heat
diseases, bad temper, leanness, ingratitude,
fond of dining at others' places and
repulsive complexion.
Ravi in 2 - deprived of corn. and
coin, harsh tongue, debility, fond of quarrels,
hatred, mischief, friendless.
Ravi in 3 - always happy, healthy
body, handsome, nice face, full busts. Three
things in a woman add to her beauty:
fine teeth, handsome eyes and well formed
Ravi in 4 - unhappy, sickly body, ugly
teeth, repulsive body, hateful and
troublesome behaviour.
Ravi in 5 - few issues, leadership,
religious observance, stout face and teeth,
dutiful. to parents, agreeable
conversation and faith in Brahmins and priestly class
are indicated.
Ravi in 6 - importance, victory over
enemies, clever among females, good conduct,
righteous deeds, wealth, generous and
Ravi in 7 - neglected by husband,
unhappiness, terrible to deal with,
Unsympathetic, phlegmatic diseases,
sinful deeds and deformed body.
Ravi in 8 - relations suffering from
poverty and sorrows, crooked acts of charity, suffering from excessive blood
Ravi in 9 - pretending charities, fond
of sinful deeds, poverty, many enemies,
excessive anger, fine sources of
Ravi in 10 - crooked charities,
unattractive, hatred towards husband, dark body,
fond of walking and travelling.
Ravi in 11 - gains, children and
grandchildren. command over passions, great skill
in arts, patience, commanding, respect
from relations.
Ravi in 12 - expenditure on evil work,
rough, extravagance, fond of sinful deeds,
cruel, fondness for all articles, irreligious tendencies.
Chandra in 1 - handsome; when the Moon
is on the wane, slender body, sickness,
quarrelsome and fond of crooked deeds.
Chandra in 2 - great wealth, polite,
principled among females, charitable, devoted
to husband, righteous, and respect to
good Brahmins.
Chandra in 3 - diseases from excessive
phlegm and wind, disagreeable
conversation, crooked views,
dependency on mean masters, non-regard, for justice,
bad conduct, miserliness, ungrateful.
Chandra in 4 - happiness, valuable
ornaments, steadiness, following strictly
religious codes. great enjoy ment,
devotion to God and preceptors.
Chandra in 5 - good children, good
conduct, great activity, happiness, truth, control
over passions, love for husband,
Chandra in 6 - small heart, bold,
rude, fickle-minded, wounds, various kinds of
diseases, emaciated body.
Chandra in 7 - skill, love to husband,
generosity, prudence, pleasant speech,
wealth, attraction and good conduct.
Chandra in 8 - cruel, envious eyes,
ill-developed breasts and sexual organ, lack of
ornaments, unclean body, anger,
wonderful scandals.
Chandra in 9 - pious, good waist, fond
of enjoyment, liberal, agreeable, faithful
servants, good issues and happy.
Chandra in 10 - gold ornaments, good
respect, not fond of sense engagements, good social position, high rank among
relations, charitable, fond of meritorious
deeds and truthful.
Chandra in 11 - much gain, agreeable,
attractive, prudence and foresight, control
over passions, easily pleased,
charitable, lawful and healthy.
Chandra in 12 - spend thrift, windy
diseases, active habits, humble mind, impatient,
unreasonable, poverty.
Kuja in 1 - red complexion, sorrowful
body, disrespect, rejected by husband,
Kuja in 2 - irreligious, poverty,
crooked husband, excessive, expenditure,
passionate, anger, many diseases, few
Kuja in 3 - prosperity, patience,
agreeable relations, respect for good men,
impotence; health and dignity.
Kuja in 4 - disappointments, steady
devotion, unhappiness, widowhood, houseless,
rejected by relations and highly
Kuja in 5 - crooked issues, immodest,
bad company, fond of sinful deeds, issueless
and few relations.
Kuja in 6 - happy with husband,
foeless, great wealth, friendship with good
persons, learned, healthy.
Kuja in 7 - early widowhood, bad
character, poverty, repulsive body and
mischievous tendencies.
Kuja in 8 - many diseases, emaciated
body, without guardian, poverty, cuts and
scars, repulsive, fond of tormenting
Kuja in 9 - impious, unhappy,
sickness, poverty, offensive to good people, and fond
of flesh and drinking.
Kuja in 10 - crooked works and views,
irreligious and fond of unholy work,
shameless, ignorance.
Kuja in 11 - large gains, indifferent
to possession of articles, good temper, various
enjoyments, fond of husband and
righteous conduct.
Kuja in 12 -fond of red grains,
misdeeds, expenditure on sinful acts, fond of
drinking, cruel, always suffering from some complaint and
weak constitution
Budha in 1 - handsome, devoted to
husband, righteous, broad eyes, plenty of food
and drink, always loving, truthful,
Budha in 2 - wealth, purity, handsome,
fond of God and Brahmins, and sacrificial
rites, prosperity, and desire to read
and hear Puranas or religious works.
Budha in 3 - riches, devoted to God
and religious men, children, self-respect,
obliging and good social position and
Budha in 4 - happiness, good and pious
friends, servants, devotion to God and holy
priests, respectable family, and
fondness for charitable deeds.
Budha in 5 - few issues, poor eater,
ordinary wealth, quarrelsome, objectless or
non-profitable travelling,
objectionable conduct, poverty and hatred for good
Budha in 6 - hating enemies.
kind-hearted, long life, active habits, excessive
passion, and unwillingness to help
Budha in 7 - dignified, skilful in all
works, fond of sastras, feasts and religious rites,
good reputation, and loving
Budha in 8 - ungrateful and forgetting
help, unsympathetic, uncharitable,
misunderstandings among people, always
sickness, timidity.
Budha in 9 - virtuous. charitable,
polite, wealth, reputation, strength, great
patience, truthful.
Budha in 10 - righteous conduct,
devotion to husband, prosperity, wealth,
handsome, just and polite.
Budha in 11 - contented, great gains,
good temper, virtuous, popular.
Budha in 12 - perverted and ignorant, Indifferent,
quarrelsome, disordered, emaciated body and subject to criticisms from good
Guru in 1 - truthful, good enjoyment,
dignified speech, good company, beautiful,
respect and leadership among females.
Guru in 2 - great wealth, good marital
life, agreeable, just, fond of good deeds,
good social position, disinterested
and without mishaps.
Guru in 3 - want of self-respect, many
sins, disgrace, and suffering always from
some disease or nervous complaints in
the limbs.
Guru in 4 - great happiness. and
various foods and drinks, many servants and
maids, rich ornaments, fine
reputation, handsome features and blessed with
virtuous conduct.
Guru in 5 - good and prosperous
children, bereft of sinful deeds (this means she
will do good), agreeable temperament,
fond of religious performances, truthful,
respected in all assemblies and
Guru in 6 - siding enemies, virtuous,
suffering -from various troubles and worries,
timid and fearing, engaged in
unimportant or trivial works, insincere attentions
and politeness.
Guru in 7 - good temperament,
meritorious deeds, bright understanding, few
enemies, love and regard to husband,
desirable reputation.
Guru in 8 - untruthful, houseless,
loss of husband. pains in hands and feet, great
sorrow, poor meals and many complaints
in the body.
Guru in 9 - religious faith,
truthfulness, pleasure from building tanks, wells and
other charitable works, agreebleness,
reputation, love for. holy men, riches,
faithful and good servants and
Guru in 10 - works which give
reputation, good qualities, amiability, many
servants, politeness, loveliness,
engaged in virtuous wonderful works.
Guru in 11 - control over passions,
unsullied reputation, wealth, fond of skilful
works, truthfulness, praised for her
amiable qualities.
Guru in 12 - spending money on sinful
acts, sickly body, few gains, doing irreligious
acts, bad temperament and fond of
other religious systems. This means that she
will neglect her own religion and
faith and join different faiths in antagonism to
her normal religion. This is considered to be hateful in
the eyes of her coreligionists.
Sukra in 1 - agreeable husband., good
married life, skilful in work, great wealth,
pure body, conquest over enemies,
amiable nature.
Sukra in 2 - great wealth, skilful
works, dependent, appearances of grandeur, love
of charity, good nature, respectable
deeds and sweet speech.
Sukra in 3 - poverty. defeated
relations, great sorrow, pride and speech in low
Sukra in 4 - great happiness and
wealth, jolly tempera ment, Iove of charitable
deeds, control over passions, an ornament
to her family.
Sukra in 5 - wealth in coins and kind,
many daughters, grand dress, good company,
and leader in her family.
Sukra in 6 - meanness, irritable,
cruel temperament, con quest over enemies,
rejected by children and husband.
Sukra in 7 - greatness through wealth,
love of husband, fond of scientific
knowledge, general proficiency and
cleverness, fond of Brahmins, helping people.
Sukra in 8 - pride, sorrow, want of
comforts, unsympathetic, cheating others, illselected
clothing, un-righteous conduct.
Sukra in 9 - fondness for meritorious
work. leader among females, varieties of
wealth and clothes, luxurious food
contentment. agreeable to husband.
Sukra in 10 - respect and reputation,
great wealth, body worthy of respect by good
deeds, great power, beauty, truthful.
Sukra in 11 - great gains, fond of
scientific knowledge, great influence, many
houses and furniture.
Sukra in 12 - expenditure on evil
deeds, sorrow, hard bodily organs, deceitful,
dissimulative talk, disease, dull.
Sani in 1 - ugly and deformed body,
great discomforts, insignificant, stout bones,
teeth and hairs, uninviting eyes,
windy complaints, constipation and piles, fiery
temperament, stubborn.
Sani in 2 - poverty, insignificant
among the females, rejected by others,
unsympathetic, cruel temper,
unrighteous, irritable, harsh language.
Sani in 3 - great capacity, leader
among ladies, grateful, many issues, charitable and
protective temperament, friendship
among good people.
Sani in 4 - unhappiness, want of
intelligence, ungrateful, capricious, poor
surroundings, always fond of doing
evil deeds and keeping company with
undesirable people, questionable
Sani in 5 - want of children, unkind,
very proud, prostitute behavior, friendship
with wicked people, perverse views.
Sani in 6 - dull, leader among women,
many issues, many jewels and clothes, good
character, love for children.
Sani in 7 - widowhood, insignificant,
many diseases, fond of drinking, evil
company, many sins and un-desirable
Sani in 8 - committing sinful acts,
cruel temper, untruthful and unrighteous,
thievish habits, deceitful nature,
early dangers and 'accidents'.
Sani in 9 - mean acts, extravagant,
friendship with misers, uneducated, rough,
bereft of polite manners.
Sani in 10 - fond of evil deeds,
feminine temper, love for filthy literature, poverty
and bad conduct.
Sani in 11 - good issues, great
wealth, handsome personality; luxurious food, great
gains, bold.
Sani in 12 - bloody complaints, excess
of wind and phlegm, diseases from these
sources, stupidity, perverse nature,
sorrowful and rejected by many. Results have
been explained from the
constellations, lunar influences, sign peculiarities and
influences of planets in the different
Bhavas. These are specially applicable to