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Monday, August 4, 2014

Astrology of mooka ( mute) yoga.

Mute or mook yoga

Speaking problems and astrology.

When lord of 2nd and 8th house is in conjunction with Guru, Mooka Yoga is formed.
Effect: Native will be mute and dumb.

 Gemini, Libra and Aquarius, all airy signs are also called voice signs. As for voice or sound, there has to be an airy medium, this is the reason of all airy signs being voice signs. Voice signs coinciding with the second house and placement of Venus in it suggest voice suitable for singing and a similar occurrence in tenth house suggest career related to voice like singer, ventriloquist, commentator, mimicry artists, etc.

All watery signs namely Cancer (Karka), Scorpio (Vrischika) and Pisces (Meena) are called mute signs or mute astrology sign.
Mercury anywhere in mute sign affected by Saturn, causes stammer.
Saturn in the lagan in a mute sign causes an impediment in speech.
"Vak Sthanesh, Gururva, Vyaya, Ripu, Vilaya Sthango
Meaning, lord of 2nd house or Guru, if placed in 12th,6th or 8th house., Leads to Muteness/speechlessness.

More combinations

Mercury in a mute sign afflicted by Saturn will cause stammering which will slowly be followed by dumbness. The planet Jupiter rules the ears and tongue and its affliction in the second house is responsible for its associated diseases like dumbness and deafness. Saturn in the first house and Ketu in the second house will cause defective speech or even dumbness.

Gemini, Libra and Aquarius, all airy signs are also called voice signs. As for voice or sound, there has to be an airy medium, this is the reason of all airy signs being voice signs. Voice signs coinciding with the second house and placement of Venus in it suggest voice suitable for singing and a similar occurrence in tenth house suggest career related to voice like singer, ventriloquist, commentator, mimicry artists, etc.

Complete Dumb:
6th lord + Budha in 1,6,8,12th
6th lord + Guru in 1,6,8,12th

2nd lord + Guru  combust and in 1,6,8,12th

Kuja + Shani + Ravi in 5th-------nose problem

Kuja + Shani+ Rahu in 1,6,8,12 th---no sound from nose

2nd lord + Guru become neecha or astha and in 3 , 6, 8, 12th

2nd lord + Chandra is neecha or astha

Ravi in 2nd and Budha in Makara, Kumba aspected by Shani.

Ravi and shukra in 8th- vrischika rashi and should have the sambandha of Shani or Rahu-- throat problem

Shani, Kuja , Rahu in 3rd and lagna in these grahas nakshatra--- cannot talk.