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Saturday, March 15, 2014

Remedy for kemdruma yoga.

Kemdruma yoga.

As per the standard texts, the absence of planet on both sides of Moon is required to  form Kemadrum Yoga. Rahu Ketu is not considered in this yoga. i.e. presence of Rahu Ketu can not eliminate Kemadrum Yoga. Rahu and Ketu are not the solid body planets but the crossing points of energy transits.
Varahamihira adds emphasis by saying that when persons born in royal families are subjected to such degradations much more of these unfortunate results must be predicted than in the case of persons born in ordinary families. Sorrows mean physical as well as mental. The word Neecha is used in the original & this refers to such acts as are prohibited by the religious, moral & social codes & are therefore held to be disgraceful.
The person who is having Kemdrum Yog should not run the independent business entrepreneurship in his own name alone, particularly when all financial decisions are to be taken by him alone.He should also not carry the posts with financial responsibilities particularly when th risk and benefits of the company are fully dependent upon him.

Remedy  for  Kemdruma yoga

You will need a blood relation to assist you in doing this upaya. The upaya should be done at the bank of a river or at the sea shore in the morning after the sun rise on a Saturday.

Take whole 11 suparis ( arrica nut ) , a red flower and Rs 125 in coins

Tie these things in a handkerchief size black cloth.

 Make the person with Kemdrum yog sit facing east and the blood relation , who has gone along to assist , should take the potli in his hand and rotate this potli , anticlockwise , seven times around the body of the one who has the Kemdrum yog. . Start the round from the left side of the chest.

 After having made the round, immerse the potli either in a river or in sea.

Precaution: When you leave the house for the upaya , none of the two people should look back. Nor should they look back, towards the river / sea after throwing the potli till they reach home.

{The person assisting stands behind the person having Kem Drum yog. he should neither stand in front of the person nor such that he gets between the water and the kemdrum person. If necessary he can stand by the side.

 Now from here > the assistant takes the potli in his left hand and starting from the left chest moves it to the back, going round the back to the right chest and reaches the left chest. One round is complete.

 Thus makes 7 rounds.

 If you notice the entire movement of the potli is anti- clock wise.}