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Monday, November 4, 2013

Seat of disease in Astrology

Seat of disease in Astrology

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Significations of the houses generally correspond to the signs of zodiac in seriatim. Similarly read the various body parts governed by various
houses. Afflictions to houses likewise cause diseases of the connected parts.
If the dispositor of the lord of a Bhava is in dustana , then the particular bhava will be in great danger. This rule is very useful in medical
astrology to detect diseases in various parts of the body.
*bodily diseases can be ascertained by an examination of (a) the 6th and  8th house, (b) the lord of the 6th and 8th, (c) the planet who aspects the 6th and  8th,  and (d) the planet which occupies the 6th and 8th. The strongest of these will cause the disease pertaining to the dosha under its domain and in the particular organ governed by the zodiacal sign it afflicts.

*Three seats of disease are recognised, viz., if the Lagna is movable and in Urdhvamukha Rasi (3,6,9,12 from sun), then the disease can be seen above the neck ; if fixed and Thiryugmukha (2,5,8,11 from sun), the disease is below the neck and above the waist, and if it is common and Adhomukha (1,4,7,10, from sun) the disease will be below the waist.

  • Adhomukha Rasi - is the Sign that Sun currently in.
  • Urdhwamukha Rasi - is the Sign that Sun was last in.
  • ThiryugMukah Rasi - is the sign that Sun will next move to.

General rules; benefics in trine or quadrants are health promoting , malefics in trine or quadrants often cause health problems. Upachayas; 3, 6 and 11 are houses of resistance to disease and relate to the immune system. Malefics here destroy disease and increase our immunity. Benefics do not do well in the sixth, but are not bad in the third and eleventh.The lords of houses 3 and 11 can also cause health problems. 2 & 7 are marakas; (end of 3 & 8) negative generally only in old age.