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Thursday, August 15, 2013

Jupiter as significator of wealth vis-a-vis the kumbha Lagna.

Jupiter as significator of wealth  for kumbha lagna.

About the Significations of |upiter for wealth etc.
Vis-a-vis Kumbha Lagna

If Aquarius (Kumbha) be the Ascendant or Lagna
with Jupiter in the 12th conjoined with or aspected
by Rahu, the native will be devoid of wealth
and moral character. The reason for this is that Jupiter
is a natural significator of wealth (Dhanakaraka)
and becomes more so for Aquarius Ascendant being lo rd
of the 2nd and 1Lth house. When such a Jupiter is in the
1.2th in his sign of debilitation, there is no doubt that
the native will be deprived of wealth .A debilitated
Jupiter with the depraved planet Rahu in the house of
loss, expenditure and excesses will make the native
depraved and perverted. Such a person will commit the most' sinful and immoral deeds.In this connection it is important to note that the
12th is the house of loss and expenditure (<<). Any
planet occupying this house (except the lord of this
house) will only indicate the loss or deterioration of
his significations. For example,
the weak Sun in the 12th associated with Saturn, Rahu etc. will indicate
deterioration of bones, weakness of eye sight etc.
The Moon in the 12th house associated with Saturn,
Rahu etc. will indicate weakness of eyes, loss of
blood, instability of mind etc. Mars in such a position
will cause weakness of muscles. Mercury will indicate
skin troubles. Jupiter will indicate malfunctioning of
marrow, Venus loss of semen and Saturn will
indicate mental tension and break down of nervous
