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Saturday, June 1, 2013

Transit of Saturn and Jupiter from moon,sun and Ascendent.

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Taken from Bepin Bihari book on transits the rule of interpretation.


Some indications of the effects of Saturn in different houses in relations to Ascendant, Moon and the Sun are given below which will have to be appropriately adapted according to the point of reference under consideration.
1st House: The feeling of being caged and confined would be predominant. Bereft of friends, feeling disappointed from wife, suffering bad health and general fatigue, the individual would be surrounded by general gloom. Humiliation and bad news, social and professional tension along with denial of legitimate opportunities for one's all round growth and prosperity would characterize the period.
2nd House: Gloom over family affairs, loss of motherly affection, chances of malignant diseases, unpleasant travels, conflict with near and dear ones and curtailment of social life may occur during this period. Dr. B. V. Raman feels that the individual during this period will get wealth from other men but will not enjoy this wealth long.
3rd House: One of the beneficial houses for Saturn. Whenever it occurs there is a significant turn for the better in the life-pattern of the individual. Impediments are removed, long delayed rewards are made available, and the individual begins enjoying his material affluence. Recovery of debts, fresh sources of income, new alignments in life, may take place though there may be some afflictions for the children and lack of interest in creative pursuits.
4th House: Quite unsatisfactory place for Saturn; it restrains the enemies' activities to a limited extent but considerably augments sorrow and frustrations otherwise. There may occur unwanted change of house or the place of work, professional setback, humiliation in public life and affliction of relatives and ill health to his own self.
5th House: Frustration arising from restrictions imposed on one's creative activities would be severe. Added to this could be sickness of wife, disapproval from the government, loss of money and failure in one' ambition.
6th House:   One   of the most helpful placement for Saturn in transit.  For the individual concerned, it would be a period of distant vision when the clarity of goal and necessary support   for its fulfillment would fill his heart with enthusiasm and initiative.
7th House: Not enjoying the love and affection of one's married wife, there is attraction and involvements with other sources of lusty expression; family life having gone to rocks, personal life facing (false) allegations and losing personal and paternal wealth, and the individual losing his heart might indulge in unethical behaviour and would have dirty mind. Association with psychologically evolved persons and interest in esoteric religious and occult practices could develop.
8th House:  Persephone has now been taken by Pluto to Hades in due course to return as the expression of spring.    While experiencing the gloom, loss anseparation under Saturn in the eighth house, the individual may feel that his life is going to dissolve. There could be professional trouble, public disapproval, family disturbances, loss in speculation, an affliction of children as a result of which there maybe mental depression and sorrow and the individual may feel humiliated and crest fallen, but such delay in all matters and failures in all undertakings are preludes to better turn of events. Restrictions on the fruition of the past karmas are to teach a lesson of patience and perseverance.  An important period for the yogis for their siddhis,perfections
9th House: An important phase in the life of the individual marked by radical change in his mental attitude. Self centredness, formulation and concretization of his personal  philosophy would  take place;  he would confront loss of income,  denial of friendship and exasperation at the world receding on all sides. But he would have victory over his enemies and smoothening of the path despite   psychological cobwebs being there. A period of great and lasting spiritual progress.
10th House: The storm is not yet over but the indivi­dual has started getting premonitions from the other world;   suitable   adjustments without the knowledge of the individual concerned have begun to enable him to take advantage of the coming prosperity. Apparently there may be disturbed life, fall from a high Status, estrangement with wife and change in the existing environment of residence as well as work, but such occurrences pave the necessary orientation for the impending psychologi­cal change in life.
11th House: The change will fructify and the individual would climb another ladder of his personal unfoldment and material prosperity. Increased income, enlargement of social circle, possibility of courtship, recovery of past debts and asset formation characterize the period. There would be concretization of one's   philosophy   of life   in which   there   may  be greater practicality than imagination and wish fulfillment. A new adaptation to life conditions satisfying   the   requirements   of   diminishing   physical energy would take place.
I2th House: God's protective forces are temporarily withdrawn to let the personal proclivities of the individual have a freer play. Unless the individual is spiritually advanced, there could be moral degradation, sorrow arising from loss of wealth and destruction of fixed assets, deterioration of health theft and several frustrating experiences, but in the case of those who have already aroused their spiritual nature, this could be a period of great spiritual unfoldment. The inner-most content of his psyche could begin to establish a closer control of his psychology and thereby give a new orientation t his life.


The impact of Jupiter is no  less significant than that of  Saturn.    During the course of a year, when Jupiter is transiting a sign so much of benefic radiation is concentrated there that the support provided to that aspects of life is greatly increased.  Primarily, the effect of Jupiter is to give protection,   induce the various aspects of life to grow towards their perfection, and make the individual an enlightened being.  In order to do so, it has to tend the variousdimensions  of life  in such manner that the necessary direction  is provided to the person. Some of these forces emanating from Jupiter, when it is transiting the various houses are given below:
1st House:   A very difficult house for the transit of Jupiter. Under the assumption that the quantum of its radiation is so intense in this bhava or the house that it gets completely   disturbed,   one would find    that Jupiter in the first house is very devastating.   
It disturbs the existing environment it destroys wealth and settled habits and relation-ships. But all these happen in order to enable the individual to be a chalice for the divine downpour.
2nd House:    Extremely good for finance; possibility of sudden inflow of unexpected wealth and income. There would be greater renown and professional achievements. But there may be slight sorrow either on account of illness or due to enmity with some-one.
3rd House: Being a house of bad thoughts and of impediments, as it is eighth from the eighth house, Jupiter's transit in the Third House is not good. Shift from one's established place of residence and change in affection also occur during this period.
4th House: A period of considerable psychological un-settlement. There may be unexpected downpour of divine influences as a result of which a radical change in life-pattern will take place. It may be induced by some disease, unnecessary expenditure, change of residence or due to association of some great saint, but the change is the primary effect.
5th House: A great upsurge of mental creativity leading to tremendous feeling of upliftment directing the individual towards his ultimate goal in life ischaracterised by this Position of transiting Jupiter. Increased income, unexpected reward, general prosperity and growth of personality are some of the mundane expressions of this transit.
6th House: Paying off the past (karmic) debts is chara­cterised by this transit. Increased enmity, unmerited blasphemy, obstacles, hospitalization and wrong accusations could occur at this time; even some increased inflow of income is a possibility. But underneath all these, there would be a feeling of disenchantment. Dr. B.V. Raman has very poetically expressed the Situation when he stated that "the person will be so much afflicted at heart that he will take no delight in the agreeable faces of beautiful women, the music of the peacock and the cuckoo and in houses made pleasant by the frolic of children.playing like the young of the deer.
7th House: The Divine would look into the face so a to arouse the most pleasant experiences of  life. Company of beautiful women, amiable social life,increased income, gain of friendship and expression of latent faculties would be expected at this period.
8th House:  For the persons aspiring  after occultism and  higher knowledge,  Jupiter's transit  in the 8th House would increase his interest in yoga, occultismtantras and such other siddhis (perfections), but  for the man of the world this period is of serious affliction, penury, restrictions, fruitless endeavours, an unexpected blame.
9th House :  Triangularity of benefic  influences being the main  characteristic of Jovian  radiation, the planet bestows all the best  influences  it is capable of when it is transiting the ninth house. possibilities are that there would  be   auspicious  ceremonies, growth in respectability, expanded opportunities for creative activities, long travels and deeper insight in scriptures.
10th House:  Undoubtedly there   could   be   increase of enmity, jealousy, debts and theft possibilities,   despite all these, there would be great peace mind and  equanimity in  disposition,   chances of professional   preferment   or   some activity  which brings out the best  in the man ; the capacity advise others would also increase.
11 th House : The Jovian radiation to inculcate the feeling of contentment is immensely effective and su radiation occur when  it is transiting the eleventh house. increased income,  improvement in status help from brothers,   gain in speculative activities, married happiness and beneficial travels are some of the effects of this transit.
I2th House : Not a very pleasant house for Jupiter to be. It imparts here the radiation which would trans-form all the material attainments into spiritual capabilities. For this reason, there are increased possibilities for illness, penury, failure attempts, loss of property and larger number of enemies, change of environment, but there will also be stirrings in emotional nature and successof in yoga.