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Consultation charges.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013


Pregnant WomanPregnant Woman Buying Baby Stuff

1st Month  ' Venus - Kalala - Fleshy mass.
2nd Month   Mars - Ghana - Solid mass.
3rd Month    Jupiter - Ankura - Sprouting of  organs.
 4th Month   Sun - Asthi - Bone formation.
 5th Month    Chandra - Charma - Skin formation.
 6th Month    Saturn - Angaja - Hair and other  organs.
  7 th Month   Mercury - Chethanathaha - Active  life force.
  8th Month                       Adhana lagna - The growth of body  by mother's food.
  9th   Month    Moon - Occurence of q,elivery pain.
   10th Month Sun - Delivery.

Kalala in sanskrit means the combined fluid of male and female after sexual union. Here the male
sperm is called Shukra or Shukla (white) and that of female is shonitha (blood coloured fluid). As soon as
they are mixed it becomes shukla shonitha and conception begins and this period is ruled by Venus
and will be fleshy.In the second month, it attains "Ghana" i.e.solidification and will be in the form of a kidney bean and this period is ruled by Mars. The third month causes "Ankura" which means sprouting when all the
different organs of the body will sprout and begin to show themselves and this period is ruled by Jupiter.
In the 4th month "Asthi" or bones are formed. This month is ruled by Sun. In the 5th month "Charma"
or skin begins to form on the body and this period is ruled by Moon. The 6th month "Angaja" hairs and
other organs are formed and Saturn rules this month.The seventh month "Chethanatha" conciousness
begins to develop and this period is governed by Mercury. In the 8th month, the food consumed by the
mother is taken by the foetus through the umbilical cord and this period is governed by the lord of
conception time. In the 9th month "U dvega", the anxiety to get out of the mother's womb arises and
this period is ruled by Moon. During the 10th month "Prasava" or delivery takes place and this month is
governed by Sun.