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Wednesday, March 6, 2013


Cartoon of a Man in the Hospital

Vata planets - Mercury, Saturn and Rahu.

Let us now understand the types of diseases 
caused by different humours in Ayurvedic science of

medicine and the important sites of location of these 
three humours are as under.
Urinary Bladder, rectum, waist, thighs, legs,
bones and colon are the sites ofVatta; amongst them 
colon is the most important site. Sweat, rasa, lasika
(lymph), rakta and small intestine are the sites of 
Pittha; amongst them small intestine is the most 
important site. Chest, head, neck, joint, stomach
(upper part of intestine) and fat are the sites of 
Shleshma, phlegmatic. Amongst them, chest is the

most important site.
Vatha is divided into various categories like prana 
etc., with its different sites for each division. The sites
mentioned in the above passage are those where the 
vitiation of vatha generally manifests itself and the
diseases caused by this humour vatha are difficult to 
cure. So if vatha is controlled in these sites, all.types 
of vata diseases can be prevented.

 Vata governs the small and large intestines; nervous system; throat and the vocal cords, including speech and all forms of communication; pelvic girdle; respiratory system; endocrine system (associated with the majja dhatu or nervous system); the skin; the rational mind and the equilibrium of the body-mind-spirit.Because Venus' constitution is a combination of vata and kapha, her rulership over the endocrine system (related to the majja dhatu) and the small intestines and appendix (Venus is the primary karaka for all mid-gut organs) is included . Note that Ayurveda considers the small intestines as a principal pitta site, as it is in the duodenum (first part of the small intestines) that chemical digestion takes place (bile and pancreatic enzymes mix with food particles. Yet throughout the small intestines, vata plays a major role by way of absorption (most nutrient absorption takes place in the small intestines); intestinal peristalsis (contraction of smooth muscles which propels food through the intestines); the opening and closing of the pyloric value (allowing food to enter the small intestines from the stomach) and the ileocecal valve (moving food into the cecum before entering the large intestines) and the production of gases.
Vata, the biological composition of ether and air, governs those processes involving absorption (input) and elimination (output). For example, in the colon, a major vata site, water and nutrients are absorbed (input), while solid waste matter is eliminated (output). In the lungs, another key vata site, oxygen is absorbed, while carbon dioxide is eliminated. Externally, vata allows for the input, or absorption, of sensory stimuli via sense receptors and internally, the output, or elimination, of sensory stimuli via thoughts, emotions and motor responses.
Vata’s bodily functions include the transportation of all external stimuli to the brain for processing and the corresponding transportation of all internal messaging (nerve impulses, cellular communications, motor responses) to the proper muscle, organ or gland. Vata is the dosha behind all movement in the body, be it the movement of the breath (respiratory system), blood and nutrients (circulatory system), muscles and limbs (voluntary and involuntary movement) or the movement behind eliminatory functions, such as the passing of urine and feces or the birthing of a baby. And vata fills all empty spaces within the body (bones, joints, brain, spinal column). Vata is our pranic force … our connection to the outside world 

I. Nakhabheda (cracking of nails)
2. Vipadika (cracking of feet)
3. Padasula (pain in feet)
4. Padabhramsha (foot drop)
5. Padasoptata (numbness in feet)
6. Vatakhuddata (club foot)
7. Gulphagraha (stiff ankle)
8. Pendikodveshtana (cramps in the calD
9. Gridhrasi (sciatica)
10. J anubheda (genu varoon)
II. Januvishlesha (genu valgum)
12. Urustambha (stiffness in thigh)
13. Urusada (pain in thighs)
14. Pangulya (paraplegia)
15. Gudabhramsha (prolapse rectum)
16. Gudarthi (teanmus)
17. Vrishanakshepa (pain in serotim)
18. Shephastambha (stiffness of thigh)
19. Vanikshananaha (tension of grion)
20. Shronibheda (pain around pelvic girdle)
21. Vibheda (diarrohea)
22. Udavarta (mispersitalsis)
23. Khanjata (lameness)
24. Kubjatva (kyphosis)
25. Vamanatva (dwarfism)
26. Trikagraha (arthiritis of sacroillac joint)
27. Prishta graha (stiffness of back)
28. Parshvavamarda (pain in chest)
29. Udaraveshta (griping pain in abdomen)
. 30 . Hrinmoha (brady cardia)
31. Hideaway (tachycardia)
32. Vaksha uddharasha (rubbing pain in the
33. Vaksha uparobdha (impairment of thorasic
34. Bahushosha (attrophy of ilrm)
35. Vaksha sthoda (stabbing pain in chest)
36. Grivasthamba (stiffness of neck)
37. Manyasthamba (torticollis)
38. Kan thoddvamsa (hoarseness of voice)
39. Hanubheda (pain in jaws)
40. Osthabheda (pain in lip)
41. Dantha bheda (toothache)
42. Akshi bheda (pain in eye)
43. Danthasaithilya (looseness of teeth)
44. Mukatva (aphasia)
45. Vaksanga (lulling speech)
46. Kasayasata (astrinent taste in mouth)
47. Mukha shosha (dryness of mouth)
48. Arasajnata (ageusia)
49. Ghrananasha (anosmia)
50. Karnashula (ear ache)
5l. Ashabdasravana (tenitus)
52. Ucchaihsruti (hard of hearing)
53. Badhirya (deafness)
54. Vartmastambha (ptosis of eye lid)
55. Vartmasamkoca (entropion)
56. Timira (amausosis)
57. Akshishula (pinching pain in eye)
58. Akshivyudasa (ptosis of eye ball)
59. Bhruvyudasa (ptosis of eye brow)
60. Shankabheda (pain in temporal region)
61. Lalatbheda (pain in frontal region)
62. Shiroruk (headache)
63. Keshabhumisputana (dandrufO
64. Ardita (facial paralysis)
65. Ekangaroga (monoplegia)
66. Sarvanga roga (poly plegia)
67. Pakshavadha (hemiplegia)
68. Akshepaka (clonic convulsion)
69. Dandaka (tonic convulsion)
70. Tama (fainting)
71. Bhrama (giddiness)
72. Vepatu (tremour)
73. Jrimbha (yawning)
74. Hikka (hiccuup)
75. Vishada (asthenia)
76. Atripralapa (deliricion)
77. Raukshya (dryness)
78. Parusya (hardness)
79. Shyavarunavadhadhasata (dusky red
80. Asvapna (sleeplessness)
Anavatsthitachittatva (unstable mentality)