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Sunday, July 22, 2012

Brihat Parashara Hora Sashtra by Rishi Parashara(progeny and curses)

Effects of Curses in the Previous Birth
1-3. Maitreya said. O Venerable Sage! You have acquainted me with effects, experienced by men and women in a number of ways. According to Shastras, the soul of a person does not rest in peace after his death, if he is not blessed with a son. What sin does a person commit to remain without a son? And what are the remedial measures to be adopted by him to get a son? Kindly enlighten me about this.
4. Mahārśi Parasara replied. I will now tell you, whatever Lord Shiva told Goddess Parvati in this respect.
5. Goddess Parvati said to Lord Shiva. O my Lord! What is the sin, which causes destruction of children amongst men. Please tell me, what are the Yogas for such an effect and what are the remedial measures to protect the children?
6. Lord Shiva replied: O Devi! You have asked a very relevant question. Now I will tell you the Yogas for loss of children and the requisite remedial measures.
7. A person will be without a son, if Jupiter, the Lord of Lagna and the Lord of the 5th are all devoid of strength.
8. The same will happen, if Sun, Mars, Rahu and Saturn, endowed with strength, be in the 5th and the significator for children, namely Jupiter and Lord of the 5th etc. be bereft of strength.
9-16. There will be no male issue, due to the curse of a serpent, if at birth Rahu is in the 5th, aspected by Mars; the Lord of 5th is associated with Rahu and Moon is in the 5th and is aspected by Saturn; the significator for children (Jupiter) is associated with Rahu, the Lord of the 5th is devoid of strength and the Lord of Lagna is with Mars; the significator for children is associated with Mars, Lagna is occupied by Rahu and the Lord of the 5th is in 6th, 8th, or 12th; Mercury, as Lord of the 5th, being in the Navamsa of Mars, is associated with Mars and Lagna is occupied by Rahu and Gulikaa; the 5th is Aries, or Scorpio and the Lord of the 5th is associated with Rahu, or Mercury; the 5th is occupied by Sun, Saturn, Mars, Rahu, Mercury and Jupiter and the Lords of the 5th and Lagna are devoid of strength; the Lord of Lagna, or Jupiter is associated with Rahu and the Lord of the 5th is in conjunction with Mars.
17-19. Remedial measures should be adopted to obtain protection from the evil effects of the above Yogas. These are getting an idol of Naga (serpent) Raja, made in gold and, after worshipping it in accordance with prescribed procedure, giving in charity a cow, some land, sesame seeds and gold etc. By adopting these measures the Lord of Serpents will be gratified and by his beneficence the person concerned will be blessed with a son and the lineage of his family will be prolonged.
20-30. There will be no male issue, as a result of the curse of the father in the previous birth, if at birth of the native Sun in his debilitation Rāśi and in the Navamsa of Saturn is hemmed in between malefics in the 5th House; Sun, as Lord of the 5th, posited in a Trikona with a malefic, is hemmed in between malefics and is also aspected by a malefic; Jupiter occupies the Rāśi of Sun, the Lord of the 5th is with Sun and Lagna and the 5th are occupied by malefics; Lord of Lagna, devoid of strength, is in the 5th and the Lord of the 5th is combust and Lagna and the 5th are occupied by malefics; there is exchange of Houses between Lords of the 5th and the 10th and Lagna and the 5th are occupied by malefics; Mars, as the Lord of the 10th, is associated with the Lord of the 5th and Lagna, the 5th and the 10th are occupied by malefics; Lord of the 10th is in the 6th, 8th, or 12th, Jupiter is in a malefic Rāśi and the Lord of Lagna and the 5th are associated with malefics; Sun, Mars and Saturn are in Lagna and the 5th and Rahu and Jupiter are in the 8th and the 12th; Sun is in the 8th, Saturn in the 5th, the Lord of the 5th is associated with Rahu and Lagna is occupied by a malefic; Lord of 12th is in Lagna, Lord of 8th in 5th and Lord of 10th in 8th; Lord of 6th is in 5th, Lord of 10th in 6th and Jupiter is associated with Rahu.
31-33. To get deliverance form the curse of the father the remedial measures are performance of Shraddha at Gaya; to feed ten thousand, one thousand, or 100 Brahmins, as one can afford; Virgodana (to perform the marriage of a girl); giving a cow in charity. By observing these remedial measures, the person concerned becomes free from the curse and the family lineage is prolonged by the birth of sons, grandsons etc.
Note. In this chapter, where the words childlessness and issue-lessness are used, they should be interpreted to mean want of male issue, because it is the male issue, who by performing the last rites of his father and mother ensures eternal peace to their souls.
34-50. A person will be without a male issue, as a result of curse of the mother, if at birth Moon, as Lord of the 5th is in her debilitation Rāśi, or is hemmed in between malefics and 4th and 5th are occupied by malefics; Saturn is in 11th, 4th is occupied by malefics and Moon is posited in the 5th in her debilitation Rāśi; Lord of 5th is in 6th, 8th, or 12th, Lord of Lagna in his debilitation Rāśi and Moon is associated with malefics; Lord of 5th is in 8th, 6th, or 12th, Moon in a malefic Navamsa and there are malefics in Lagna and in 5th; Lord of 5th and Moon, associated with Saturn, Rahu and Mars, are in 5th, or 9th; Mars, as Lord of 4th is associated with Saturn and Rahu and 5th and Lagna are occupied by Sun and Moon, respectively; Lords of Lagna and 5th are in 6th, Lord of 4th in 8th and Lagna is occupied by Lord of 8th and 10th; Lagna is occupied by the Lords of 6th and 8th, Lord of 4th is in 12th and Moon and Jupiter, associated with malefics, are in the 5th; Lagna is hemmed in between malefics, waning Moon is in 7th and 4th and 5th are occupied by Rahu and Saturn, respectively; there is exchange of Houses between Lords of 5th and 8th and the Lord of 4th and Moon are in 6th, 8th, or 12th; Cancer Lagna is occupied by Mars and Rahu and Moon and Saturn are in 5th; Mars, Rahu, Sun and Saturn are in Lagna, 5th, 8th and 12th, respectively, and the Lords of Lagna and 4th are in 6th, 8th, or 12th; Mars, Rahu and Jupiter are in 8th and Saturn and Moon are in 5th. For release from this curse and to beget a male issue the person concerned should take bath in the sea with bridge of rocks between India and Sri Lanka, recite one Lakh Gayatri Mantras, give in charity things, connected with evil Planets, feed Brahmins and go round a Pipal tree 1008 times. By performing these remedial measures, he will not only beget a son, the lineage of family will also be prolonged.