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Friday, December 28, 2012

Love marriage- Prem vivah

तीनों ग्रहों के कारण प्रेम होता है 
प्रेम विवाह से संबंधित तीन ग्रह होते हैं। यह तीन ग्रह सूर्य, बुध और शुक्र हैं। इन तीनों ग्रहों के कारण व्यक्ति को प्रेम होता है। अगर यह तीनों ग्रह एक साथ एक ही भाव में स्थित हो तो वह व्यक्ति प्रेम विवाह निश्चित करता है। यदि शुक्र, सूर्य और बुध तीनों ग्रह एक ही क्रम में अलग-अलग भावों में हो तो प्रेम होता है परंतु इनका विवाह नहीं हो पाता।सूर्य, बुध और सूर्य इन ग्रहों में से कोई दो युति करते हो और एक अन्य ग्रह भाव में स्थित हो जाए तो बहुत मुश्किल से प्रेम विवाह होता है।सूर्य, बुध सप्तम स्थान में हो तो अपने से बड़ी उम्र का प्रेमी मिलता है। शुक्र बलवान होने पर कई साथी मिलते हैं परतुं अन्य दो ग्रह सूर्य-बुध के कमजोर होने पर व्यक्ति को अपना प्रेम नहीं मिलता।
क्या करें प्रेम विवाह हेतु?
- अपने साथी का नाम लिखकर एक पीपल का पत्ता रविवार, सोमवार और मंगलवार को शिवजी पर चढाएं। शिव चालीसा का पाठ करें। महाकाली का पूजन मंगलवार के दिन करें। मछली को आटे की गोली खिलाएं। मां पार्वती की आराधना करें। श्रीकृष्ण की पूजा करें।
बिल्व पत्र पर चंदन से (श्रीं) लिखकर शिवलिंग पर अर्पित करें।
मंगल भूमि और भार्या या पत्नी का रक्षक
ब्रह्मांड में स्थित नवग्रह मानवीय जीवन पर अपना अलग-अलग प्रभाव छोड़ते हैं। जिनके अच्छे या बुरे नतीजे भी मिलते हैं। इन नवग्रहों में एक है मंगल। मंगल को नवग्रहों का सेनापति भी माना गया है।अलग-अलग पौराणिक मान्यताओं में मंगल का जन्म भगवान शिव के रक्त, आंसू या तेज से माना गया है। वहीं मंगल का पालन-पोषण पृथ्वी द्वारा किया गया। यही कारण है कि मंगल को भूमिपुत्र भी कहा जाता है। शिव की कृपा से ही मंगल ग्रह के रूप में आकाश में स्थित हुआ।ज्योतिष विज्ञान के मुताबिक मंगल क्रूर ग्रह है, किंतु इसका शुभ प्रभाव व्यक्ति का साहस, पराक्रम, ताकत और उदारता को नियत करता है। व्यावहारिक जीवन में विवाह, संतान सुख, यश, कर्ज और रोगों से मुक्ति भी मंगल ग्रह के शुभ प्रभाव से मिलती है। किंतु मंगल दोष होने पर खून, नेत्र और गले की बीमारियां भी होती है। जीवनसाथी के जीवन पर संकट आता है। वैवाहिक समस्याएं पैदा होती है।
भूमि पुत्र होने से मंगल भूमि और भार्या या पत्नी का रक्षक होता है। जिससे इसका नाम भौम हुआ। मंगल को अंगारक, कुजा के नाम से भी जाना जाता है। यह वृष्टि का देवता भी माना जाता है। वहीं मंगल कठिन हालात और संघर्ष में साहस और जूझने की ताकत देने वाला ग्रह भी है। मंगल के ऐसे ही मंगलकारी और कल्याणकारी स्वरूप और स्वभाव को उज़ागर करते 21 नाम बताए गए हैं। जिनका ध्यान जगत के लिए संकटमोचक और मंगलकारी बताया गया है -
- मंगल, भूमिपुत्र ,ऋणहर्ता,धनप्रदा, स्थिरासन, महाकाय, सर्वकामार्थ साधक, लोहित, लोहिताक्ष, सामगानंकृपाकर,धरात्मज, कुजा, भूमिजा,भूमिनंदन ,अंगारक ,भौम,यम,सर्वरोगहारक,वृष्टिकर्ता, पापहर्ता , सर्वकामफलदाता

Saturday, December 15, 2012

ADHD and Vedic astrology planets at work.

Astrology of ADHD.
ADHD and astrology.

If the Moon and Mercury are under the influence of Saturn in the sign of it, it can cause nerve damage or hysteria. Mental illness means a temporary denial of mental abilities such as memory and power of concentration. This does not mean the true and final clouding the mind.If Saturn or Rahu intersect with the Moon or Mercury in any house , by connecting or aspecting , it can cause mental illness. Third and ninth houses run mental stability. Saturn or Rahu  aspecting the Moon or Mercury in the third or ninth house cause disturbed mental stability and causes hysteria and fainting. Gemini, Virgo and Aquarius also control our mind and mental structure. Moon and Mercury in Aquarius are causing mental illness. Even a simple conjunction of the Moon with Saturn or Rahu causes unhealthy mental state. But Mars, connecting with the Sun or Mercury in Gemini or Virgo cause sleepwalking. Planets governing mental activity – Are the Moon, Saturn and Mercury.

In case one Mercury and moon are in Rahu ,ketu axis aspecting each other and moon is receiving an aspect from Debited  Saturn  Moon is in capricon and is afflicted similarly moon is afflicted.Thereby fulfilling the conditions of a mental illness.( in this case ADHD). gulika occupies Aquarius the saturanian sign

In case no-2 Mercury is conjunct Saturn ,and rahu ketu axis is 3rd-9th ,Moon is conjunct mars lord of sixth and 11th ,gulika occupies sign virgo the mercurian sign and the 4th house significating mind. Disease ADHD.

Moon- Mind or manas.
Mercury - Rules- Brain and Nerves by Mercury
Aries : The brain faculties and the distribution of mental and physical energy.
Aquarius : Accidents to the ankles and complaints affecting that part of the body; varicose veins, blood poisoning and some nervous diseases.
Gemini : Nervous reactions and restlessness, form the basis.
Virgo : There is a tendency to upsets of the digestive organs from nervous causes, producing acidity and other troubles.

Attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a psychiatric[1] and neurobehavioral disorder[2] characterized by either significant difficulties of inattention or hyperactivity andimpulsiveness or a combination of the two. According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV-TR), symptoms emerge before seven years of age.[3]There are three subtypes of the disorder which consist of it being predominantly inattentive(ADHD-PI or ADHD-I), predominately hyperactive-impulsive (ADHD-HI or ADHD-H), or the two combined (ADHD-C). Oftentimes people refer to ADHD-PI as "attention deficit disorder" (ADD), however, this term has not been officially used since the 1994 version of the DSM. ADHD impacts school-aged children and results in restlessness, acting impulsively, and lack of focus which impairs their ability to learn.
It is the most commonly studied and diagnosed psychiatric disorder in children, affecting about 3 to 5 percent of children globally[4][5] and is diagnosed in about 2 to 16 percent of school-aged children.[6]

ADD is often seen in highly creative individuals and is common in
gifted children. In many ways, the symptoms of ADD may be the result
of an overactive mind and an unharnessed imagination.

1. Fails to pay close attention to details or makes careless
mistakes in schoolwork, work, or other activities
2. Has difficulty holding attention in tasks or play activities.
3. Does not seem to listen when spoken to directly
4. Does not follow through on instructions and fails to finish
schoolwork, chores, or duties in the workplace (not because he is
rebelling or has not understood instructions)
5. Has difficulty organizing tasks and activities.
6. Avoids or dislikes tasks that require sustained mental effort
(such as schoolwork or homework).
7. Loses things necessary for tasks or activities (e.g. toys, school
assignments, pencils, books, or tools).
8. Is easily distracted by extraneous external stimuli.
9. Is forgetful in daily activities.

Relatives from horoscope

The effects of the father of a natal, the mother, the brother, the maternal  uncle, the son, the  husband and the attendants may be ascertained by treating the SIGNS OCCUPIED by their respective Karakas, viz., the Sun, the Moon, and other planets, in the birth chart of that natal, as ‘LAGNA’. (Sl.22)Take the house occupied by the Sun in natal birth chart. It will say about: look and personality of father; the 2ndhouse to that  house: father’s prosperity and renown; 3rdhouse: brothers, character, etc.,; 4thhouse: father’s mother,
father’s happiness, etc. (Sl.23) 5thhouse: the wisdom of native’s father, the peace of mind provided by him; 6thhouse: his sufferings, injuries, disease and enemies; 7thhouse: love and his passion; 8thhouse: misery,  death and longevity; (Sl. 24) 9thhouse: religious piety, good deeds; 10thhouse: profession andvocation; 11thhouse: his income and profits, assets accumulated; 12thhouse expenditure or loss.  – Houses reckoned
from the Moon, Mars, etc (for the mother, brother, etc) should be similarly deduced.  My comments:  This knowledge will help in partition of family cases, disputes among brothers and sisters, and those natal confronting
problems in place of employment caused by co-workers etc.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Steve jobs- pancreatic tumor and Liver transplant

Jobs, Steve

Portrait of Steve Jobs (click to view image source)
Steve Jobs

Jobs, SteveGender: M
born on24 February 1955 at 19:15 (= 7:15 PM )
PlaceSan Francisco CA, USA, 37n46, 122w25
TimezonePST h8w (is standard time)
Data source
BC/BR in hand
Rodden Rating AA
Astrology datas_su.18.gif s_piscol.18.gif 05°45' s_mo.18.gif s_aricol.18.gif 07°45 Asc.s_vircol.18.gif 22°18'


American entrepreneur, one of the originators of the computer revolution, co-founder of Apple Computer Corporation and Pixar Animation Studios.
Adopted as an infant, Jobs was into electronics by the time he was 10. As a teenager, he got himself hired at Hewlett-Packard, a Silicon Valley computer giant. He dropped out of college and landed a job at Atari, a maker of video games. Called to pursue a spiritual quest, he left the corporate scene and traveled to India. Upon his return to the US, he went back to Atari but not for long. In 1976, Jobs and his pal Steve Wozniak made a circuit board in their garage that they called The Apple. At Steve’s urging, Woz designed a computer that was small enough and useful enough for businesses and consumers alike. Woz, the engineering genius, and Jobs, the charismatic visionary, successfully parlayed their perfect combination of skills and talents into a business. By the time he was 24, Job's Apple Corporation was worth $10 million. A year later, its value had grown to $100 million. Its graphical user interface, business applications and word processing won kudos, and millions cheered while Apple took on IBM and its personal computer.
As the Apple empire grew, Steve became a tyrant, subject to moody outbursts and gloomy silences. Hard feelings arose and power struggles with other executives ensued. Jobs resigned on September 17, 1985. The following year, 1986, he co-founded NeXt in an attempt to do for the hardware industry what he had down for software. With ever-broadening vision, he also bought a company which he renamed Pixar Animation Studios. He negotiated a deal with Disney to distribute Pixar’s films and became a Disney partner. Under Jobs’ leadership, Pixar won 20 Academy awards for such successful animated feature films as “Toy Story,” “A Bug’s Life” and “Finding Nemo.” In January 2006 Disney entered into an acquisition agreement with Pixar, leaving Jobs with a very large share of Disney stock and a seat on the Board of Directors.
With a twist of fate and a show of will, he convinced Apple to buy NeXt and was invited back to Apple in 1997 as interim CEO. In 2000, he was made permanent CEO. Under Jobs’ leadership Apple computer became a player in the computer industry once more. Jobs’ team created visually aesthetic computers in bright colors that appealed to younger buyers. The company’s venture into the entertainment industry fueled the growing coffers. In 2001 the company introduced the iPod and ITunes, enabling millions to listen to their favorite music on command. In September 2006 he unveiled his plans to use a similar model to enable consumers to download movies on their computers.
Jobs’ successes have provided endless fascination for students of business and product innovation. On June 20, 1999, a made-for-TV movie related the story of Jobs, Woz and Bill Gates, "The Pirates of Silicon Valley." On a personal note, Jobs has four children: a daughter from his ‘70s romance with his girlfriend and three children with his wife Laurene whom he married in 1991. The Apple Computer Company founder underwent surgery to remove a cancerous pancreatic tumor on July 31, 2004. The tumor reportedly was self-contained and no further treatment was deemed necessary. In early January 2009, looking quite thin, announced that doctors have found the reason for his loss of weight: a hormonal imbalance causing an inability to digest protein. On January 14, 2009 he announced he was taking a leave of absence to take care of his health problems, which, he said, were more complex than previously thought. Toward the end of June, it was announced that he had undergone a liver transplant in Tennessee two months earlier. Although he returned to work, he looked quite thin. On January 17, 2011 he announced an indefinite leave of absence so that he can "focus on my health." He added that he would continue to be CEO and be involved in strategic decisions of the company. He returned to his post but on August 24, 2011 he announced that he was resigning from the CEO's position, effective immediately..
On October 5, 2011 at 3:00 PM*, Jobs died of metastasized pancreatic cancer and respiratory arrest at his home in Palo Alto, CA.
  • According to Forbes online citing birth certificate.File:Stevejobs.jpg


  • Work : Begin Major Project 1976 (First circuit board made)
  • Financial : Best Period 1979 (Went from $10 million to $100 million)
  • Work : Retired 17 September 1985 (Resigned from Apple)
  • Work : New Job 1996 (Interim CEO of Apple Computers)
  • Social : Great Publicity 20 June 1999 (TV movie about him, Woz and Gates)
  • Work : Gain social status 2000 (Permanent CEO position)
  • Health : Medical diagnosis 2004 (pancreatic tumor)
  • Health : Medical procedure 31 July 2004 (surgery to remove cancerous pancreatic tumor)
  • Health : Change in Appearance 2008 (Lost a lot of weight)
  • Health : Medical procedure 2009 (Liver transplant)
  • Social : Secrets revealed June 2009 (Liver transplant two months prior; date not given)
  • Other Health 17 January 2011 (Announced medical leave of absence)
  • Work : Fired/Laid off/Quit 24 August 2011 (Resigned from CEO position at Apple)
  • Death by Disease 5 October 2011 at 3:00 PM in Palo, Alto, CA (Of cancer, age 56)

Cancer significations from horoscope---- 

Saturn aspecting Venus and rahu in fifth house and sagitarious sign-- indicating  Sagittarius: Thighs, liver, hips, arterial system, pelvis, femur.

Jupiter conjuct ketu aspecting  venus and rahu further confirming the problem area to be liver pancreas.

Mars and saturn aspecting each other.

Sun Maha dasha- Rahu antardasha  - When cancer of pancrea is detected. in 2004,sun is lagan lord representing physical body . Rahu the AD lord is operating from 5th house sagitarius sign conjuct venus and aspected by sat, Retro jupiter. 

All the factors given above easily point to cancer and the organ effected.


Saturday, December 8, 2012

Liver diseases - Planets at work

This picture shows the liver and nearby organs.

Liver diseases and astrology - Indicators and significators.

1- Jupiter - This ministerial planet is supposed to be the ruler of the various parts of the body like arterial system, glands, liver/gall bladder, pancreas gland, digestion, absorptive power, ears/hearing power, navel, feet, physical development, palate, throat, the hips and the fat tissue. Jupiter causes various diseases like asthma, prosthesis  diabetes and other diseases of pancreas glands, thrombosis, anemia, tumors, jaundice and other liver complaints, ear problems, dyspepsia, flatulence, cough, cold, lymphatic and circulatory congestion. 

The zodiac in which Jupiter is placed in a horoscope is the Jupiter sign of the person. Jupiter sign decides the dignity of this planet in the horoscope. In Human Body, it rules the liver, tumors  distortion, organs of hearing, lower abdomen, hips, circulation of blood, blood pressure and arteries The ill-placed Brahaspati may cause jaundice, gastric, chronic constipation, cough, colds, asthma, nose bleeding, apoplexy, tumor  liver weakness, ear trouble and high blood pressure.

Liver diseases

Jupiter rules the liver as well as the fats of the body, or possibly Sagittarius on the 12th or Ascendant ("the health center").stressful Jupiter-Venus contacts May  suggest  diabetes or glycemia problems.  Jupiter in aspect to Mars, Saturn may also play a part.

 Jupiter in---CANCER: Sickly, confident, sensitive, good behavior, popular, likes occultism, friendly,
ambitious, popular, intuition, fond of amusements, gain in public works,
If afflicted, enlargement of stomach, indigestion, dyspepsia, jaundice,
LEO: Noble, courageous, generous, terror to foes, high position, favor from Govt, gain
through long voyages and journeys, sincere, honest, will power,
If afflicted, sensuous, fond of pleasures, heart problems, swollen ankle, irregular blood
VIRGO: Studious, intellectual, cautious, methodical, prudent, tactful, trouble through rash acts,
good rise in life, materialistic, fit for business,
If afflicted, lazy, cynical, lack of method, liver problem, weak intestines, weak indigestion
 2--- The sign Virgo has a co-rulership with Jupiter over the largest organ in our body: our liver
the liver is the only organ in our body that will regenerate and regrow itself if some of it is lost (in accident, as an example). Even better, it regenerates quickly. And that’s the energy of Jupiter; swift healing. Or in this case, swift regeneration! And looking at it another way, it regenerates itself. That is why Jupiter is the main culprit of tumor formation–generating and regeneration of too many cells–cell proliferation.
3--The sign leo--- Leo: Heart, upper back, spine, spleen, aorta, circulation.
Diseases: Heart problems, hardening of the arteries, high or low blood pressure, spinal and back problems, blood disorders, all sicknesses in the ribs and sides, the yellow-Jaundices.

4- Sagittarius: Thighs, liver, hips, arterial system, pelvis, femur.

Diseases: Complaints of liver, weight issues and over-indulgence in food, alcohol and drug

5--Pisces: Feet, toes, lymphatic system, adipose tissue. 

Diseases: Addiction to alcohol or drugs, suspension of normal functioning, general lethargy, all diseases in the feet, colds, immune system problems, fluid retention, hormonal imbalances, chilblains, glandular problems.

6---When considering natal health issues, the first step in analysis is to look at the Ascendant, the 1st house.The 1st house represents the body as a whole, therefore the strength of the 1st house is key to one’s ability to stay healthy and to overcome disease. The basic principles of determining strength in the chart are applied: is the ruler of the Ascendant (the planet that rules the sign in the 1st house) well disposed in the chart (i.e., in its own sign or exalted, in a good house, not in the 6th, 8th, or 12th houses)? Is the Ascendant itself free of malefic influences? The association or aspect of the “natural malefics”, i.e., Mars, Saturn, Rahu, and Ketu, is considered detrimental. Do the Ascendant and its ruler have the good fortune of having benefic planets, i.e., Venus or Jupiter, influencing them?
Another key to overcoming disease is the natal vitality. Life Force is shown by the 8th house of the chart, which also indicates Longevity. Once again, the usual techniques are applied to evaluate the house and its ruler. A strong and well-disposed 8th house gives the karma of overcoming obstacles in life and the ability to regenerate one’s health.
That’s the basic scheme for the first level of evaluation, but it quickly    becomes more complicated than this, since all significators in Vedic Astrology have multiple meanings, and every rule has exceptions. For instance, although the planet Saturn, as the planet of suffering, is detrimental to health generally, its placement in the 8th house of the chart gives good longevity because Saturn signifies endurance.

The 6th house is the house of Health and Disease in general, and has a special role to play in medical astrology. Any planet located in the 6th house of the birth chart is likely to suffer with respect to the organ of the body it represents. Additionally, the ruler of the 6th house (the planet that owns the astrological sign in the 6th house) brings with it the energy of ill health and makes the part of the chart it occupies especially predisposed towards the diseases associated with the part of the body that the house designates.
Putting these factors together, the astrologer can determine from the birth chart what parts of someone’s body are going to cause problems. Then, applying the techniques of prediction, the timing for episodes of bad health can be predicted. 

Each planet governs specific body functions and parts of the anatomy:
Sun: Heart, Bones, Spine (and general vitality)
Moon: Blood, Stomach, Breasts, Body Fluids, Heart-Mind (Feelings/ Psychological)
Mars: Muscles, Circulation of Blood
Mercury: Nervous System, Skin, Speech, Intellect
Jupiter: Liver, Gall Bladder, Fat in the body
Venus: Uro-genital system, Kidneys, Hormones, Female organs
Saturn: Joints, Knees, Teeth
Additionally, the Natural Malefic planets, Mars, Saturn, Rahu, and Ketu, have areas of ill health that they specialize in:
Mars governs Accidents, Injury, Fevers and Infections, and Surgery
Saturn rules over Chronic Conditions, Debility, Exhaustion, and Depression
Rahu presides over Unusual Diseases, Poisons, Cancer, Loss of Consciousness
Ketu rules Mysterious Diseases, “Unseen” causes, i.e., Viruses and Parasites, and Karmic Diseases

1st house :
Head (and general health)
7th house : 
Rectum, Pelvic Area
2nd house :
Mouth and Neck; Teeth
8th house :
Genitals (and Longevity)
3rd house :
Hands, Arms, Shoulders, Upper Lungs
9th house :
Hips, Thighs
4th house :
Chest, Lungs, Heart
10th house :
5th house :
Stomach, Upper Digestive Tract 
11th house :
Lower Legs
6th house :
Intestines (and disease in general)
12th house :


 Body Parts & Rising Drekkana (Brihat Jataka)
1stHeadNeckLower Abdomen/Pelvis
2nd & 12thRight & Left EyeRight & Left ShoulderGenital Organ & Anus
3rd & 11thRight & Left EarRight & Left Arm/HandRight & Left Testicle
4th & 10thRight & Left NostrilRight & Left SideRight & Left Thigh
5th & 9thRight & Left TempleRight & Left BreastRight & Left Knee
6th & 8thRight & Left CheekRight & Left BellyRight & Left Ankle
7thMouthNavelTwo Feet

According to the classical works, the following rules are to be observed in evaluating the affliction to the various body parts presented in Table 3.3:
If the lagna occupies the first Drekkana, the twelve rasis signify the upper portion of the body.
If the lagna occupies the second Drekkana, the signs represent the middle
portion of the body.
If the lagna occupies the third Drekkana, the signs represent the lower
portion of the body.
In addition, the following must be taken into account:
When planets occupy the same type of Drekkana as the Drekkana occupied by the lagna (chara/sthira/dwiswabhava), then the portion of the body above the neck is afflicted.
Planets in the second type of Drekkana afflict the trunk (middle portion of the body).
Planets in the third type of Drekkana, afflict the lower portion of the body.
The Sarpa Drekkanas
According to Parasara, the 2nd and 3rd drekkanas of Cancer, the 1st drekkana of Scorpio, and the last drekkana of the sign Pisces are designated as Sarpa drekkanas.
The sarpa drekkanas are said to be evil and are not good for matters of health. If they are associated with the lagna and conjoined or aspected by malefic planets, while at the same time unaspected by the lord of that drekkana, it can lead to ill health and even death.

Diseases of the liver---

Cirrhosis is scarring of the liver and poor liver function. It is the final phase of chronic liver disease. Symptoms may develop gradually, or there may be no symptoms.

Hepatitis is swelling and inflammation of the liver. It is not a condition, but is often used to refer to a viral infection of the liver

Jaundice is a yellow color of the skin, mucus membranes, or eyes. The yellow coloring comes from bilirubin, a byproduct of old red blood cells

Fatty liver, also known as fatty liver disease (FLD), is a reversible condition where largevacuoles of triglyceride fat accumulate in liver cells via the process of steatosis (i.e. abnormal retention of lipids within a cell). Despite having multiple causes, fatty liver can be considered a single disease that occurs worldwide in those with excessive alcohol intake and those who are obese (with or without effects of insulin resistance). 

Alcoholic hepatitis is hepatitis (inflammation of the liver) due to excessive intake of alcohol. It is usually found in association with hepatosteatosis, an early stage of alcoholic liver disease, and may contribute to the progression of fibrosis, leading to cirrhosis

Cancer---- Liver cancer or hepatic cancer (from the Greek hēpar, meaning liver) is a cancer that originates in the liver. Liver cancers are malignant tumors that grow on the surface or inside the liver. Liver tumors are discovered on medical imaging equipment (often by accident) or present themselves symptomatically as an abdominal mass, abdominal painjaundice, nausea or liver dysfunction.[1] Liver cancers should not be confused with liver metastases, which are cancers that originate from organs elsewhere in the body and migrate to the liver

Note- Rahu in pisces -- Addiction to alcohol was the cause.Mars aspects rahu in pisces confirming the will to consume.
Ketu a natural malefic in Virgo
Jupiter venus conjunction aspecting retro and saturn and mars in Leo
Being Retrograde Mars and saturn effect thec previous sign cancer also.
Saturn aspects first house from the previous sign cancer and mars both jupiter and venus from previous house sign.