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Sunday, November 6, 2011

Moon signs and Personality( Key words)


There are two reasons why some people don't seem to fit the descriptive characteristics of their astrological sign. In the first instance, they may not really understand the entire astrological description of their sign and are basing their opinion only on a few generalities. A more thorough explanation often reveals that most individuals do demonstrate the inherent characteristics of their sun sign.
In the second instance, astrological interpretation is based on knowing the complete horoscope of an individual which indicates where all the celestial bodies were positioned at the time of birth. It will reveal how strongly an individual exhibits the traits associated with his or her sun sign. After the sun's sign, the most important position is the sign in which the moon was located at birth.
For example, let's say at the time of birth the sun was in Aries. The moon may also be in Aries at birth but it may just as easily be in any of the other eleven astrological signs. The astrological sign position of the moon has an important bearing on personality and temperament from an emotional point of view. It describes how a person will emotionally handle the characteristics and traits indicated by the position of the sun at birth. Many calendars and almanacs list the daily lunar positions.

Moon in Aries

Keywords: Impetuous, Gallant, Quick tempered, Independent, Self-centered
Those born with the moon in a Fire sign want to turn their feelings into physical experiences. They do not initially view their desires from the standpoint of practicality, emotional commitment, or as a lesson to be learned. Before anything else there has to be action, some form of instant physical gratification.

As lunar Fire sign personalities, those with moon in Aries go after what they want (or think they want) with passion and energy. They can soon lose interest in relationships with people who don't demonstrate the same passionate enthusiasm. Their adventurous spirit makes it difficult for them to settle down and accept the responsibilities and drudgery of daily routine. On a short-term basis they can become passionately involved with people and projects, but long-term commitments can make them feel trapped. Restless and impatient, they have quick, sometimes volatile, tempers. Fortunately, as quick as they are to get angry, they are just as quick to forget the incident that prompted it.
Aries moon personalities are dedicated to getting their own way, finding one means or another to accomplish their goals. They are meant to be the master of their own success or failure in life. Some of them relish this challenge, while others are all too willing to blame their mistakes on everyone else. Their easily aroused emotions can be dangerously misguided, especially when they act with undue haste, aggressiveness, or anger. Their dynamic self-assertiveness can make them resentful of all authority but their own, and aggressiveness can make it difficult for them to take direction or advice from others. They can become self-indulgent, overconfident and just plain foolhardy, or, they can turn into inspired leaders, and become tireless in their efforts to accomplish things in which they passionately believe. The spirit of their generosity can sometimes be overshadowed by careless disregard for the feelings of others.
Women with Aries moon can often be unflatteringly aggressive in romance and other situations that require a subtle approach. However, they are emotionally well-suited to meet and conquer many challenges that would destroy less hardy types. Men with Aries moon may expect too much and give too little in romance, but they are emotionally equipped with an enterprising spirit, and what is often a uniquely clever and original approach.

Moon in Taurus

Keywords: Realistic, Stable, Uncompromising, Materialistic, Sensuous, Obstinate, Enduring
Except in the pursuit of pleasure (to which many of them can be quite dedicated) those born with the moon in an Earth sign are not emotionally spontaneous. They donÕt nonchalantly accept the responsibility of long-term relationships, or analyze emotional commitments merely as a mental exercise. They may hesitate to move at all unless they feel they are on solid ground, or there is some personal advantage to be gained by their emotional involvement.

As lunar Earth sign personalities, those with moon in Taurus require tangible proof of affection from those with whom they form relationships. Their strong physical appetites push them to gratify their desires whenever they have the opportunity, but never in an outwardly reckless manner that threatens their basic security. Material comforts and the advantages of wealth are important to them, and they can become overly concerned with social status. Though they enjoy having the stability of a solid home and family life, they are not necessarily homebodies. In fact, they tend to spend a lot of time and attention on social or economic pursuits instead of routine household or family chores.
Taurus moon personalities do not want to be rushed or forced into commitments. However, once they do make an emotional commitment to a project, idea, or relationship, they doggedly pursue and hang on to it. It's hard for them to accept when things go wrong, and it may take an even longer time for them to make the necessary adjustments to rectify the situation. Their calm and quiet temperament has a stabilizing influence on others, but it can also give them an aura of self-containment that makes them appear proud or unapproachable. Others who break promises or fail to keep their word to them must be prepared to endure the consequences. Moon in Taurus personalities have long memories. They may forgive but they rarely forget. Some of them remember personal insults and disappointments for years, wasting precious time bearing grudges that should have been long forgotten.
Women with Taurus moon are independent and self-reliant. Their nature is to spend lavishly in particular situations and be very miserly in others. There doesn't seem to be a middle ground in the matter. They are apt to gain materially through marriage. Men with Taurus moon are charming and diplomatic in social relationships and sensual partners in romantic encounters. Though they can be hedonistic, they are also unselfishly devoted to their children.

Moon in Gemini

Keywords: Loquacious, Quick, Versatile, Sly, Friendly, Adaptable, Duality
Those born with the moon in an Air sign usually respond to situations in a way they think should fit the facts, that is, they act in a way they think others expect them to act, or they imitate the same behavior as others. This gives them the appearance of emotional coolness or non-involvement. Before turning a situation into a physical experience, and before considering the stability or practicality of the thing, or even how they may really feel about it, they tend to do and say what seems appropriate as if it were not really happening to them. In spite of what appears to be their analytical detachment, most of them are loving and loyal in relationships.

As lunar Air sign personalities, those with moon in Gemini can sometimes take their intellectual approach too far. Constant analyzing, rationalization, and acting as though they had already experienced something instead of just thinking or talking about it, can prevent them from ever doing it. They are talkative, mentally alert, and curious about everything. Always looking for some kind of intellectual stimulation, they get bored by repetitive tasks and the same environment day after day. Attracted by intrigue and idle gossip, they pay too much attention to what everyone else is doing. Restless and impatient, they do not always take time to get all the facts before repeating things. As eager to share information as they are to receive it, many of them are talented teachers, writers, and communicators of one sort or another.
Gemini moon personalities are emotionally adaptable. A dual-natured flexibility allows them to say or do one thing with apparent ease, even though what they really think and feel may be quite different. They instinctively understand what others want to hear and what to do to please them, but they don't always know how to make themselves happy. Though quite willing to discuss others, they can be secretive about themselves. Their outer personality may be bright and optimistic but they can harbor inner feelings of loneliness. Moon in Gemini personalities love secrets and solving puzzles. They have highly sensitive nervous systems and, in order to maintain proper physical and mental health, they need to be given varied tasks and opportunities for frequent change of scene or alterations in their daily routine.
Women with Gemini moon are talented with their hands. Though efficient and organized, a certain restlessness makes it difficult for them to remain content with household chores. Men with Gemini moon are quite charming but their temperaments are not particularly suited to sustained passion in themselves or tolerating emotional hysteria in others.

Moon in Cancer

Keywords: Reflective, Passive, Clinging, Maternal, Sensitive, Vulnerable
Those born with the moon in a Water sign need to establish solid emotional commitments. Before considering the practicality of a situation, and before objectively examining the facts, they react emotionally. They are highly intuitive, though at times it is deceptively self-serving.

As lunar Water sign personalities, those with moon in Cancer may have a certain awkwardness in their bearing and approach. Creative and sensitive, they are apt to have artistic talent or at least great appreciation for the arts. They are vulnerable to the influence of those with whom they spend the most time, making it hard to distinguish whether they are expressing their own opinions or merely reflecting those of someone else. They can be extremely passive when it comes to extricating themselves from unhappy emotional situations. They may even cling to such situations after they have managed to find happiness elsewhere. They hate to throw anything away. Lack of motivation can make them lazy, disorganized and sloppy.
Cancerian moon personalities are dedicated to getting their own way and accomplishing personal goals. They can be quite shy when initially confronted with unfamiliar situations and when meeting total strangers. Once they feel comfortable, they become more outgoing and even aggressive. Their nurturing nature makes them hospitable, compassionate, and philanthropic. Strong identification with the concept of family makes them treat everyone as part of the family. They often use this kind of approach as a successful ploy in getting others to cooperate. As babies they tend to be finicky eaters or develop food allergies. As adults they have an unfortunate tendency to use food as an emotional pacifier.
Vulnerable, possessive, emotionally dependent, and demanding the women with moon Cancer are at the mercy of their conflicting feelings. Emotionally they are their own worst enemy. They are highly intuitive and creative once they learn to control their emotional tidal waves. Men with Cancer moon have a streak of domesticity, the potential of which includes gardening, cooking, or concern with household furnishings. It is often hard for them to act with sustained aggressiveness in emotional situations.

Moon in Leo

Keywords: Braggart, Creative, Materialistic, Self-indulgent, Confident, Fun-loving
Those born with the moon in a Fire sign want to turn their feelings into physical experiences. They do not initially view their desires from the standpoint of practicality, emotional commitment, or as lessons to be learned. Before anything else there has to be action, some form of instant physical gratification.

As lunar Fire sign personalities, those with moon in Leo are magnanimous and passionate in the expression of their feelings. Unfortunately, Leo's tendency for exaggeration can lead to being what others may consider insincere. The excitement of a particular moment may cause them to sincerely and passionately say or do things that, unfortunately, may later be forgotten. Pride is their emotional downfall. They cannot separate emotions from ego. It is ego that prompts them to consciously or subconsciously dominate emotional relationships. Others can elicit their cooperation or obtain their positive response by applying subtle flattery, but absolutely nothing will be gained by backing them up against the wall and wounding their pride.
Leo moon personalities can be extremely stubborn. They have purpose, determination, and tenacity when it comes to getting what they want. Strongly idealistic, they are capable of great personal sacrifice for causes in which they passionately believe. Even when presented with irrefutable evidence that their idealism or loyalty has been misguided, they may find it difficult to move on. They are very assertive when it comes to protecting not only their own freedom but also the rights and freedom of others. They have a jealous nature, though they are not particularly possessive. When a romance ends, they are more apt to suffer from a wounded ego than a broken heart. They are likely to have artistic talent, or at least great interest in art, architecture, and design.
Women with Leo moon are forceful, materialistic, and preoccupied with status. However, they are also able to accept responsibilities as a matter of honor, and behave with exceptional grace and dignity in the face of insult and adversity. Men with Leo moon can be braggarts who always want the last word. They have endless schemes and grandiose plans as they seek all the good things in life. When good fortune does come their way, they are usually very generous in sharing it with others.

Moon in Virgo

Keywords: Studious, Adaptable, Quiet, Fault-finding, Health conscious, Curious, Salesman
Except in the pursuit of pleasure (to which many of them can be quite dedicated) those born with the moon in an Earth sign are not emotionally spontaneous. They donÕt nonchalantly accept the responsibility of long-term relationships, or analyze emotional commitments merely as a mental exercise. They may hesitate to move at all unless they feel they are on solid ground, or there is some personal advantage to be gained by their emotional involvement.

As lunar Earth sign personalities, those with moon in Virgo are guarded about their feelings. They consciously or subconsciously put up invisible barriers. However, in many cases they secretly hope others will view these barriers as a challenge in getting to know them. Their passion can sometimes be confused with compassion. An over-critical or too analytical approach to emotional situations makes it difficult for them, as well as others involved, to freely or spontaneously express feelings. Serious-minded, with common sense about most things, they can be surprisingly unrealistic at times. Their creativity always has some practical element. As writers or artists, for example, they usually stick to subjects or situations they know best.
Virgo moon personalities are emotionally adaptable. They instinctively seem to know what it takes to make others feel better. They make many friends because of their sympathetic nature, but it also means they are vulnerable to being exploited. Though they are not all scholars, they are likely to be fond of books and writing. Intellectual curiosity gives them a penchant for gathering information that can develop into serious research endeavors, or turn out to be just a fondness for gossip. At times they can be overly fastidious, usually with regard to eating habits. Concern with health makes many of them outstanding health care professionals. Their own preoccupation with health can become exaggerated to the point of hypochondria, or they can be guilty of using maladies to attract sympathy. They are mentally and emotionally stimulated by travel, communication, and information.
Women with Virgo moon may encounter sorrow through marriage. They can be dreadful nags themselves or become the victims of a nagging spouse. Men with Virgo moon tend to idealize their wives but may not be very passionate toward them. Their quiet emotional nature tends toward domesticity, though they may also have a desire for intrigue and flamboyancy.

Moon in Libra

Keywords: Love of elegance, Charming, Noncombative, Cooperative, Flirtatious
Those born with the moon in an Air sign usually respond to situations in a way they think should fit the facts, that is, they act in a way they think others expect them to act, or they imitate the same behavior as others. This gives them the appearance of emotional coolness or non-involvement. Before turning a situation into a physical experience, and before considering the stability or practicality of the thing, or even how they may really feel about it, they tend to do and say what seems appropriate as if it were not really happening to them. In spite of what appears to be their analytical detachment, most of them are loving and loyal in relationships.

As Lunar Air Sign personalities, those with moon in Libra donÕt want to be emotionally compromised, preferring to let go of a relationship if their partner is not equally willing or enthusiastic. As a rule, they are disinclined to live alone. If they are not married or romantically involved, they will be content with an amiable companion. For them to seek a long-term emotional relationship with someone, they must feel an intellectual rapport as well as physical attraction. Their accomplishments are often the direct result of the stimulation and encouragement they receive from other people.
Libra moon personalities are dedicated to getting their own way and accomplishing personal goals. Excellent at planning and preparing projects, they would rather charm others into physically carrying them out. Though excellent at paying attention to details, strategizing, and problem solving in their business or profession, they can be impractical, overindulgent, or inconsistent when it comes to handling personal situations. There is strong attachment to home and family though it may not always be obvious in their life style. In one way or another they experience more than their fair share of good and bad experiences with partners, legal matters, and big decisions. Aesthetic tastes are exhibited, for the most part, in dressing well, interest in art and music, or an attractively decorated home.
Women with moon in Libra have an emotional temperament more inclined to be interested in financial matters, social activities, and intellectual endeavors, than in raising children or taking care of household chores. Men with Libra moon possess a certain streak of domesticity which may show up as an interest in cooking, home furnishings or gardening. There are apt to be one or two strong or influential females in their background. If their mate fails to keep them mentally stimulated, their physical attention tends to wander.

Moon in Scorpio

Keywords: Brooding, Intense, Motivated, Dominating, Spiteful, Loyal, Creative, Suspicious
Those born with the moon in a Water sign need to establish solid emotional commitments. Before considering the practicality of a situation, and before objectively examining the facts, they react emotionally. They are highly intuitive, though at times, it is deceptively self-serving.

As lunar Water sign personalities, those with moon in Scorpio are primarily led by their emotions. If they are subjected to emotional manipulation or deprivation in childhood, they are not going to reveal their vulnerability by openly expressing their feelings or needs. If they are raised in a non-threatening environment, they will probably emerge as mild mannered, easy to get along with adults. There is no denying the potential for hedonism, possessiveness, jealousy, and revenge in these individuals but not all of them give in to such destructive energies. Those who do are likely to suffer accordingly, reaping their rewards in this life rather than the next.
Scorpio moon personalities do not want to be rushed or forced into making a commitment. Once they make an emotional commitment to a project, idea, or relationship, they tenaciously pursue and hang on to it. Their emotional nature is accompanied by strong will power and amazing ability to overcome adversity. Instinctive understanding of human motivation and behavior gives them an emotional advantage, a conscious or subconscious way to control themselves as well as others. The mistake many of them make is being so intent on controlling others, that they never learn to effectively control themselves. Their stubborn nature makes it difficult for others to convince them to change their opinions and behavior or to break undesirable habits.
Women with Scorpio moon are apt to be shrewd, and when they have high intelligence, it is likely to be brilliant. Their ambition is not so much a matter of wanting great wealth for its own sake as it is their desire to gain power. Men with Scorpio moon can be driven to distraction by situations that offer no solution, and by people who refuse to tell them anything. Their emotional nature is well suited to deal with economic, human, or natural resources.

Moon in Sagittarius

Keywords: Liberated, Cheerful, Idealistic, Outspoken, Humorous, Restless
Those born with the moon in a Fire sign want to turn their feelings into physical experiences. They do not initially view their desires from the standpoint of practicality, emotional commitment, or as lessons to be learned. Before anything else there has to be action, some form of instant physical gratification.

As lunar Fire sign personalities, those born with moon in Sagittarius are idealistic and romantic. Their risk-taking, adventurous spirit and magnanimous generosity are a curse as well as a blessing. It leaves them vulnerable to those who exploit their generosity, but it is also the combination of spirit and attitude needed for enormous success in enterprises that more cautious people would be afraid to try. They are open and honest with a tendency to be too candid at times, especially in situations that require a more diplomatic approach. Impatience can be the biggest stumbling block to success. They are not reluctant to make long-term emotional commitments, but relationships or situations that do not encourage them to retain a certain amount of personal freedom, are not likely to last long.
Sagittarius moon personalities are emotionally adaptable to changing circumstances and different relationships. A duality of nature makes them appear fickle and emotionally insecure while at the same time, steadfast, and independent. Readily impressed by those with power and status, they seek to associate with such people to increase their own advancement; one of their main goals in life. Concerned with making an impression on others, they may be guilty of inflating their knowledge and importance. Attracted to architecture, art and design many of them also have talent for mimicry and acting. For these lunar personalities, the best opportunities are in writing, teaching, performing, sales, education and communication.
Women with Sagittarius moon make better friends than lovers, though their restlessness may lead to many sexual adventures. Friendship is very important to them and their temperament is not well suited to domestic life. Men with Sagittarius moon are inveterate chasers of the ideal woman. Their emotional nature is uncomplicated, loyal, and at times, amazingly prophetic.

Moon in Capricorn

Keywords: Reserved, Grasping, Stable, Self-conscious, Stuctured, Unsympathetic
Except in the pursuit of pleasure (to which many of them can be quite dedicated) those born with the moon in an Earth sign are not emotionally spontaneous. They don't nonchalantly accept the responsibility of long-term relationships, or analyze emotional commitments merely as a mental exercise. They may hesitate to move at all unless they feel they are on solid ground, or there is some personal advantage to be gained by their emotional involvement.

As lunar Earth sign personalities, those with moon in Capricorn are of a practical nature. Though willing to fulfill responsibilities for a relationship, they are often unable or unwilling to understand what the other person actually wants or needs. Capricorn's influence on these lunar personalities is demonstrated by their tendency to worry, and their need for structure and formality. They find it hard to relate to those who do not share their opinions and values. Reluctant or unable to discuss their own problems, they are nevertheless quite willing to help with the problems of others. It is never very easy for them to express their deepest emotions, to feel relaxed and content inside themselves. Fear of rejection is strong. Anything vague or unspecified in a relationship, whether business or personal, makes them feel insecure. They must know where they stand. Everything must be proper and legal. When it comes to romance and marriage, it may take them longer to find someone they can love as well as trust.
Capricorn moon personalities are dedicated to getting their own way and accomplishing personal goals. Ambitious and strong-willed, their efforts are primarily directed to their own advancement, though they can be very effective in helping others to progress. They enjoy being in the spotlight which prompts many of them to seek a public or prominent position in their work or other activities. They have great respect for knowledge and are often quite intelligent themselves. Tendency to harbor anger and resentment instead of allowing themselves some type of emotional release, can cause physical maladies and depression.
Women with Capricorn moon are likely to be ambitious at the expense of their personal life. More interested in gaining material wealth and status, or overburdened with too many responsibilities, they can miss the joy and satisfaction of relationships. They are excellent administrators. Men with Capricorn moon have difficulty relating to women. Relationships with females may be too formal to allow warmth and closeness, or the bond they share may be so tight as to be emotionally crippling. Their complicated emotional nature must be handled with considerable patience and understanding.

Moon in Aquarius

Keywords: Sociable, Perverse, Independent, Altruistic, Demanding, Unflappable
Those born with the moon in an Air sign usually respond to situations in a way they think should fit the facts, that is, they act in a way they think others expect them to act, or they imitate the same behavior as others. This gives them the appearance of emotional coolness or non-involvement. Before turning a situation into a physical experience, and before considering the stability or practicality of the thing, or even how they may really feel about it, they tend to do and say what seems appropriate as if it were not really happening to them. In spite of what appears to be their analytical detachment, most of them are loving and loyal in relationships.

As lunar Air sign personalities, those with moon in Aquarius can be very sympathetic without being sentimental. Rarely beset with moodiness themselves, they often fail to pay attention to it in others, giving the impression they don't care. Idealistic, optimistic and friendly, they are unbiased and liberal in their treatment of people in general. Highly social, they attract friends and acquaintances from all walks of life, social and cultural backgrounds. They have difficulty focusing attention on just one person. As far as they are concerned "the more the merrier". Despite whatever eccentricity shows up in their personality, they are emotionally stable. Something in their emotional make-up gives them remarkable ability to calm those who are mentally disturbed or hysterical. When disappointed or unhappy, they focus on their activities and chores with such aplomb that others may not even realize they are upset.
Aquarius moon personalities do not want to be rushed or forced into making an emotional commitment. Once they make a commitment to an idea, project or relationship, they are tenaciously loyal and dedicated. Strong individualism and an eccentric nature can make marriage difficult. Marriage or raising a family rarely changes their established way of thinking and doing things. Though remaining independent in opinions and attitudes, more often than not, their attitudes and opinions turn out to be pretty traditional.
Women with Aquarius moon are often better friends and companions to their children than traditional nurturing mothers. Their interest in business or social affairs can distract them from ordinary domestic life. They may experience sorrow and disappointment in female relationships. Men with Aquarius moon display little jealousy or possessiveness in romantic relationships, a tendency that is sometimes interpreted by their partners as lack of love. Pursuing ideals and mental endeavors are often more important to them than amassing material wealth.

Moon in Pisces

Keywords: Spiritual, Artistic, Susceptible, Intuitive, Whimsical, Compassionate
Those born with the moon in a Water sign need to establish solid emotional commitments. Before considering the practicality of a situation, and before objectively examining the facts, they react emotionally. They are highly intuitive, though at times it is deceptively self-serving.

As lunar Water sign personalities, those with moon in Pisces are at the mercy of their sensitive nature. Wounded by insults, and beset with fear of rejection and other insecurities, they do not do well in relationships with those who are emotionally tough and independent. As a defense mechanism to protect their inner vulnerability, they may turn into bullies, out to get others before others get them. It is best for these individuals to adopt a religious or philosophical outlook that can provide them with an underlying strength that their temperament does not naturally possess.
Piscean moon personalities are romantic, idealistic, and creative. Quite a few lunar Pisceans are gifted writers, actors, and illustrators. In spite of their sensitive nature, they often have a strong outer personality. Remarkably imaginative and farsighted, the major flaw that prevents their projects from being successful is impracticality or else lack of clarity or both. Adept at sales and promotion, they are not always as responsible as they should be when it comes to how much actual substance there is in what they offer. Their excess emotions imply the almost certain potential for waging lifelong battles against overindulgence of every kind.
Women with Pisces moon are prone to developing anxiety complexes. They are also apt to be psychic with a gift for healing. Their emotional nature is well-suited for the comfort of a domestic life, though they may be unwilling or unable to efficiently manage the household. Men with Pisces moon are vulnerable to being victimized in their personal life, while at the same time, having great strength and wisdom to ably handle the affairs of others.