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Sunday, July 3, 2011

Ashtak warga principles and your life

Take sarvashtak varga score of

1st ,5th and 9th its called bandhu
2nd ,6th and 10th  its called Sevaka
3rd ,7th ans 11th its called poshaka
4th ,8th and 12th its called Ghatka.

Adding up bindus if you have your Bandhu score higher than the Sevaka that means you have independent source of living. If sevaka is higher than you lead a life of servitude that means you serve others. Similarly if Poshka is strong than ghatka it meansthe person is wealthy.

In jyotish we have different division like Dharma,Artha,Kama and Moksha The observation is that if you have sevaka Artha strong that means person is wealthy.