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Consultation charges.

Sunday, November 7, 2010


Rahu's dilemma
  • Rahu's characteristics, by bhava, rashi, drishti, the disposition of His lord etc. will reveal that which one passionately wants, but which one can obtain only by means of trickery
  • Rahu indicates the part of the life script in which the native must deploy some shape-shifting artifice, whether self-deceptive or deceiving of others, in order to gain entrance to a forbidden realm
Rahu the Rogue = an interloper, a fraud, a charlatan, and a poseur.
  • Rahu wants to be included in the world of the gods. But, Rahu is not a real deity. Rahu sneaks into righteous realms through trickery.
  • burglar, rogue , gate-crasher, infiltrator, intruder, interloper, interrupter, invader, instigator, meddler, nuisance, prowler, snooper, squatter, trespasser, transgressor, apostate, betrayer, traitor, subversive, agitator, mutineer, Agent provocateur; sultry, smoky, slippery, fascinating, frightening, seductive, inappropriate, forbidden, deceitful, deceptive, charlatan, trickster, legerdemain, fraud.
Rahu the Rogue = an appropriator
  • Rahu tends to appropriate the property or established environment of another, like a bird that comes to use the nest of another bird.
  • Rahu the Poseur will take the place, privileges, accomplishments, and even the clothing of another
Rahu the Rogue= a wanna-be.
  • Rahu can be mesmerizing and attractive like Shukra.
  • However, Rahu will shape-shift to imitate any graha who is His co-tenant or His Lord.
Rahu the Rogue = illegitimate, a taboo-breaker, a rogue deity.
  • The planetary gods do not recognize or accept Rahu.
  • Vishnu was insulted and enraged when He saw Rahu lift the cup of Amrita to those snake-like lips.
  • Vishnu flung His diamond-sharp discus across the room and sliced Rahu in half, instantly, for his crime.
Rahu the Reptile
  • Is creepy, surreptitious, slimy, and cold
  • Is instinctive, compulsive, unable to control Himself
Rahu the Rogue = never rests.
  • Rahu = working overtime, trying to receive validation in a role for which He is improperly qualified.
  • Rahu = always scheming a new approach toward getting what He is not entitled to have.
Rahu the Rogue = an embezzler.
  • He slowly leeches the life force consciousness as He pursues an endless series of hot but fleeting material desires.
  • His methods are devious and surreptitious, driven by a deep hunger for validation through the experience of Possession
Rahu is never satisfied.
  • Rahu is the Reptile Brain.
Good results from Rahu the Rogue:
  • Rahu is good whenever a "break-through" is good.
  • Rahu can disrupt fossilized, outdated, oppressive regimes. In a house where dishonesty or repression have become repetitively problematic, Rahu can be a positive force to break through habitually negative, depriving, fearful, or hateful mentalities.
  • Rahu in 5 may allow a child adoption which has benefits for all involved. Rahu in 9 may provide wisdom via a foreign religion or guru-cult.
  • Rahu can be the agent of much-needed change in overly rigid social systems, dysfunctional locked-in family behaviors, and loveless marriages
  • Rahu can be the engine of identity change, altering the appearance of the psycho-physical-attribute package (the personality) to permit the native to change social classes and nationality, to penetrate crime rings, to be a "poseur" in ways that give (at least temporarily) positive results
  • Rahu can serve as a "break-through" agent of spiritual and psychological change in the early stages of authentic enlightenment processes; however Rahu's method's are generally suspect.
    • For example He may provide hallucinogenic drugs to break through the barriers of conventional perception. In the short run, this psychological disruption can provide a launch for deeper and longer lasting spiritual inquiry. In the long run, drug use becomes an infinite loop of increasing desires.
Rahu can be a "pre-emptive" catalyst for urgently needed change.
    • Rahu can provide the extramarital affair that shocks married partners into paying more attention to their partner communication before the marriage collapses.
    • Rahu can be the sudden invasion of a country that shocks the nation into strengthening its defenses before a major conflict arises.
    • Rahu can be the failing grade which causes the student to reorganize one's time and re-commitment to diligent study before expulsion.
    • Rahu can be the "bad company" which tricks the unconscious native into dangerous and illicit social situations. If Shani is strong however the native will recognize the trick and consciously return, wiser and chastened, to reliable customs and rules. Rahu can help the native transition from blind following of convention to wise understanding of the practical reasons for law and custom.