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Saturday, April 11, 2009

Inclinations for sensual or lascivious pleasures stem from strong emotional nature and courage. The fifth house, its lord and the Moon govern the emotions and make a person highly emotional by their influence on the ascendant, the fifth or the seventh houses. The third lord and Mars govern the courage. Rahu and the lords of the twelfth and eighth houses signify cravings for pleasures and for sensual pleasures when closely connected with Venus, the Moon, the eighth house, the ascendant or the seventh house. Rahu, Venus and the lord of the eighth house when connected with the factors of emotions and courage give passions for love during their operating sub-periods and the natives strive for the fulfillment of desires of sensual pleasures leaving all social norms, disregarding the age of the person, whether an unmarried youth or a young person or one in advanced age and disregarding the sex of the person whether a male or a female. The weakness of Jupiter and ninth house are additional contributing factors. The close influence of Rahu on factors governing sexual matters usually gives lust and seldom results in marriage with the partner involved in such affairs. The placement of the fifth lord in the seventh or eighth house or vice-versa gives primarily deep inclinations for sensual pleasures. Delay in marriage due to weakness of the prime indicators of marriage and afflictions, give rise to pre-marital affairs. Under the Systems’ Approach, the lordship attributed to each planet always refers to the mooltrikona house of that planet only and influence means a close conjunction or a close aspect. The analysis is made only with reference to ascendant.Let us discuss the matter further with the help of some case studies:
CHART 14: Female born 28th October, 1971, 0805 Hrs.The sign Scorpio rises in the ascendant which means that besides Rahu and Ketu, Mars and Venus become also functional malefic planets. The Moon, governing the emotions, is under the close influence of Rahu, in the third house ruling initiatives. Mars closely exerts its influence on the fourth, seventh, tenth and eleventh houses. The Sun is weak as it is badly placed and debilitated. Mercury is weak as it is combust, badly placed and its dispositor is weak. Venus is weak as it is in old-age. The lord of the fourth house, ruling the chastity, is weak as it is debilitated in navamsa. The Sun, Mercury and Saturn are additionally weak as the most effective points of their mooltrikona houses are closely afflicted by Mars. Saturn is additionally weak as the most effective point of its house of placement is also closely afflicted by Mars. The Sun, ruling the will power, is very weak in the nativity. During the sub-period of Mercury in the main period of Rahu, the girl eloped with a boy even before attaining the age of 18 years.CHART 15: Female born 16th June, 1964, 1630 Hrs.
The sign Libra rises in the ascendant which means that besides Rahu and Ketu, Mercury becomes also a functional malefic planet. The lord of the third house, Jupiter, closely influences the most effective points of the seventh, eleventh, first and third houses. The planet of emotions, the Moon, exactly aspects and influences the most effective point of the fifth house. The lords of the twelfth and seventh houses are placed in the eighth house. Rahu closely influences the lord of the fifth house and the lord of the ascendant. All these influences on emotional aspects and on the eighth house created deep interests in intimate relationships with the opposite sex. During the sub-period of Venus in the main period of Mars, the native had fallen in love, which was, in fact a short lived involvement. Rahu’s influence on Venus only resulted in cravings for physical pleasures. CHART 16: Female born 1st January, 1963, 0646 Hrs.
The sign Sagittarius rises in the ascendant which means that besides Rahu and Ketu, the Moon becomes also a functional malefic planet. The most effective points of the eighth, twelfth, second and fourth houses and the planets Venus and Mercury are under the close influence of Rahu. The lord of the eighth house and the significator for emotions, the Moon, exerts influence on the lord of the ascendant in the third house. During the sub-period of Venus in the main period of Saturn, the lord of the third house, the native was involved in a love affair with a boy of another caste. The affair was short lived as the weak Venus is influenced by Rahu.CHART 17: Female born 25th March, 1958, 1208 Hrs.
The sign Gemini rises in the ascendant which means that Rahu and Ketu are the only functional malefic planets. The lord of the seventh house is in the fifth house and is under the close influence of Rahu. Mercury, ruling the fourth house, is weak as it is in old-age and is debilitated. The lord of the fifth house, Venus, is placed in the eighth house. The lord of the eleventh house, ruling friends, is also in the eighth house. The prime significators for marriage in this case being Jupiter, the Moon and Mercury are all weak which caused delay in marriage. The delay in marriage and the involvement of the lord of the seventh house with Rahu gives uncontrolled passions and intense inclinations for carnal pleasures. The delay in marriage resulted in a very long spell of a pre-marital affair with a boy of another faith. The affair started in the sub-period of Jupiter in the main period of Rahu.CHART 18: Female born 22nd June, 1966, 0900 Hrs.
The sign Cancer rises in the ascendant which means that besides Rahu and Ketu, Jupiter and Saturn become also functional malefic planets. The significator of the emotions, ruling the ascendant, closely influences the most effective point of the ascendant and the seventh house. The lord of the third house is under the close influence of Ketu from the fifth house. The lord of the second house is badly placed in the twelfth house along with Jupiter. Venus, the lord of the fourth house, is exactly conjunct with Rahu. The affliction of the lord of the fourth house and the bad placement of the lord of the second house could not give an early marriage but the influence of Rahu to Venus gave intense desires for gratification of sensual pleasures. The girl had an affair in the sub-period of Rahu in the main period of the Ketu at the age of 15 years and in the 16th year she eloped with her paramour.CHART 19: Male born 6th August, 1959, 0235 Hrs.
The sign Gemini rises in the ascendant which means that Rahu and Ketu are the only functional malefic planets. The lord of the fourth house is closely conjunct with the lord of the third house in the second house. The lord of the seventh house is placed in the house of emotions. Jupiter is weak as it is in old-age. There are three planets in the third house including Mars. The Moon ruling emotions closely influences the most effective point of the third house. This indicates the native is fully under the control of emotions and takes initiative in this regard. The weakness of the lord of the seventh, second and fourth houses delayed the marriage and the native could not resist the emotional initiatives. The native had many emotional involvements during the sub-periods of the Moon, Mars and Rahu in the main period of the Sun and was finally married in the sub-period of the Jupiter with a girl of his choice after a pre-marital love affair.CHART 20:Male born 15th June, 1961, 1050 Hrs.
The sign Leo rises in the ascendant which means that besides Rahu and Ketu, the Moon becomes also a functional malefic planet. The lord of the third house, Venus, closely influences the most effective point of the third house. The lord of the fifth house is weak as it is debilitated and badly placed. The lord of the seventh house is weak as it is badly placed in the sixth house ruling conflicts. The Sun, ruling the ascendant, is weak as it is in the state of infancy in the chart and debilitated in navamsa. When Rahu occupies the ascendant and its lord is weak, Rahu influences the personality of the native to be a pleasure seeker. During the sub-period of the Moon, ruling the emotions, in the main period of the lord of the seventh house, the native was emotionally involved. The marriage of the native was finalised with his beloved after lot of problems. The marital relationship continued with persistent conflicts as both the lords of the fifth and seventh houses are placed in the house of conflicts.CHART 21: Female born 30th August, 1968, 1610 Hrs.
The sign Sagittarius rises in the ascendant which means that besides Rahu and Ketu, the Moon becomes also a functional malefic planet. The lord of the fifth house is debilitated and is placed in the eighth house. The planets placed in the eighth house give inclinations for indulgence in sex. The lord of the third house is placed in the fifth house. The lord of the eighth house is debilitated and badly placed in the twelfth house, indicating deep interests in carnal pleasures. Venus is weak as it is debilitated and is in infancy. As the Moon is the prime determinant for marriage for Sagittarians, its weakness delayed the marriage and the native was involved in so called love affairs to satisfy her urges for carnal pleasures.
