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Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Fourth house astrology musings from Hora shatak.

Fourth house some astrological observations.

Fourth house

Results of Saturn's aspect on
the Fourth house
The4thhouse also signifies lands, property, houses etc.
Saturn is also the significator of lands (Kshetra Karaka-) Therefore, if Saturn aspects or conjoins the 4th house, this disposition should not be taken as adverse as
regards acquisition of landed property. Actually this Yoga
enables the native to become owner of lands. This is due
to the relationship of the Karaka for lands with the house
Signifying the same matter 
Whatever be the Ascendant, if the fourth house
and its lord, and the sign No. 4, that is, Cancer and its lord the Moon, all the four are conjoined with or aspected by malefics,the native will suffer from some disease of the chest like Pneumonia T.B., Bronchitis etc.