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Friday, February 2, 2024

Signs and body parts in astrology.

 Shambhu Hora prakash

नराड्गे राशिन्यासो राशिस्वामिनश्व।
शीर्षाख्यं वदनं च बाहुयुगलं हृच्चोदरं कटयथो
बस्तिर्गुह्यमुरू च जानु जघनौ पादद्वयं वै क्रमात् ।
मेषाद्याः किल राशयः समुदिताः पूर्वैः सुबोधाय ये त्वेके
लग्रमतश्च काधवयवा ज्ञेयास्तु निःसंशयम् ॥ १६ ॥
16. Distribution of Bodily Limbs among Signs: Head, face, the pair of arms, heart, belly, waist, lower abdomen, secret parts, thighs, knees, the hinder part (also note buttocks, hip, and loins), and the feet are said to be under the rulership of the signs commencing Aries, by ancient men. Some hold the view that these are to be seen from the ascendant and other houses. Without a doubt, these estimates are made (accordingly). Notes: This verse enlists the rulership of important bodily limbs counted from Aries which can be arranged as under. Aries: Head; Taurus: Face; Gemini: Arms; Cancer: Heart; Leo: Belly; Virgo: Waist; Libra; Lower abdomen; Scorpio; Secret parts; Sagittarius: Thighs; Capricorn: Knees; Aquarius: Hinder part (as well as buttocks & O; Pisces; Feet. These can be also applied to the natal ascendant of a person. Such as the 1st house ruling head, the 2nd house face; the 3rd house arms, the 4th house heart, and so on and so forth.
Lungs are ruled by Gemini and the 3rd house. The belly includes the liver and spleen. Scorpio and the 8th house include the rectum. Some authors assign "heart" to the sign, Leo. However, the 4th house and Cancer rule the heart as per authorities like Badarayana, Surya, and Bala Bhadra, the 5th house has nothing to do with the heart. Leo features in respect of heart for, obviously, it is ruled by the Sun. Aquarius has a predominant lordship over the ill health of the heart. That is why, the sign Aquarius is called "Hridya Roga" meaning heart disease, vide sloka 22 of this chapter. Thus, the role of Aquarius concerning the heart should be seen only in a negative light and not positive light. For example, a favorable planet in Aquarius need not ensure the health of the heart while an inauspicious planet therein affects the heart adversely.

Thursday, February 1, 2024

Types of death and astrological inference of the Marak or killer influence.

 Death is said to be of 8 types, Other than death, (2)major grief, (3)a humiliation in the public assembly, (4)major disease,(5) major quarrel,(6) Constant fear, (7)anxiety, and(8) enemy intervention.

So when the Marak(killer) influence of the planet is considered it may not mean actual death but any of the 8 types of death considered above.