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Consultation charges.

Friday, May 17, 2024

The Pending Karma theory fact check

 Those who venture out and explain pending Karmas of others have they ever given it a thought that therefrom does the soul enter our worldly realm I mean from which house, where does the soul acquire a physical matter or (Physical body) and where does this physical matter gets destroyed when the physical matter is destroyed from where does the soul mark its exit from our realm, Why is the 5th Poorav punya and 9th the Bhagya of the native, Why are the four Kendras The Dwara's or doors, why the 2nd,5th,8th,11 are the Bhaya or outside houses, Why 3rd,6th,9th and 12th are called Garbh ( Implantation) houses, the Pied pipers of deceit hop and flop around explaining your pending karmas without knowing the above answers and you seek their consultation and courses to find the purpose of your life which turns out to be a purposeless endeavour into the abyss of confusion.

Friday, April 12, 2024

Karma, destiny, freewill, Astrology and remedies.

 Karma is something that is a continuous process and is unavoidable, while astrology is a personal preference. One has to make efforts, for example, you cannot be a doctor without the study of medicine so an uneducated won't be able to be a doctor, but who can stop him from opening up a hospital if he has the resources and will to do so. Like all other subjects, astrology has its limitations, it is not fortune-telling but a precise possibility analysis. Coming to efforts almost everyone makes an effort to study with the purpose of acquiring employment almost 80% fail to source the preferred employment and about 50% have to choose other avenues of livelihood, a skilful astrologer can guide by evaluating the possibilities but then skilful and honest astrologers are rarest of the rare, so it again rolls back to one thing if possible avoid visiting astrologers until you are satisfied with the skillset and integrity of the person involved. As regards if everything is predestined why should one make an effort, things are predestined but karma is continuous it happens automatically as an action, reaction or effort to acquire. For example, a homeless beggar sleeping on the roadside is run down by a drunk brat speeding through his new wheel ride. The beggar was sleeping at his usual place but the predestined event still took place through some other individual, the action was through the brat and the reaction is the injury or death of the beggar. No doubt we all have some free choices called free will but they are operative within the circle of destiny, destiny is based on past karmas as per our scriptures and texts. Let's talk about medicine if one has to die no medicine or care can stop the imminent death, so as per your thinking process why should one take recourse in medicine for physical suffering, we all know and accept the limitation of medicine but when we talk about astrology we don't even think about the possibility of its scope, purpose and limitations, agreed that 90% of the astrologers are without any skill set or are dishonest, remedies specifically related to recitation and donation are for the mind they may help the mind to understand or to optimise the decisions subject to the conditions and circumstances at hand but remedies of any sort have no power to alter or avert. Now a question may arise as to why a certain remedy as named by me recitation or donation may stabilise a mind the reason is the conditioning we receive right from birth that God is omnipotent which actually is true as per the scriptures, evidence and reality so when we recite or donate we feel better as related to mind and it may help the individual facing a certain challenge or situation.

Friday, February 2, 2024

Signs and body parts in astrology.

 Shambhu Hora prakash

नराड्गे राशिन्यासो राशिस्वामिनश्व।
शीर्षाख्यं वदनं च बाहुयुगलं हृच्चोदरं कटयथो
बस्तिर्गुह्यमुरू च जानु जघनौ पादद्वयं वै क्रमात् ।
मेषाद्याः किल राशयः समुदिताः पूर्वैः सुबोधाय ये त्वेके
लग्रमतश्च काधवयवा ज्ञेयास्तु निःसंशयम् ॥ १६ ॥
16. Distribution of Bodily Limbs among Signs: Head, face, the pair of arms, heart, belly, waist, lower abdomen, secret parts, thighs, knees, the hinder part (also note buttocks, hip, and loins), and the feet are said to be under the rulership of the signs commencing Aries, by ancient men. Some hold the view that these are to be seen from the ascendant and other houses. Without a doubt, these estimates are made (accordingly). Notes: This verse enlists the rulership of important bodily limbs counted from Aries which can be arranged as under. Aries: Head; Taurus: Face; Gemini: Arms; Cancer: Heart; Leo: Belly; Virgo: Waist; Libra; Lower abdomen; Scorpio; Secret parts; Sagittarius: Thighs; Capricorn: Knees; Aquarius: Hinder part (as well as buttocks & O; Pisces; Feet. These can be also applied to the natal ascendant of a person. Such as the 1st house ruling head, the 2nd house face; the 3rd house arms, the 4th house heart, and so on and so forth.
Lungs are ruled by Gemini and the 3rd house. The belly includes the liver and spleen. Scorpio and the 8th house include the rectum. Some authors assign "heart" to the sign, Leo. However, the 4th house and Cancer rule the heart as per authorities like Badarayana, Surya, and Bala Bhadra, the 5th house has nothing to do with the heart. Leo features in respect of heart for, obviously, it is ruled by the Sun. Aquarius has a predominant lordship over the ill health of the heart. That is why, the sign Aquarius is called "Hridya Roga" meaning heart disease, vide sloka 22 of this chapter. Thus, the role of Aquarius concerning the heart should be seen only in a negative light and not positive light. For example, a favorable planet in Aquarius need not ensure the health of the heart while an inauspicious planet therein affects the heart adversely.

Thursday, February 1, 2024

Types of death and astrological inference of the Marak or killer influence.

 Death is said to be of 8 types, Other than death, (2)major grief, (3)a humiliation in the public assembly, (4)major disease,(5) major quarrel,(6) Constant fear, (7)anxiety, and(8) enemy intervention.

So when the Marak(killer) influence of the planet is considered it may not mean actual death but any of the 8 types of death considered above.

Sunday, January 28, 2024

Yoga For IVF etc From Saravali as Given in Jatak Saradeep

 Yoga For IVF etc From Saravali as Given in Jatak Saradeep.

सौरर्क्षे सौरगणो बुध दृष्टश्चेज्यकुजार्किदृग्घीनः ।

क्षेत्रजपुत्रं जनयति बौधोऽपिगणे रविजदृष्टः ।।9।।
The sign of Saturn in the 5th or 5th lord in the divisions (Vargas) of Saturn and the 5th or the lord, is aspected by the neuter planet Mercury, further, there may be no aspects of Jupiter, Mars, or Saturn on it.
Or there be a sign of mercury in the 5th or 5th lord be in the Varga of mercury in both these conditions the 5th or the 5th lord is aspected by Saturn then also the wife of the native may conceive from the sperm of some other man it may be due to adultery or in modern parlance, it can be the test tube baby or IVF.

Saturday, January 20, 2024

Prediction and astrology

 Just like a doctor who suffers from heart disease who also takes preventive medicine and does not know when he will breathe his last. Similarly, a good astrologer only knows the broad spectrum of good or bad and thus does not know what is going to happen the next day with a specific impetus.

So do not get entrapped by curiosity to peep into the unknown.

Thursday, January 18, 2024

Bhava and the planets, how to interpret result based on Vedic astrology.

 Bhava signifies certain things, and the planet signifies some too. So when the bhava gets the placement of a planet the results of the bhava are destroyed.

Bhava is destroyed when malefic is in it, it is hemmed in malefic and it receives a malefic influence vide an aspect. and its significator also suffers from malefic influence.
Assume that Mercury with Saturn is in 5th in this situation we can say that intellect and learning along with wisdom/chances to beget progeny is compromised.
Here mercury signifies the the intellect and learning.
The 5th house signifies the wisdom/progeny.
Saturn signifies obstruction and practical wisdom.
Conclusion - The native with like-wise placement will have a break in education or will not study further, his intellect will be limited to his area of work, but he is likely to have sound practical knowledge related to his work.

Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Some diseases form an astrological combination as per Brihat jataka.

 Some diseases form an astrological combination as per Brihat Jataka.

Stanza 7-Chapter-23- If Venus and mars join the 7th house aspected by malefic, dysentery will be seriously dangerous.
If the moon is in (cancer)or Scorpio navamsa and is in conjunction with malefic the person will have a disease in private parts.
Note-Moon should be with malefic in Rashi or navamsa.
Chandra should be in Lagna Ravi should be in 7th, Kuja and Shani should be in 2nd and 12th to produce white leprosy or Vitiligo
If Saturn is in 2nd from the sun and the moon is in the 10th house. mars in 7th from Lagna the man will have the defect of limbs
Stanza 8- When the sun is in Capricorn and the moon between two malefic the person gets asthma, consumption, spleen enlargement, carbuncle, or abdominal tumors.
If the sun and moon exchange their places in Rashi or AMSA the person gets phthisis
1. A disease characterized by the wasting away or atrophy of the body or a part of the body.
2. Tuberculosis of the lungs. No longer in scientific use.
Stanza-9 moon occupies the 5th Amsa of Sagittarius or Pisces, Cancer, Capricorn, or Aries, and is aspected by or is in conjunction with Saturn or Mars the person will suffer from leprosy.
If Scorpio, Capricorn, Taurus, or cancer become one of the Trines aspected by or in conjunction with evil planets the person suffers from leprosy.