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Tuesday, June 20, 2023

The correct way of Atam Karka Derivation


Atam Karaka What it is, why has it obtained significance suddenly, that all are talking about it. Even those who are still wet behind the ears talk about Atam Karak and Char Karak.
One finds shlokas on Karak, Argala, and Pada in BPHS itself. The method of evaluation of AK is based on a planet achieving the highest degrees but the method seems in contradiction to the basic fundamentals of Avasthaa's, any planet beyond 25 degrees is either in Mrit or Vridh Avasthaa. Planets Like Saturn and Jupiter if they are in transit and transiting in degrees more than 25 degrees will most necessarily be the Atam Karaks for the next few months for all and sundry barring the time when the moon crosses over these planets in its transit. Is it possible? The planet that attains the highest Ansh (degrees)is mentioned but it's not explained how to evaluate, Shri UK Jha in his book Jamini char Dasha has suggested a possible logical method of evaluation using the planetary degrees and its position in Navamsa.
How to derive Char Karaks as per Sh Uk Jha- As per his book Chara Dasha of Jamini
In the normal Scheme of derivation – Saturn is the Atma Karaka.
As per Sh U K Jha, the Atam karak will be as follows
Saturn is 28 .22 its Navamsa sign will be Gemini.
So let's check how far it has progressed in Gemini Navamsa.
The Gemini navamsa under Libra starts from 26.40 degrees.
So Saturns progress 28.22 -26.40=1.42
Mercury is of Virgo 23.22 and its Navamsa Leo begins from 23.20
so 23.22-23.20=2 minutes.
Mars is in Virgo of 16.54 its navamsa is Gemini it begins from 16.40 so Mars 16.54-16.40=Mars has progressed 14 minutes into the navamsa sign of Gemini.
Jupiter is Leo 4.34 its Navamsa sign is Taurus. Taurus Navamsa begins at 3.20 so Jupiter's progress is 4.34-3.20=1.14
Venus is of Libra 27. 01 its Navamsa is Gemini
It starts from 26.40 so 27.01-26.40=21 minutes
Sun is in Libra at 11.49 its navamsa is Capricorn, and its Navamsa starts at 10.00 so Sun's progress is 11.49-10.00=1.49
As per the above-mentioned derivation, Sun is the Atam Karaka.
Note- Rahu and Ketu will not be considered owing to controversy related to their origin or signs they are on.

Sunday, June 18, 2023

Badhak Concept

 The concept of Badhaka and why I believe that taking 9th as Badhak for fixed Lagna is out of context. I do not adhere to the 9th lord Badhak for fixed Lagna on the basis of a few factors, I believe that the 9th is mostly a friend and yoga karaka, while the 3rd is an enemy, Moreover, for moveable Lagna, the 11th is a Badhak, For Dual signs, it is the 7th. If 3rd is considered to be a Badhak it completes the Kaam Trikona ( 3,7,11). If desires are the hindrance for moveable and dual signs how come the onus of hindrance shifts to the dharma house, I feel when the author quoted the 9th as a Badhak he would have meant 9th from the 7th that would come to the 3rd house, From 7th house the 3rd is 9 places away, from 11th the 7th is 9 places away. From 11th 3rd is 5 places away from 7th 11th is 5 places away.

Saturday, June 10, 2023

Body Parts In Medical Astrology the left and right Part of it


Body parts as assigned to houses are based on the logic that is hinged on the fact that some organs do have right and left parts, other though being single organs like the brain and heart are also categorized by medical science mostly in two parts the left and right part of it. To accommodate this the 12 houses of the horoscope are arranged in such a way that one half of the zodiac depicts the right side the other the left, talking about ears and eyes, the right ear is assigned a house 3, and the left the 11th it seems to defy logic, but both these houses depict the element air and are part of a breathing process or talking about ayurvedic Tridosha it represents the Vata, the sense of hearing is attributed to Jupiter and of the two houses three and 11 Jupiter is the Karak Significator of 11th, therefore the inference. Another factor that goes in favor of the systemic placement of ears in the 3rd and 11th is that air is an essential element for the sense of hearing and it exists within the ether element again represented by planet Jupiter. When sound waves travel toward you, the first part of the process of hearing involves the ears. The sound waves enter the ear and the sensitive structures of the inner ear pick up the vibrations. These vibrations stimulate nerves and create a signal which contains sound information, so the brain is the central organ here therefore and is signified by the first house or Lagna, and the right year from 3rd and left from 11th seems logical anatomy of the hearing process image as attached. The Drekana or d3 chart clearly categorizes these parts based on the number of degrees of the Lagna each being 10 degrees. The 0-10 degrees cover the face,10-20 neck to the pelvis, and 20-30 degrees the organs below the pelvis. The body parts again are clearly categorized on the left and right parts Similarly both eyes as depicted in 2 and 12 of the horoscope represent Kapha dosha both these eyes draw the source of the image and its depiction from the fiery or pitta house of Lagna through Alochoka pitta so Lagna or head has to be in between and common source of power and imagery. The heart as such is one organ yet it's divided into the left and right ventricle and it's assigned house no 5 some texts particularly Vrahmir maintains 4th to represent the heart, the heart is the body,s centralized pump that pumps blood and oxygen to various organs, while the right ventricle pumps the blood from the right atrium into the lungs to pick up oxygen and remove carbon dioxide. The left atrium receives blood from the lungs. This blood is rich in oxygen. The left ventricle pumps the blood from the left atrium out to the body, supplying all organs with oxygen-rich blood. So going by 4/5 the imposition of the organ heart the left part of it will be depicted in 10th and 11th and it's so 11th is the veinous flow and exhalation of breath expelling out CO2 from the body its called Vyana Vata. The anatomy of circulation is attached for the benefit of all. Continued -----------
May be an image of 1 person

Friday, June 2, 2023

Divisional or Varga charts

 Let's talk a bit about divisional charts today, some people specifically refer to divisional charts as independent charts. the classics have dropped many hints on the evaluation of these charts and that is sign-based and not house based, let's talk about D10 people refer it to as be sacrosanct chart when the profession is the question, they quip that D10 should be referred to when evaluating professions while D9 is for a spouse, Sarvarth Chintamani has 6-7 shlokas that try to evaluate professions on the basis of 10th lords Navamsa signs. Why don't we find D10-specific shlokas when referring to Professions? Vargas or divisional charts point to Sign lord influence in various Vargas that a given planet is exposed to just like the 10th lord example I quoted for professions, reflect, learn and ask your teachers these questions. Learn the importance of Why and How you will learn better this way