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Thursday, April 21, 2022

Special rule for lords of the trines as per the classics of Vedic astrology

 Why a malefic planet as a 9th lord cannot be treated as a Benefic (functional). However, this condition does not apply to the lord of 5th even if it is malefic.

वृषभजातस्य च शनि: भाग्यकर्मेश्चरोऽपि वां |

सूर्य सोमसुताभ्याम् वा न युत्रतो नैव योगद: || १ || (Bhavarth Ratnakar, Taurus Lagna)

Saturn through a yoga karaka in itself cannot give results in itself if Sun and Mercury do not conjoin or form a relationship with it. As Saturn is lord of Kendra and Trikona thus a yoga karaka but as malefic lord of Kendra, it loses malefic intent thus neutralizing itself so additional support of Kendra and Trikona lords sun and mercury is required to make Saturn fully fruitful.

वृषभ लग्न जातक के लिए शनि नवम एवं दशम भाव के स्वामी होने से योगकारक होने पर भी शुभ फल दाता नहीं होते जब तक की सूर्य (चथुर्थेश) एवम बुध (पंचमेश) की युति या संबंध शनि के साथ न हो |

शनि की मूल त्रिकोण राशि दशम भाव में होने से शनि अशुभ नहीं रहते परंतु ज्यादा शुभ नहीं होते हैं | इसलिए शुभ फल देने के लिए शनि का संबंध दूसरे शुभ ग्रह (सूर्य एवम बुध ) के साथ होने से शनि के फल में ज्यादा शुभता आती है |

भाग्येश सर्वदा सौम्यो न क्रूरः फलदायकः। १० । (BPHS, karak marak vichar adhaya)

9th lord is always benefic but with a condition that it should not be a cruel/malefic planet.

पुत्राधिपो ऽपि शुभदः क्रूरोऽपि सुखदः स्मृतः। ११।

The lord of 5th will always give good results whether it is cruel/malefic or a benefic planet.




Drekana and the body parts representation


शिरोनेत्रे तथा कर्णें नासा चापि कपोलकौ।

हनुमुखं तथा वाच्यं लग्नादाद्यदृकाणके। १९।

There are three Drekana’s. if the lord of the ascendant is in the first Drekana then the ascendant represents a face,2 and 12th eyes,3rd and 11th ears,4/12 nose,5/9 cheeks,6/8 beard, and 7th mouth.

Sun- face,head,eyes,ears,navel,feet,soles of the feet.

लग्नमध्येदृकाणे च कण्ठांशौ बाहुकौ तथा।

पार्श्वे च ह्रदयक्रोडे नाभिं चैव यथाक्रमम्। २०।

If the second Drekana is represented by the ascendant the neck represents 2 and 12. shoulders 3/11arms,4/10 back,5/9 heart,6/8 stomach,7 the navel area.

वस्तिर्लिङ्गगुदे वृषणावुरु  जानुजङ्घके।

पदति चैवमुदितैर्वाममङ्गम तृतीयके। २१।

In the third Drekana, the ascendant represents the lower abdomen,2/12 the penis and anal area,3/10 groins, thighs,5/9 knees,6/8 ankles, and 7th feet. First, to 6th represent the right side and the 7th to 12th left side.