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Saturday, July 24, 2021

The eighth house some hidden significations


8th house, let us talk about some facts and features of 8th rather than sordid negativity the house represents
Let's talk about the 8th house today and why is it an income house for those born with silver spoons. Why is this house important for Insurance and banking . Why do commissions fall into this?
Why is the 8th an important constituent while deriving careers that have hazardous nature? Why is it called लीन bhava as per Mantershwar? Why is it considered for receiving bribes and kickbacks?
Note - Do not answer without astrological logic and reasoning.
Note- The richness of Vedic classics, all systems, and Padhatis look so puny and deplete when considered in the light of Vedic astrology classics, so learn wisely, spend your time and resources on the right kind of learning. Learn from established Vedic astrology scholars and do not let them deviate or discuss anything other than Vedic astrology.

The exalted Rahu/Ketu with Mercury


A question though not addressed to me.
How about exalted nodes aspecting exalted mercury?
My answer -Exalted mercury well that's Virgo and the exalted nodes either in Taurus, Scorpio axis or Gemini, Sagittarius axis in Gemini Sagittarius placement of Rahu, Ketu aspects can happen by Rashi Drishti only, While in case of Taurus placement of Rahu it can aspect Mercury, so this means that Rahu influences mercury, therefore since the aspect is one-sided, Rahu is likely to control the proceedings. A lot depends on the placement of these planets say if the ascendant is Aries this Rahu will soak on the properties of being in Marak house and its aspect on to the 3rd and 6th lord in 6th, will produce mental tension and financial constraints, we just cannot toss around combinations without the considering the pro and cons.

How to presume and derive Planet Result


ग्रहोभावो राशीदृग्योगजीविकादीफलं स्वदशान्तदर्शTयां ददाति।
A planet produces its results of placement in a house located in a sign, its aspects, its Yuti ( same sign placement with other planets), the means of livelihood attributed to it, during its Dasha and Antar Dasha.

Astrological combination/Yoga for acquiring learning and wisdom.


Yoga for acquiring learning and wisdom.( Guru Chandal yoga bhang )If Ketu or Rahu and Saturn are conjunct Jupiter and Mercury or Venus has aspect, then even if the person does not come from a learned family, the native will learn on its own and become a very learned person.

Astrological combination for sex-change surgery in the modern context.


Combination For sex-change surgery in the modern context. Sarvarth Chintamani. **If the lord of the 6th house is located in the Ascendant with Mercury and Rahu and these planets are without any benefic aspect the native himself takes measures for the removal of his private organ. If Mars also joins the removal is due to disease in that organ.

Kendradhipati dosha


Kendradhipati dosha or the negative effect of the ownership of  quadrants by benefics implies reduction in their beneficence. The benefic owner of a quadrant is still a benefic and does not become a malefic. Similarly, a malefic planet owning a quadrant will not remain a malefic and that does not imply that the malefic becomes a benefic. 
"1st, 4th, 7th and 10th houses are called the Kendra's. Kendra's are like the doors to our life. Imagine a kind-hearted watchman sitting on a door. Any bad entity can easily fool a kind-hearted watchman and get 
access through the door. This loss of beneficence of a benefic lord of quadrant is called 
Kendradhipati dosha. This flaw is annulled if the planet is also well placed in a quadrant or trine. Similarly, a malefic planet owning a quadrant sheds its malfeasance and will give very good results if placed in an evil house. If instead, the planet is placed in a quadrant or trine, the loss of malfeasance may not occur fully.This is the basis of Kendradhipati Dosha. Now people with Budha and 
Jupiter as the Kendradhipatis have this kind of Kendradhipati Dosha. I mean Mithun Lagna, Kanya Lagna, Dhanu Lagna and Meena Lagna.Now don't get bogged down by the word “Dosha”. Its nothing that fatal. 
The general trend that I have seen with such people is that they are mostly taken advantage of by others. Presence of malefic planets in Kendras reduces this inherent goodness and the gullible nature.
Other Lagnas will have atleast 2-3 Kroor Grahas as the lords of Kendras.These Kroor Grahas acts as good watchman of the doors to our life

Monday, July 5, 2021

Yuti ( conjunctions) explained


The horoscope analysis is based on several principles and fundamentals, in a horoscope, there may be several dictums applying on a set of planetary combinations, you just cannot explain a horoscope in the light of a single dictum, planet, or set of planets. The probabilities and possibilities change with exposure and influences. To date, most astrologers have not been able to evaluate Rahu And Ketu as to how they will behave in their periods. People are confused about how to analyze Yuti's ( Conjunctions -not as per western concept, but when planets are together). Let me try to explain what Yuti is like and then later give you the principle of analysis. Assume you have a glass of milk, add sugar as the sugar dissolves in it you won't be able to see it in a real sense but you will still be able to taste the sweetness, add a stronger visible influence like Roohafza syrup the taste and color both change but the milk is still drinkable and good to taste, this is because the Yuti forming planets have a common feature that they bring to fore. The principle is that when two or three planets combine they will bring out the feature that is common between them to the forefront, take the example of Yuti of 2,5,9,11 or two or three of them the common factor is the acquisition of wealth as they are wealth-producing houses. Take the Yuti of 6th,8th,12th the common factor here is adversity so in the Dasha Antardasha of one of these you can expect adversity. But when the Yuti forming planets are not on the same tangent for example Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu, the result will depend on the placement and dignity of the planets concerned, Rahu and Saturn have common features but Jupiter is the odd one out here, Now if this Yuti is in Sagitarrius and the strength of Jupiter prevails over in Vargas as well, the suffering of Jupiter related bhavas is reduced a bit, however, Jupiter is soaking in the influence of two separatists planets here, therefore it will carry the malefic influence of associated planets, the Rahu, Saturn will also carry the essence of Jupiter on their sphere of influence. Lower or higher degrees do not matter here what matters is Grah Bal. Take the milk example again if we add salt in it will be saltish,if we heat it a bit then add a spoonful of curd it will end up as a curd but still, a milk-related product, Adding lemon juice in the same milk overheat will end up producing paneer or cottage cheese but the product again is milk-related, assume heat as the malefic separatist influence . hop[e I have not confused or addled up your brains
Note - The common feature being prominent in the periods of associated planets is a principle and fundamental to watch for.
Placement and ownership is another factor.
Do not care about degrees the Vargas take care of that.