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Sunday, December 1, 2019

Budhi ( mercury) and Sadbudhi ( jupiter) Explained

Mercury Vs the Jupiter
Jupiter and Mercury

Image result for Jupiter and mercury

Jupiter and Mercury, Jupiter is your wisdom, mercury is intelligence, Mercury is budhhi and Jupiter is Subuddhi . Jupiter-religiousness, belief in god, priests, teachers, judges, children, guardianship's charity, generosity, contentment, laziness fat, expansion, largeness, devotion, faith, hope, higher aspect of intelligence, fairness.
Mercury-accuracy, analytical
adjustment, not originality, averse to love/devotion, communications, editing
comprehension, research, computer knowledge, convertible nature, idealism, averse to intelligence, knowledge, wit, intuition, memory, logic, journalists, mathematics.
the ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills.
"an eminent man of great intelligence"
synonyms: intellectual/mental capacity, intellect, mind, brain, brains, brainpower, powers of reasoning, judgement, reason, reasoning, understanding, comprehension, acumen, wit, sense, insight, perceptiveness, perception, perspicacious, perspicacity, penetration, discernment, sharpness, quickness of mind, quick-wittiness, smartness, canniness, astuteness, intuition, acuity, alertness, cleverness, brilliance, aptness, ability, gifted ness, talent; informal braininess. intellect
the faculty of reasoning and understanding objectively, especially with regard to abstract matters.
"he was a man of action rather than of intellect"
synonyms: mind, brain, brains, head, intelligence, reason, understanding, comprehension, thought, brainpower, sense, judgment, wisdom, wits. wisdom
the quality of having experience, knowledge, and good judgment; the quality of being wise.
"listen to his words of wisdom"
synonyms: sagacity, sageness, intelligence, understanding, insight, perception, perceptiveness, percipience, penetration, perspicuity, acuity, discernment, sense, good sense, common sense, shrewdness, astuteness, acumen, smartness, judiciousness, judgment, foresight, clear-sightedness, prudence, circumspection.

Rahu and Saturn ,similarities and differences .

Saturn and Rahu

Image result for rahu and shani

Rahu and Saturn-The two planets have similarities and differences from each other Rahu operates on mental plane Saturn on physical, one exposes other detaches, one tests other manifests, one expands other consolidates. Rahu is intuitive and can work on desires with abject focus while Saturn is about austerities and physical labor. Rahu is thought Saturn is the result of it while Mars is the action. Astrologers have the habit of making Rahu and Saturn the dumping ground of entire horoscope. Rahu as the blessing of fortune and God can give plenty Saturn is the planet that scythes away the bottom of such riches if not used judiciously. Rahu is intellect and focus Saturn is the reasoning and logic based on hard facts.