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Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Burt Reynolds heart attack and death an analysis .

Astrology of heart attack

What is Heart Attack?

If you believe that you are having the symptoms of a heart attack, please call 911 immediately and seek medical attention.
The heart is a muscle like any other in the body. Arteries supply it with oxygen-rich blood so that it can contract and push blood to the rest of the body. When there isn't enough oxygen flow to a muscle, its function begins to suffer. Block the oxygen supply completely, and the muscle starts to die.
  • Heart muscle gets its blood supply from arteries that originate in the aorta just as it leaves the heart.
  • The coronary arteries run along the surface of the heart and supply oxygen-rich blood to the heart muscle.
  • The right coronary artery supplies the right ventricle of the heart and the inferior (lower) portion of the left ventricle.
  • The left anterior descending coronary artery supplies the majority of the left ventricle, while the circumflex artery supplies the back of the left ventricle.
  • The ventricles are the lower chambers of the heart; the right ventricle pumps blood to the lungs and left pumps it to the rest of the body.

What Causes a Heart Attack?

Over time, plaque can build up along the course of an artery and narrow the channel through which blood flows. Plaque is made up of cholesterol buildup and eventually may calcify or harden, with calcium deposits. If the artery becomes too narrow, it cannot supply enough blood to the heart muscle when it becomes stressed. Just like arm muscles that begin to ache or hurt when heavy things are lifted, or legs that ache when you run too fast; the heart muscle will ache if it doesn't get adequate blood supply. This ache or pain is called angina. It is important to know that angina can manifest in many different ways and does not always need to be experienced as chest pain.
If the plaque ruptures, a small blood clot can form within the blood vessel, acting like a dam and acutely blocking the blood flow beyond the clot. When that part of the heart loses its blood supply completely, the muscle dies. This is called a heart attack, or an MI - a myocardial infarction (myo=muscle +cardial=heart; infarction=death due to lack of oxygen).
Picture of Heart Attack (Myocardial Infarction)
Picture of Heart Attack (Myocardial Infarction)

The circulatory axis in natal chart  is afflicted on two points Aquarius and Sagittarius ,while the sign and house having Leo sign is under malefic influence ,lord of Leo sun is hemmed in malefic s  along with 3rd and 5th lord mercury ,sun is the fourth lord ,the karak of 4th and planet moon is also under malefic influence from Saturn through the 8th aspect of mars,karak of 5th Jupiter is also under the malefic influence since the lords of 4th ,5th ,natural sign lords of kaal pursh and sign lords are all in malefic influence ,the involvement of circulatory axis again with malefic points to a cardiac problem.He had triple bypass surgery in last week of Feb in the year 2010. Sun/Venus/Jupiter in Aquarius ,Rahu in Sagittarius ,Saturn in Virgo in 5th house of natal over moon. Mars in cancer and mercury in Capricorn.Again the stress is on cardiac related axis and body organs.At the time of his death Saturn is in transit on Sagittarius  ,rahu in cancer and ketu in Capricorn ,sun in Aquarius ,Mercury /Venus in Pisces,Moon/Jupiter in Libra,mars in Scorpio. Dasha Mercury -Saturn .Mercury is lord of 2nd a marak.

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Medical astrology classes - learn medical astrology .

Medical astrology classes

Image result for medical astrology images

All those who are interested in learning medical astrology from Sept 2018 i am thinking of starting a new batch in Medical astrology the timing will be evenings on Sunday's 6-8 pm total of 18 lectures. Six lectures to be covered on Saturdays rest, twelve on Sundays. This course will cover the entire gamut of basics to advanced concepts as required for identifying the diseases from the horoscope. Course can be in English/Hindi depending on the participants enrolled.
The course will be online (12 Sundays) +6 Saturdays total of 18 lectures of about 2 hours . PDF of the session will be provided and also of the Video recording of the session.
For contents of course please go through the attached videos.
In case of query call me at 9876155355
Testimonials –
Rajindar Luthra Respected sir , it has been a really wonderful , enlightening and transforming journey throughout. It’s incomparable to anything , the sea of knowledge you have given to all of us with such an unselfish hard work , the time you have invested in us , I personally wish I will be able to do good for society and common persons. I am still learning the basics and this advanced teaching has just opened up my eyes on this vast subject , which would not have been possible without your guidance and effort . Truly indebted to you 🙏🏻

Tannu Mittal Truly indebted to you for sharing your knowledge with us. Though I am not present in any class but I try to catch up whenever possible n will make elaborate notes fairly soon. The best part is that you upload all the videos and PPT for our convenience. 🙏 🙏 🙏
Phyllis Chubb Your course has pulled me back to the all important basics while opening new doors of understanding. For this I am very grateful and am awed by your generosity and constant questioning. Sir, you are a fine role model and I feel blessed to be able to listen to you and learn from you. Bless you and your family.
Anurag Mathur Jatinder Sandhu sir, I had a intellectual experience in knowing a branch of astrology to which i was quite unaware. As a teacher you gave me your best knowledge and showed me a path by which I can help others. I always wanted to know analytical side of astrology which I understood from this course. I am thankful to you for being my Guru and sharing all knowledge with us. Thanks a ton for everything.
Urmila Revankar I am currently learning medical astrology from Jatinder Sandhu SIR. Our course is still on and I have benefited immensely by his teaching techniques plus his research on various medical ailments. I would personally recommend everyone to join this course and benefit from it.
Jatinder Sandhu –Blogger, researcher ,astrologer and teacher of Vedic/medical astrology with more than 2000 blog posts and as many article posts on various astrological forums on spirituality and astrology like India divine ,mystic boards, astrology tree ,light on Vedic astrology etc. He is actively involved into research in Vedic and Medical astrology his research has been published in almost all known journals of astrology of international repute like Research journal of astrology ,Express star teller and Modern astrology ( Being Run by Daughter of Dr BV Raman). He has a book under publication on his research based on medical astrology. Other than that he has been hired to write eBooks on Vedic and medical astrology by a well known publishing house.
His blogs have an International fan following till date his blog on blogger has been viewed 4,530,718 times. His pages are viewed and read across globe in India, USA, Spain, UK, China, UAE, Russia, Canada, Australia, France, Mauritius etc
Blog url--
Videos on medical astrology-
Vedic astrology video---
Experience- research based study and practice of astrology since 20 years. Turned professional in 2012 .He is hall of fame astrologer on astrosage for having won all quiz’s based out on medical astrology .
Proficiency –Medical astrology, Vedic astrology, nadi astrology, Numerology.
His- Research based predictions related to health, diseases, career, finance, marriage, timing of events are phenomenal. Remedial measures recommended by him are easy to do and based on the hyms ,stotras and mantras as available in Vedic classics and scriptures. .
He is known for high Understanding - Of medical and Vedic astrology.
He teaches medical astrology to professional astrologers and enthusiasts of astrology. He is regarded as one of the best in the field of astrology.

Saturday, September 1, 2018

Dagdha rashis

Thithi and Zero Rasi or Dagdha rasi or Rashi under Fire
Thithi and Zero Rasi or Dagdha rasi or Rashi under Fire In Sanskrit Thithi means reduction and Yoga means addition. Thus the former is got by the difference and the latter by addition of the longitudes of Sun and Moon. There are 30 Thithis in all in a lunar month distributed to 360 degrees of the Zodiac. Thus each Thithi has a span of 12 degrees in the Zodiac the first one commencing from the point of conjunction of Sun and Moon ( New Moon ). By name there are 14 Thithis repeating in the two halves of the month ( Sukla Paksha and Krishna Paksha ) ( Moon – Sun ) divide by 12 = (1-9-54) – (2-4-34) = 11-5-20 or 335 Degrees 20 Minutes. Add 12 Rasis to Moon if it is less than Sun’s. Dividing 335-20 by 12 we get quotient 27 and remainder 11-20. So it is the fag end of 28th Thithi viz. Krishna Paksha Thrayodashi. So far very few seem to have had the knowledge of using Thithi for prediction except for Muhurta.

 I will reveal how Thithi acts predominantly in the evaluation of the merits of a Horoscope. For one born in a thithi some signs become useless. In Sanskrit it is called Dagdha Rashi meaning Burnt Rasi. For Easy understanding I call it Zero Rasi. This aspect is discussed very briefly in Vidya Madhaviya a Sanskrit edition by the Mysore Oriental Library. Even there the theory is not quite correctly stated. The following table shows the Zero Rasis of a thithi, which can be followed safely.

Padyami            Tula and Makara
Dwitiya             Dhanush and Meena
 Thritiya             Simha and Makara
Chaturthi           Vrishbha and Kumbha
Panchami          Mithuna and Kanya
Shashti               Mesha and Simha
 Saptami             Kataka and Dhanush
Ashtami             Mithun and Kanya
Navami                 Simha and Vrischika
Dasami                Simha and Vrischika
 Ekadashi            Dhanush and Meena
 Dwadashi            Thula and Makara
 Thryodashi          Vrishbha and Simha
Chaturdashi             Meena, Mithuna, Kanya and Dhanusha
Full Moon            None
New Moon             None
Thus you see that on all Full Moon and New Moon days there is no Zero Rashi or Dagadha Rashi or Rashi under Fire. On chaturdashi there are four Zero Rasis. On the other Thithis there are two Zero Rasis.