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Consultation charges.

Consultation charges.

Friday, June 16, 2017

Medical astrology snippets.

Snippets (Medical astrology.)

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When Sun is weak it indicates defective blood circulation and imbalance in blood chemistry, weak Mercury may indicate defective nervous system, weak Moon may indicate weak mind, association of Moon + Saturn or when Saturn aspects Moon it may suggest iron loss and Windy imbalance in the

Diabetes : Venus represents almost  all glands. Jupiter provides recovery power. Sun and Moon are the hylegs of life. Sun is the Karaka for. all stomach and bowels diseases. Weak Moon does harm for the urinary derangement's. Weak Jupiter, causes liver, kidney and spleen trouble and urinary infection and diabetes.If Sun, Moon, Venus, Jupiter, Virgo sign (6th house of the Zodiac) and sixth house from Lagna are afflicted, they all precipitate to severe diabetes. When Sun and Moon are weak one suffers in the general scheme of life. When Jupiter and Sun are weak, they are the most unfortunate persons, because lady luck is governed. in life by Jupiter and Sun.

Dog bite in astrology.

Dog bite astrology.
Astrology of dog bites.

Image result for dog bite cartoon images

Dog bites If Saturn is in the 2nd house is aspected by a Malefic, the native should guard against dogs. b) Saturn Associated or aspected by 2"d lord. c) If Saturn as the lord of 6th house is associated with Mars there is a danger of death though dog. d) If Saturn is placed in his enemy camp without aspect of
a benefic, there is danger through dogs. If Saturn as 2"d lord Conjoin with Mars, there is danger though dogs .

Saturday, June 3, 2017

PCOD / PCOS and astrology.

Astrology of PCOS/PCOD

PCOD / PCOS and astrology.

Image result for PCOS
Image result for PCOS

Patients suffering from polycystic ovarian disease (PCOD) have multiple small cysts in their ovaries (the word poly means many). These cysts occur when the regular changes of a normal menstrual cycle are disrupted. The ovary is enlarged; and produces excessive amounts of androgen and estrogenic hormones. This excess, along with the absence of ovulation, may cause infertility. Other names for PCOD are Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) or the Stein-Leventhal syndrome.

Libra sign denotes inflammation of the Uterus and Scorpio denotes trouble in the womb and ovaries. 7th house in a female chart signifies uterus and ovaries. Moon denotes diseases of the uterus .Venus denote disease of the ovaries. Venus affliction . Afflicted Sun or Moon in Scorpio will create ovarian disease. Hormonal problems due to Ovary hormones are ruled by Moon.

Majority of woman have what is termed as ‘menstrual cycle disorder’. This may include
• Abnormal Uterine Bleeding (excessive bleeding)
• Amenorrhea (no bleeding)
• Oligomenorrhea (light and infrequent menstruation)
• Dysmenorrhea (painful bleeding)
• Premenstrual Syndrome
• Fibroids (utrene tumors)
• Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder
Astrologically speaking, these disorders have a lot to do with the positioning of the Moon and Mars in the female horoscope. The Moon plays a very vital role in the life of a female as the uterus; fallopian tubes and ovary are governed by the moon. Mars is responsible for starting the flow by causing the breakage of the uterine tissue but the actual flow and duration is controlled by the Moon. It may also be noted that the delivery of the child is also controlled by the Moon. 
Pisces/12th House-  addiction to alcohol or drugs, suspension of normal functioning, wasting diseases and general lethargy. Anything that impairs normal functioning or gradual erosion of functions. Immune system problems, fluid retention, hormonal imbalances, chilblains, glandular problems.

Hormone problemsScorpio/Pisces

The function of sex hormones, i.e. testosterone and oestrogen/progesterone. For the male hormone also consider Mars-Venus patterns. For the female hormones consider Moon-Venus patterns. Where there is poor activity of the gonadal hormones (such as infertility with low levels of the blood hormone, testosterone or oestrogen receptor insensitivity, gonad deficiency or atrophy) then consider negative aspects between the two planets.

7th house/lord aspected afflicted Moon/Venus can give the polycystic ovary syndrome.

Venus- Signifies Ovaries and Internal reproductive parts of female .It is also responsible for body fluids required in reproduction.
Saturn- Obstructor,blockage creator,significator of wasting,degenerative body parts,chronic diseases .
Mars/moon- Together represent mensuration .
Moon- Blood,womb,mind,fluids.
Mars- Inflammation, cuts,bruises,muscles,action,adrenal glands,male hormones.
When in chart- Moon,Venus ,mars are influenced by Saturn this leads to disturbance in periods and hormonal imbalances.

Example chart

Ascendent lord is combust in 3rd house and is hemmed in malefics .6th lord saturn is in 9th house and casting an aspect on ascendent lord mercury.Mars as 8th and 3rd lord aspects 5th and 6th lord saturn. 
PCOD Combinations in this chart- Venus is conjunct Mars a heavy malefic here.
Moon- Under the aspect of Rahu.
7th lord - Jupiter conjuct rahu in 4th.
Since saturn is retrograde we consider the previous house ,saturn aspects ,venus mars combination thereby creating a disruption of natural functions of venus and mars . Which turned out to be PCOD here.

Here 6th and 7th lord saturn aspects Moon/mercury/Mars combination in 8th .Rahu aspects Sun and venus in 9th house . Again we find Venus ,moon and mars under the influence of saturn. This here case is another case of PCOD.