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Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Diabetes and detection by astrology.

Diabetes the sweet killer in Astrology.
Diabetes and medical astrology.

Astrology of Diabetes.

Diabetes and detection by astrology.

Astrological factors influencing diabetes are:

·     Ascendant: the general build up and strength of physical body
·     Venus: rules kidney, suppression of urine
·     Moon: rules pancreatic action and blood flow, urinary derangement
·     Jupiter: arteries, veins, degeneration, diabetes
·     Sign cancer: rules pancreas, blood
·     Sign Libra: rules kidneys,and excretory system
·     Sign Sagittarius: arterial system
·     6th house: house of disease

Jupiter rules the liver as well as the fats of the body, or possibly Sagittarius on the 12th or Ascendant (“the health center ).stressful Jupiter-Venus contacts May  suggest  diabetes or hypoglycemia problems.  Jupiter in aspect to Mars, Saturn may also play a part.

Diseases in uterus, genital organs, sensitiveness, carbuncles, diabetes, stricture urethra, stones in bladder or kidneys, parotitys euphoria, lachrymal troubles, cataract and weakness of sexual organs etc.,
Venus play a part in diseases of the blood. Venus is also valuable in circulatory ailments, such as phlebitis, embolisms, thrombosis and dilation of the vessels of the arterial and venous systems and it keeps the body supplied with a pure source of oxygen. Venus also governs slack muscle tone in the body. Mars represents tight, healthy muscles, whereas Venus, its opposite, indicates a potential lack of tone or tightness, soft or weakened muscles. All the disease related to throats and neck like vocal cords, tonsillitis, diphtheria, laryngitis, swelling in the neck, mumps, and thrush or fungus infection of the mouth or throat. It governs thyroid related problems, various diseases of the kidney, as well as skin ailments, Sugar or diabetes, urine and semen related problems. There can be a tendency to overeat or eat rich foods, with afflicted Venus that put on weight and edema of the hands and feet or an inability to lose weight.
  • Venus is connected with the reproductive organs and sexual life. Other diseases covered by Venus relates to kidneys, lack of sexual desire, infertility and impotence. In ladies, menstrual irregularity, miscarriage, ladies related problems, yeast etc.

The following are the eight planetary combinations which denote that a person may be prone to be a diabetic patient:

· If Venus and Jupiter have connections with malefic planets and the 8th house is occupied with the malefic effect of a different planet.
·  The malefic effects of Moon and Jupiter in the 8th house.
·Venus and Jupiter having association and aspects of malefic when the Ascendant is occupied by a malefic.
·  Venus with a malefic in 8th with aspects of a malefic.
·  Aspects of malefic on Lagna, the lord of Lagna in his depression or inimical sign and Venus in the 8th house. In this combination, instead of actual placement of Venus in the 8th house, his full aspect on the 8th bhava gives rise to Diabetes.
·  Rahu and the lord of the 8th house posited in the 8th bhava or in a Trikona cause diabetes.
·     Mercury is a sign of Jupiter aspected by Mars gives rise to the disease.
·  Venus in the 2nd house when the lord of the Ascendant is posited in the 6th bhava coinciding with his debilitation sign and when the rising sign is subjected to malefic aspects brings about this disease.

• Two or Three Malefic Planets if posited in Watery Signs
• Two or Three Malefic Planets posited in the 6th House.
• Two of Three Malefic Planets pos ited in Libra or in 7th house
• Moon afflicted by Sun or Mars in Watery Signs
• Venus afflicted by Sun or Mars in Watery Signs
• If the 6th lord is posited in 8th or vice versa
 1. Saturn afflicts Jupiter either by aspect.

2. Jupiter is in constellation of Saturn.

3. The Moon afflicted by Saturn.

4. Jupiter is Poorvashada constellation.

5. Saturn afflicts Cancer sign.

 Jupiter afflicted by Rahu and Jupiter is in Rahu Constellation.

Diabetes : Venus represents almost  all glands. Jupiter provides recovery power. Sun and Moon are the hylegs of life. Sun is the Karaka for. all stomach and bowels disease. Weak Moon does harm for the urinary derangement's. Weak Jupiter, causes liver, kidney and spleen trouble and urinary infection and diabetes.If Sun, Moon, Venus, Jupiter, Virgo sign (6th house of the Zodiac) and sixth house from Lagna are afflicted, they all precipitate to severe diabetes. When Sun and Moon are weak one suffers in the general scheme of life. When Jupiter and Sun are weak, they are the most unfortunate persons, because lady luck is governed. in life by Jupiter and Sun.

• To summarize, the Astrological Symptoms for Type 1 Diabetes are:
• Afflicted Venus (connected to a dusthana, or debilitated or retrograde, or in Papakaratari ….)
• Afflicted Mars (connected to a dusthana, or debilitated or retrograde, or in Papakaratari ….)
• Afflicted 5th house/lord
• Rahu afflicts both Venus and Mars in one way or the other
• Venus, Mars and Rahu are connected to one another, in some way or the other in Rasi, D6 and D30
Since the sign of Cancer rules the pancreas astrologically we can begin to see a picture of inherited disease perhaps triggered by viral infection at age three. It is said a strict diet can sometimes reduce one's dependence on insulin. According to astrology there are strong chart indicators against the success of any remedial medical action. So take the help of astrology in advance.
Astrological Symptoms of Type 2 Diabetes
Type 2 diabetes is the most commonly occurring diabetes. About 90% of the diabetics suffer from this type of diabetes. Type 2 diabetes results from insulin resistance (a condition in which the body fails to properly use insulin), combined with relative insulin deficiency. There are two aspects here:
• Relative insulin deficiency - Not enough insulin is produced
• Insulin resistance - Body fails to properly use the insulin produced
It is a well-known fact that pancreas produce insulin and in Astrology Venus is the karaka for pancreas. Hence, an afflicted Venus could indicate defective or under efficient pancreas. Hence, one could find a weak and afflicted Venus in this case also. But it is not mandatory as an individual with healthy pancreas could possibly get Type 2 diabetes. Hence, it is important to look for other symptoms which are mandatory for Type 2 diabetes. Insulin resistance plays an important role in Type 2 and is a mandatory condition. Doctors say that the primary treatment for insulin resistance is exercise and weight loss. According to Vedic astrology exercise could be read as strengthening Mars. Weight Loss (manage body weight) could be read as reduce the malefic effect of Jupiter.

Chart 1

Lord of 6th Jupiter aspects 6th house and  Venus/Mercury combination ,Venus and Jupiter Both are  under malefic aspect from Mars/Saturn combination . Ascendant lord moon is under aspect from 6th lord Jupiter . 7th house is is under RKA . Lord of 5th ,5th house,6th house and lord ,7th ,8th lord and house are all under malefic aspect thereby indicating problems in assimilation in food  and elimination of waste.This here is a clear cut case of Diabetes. Mercury in a sign of Jupiter aspected by Mars  may give rise to the disease.
Lord of 64th Navamsa- Mercury ,22nd drekana-Venus.

Chart 2

Lord of 6th mercury is in RKA and with 8th lord sun,7th lord moon and 4th /11th lord mars and under aspect from Saturn the depositor of moon  ,Venus as 5th lord is in 8th ,Jupiter in Libra. 5th,6th,7th and 8th lord are conjunct and in RKA once again indicating a probable health anomaly in the area .Of the benifics  venus is in 8th and jupiter in enemy sign.Saturn as significator for wasting ,critical diseases in 7th indicates a problem in the area of kidneys and other such internal organs as associated to 7th house .

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Seventh house effects in Vedic astrology

Seventh house combinations

Planets placements, aspects and combinations 7th house
1. If benefics are in 7th bhava, the life partner will be devoted and
2. If malefics are in 7th bhava, there would be problems in married
3. If owner of 5th house is in 7th bhava and owner of 7th bhava is in
5th house (exchange of houses) by the owners it indicates love
4. If Saturn and Mars are aspected by Venus from 7th bhava then
husband and wife both will be adulterous and deceptive.
5. If debilitated Jupiter is in the 7th bhava, the person will not be
happy with his wife.
6. If Owner of 7th bhava is in 6th house and Venus is weak, the
wife will have health problems.
7. If owner of 7th bhava with Mars is situated in 7th house, the wife
may keep ill health.
8. lfSun is in lagna (1st house) and Saturn in 7th bhava, his wife
will have difficulty in conceiving.
9. If Sun and Saturn are in 6th house, Moon in 7th bhava, and
Mercury in 1 st house, the wife will not be able to give birth to a
10. If Saturn is in 4th house and Mars in 6th house, his wife may be
without progeny.
11. If Saturn is in lagna (1st house), Venus in 7th bhava and malefics
in 5th house, it will be difficult for birth of a child.
12. If Saturn with Mars aspects Venus with Moon in any house, the
person will not marry.
13. If Rahu occupies 7th bhava and is aspected by Saturn and Mars,
the person may remain unmarried.
14. If Saturn and Moon are in 7th bhava, person may marry a divorcee.
15. If Saturn and Moon are in 7th bhava and Venus is in Lagna, the
person may marry a widow.
Chapter 6 - Third Trine Prakrati Trine (Kama Houses) 177
16. If Lagnesh is in Lagna and owner of 8th house is either in Lagna
or in 7th bhava, the person may marry second time.
17. If Lagnesh and owner of 2nd house are in 6th house and malefics
in 7th bhava, the person marry second time.
18. If Mars is placed in one of 1st, 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th, 12th houses,
the marriage of the person may be delayed. It is called Mangleek
19. If Venus is in 7th bhava in signs excluding Taurus, Libra, and
Pieces, his married life may be troublesome.
20. If a malefic is located in 7th bhava and owner of 7th bhava and
karak Venus or Jupiter is in 6, 8, 12 houses, his/her family life
will be miserable. Actress Rekha is an example.
21. The planets Sun, Saturn, Rahu, owner of 12th house or owner
of the sign, where Rahu is situated, have separatists' tendencies.
If two of these planets aspect 7th bhava or owner of 7th bhava
and the significator (Venus for male and Jupiter for female)
husband and wife may take divorce and live separately.
22. If owner of 7th bhava and Mars are in 12th house, the person will
be very sexy. His I her married life will suffer.
23. If owner of 7th bhava is in 12th house and owner of 12th house
is in 7th bhava i.e. exchange of houses, the person will be
extraordinary sensual.
24. If Mars aspects 7th bhava, owner of 7th bhava and karak Venus
I Jupiter he/she will be more indulgent in physical relations.

Four Trines in
Vedic Astrology
(A comprehensive Book on Vedic Astrology)
By Lakshmj Narayan Sharma