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Saturday, March 12, 2016

Bypass surgery and astrology

Coronary artery bypass astrology

Photo from - Medicine

Medical informaion from--

What Is Heart Bypass Surgery?

Heart bypass surgery, also known as coronary artery bypass surgery, aims to replace damaged arteries in the heart. A surgeon uses blood vessels from another area of the body to repair the damaged arteries.

Why You May Need Heart Bypass Surgery

Causes Icon
When plaque, which is a material in the blood, builds up on the walls of the arteries, there’s less blood flow to the heart muscle. Since the heart is not receiving adequate blood, the muscle is more likely to tire and fail. This type of damage most often affects the left ventricle, the heart’s primary pump.
Doctors recommend heart bypass surgery if your coronary arteries become so narrowed or blocked that you run a high risk of a fatal heart attack. This condition is called coronary artery disease, or atherosclerosis. Bypass surgery is performed when the blockage is too severe to be managed with medication or other treatment.
Conditions that can cause complications include:
  • diabetes
  • emphysema
  • kidney disease
  • peripheral artery disease

4th house or the 5th house or both the 4th and the 5th houses are involved.
Sign leo--: Sun
 upper back, spine, spleen, heart, aorta, circulation. heart problems, hardening of the arteries, high or low blood pressure, spinal and back problems, blood disorders
Sun as the significator of heart is consistent so far as indications about the heart are concerned or there are other planets like Moon that governs blood and Mars blood vessels which deserve to be studied also for determining heart ailments. The trigger of a heart ailment could be in any part of the body but the heart undisputedly is in the vicinity of the 4th house and affects the adjoining region-3rd house and the 5th house, the most.
Saturn for blockage in blood carrying arteries.

Astro data from Astro data bank

Jennings, Waylon

Jennings, WaylonGender: M
Waylon Arnold Jennings
born on15 June 1937 at 10:30 (= 10:30 AM )
PlaceLittlefield, Texas, 33n55, 102w19
TimezoneCST h6w (is standard time)
Data source
Quoted BC/BR
Rodden Rating AA
Astrology datas_su.18.gif s_gemcol.18.gif 24°08' s_mo.18.gif s_vircol.18.gif 22°54 Asc.s_leocol.18.gif 25°25'


American country-western singer who became a definitive "outlaw" figure. Charismatic with a strong voice and personality, along with Willie Nelson he spearheaded country away from bland to exciting, gritty and more personal. After upsetting the Nashville regime, he directed his own band, "The Waylors." Innovative production and heavier instrumentation with a rock approach have resulted in years of hits and a long career for both him and his band.
Prior to his success, he worked with Buddy Holly as a bassist. In an ironic twist of fate, it was he who gave up his seat to the Big Bopper (J.P. Richardson) for the tragic plane crash on 2/03/1959 that killed Holly, Richardson and Ritchie Valens. Jennings first entered the music industry at the age of 12 when he got a job as a D.J. The son of a truck driver, he played guitar in his teens. The interest that he held at the time for pop music gradually shifted to country.
On drugs for 21 years, he had a $1,500 a day habit by the time he'd had enough. When he quit, he'd burned out on all burners and took three-four years to get to where he cared enough to sing again - or even could sing. He looks back as a man might who had walked away from a burning crash, in awe that he survived with the love of a good woman and a career that survived. Jessi Colter, his singing partner and wife from 1969, have a son, born in 1980.
On 12/12/1988 he had a triple by-pass heart operation. With diabetes, he had an infection on his left foot that led to amputation on 12/19/2001, Phoenix, AZ. He died in his sleep 2/13/2002, a country singer with a rock'n'roll heart and the kind of self-depreciating humor to write such songs as "Too Dumb for New York City, Too Ugly for L.A."

Ruler of health be both sun and  moon ,it means the horoscope be judged from both sun and moon for medical reasons .Ascendent and moon horoscope both are same as moon is placed in ascendent.Jupiter is lord of 5th house signifying arteries and 8th house signifying chronic ailments.Saturn is lord of 6th and 7th ,disease indicator as 6th lord and maraka as 7th lord. Saturn also is significator of blockage its 10 aspect on 5th house of arteries indicates a blockage in the same.Thre is exchange between 3rd and 10th lord venus and mars as lord of 9th and 4th .
4th house is afflicted due to rahu .Jupiter and mars both are retrograde so their influence should be taken fro previous house as well.Mars as significator of surgery is aspecting lord of 5th and 8th jupiter and 5th house as well if we consider previous house influnce due to retrogession.  
Dasha sequence -  Jupiter - Moon- Saturn at the time of triple bypass surgery in dec 1988. 
Jupiter is lord of 5th ,(circulation,arteries,heart) moon- chest area as per western astrology authors and significator of blood and heart as per indian authors/Saturn- The significator of blockages .
64th navmsa lord- Moon
22nd drekana lord- Jupiter
From sun -6th and 11th lord happens to be mars,8th lord happens to be saturn ,5th lord happens to be venus  ,which is in exchange with 6th lord mars.
Jupiter is 7th lord and 10th lord from sun.moon is 2nd lord from sun.

Diabetes- He also had Diabetes.

• To summarize, the Astrological Symptoms for Type 1 Diabetes are:
• Afflicted Venus (connected to a dusthana, or debilitated or retrograde, or in Papakaratari ….)
• Afflicted Mars (connected to a dusthana, or debilitated or retrograde, or in Papakaratari ….)
• Afflicted 5th house/lord
• Rahu afflicts both Venus and Mars in one way or the other
• Venus, Mars and Rahu are connected to one another, in some way or the other in Rasi, D6 and D30

Since the sign of Cancer rules the pancreas astrologically we can begin to see a picture of inherited disease perhaps triggered by viral infection at age three. It is said a strict diet can sometimes reduce one's dependence on insulin. According to astrology there are strong chart indicators against the success of any remedial medical action. So take the help of astrology in advance.

Type 2 diabetes - It is a well-known fact that pancreas produce insulin and in Astrology Venus is the karaka for pancreas. Hence, an afflicted Venus could indicate defective or under efficient pancreas. Hence, one could find a weak and afflicted Venus in this case also. But it is not mandatory as an individual with healthy pancreas could possibly get Type 2 diabetes. Hence, it is important to look for other symptoms which are mandatory for Type 2 diabetes. Insulin resistance plays an important role in Type 2 and is a mandatory condition. Doctors say that the primary treatment for insulin resistance is exercise and weight loss. According to Vedic astrology exercise could be read as strengthening Mars. Weight Loss (manage body weight) could be read as reduce the malefic effect of Jupiter.

Drug abuse combinations-- 

Friday, March 11, 2016

Health and medical astrology basics

Medical astrology

Sun.Moon or the ascendant rule the health,and the aspects to the ruler of health by
other planets indicate the time in life when one will suffer from ill health, and the 6th
house and its ruler assists in pointing out the nature of such sickness.
if the Sun is located in the 1st, 7th, 10th or 11th houses of the figure, if so it must be taken for
the ruler of health, but if the Sun is not located in these houses then look to them Moon, should it be in any of the above houses it will rule the health; but should neither Sun or Moon be found in any of the above houses, then the ascendant will rule the health. Again, should both the Sun and Moon be placed in the above houses we must judge by them both, but the most powerful one will have greater influence than the weaker. Should the Sun and Moon be of equal power, we then judge of the Sun in a male nativity and the Moon in a female nativity; but in the
latter instance the afflictions of either the Sun or Moon will have a powerful influence in causing sickness, while the evil directions between the two are decidedly dangerous.

The native will be troubled by ill health at that period, the nature of which we judge from rules given under u diseases of the planets, and signs'".However bad the aspects may be between
the rulers of the 2nd, 9th, 10th,11th and other house, will not cause sickness
but refer to the financial and other affairs of life.Of the directions, we find those of Saturn
and Mars are the roost powerful in causing ill health, they cause mostly diseases
of the body, (although Mars often affects the mind;) they cause measles, ague eruptive fevers, consumption contagious epidemics, asthma, gangrenous ulcers,etc., while Uranus, Mercury Moon (and to some extent the Sun)affect the mind,causing idiocy, insanity, inflammation of
the brain, headache, etc., while Uranus afflicting the Moon by direction causes a desire to commit suicide, but the native usually lacks the courage.The afflictions of the Sun or Moon usually causes measles, eruptive fevers, croup hurts and injuries, bleeding, broken bones
and weakness in the eyes. Jupiter causes jaundice, biliousness, liver complaints,
gangrene, and other ailments as given in ''diseases of planets and signs". Venus causes gravel, female trouble and genera] disorders of the sexual system, and if in
ill aspect to Saturn, Mars or Uranus, she causes venereal diseases.Of the transits, we find those of Saturn and Uranus (and Mars if afflicting the ruler of health at birth) will cause ill
health according to the sign such transits occur in; but the transits of Jupiter, Sun
Venus, Mercury and the Moon do not affect the health unless evil directions are
operating at the time, in this case transits of the Sun and Mercury over the ruler of
health tend to aggravate sickness. The transits of Saturn over the ruler of health
usually causes rheumatism, gout, lumbago and kindred ailments brought about by
getting wet, over-lifting. Uranus transits over the ruler of health, much the same as
Saturn, causes falls, sprains, hurts from machinery, etc., according to the sign the
transit occurs, and the good or evil aspect of Saturn and Uranus at birth.