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Sunday, August 9, 2015

12th house and 12th from all 12 houses.

12th and 12th from all houses

12th House

12th House
accidents, wounds thereof , cessation of activities, agitation of mind, agitation, mental  all kinds of misfortune anguish, mental ,assassination ,bed, pleasures of benefic cadent house ,cattle.cessation of activities
all kinds of misfortune cessation, ends, finalities charity, donations confinement death, entry into heaven,debts/disease of the spouse debts, repaying ,deception, deceivers ,disobedience, dream experiences,emancipation, liberation ,expenditures ,eye, feet ,fall from position, father’s properties ,foreign residence,hospitalization, loss, all types of, mental anguish suffered alone, mental institutions, relations to misfortune persecution, poverty private enemies ,separations ,sexual pleasures ,solitude, renunciation,suicide, self-undoing ,waste of wealth, wounds from accidents
  1. Losses, impediments, hospitals, prisons and imprisonment, areas of confinement, Asylums, nursing homes, mental hospitals
  2. Separation from family; going to a place far away
  3. Hidden house; hidden side of life; fear from enemies
  4. Termination of employment; unseen or unexpected troubles
  5. Sound sleep or not (3rd house shows one’s awakening from sleep, the 6th signifies trance, the 9th house relates to dreams).
  6. Sorrow and sin; poverty and persecution; limitations and restrictions
  7. Mental pain and agitation; anger, deceptive actions
  8. Feet, left eye, bodily injury, mutilation, bodily harm
  9. Fears, secrets, solitude, silent suffering, inferiority complexes, self-undoing
  10. Secret plots and schemes, conspiracy, envy and malice, treachery
  11. Intrigue and deception, fraud, scandals, secret sorrows, disgrace
  12. Rape, poisoning, crimes in general
  13. Suicide, murder, or assassination, banished persons, treason, spies, underground movements, secret and occult societies
  14. Exile and extradition; lost goods never recovered, long hidden wrath, disobedience
  15. Obstacles, misery, and misfortune, unseen and unexpected troubles
  16. Waste and extravagance; expenses
12Th from house  and effects thereof.
Normal 12th house effects  such as--accidents, wounds thereof , cessation of activities, agitation of mind, agitation, mental    all kinds of misfortune anguish, mental ,assassination ,bed, pleasures of benefic cadent house ,cattle. Cessation of activities
all kinds of misfortune cessation, ends, finalities charity, donations confinement death, entry into heaven, debts/disease of the spouse debts, repaying ,deception, deceivers ,disobedience, dream experiences, emancipation, liberation ,expenditures ,eye, feet ,fall from position, father’s properties ,foreign residence, hospitalization, loss, all types of, mental anguish suffered alone, mental institutions, relations to misfortune persecution, poverty private enemies ,separations ,sexual pleasures ,solitude, renunciation, suicide, self-undoing ,waste of wealth, wounds from accidents

1st house
12th from 2nd house – Loss of family food
2nd house
12th from 3rd house—Loss /hospitalizations/jail  of brothers or neighbors.
3rd house
12th from 4th house-Loss/ jail ,occult practices ,hospitalization of mother.
4th house
12th from 5th- speculation loss, illness of children.
5th house
12h from 6th house- secret enemies deals, loss of servants and tenants.
6th house
12th house from 7th – secret enemies and affairs of spouse, termination of marriage.
7th house
12th from 8th- Detention of offenders,thiefs etc, occult backfire, research loss.
8th house
12th from 9th- jail hospitalization of father
9th house
12th from 10th- Loss of career.
10th house
12th from 11th- Friends expenditure and loss.
11th house
12th from 11th—Destruction and loss of enemies and regain of health

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Longevity from Lagna( hora ratna)

Death year month and day as per Hora ratna based on ascendant sign.

Longevity from Lagna( hora ratna)

Aries- Short tempered,famous,blessed with spouse and progeny.
Event years unfavourable—4,11,16,44,58
May live till -100 and may die in month of kartik on dark half 5th day in hasta nakshatra.

Taurus- philanderer .
Event years( unfavorable)- 33,44,61
May live till 90in   Death in the month Magha ,bright half seventh day  Friday ,chitra nakshatra .

Gemini – Famous and knowledgeable .
Event years-4,10,14,37,57 , May live till 86 Death – Bright half 11thday Thursday Ardra nakshatra.
Cancer- Rich and religious
Event years-5,25,40,47,62 may live till 100 Death – month Shravana bright half 7th day ,Sunday punarvasu nakshatra.
Leo- Fond of sweets, may use others money, good-looking intelligent.
Event years- 5,13,27,36,47 may live till 67 Death – Chaitra month bright half 11day bright half uttara nakshatra.
Virgo- Knowledgeable , eats very little.
Event years-4,16,23,36,55 may live till 100 Death-Month Vaisakha bright half 5th day Friday Swati nakshatra.
Libra- May eat little, likes to eat sweets, dependable.
Event years- 15,31,35,62,64 may live till 75 in month Jyestha Bright half 5th day Tuesday Ardra nakshatra.
Scorpio –Always hungry and likes to eat sweet food.
Event years – 11,27,37,52,62, May live till 100 Death-Month Ashada bright half 10th day Thursday in moola nakshatra.
Sagittarius-  Knowledgeable and rich
Event years- 2,10,13,18,37,42,67 May live till 71 Death-Month vaisakha bright half 14th day Sunday  in swati nakshatra.
Capricorn-Rich and famous
Event years- 5,16,27,36,57,62. May live till 95 Death- In month- bhadrapad dark half seventh day ,Saturday in nakshatra of shatabisha.
Aquarius- Cultured
Event years- 2,28,36,47,64 May live till 90 Death- Month Maghain bright half 8th day Thursday in nakshatra Rohini.
Pisces-Respects gods and elders.

Event years-7,16,36,47 may live till 76 Death- Month Magha bright half 11th Tuesday Punarvasu nakshatra.