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Saturday, July 20, 2013

Kendra adhipati dosha

Shot of a soldier holding gun. Uniform conforms to special services(soldiers) of the NATO countries.Shot of a soldier holding gun. Uniform conforms to special services(soldiers) of the NATO countries.

Kendradhipati dosha or the negative effect of the ownership of 

quadrants by benefics implies reduction in their beneficence. The 
benefic owner of a quadrant is still a benefic and does not become a 
malefic. Similarly, a malefic planet owning a quadrant will not remain a malefic and that does not imply that the malefic becomes a benefic. 
"1st, 4th, 7th and 10th houses are called the Kendras. Kendras are like 

the doors to our life. Imagine a kind-hearted watchman sitting on a 
door. Any bad entity can easily fool a kind-hearted watchman and get 
access through the door.
This loss of beneficence of a benefic lord of quadrant is called 
Kendradhipati dosha. This flaw is annulled if the planet is also well 
placed in a quadrant or trine. Similarly, a malefic planet owning a 
quadrant sheds its malfeasance and will give very good results if placed in an evil house. 
If instead, the planet is placed in a quadrant or trine, the loss of malfeasance may not occur fully.
This is the basis of Kendradhipati Dosha. Now people with Budha and 

Jupiter as the Kendradhipatis have this kind of Kendradhipati Dosha. I 
mean Mithun Lagna, Kanya Lagna, Dhanu Lagna and Meena Lagna.
Now don't get bogged down by the word “Dosha”. Its nothing that fatal. 
The general trend that I have seen with such people is that they are 
mostly taken advantage of by others. Presence of malefic planets in 
Kendras reduces this inherent goodness and the gullible nature.
Other Lagnas will have atleast 2-3 Kroor Grahas as the lords of Kendras.
These Kroor Grahas acts as good watchmans of the doors to our life

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Extramarital relations and Astrology.

Extra marital affair astrology.

Astrology of extramarital relations.

.Affliction of Venus by Tamasic Grahas Saturn/Rahu. If Venus is IN tamasic Rashis and afflicted, even surer sign.

.Some house combinations to watch for:
7L in 8H
8L in 7H
7L in 2H
11L in 7H (afflicted) (native might be having affairs)
7L in 11H (afflicted) (native's spouse might be having affairs)

. Association of Me, Mo with the sign scorpio

. Association of Me, Mo, Ve, Ju for women in Nakshatras Jyesta, Anuradha, Krittika, Mrigashirisa etc. Basically those that have some story of extramarital affairs etc.

. Presence of sensitive planets in Navamsha of Scorpio, Capricon and Cancer.

. Affliction of 5H, 5L, 9H, 9L

. You need about 3 factors listed above atleast to be certain of propensity towards marital infidelity.

. If thus confirmed using static factors listed above, you get Dasha of 7L and Antar of 5L or 7L/2L or 7L/8L then opportunities might be available and be used effectively by the person.

. Classics have said one of indications of 5H is "Embrace of a Courtesan". This is probably because it is 7th from the 11th (ie having sexual relationships with "others"). 

. Planets like Me and Saturn in the 7H (in a chart that has many of the above combinations) can indicate propensity towards casual sex (depending on the country of residence need NOT mean paid sex).

. DONT be fooled by Jupiter's aspect alone in this respect. Look for diginity of Jupiter, where he is located, which sign he is located and whom he associates in Navamsha and what houses he rules. In many cases Jupiter will actually "facilitate and promote" such promiscuity.

There are some people who falsely believe that if Jupiter is in trines to Navamsha Lagna, the person cannot be promiscuous. This is just not true 100% of the time and cannot be taken as a golden dictum.

Second, fourth, seventh and tenth house lords
The lords of these houses play a pivotal role in determining whether one is a loyal partner or not. 

Ramanujcharya, the celebrated author of ‘Bhavarth Ratnakar’ opines that presence of Mercury in the seventh house causes desire to have sex outside marriage. Same is true for Mars and Sun. He further says that the lords of the second, seventh and tenth houses in the fourth give extra marital sex. Why should it be so? 

The fourth house represents the general population or people at large. The tenth house is the seventh from the fourth and so represents the sex organs of the masses. Seventh house is also the house of one’s own sex organs. The second house is the eleventh from fourth and so represents the arms or deliberate action of an individual. The convergence of all these influences gives a desire to unite with the opposite sex from the masses.

‘Sarvarth Chintamani’ another celebrated classic authored by Vyankatesh Sharma goes one step further and says that if even one of the lords of the second, seventh or tenth is in the fourth, it causes extra marital sex. 

It says that the lords of Lagna second and sixth house if connected to malefics give sex outside marriage. Same thing happens if Saturn is placed in the seventh with the seventh lord. 

Weak Moon in the seventh house with a malefic and the seventh lord in Lagna with a malefic also give infidelity.

Some other combinations from Sarvarth Chintamani
The lords of the twelfth and second house in the third gives many women. The effect increases if Jupiter or the ninth lord aspect the third house.

The Yoga formed by the lords of the seventh and eleventh wither together or opposite to each other gives many relationships. 

Role of Nakshatras
Nakshatra(constellations) are the templates of our lives and generally indicate the characteristics of a person accurately. Of the 27 Nakshatras that Vedic astrology considers, Ashlesha, Shravan and Shatabhishaj Nakshatra are more prone to sex outside marriage. 

It is important that these points be examined holistically and not piecemeal. It will be cruel to look at a horoscope and give a judgment about one’s fidelity based on one occurrence alone. Human relations are fragile, and great care must be taken when reading a horoscope.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Kritika nakshatra explained vide a vedic story

  • Ruled by Sun. 26'40" to 40'00 (26'40" Aries to 10'00" Taurus).
  • The quarters are ruled by Jupiter, Saturn, Saturn and Jupiter.
  • The motivation is Kama.
  • Female Sheep
  • Symbol - Amrazor
  • Diety - Agni
  • Dosha - Kapha
  • Rasi - Mesha (Pada 1)
  • Rasi - Vrishabha (Pada 2, 3, 4)
  • Body Parts-- head, eyes, brain, vision, face, neck, tonsils

Agni is the symbol of brightness and brilliance and all weapons with fire-power. And otherthings of this same category come within the range of Krittika group. The fire is consideredas purifier for it burns away all that is sordid, dark and dull, also all that is low and sinfuland inauspicious in the world. The dross thus blazed away, only effulgence and lightremain. Fire gives the earth its activity and dynamic and revives it after spells of cold thatperiodically inflict comatose condition on the earth.It is easy enough to deduce from fire the causal effect of the Krittika group. Mangal is thelord of that part of Krittika which is in Mesa Rasi and Mangal is like a mass of lightning inshining splendor. So the Krittika in Mesha is devastatingly brilliant, the effulgence beingclosely associated with an incendiary character.The Krittika of Vrshabha Rasi is brilliant but unlike the Krittika of Mesa, is notincendiary. The lord of Vrshabha Rasi is Sukra and Sukra stands for worship of beautyand for poetry and imagination. He is radiantly white like Snow, the ‘Kunda’ flower andthe 'Utpal’. He is also the encyclopedic expounder of all branches of learning. It followsthat the Krittika of Vrshabha Rasi is brilliant but the brilliance does not burn. It is soft andsweet and benign. The Krittika of Mesha Rasi is doubtless brilliant, it has plenty of heatwhich burns. The Krittika of Vrshabha Rasi has on the contrary a softened radiance, awave of brightness that does not hurt. In Western Astrology Krittika has been described asan incendiary star.Devata Agni is the oldest of all gods and used to be worshipped all over the world. OldRomans addressed Him Vesta and worshipped Him without image.“No image Vesta’ssemblance can expressFire is too subtle to admit of dress”'Agni remains hidden in wood, plants and water [terrestrial or aerial] Born in the sky itdescends in form of lightning and the Sun and is the source of energy. It is at the root of allcreation and expression of speech. In mythology it is ‘Master of the House, Domestic godand head of the clan’. There are many names of Agni, each is used in inviting andworshipping Agni for particular function and occasion.Krittika, therefore, denotes capability to give a desired change in a form by burning out allthe impurities of life or the wrongs and give birth to purity, morality and virtues.Mythology describes Krittika as the foster mother of Kartik devata who is beautiful inappearance and an able commander in a battle. He is still worshipped in South India. Theideas of Krittika are related to the ideas of a commander, fighter, a foster mother, nurse oran adopted child;. Since the root power of every action is Agni, either action of the senses,or digestion, or the existence of life, it is first worshipped in all Pujas (divine service). Fordifferent actions (Karmas) the same Agni is worshipped by different names. Agni isconceived in three planes physical, mental and spiritual. Krittika in Mesa (Tamo Guna)represents physical creative force. Krittika in Vrshabha (Raja Guna) represents thefunction of Agni (creative faculty) in mental plane

Ascendant in Krittika: Dignified, proud, honourable, ambitious, skilful, wealthy, truthful,honest, strong apetite, wavering mind at times.

Moon in Krittika: Brilliant appearance, well-known, peaceful nature, good advisor, strongin purpose, determined, intelligent, unstable mind, gifts in fine arts, moves away from birthplace, combative nature at times. The moon in Krittika indicates a person who is sharp,penetrating, sarcastic and critical. They are proud, ambitious, determined and focused onachieving their goals. They can be crusaders against injustice, protective of others,persistent and stubborn, but also aggressive and fiery.

After their marriage, Lord Shiva and Parvati lived happily at Mt. Gandhamadana. Once, while they were enjoying an intimate moment, a small quantity of Shiva's vital fluid fell on the ground. Tremendous amount of heat began emanating from it and it threatened to engulf the entire world in flames. Acting on the advice of Brahma and Vishnu, Agni went there in the guise of a mendicant and devoured the vital fluid.
Parvati felt insulted. She cursed Agni saying, "From this day thou shall be omnivorous and eat unclean things. The vital fluid that you have devoured shall cause an unbearable inflammation on your body." (Note: See this story for an alternate curse for why Agni became omnivorous.)
Instantly, Agni got unbearable inflammation on his body. He beseeched Lord Shiva for a way to end his agony. Lord Shiva said, "You will be relieved of this affliction when you transfer my vital fluid to the womb of a woman."
Agni retired to a desolate place, waiting for a suitable woman to arrive. He beheld the six Kritikas, all shivering with cold who arrived there. He then transfered Shiva's vital fluid to their wombs. They became pregnant. When their husbands came to know of this, they cursed the six women, to be turned into stars in a constellation in the sky. Before the transformation, the Kritikas aborted their fetuses on the Himalaya mountains. The holy river Ganga carried the fetuses to a secluded place, called the Sara Vana, which was covered with reeds. After some time, Lord Kartikeya (also calledSkanda) manifested from those reeds. Since he was born to six mothers, he had six heads. Since he was born in the Sara Vana, he is also known as Saravana.
[Note: The Six Kritikas are the stars of the constellation pleiades. In other texts, Agni carries the six sparks that fell from the third eye of Shiva, not his vital fluid. The sparks are deposited in a pond in the Sara Vana, where a six babies are born on a lotus each. The Krittikas who came there, nursed the babies. When Parvati and Shiva came there, Parvati took all the babies in her arms and made them into one, albeit with six heads.]
The Devas rejoiced at the birth of this child. Lord Shiva and Parvati went to the place where the child was born. Parvati prayed to Shiva that the child may no her and none other as his mother. Shivagranted her this boon.
As per a prior prophesy, the child Kartikeya was anointed as the command-in-chief of the Devas. It had been foretold that only he could kill a a demon named Taraka who had been plaguing the Devas. However, that incident is part of another story.
Swallowing of Lord Shiva's sperm had subdued Agni's radiance. The deities advised him to take Lord Brahma's help. While he was on his way to Brahma loka, he came across a river named Kutila and requested her to hold Shiva's sperm. She agreed and requested him to release it in her waters. In course of time, she became pregnant. The thought of giving birth to an illegitimate child tormented her, so she went to Lord Brahma to take his advice. Lord Brahma instructed her to abort her foetus at Udyachal Mountain, which was covered by the dense forest of reed. Lord Brahma felt that it was a very safe place for her and nobody will be aware of this incident. Kutila followed his instructions. Kutila aborted her foetus just according to Lord Brahma's instructions. The foetus remained there for 10,000 years after which a child was born, radiant like a rising Sun and eyes like the petals of lotus flower. The child being hungry started to cry. At that time, all the six Kritikas were passing through that forest. They were so mesmerised by the child's beauty that they started quarrelling among themselves as to who should first feed breast milk to the child. Seeing their quarrel, the child appeared with his six heads. This way, all the six Kritikas fed their breast milk to the child at a time. This is the reason why Kartikeya has six heads. (Vamana Purana, Birth of Kaartikeya) (This is a special lila.)

sex drive and astrology.

Couple in love Stock Photo - 11131247gay couples kissing.Vector cartoons Stock Photo - 17375867

Moon the manas or mind and mars the planet for action together account for sex drive. Mercury can bring in variety ,venus beauty and attraction , Saturn restraint or coldness,Rahu treading into unknown,ketu can mean giving up on sex. Jupiter means prudence and Sun is but sustainer.

As per sexologists world over sex is all about mind , now mind is nothing but moon as per astrology.

Moon signs and approach to sex.

zodiac sign aries the ram Moon in aries - Strong fantasies and desire to have sex most of the waking or working hours.Lovemaking can be intense and experimental.

zodiac sign taurus the bull  Moon in taurus-- Likes things to be predictable and is not very imaginative on sex.

 zodiac sign gemini the twins   Moon in Gemini-- Mental stimulation is required ,like variety and new techniques but often scatter their energy. love making can be an adventure to them.

 zodiac sign cancer the crab  Moon in cancer--- Emotional and flexible can often end being a submissive or too submissive in love making.
  zodiac sign leo the lion Moon in leo----  Like being on top of everything so no matter what would  choose the position which controls the movement and gratification.
 zodiac sign virgo the virgin    Moon in virgo--- Modest and caring with eye for detail ,they care and share willingly.
 zodiac sign libra the scales Moon in libra--- Concentrate too much on balance and harmony and often end up loosing the steam .
zodiac sign scorpio the scorpion    Moon in scorpio--- Everything is like a challenge for them and sometimes they tend to forget that a gladiator needs to replenish himself for testing times or will finish six feet under.

zodiac sign sagittarius the archer    Moon in sagittarius-- Generous ,sociable and with immense stamina they can serve it for you.
 zodiac sign caprciorn the seagoat    Moon in capricorn--- Roving eye makes a roving mind ,they are high on work ethics and low on love loyalty for they keep floating like a butterfly.

zodiac sign aquarius the water bearer  Moon in aquarius- very receptive ,imaginative and unorthodox the sign to look for as related to sex.

 zodiac sign pisces the fishes  Moon in pisces---  Often reclusive they tend to cocoon themselves now and then.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

The fourth house in Astrology .


General Prosperity:
Mother, Property, Vehicles,
Intelligence and Travel

The personal welfare of any individual depends upon beneficent forces arising from the depths which link his past and ultimate future. Any understanding of these influences is inherently limited, though the imme­diate environment in which the individual dwells is an indicator. His early childhood, the love and affection bestowed on him by his family, the clothes he puts on, the food he eats, the house in which he lives, the education he receives and the religious instruction he gets all contribute to his sense of well-being. The Fourth house hi a natal horoscope signifies all these factors and something more. When an individual's Divine Essence immerses itself in that Great Depth known as Hiranyagarbha, then rises again to the surface of external existence, one is confronted with many helpful and adverse forces which guide him towards his destiny, which in any given incarnation is reflected by the opposite house, the Tenth. In order to comprehend the complex forces which impinge upon an individual and condition the psycho-spiritual entity to receive such influences, it is necessary to examine the Fourth house. The nature of this house determines one's general welfare, happiness, emotional stability, and the degree of affluence operative in his life.
The Moon and Venus have special importance in this house. The Moon provides emotional stability, nurtures the individual, and helps to toake him amiable. Such an influence attracts people to him and his sociability is therefore intensified. Venus enhances his sensitivity and makes his life comfortable. Luxurious surroundings and friendly people make him happy. Jupiter in the Fourth house enables the individual to earn tespect and favor from the state. Some of the significations of this house Me "celestial food," "an ant-hill," "the development of Vedic and other sacred texts," "celestial drinks," and "the elephant in rut." These are appellations alluding to the occult and spiritual forces radiating from this house. Jupiter, Saturn, and Ketu have a special importance in respect to these features of the house. As emotional storms, physical well-being, and Divine grace are all connected with this house, the benefics are especially auspicious here and the malefics especially adverse.
A special combination which gives exceptional results in this context arises when Saturn and the Sun are posited in the Fourth house, the Moon in the Ninth, and Mars in the Eleventh, in which situation the individual is said to possess "a large number of cattle and other useful animals." This implies that the above combination enables the individual to possess productive assets and luxurious possessions by concretizing the meritori­ous influences of the past.
The SUN occupying the Fourth house symbolizes the divine nature in man expressing itself in the external or physical realm. This influence has the quality of making the individual very regal, viewing his problems from such a pedestal of detachment that all difficulties seem insignificant and inconsequential. It also detaches the person from the masses. His nature becomes very selective, and no one can establish an equal partnership with him without offering something very special. Ordinary people and rela­tives are often alienated from him in consequence. People become antag­onistic towards him, and though he himself is a person of courteous behavior, measured speech, and dignified dealings, he is often faced with those who are vindictive, jealous, and undignified. But though he may be constantly surrounded by congenial people, he will never be defeated by any enemy or competitor. He will earn money, property, and power through his own efforts, and many persons will seek assistance from him. His mother may suffer from ill health, but he himself will receive honor and respect from the state.
The MOON is a soothing planet which replaces the Sun's radiance with an attractive coolness. The Moon in the Fourth house makes the individual approachable by everyone, high and low, rich and poor. A sympathetic chord resounds when we meet someone with the Moon hi the Fourth house. The depth of the ocean is in his eyes and the tranquility of his disposition can quiet the most turbulent emotions in others. Motherly affection, nice cars, pleasant travel and universal respect give a sense of contentment which makes him non-competitive with others. He is popular among his relations and loved by the opposite sex. He is affluent, but often afflicted by physical problems.
MERCURY bestows physical comforts, a large number of friends and relations, and a very sharp intelligence. Inasmuch as Mercury ranges from the highest spiritual level to the grossest physicality, a person with this planet in the Fourth house can comprehend the abstruse problems of the universe. Often he knows the secrets of nature and dabbles in black magic.
He is popular, a very absorbing conversationalist, an extensive traveler, and very considerate to others, but he may be found guilty of misappro­priating the wealth and property of his siblings, indulging in clandestine sexual affairs, and of living a double life in general. He may suffer from serious affliction in his childhood.
VENUS is the planet most desirable for both worldly and spiritual blessings. An attractive spouse, fine cars, intelligent children, a palatial mansion and respectable society are among the auspicious results of Venus in the Fourth house. Young people, especially women, are attracted to such an individual. He has an artistic temperament, is highly intuitive, and can easily pick up on the feelings and thoughts of others. His company is always joyous and he is skilled in the erotic arts.
MARS precipitates the impact of past karmic deeds, especially those of an adverse nature. Ordinarily, Mars is a planet of selfishness, greed, and rash action, which, in the long run, catch up with the individual in the form of physical or psychological problems. Occupying the Fourth house, Mars creates impatience, impulsiveness, and self-centeredness, unless it receives auspicious aspects or is in exaltation or its own sign. As a result, the individual is considered cruel, inflexible, and covetous by nature. Under such circumstances, Mars may produce affliction for the mother, loss of property, dependence on manual labor to earn one's livelihood, and constant movement from one place to another. Generally, such a person is not born into a respectable family, is abandoned by his siblings, favors bad company, and involves himself in tawdry sexual affairs. He earns his living by serving bad people.
With JUPITER in this house, very evolved souls are bora. Such individuals have generally learned good lessons hi a previous life and have thereby earned meritorious rewards. Thus the individual is born into a very respectable family, receives much recognition from the state, and is placed in happy surroundings with a luxurious house, an excellent car, abundant family and friends, and a respectable means of livelihood. He is spiritually inclined, respecting the saints and seers, is himself well-versed in sacred scriptures, and is capable of overcoming his personal difficulties by ethical means. He is happy in disposition and earns wealth and property as a result of government support.
Unless SATURN is exalted in the Fourth, the native may be disturbed, suffering from karmic retribution. Such a person may be humiliated by "te common people, dishonored in his profession, and afflicted by many physical ailments. He is a pessimist, keeping bad company and indulging in relationships with undesirable characters. He may become indigent, and lose his wealth and position. Even his mother may abandon him. His mind is always in conflict, unhappy and lacking spirituality. He will not listen to rational or helpful advice and may thus be humiliated by his spouse, his children, or even his employees.
When RAHU is in this house, the individual is not quite so unlucky. Almost everything hi his immediate environment is the result of past karmic forces which nothing can stave off, and such forces may bring conditions that test his mettle. He suffers separation from his mother, his siblings may turn against him even when he is helpful to them, and he may not receive his due in his profession. Nevertheless his affluence, penchant for spiritual study and general persistence, along with his insight into the workings of nature, may in time produce wealth, and he may win an enviable status in life and a reputation which outlasts him. In adverse circumstances, however, he may sometimes show suicidal tendencies. In the end, he will certainly achieve the object of his desire.
KETU hi the Fourth house has the potential to make the individual psychic, provided it is in favorable association with the Moon and aspected by spiritual planets. But this is the exception rather than the general rule. Keru often renders the mind unbalanced, disturbing the individual's social relationships and making his personal life miserable. Ketu makes itself felt in the psychology of an individual rather than on the material conditions of his life. Ketu is not especially detrimental to the acquisition of wealth if it receives aspects or is in association with powerful planets. In Scorpio or Leo it produces favorable conditions for material happiness as well as friendly relationships with one's associates. Whatever happens as a result of Rahu or Ketu in the Fourth house is of very deep significance; they often cast their influence on all the other planets.
The placement of the planets in different signs affects the nature of their influence. Any sign in the Fourth house is a force in the birth chart, linking the physical and psychological atmosphere around the person with various planets, which become either ineffective or very important de­pending on their conditions. The main effect of Fourth house planets is to bring forth karmic potential from the past for the purpose of achieving present goals, while the sign involved shows the psychic atmosphere in which the planets must operate. What is expressed in an external form is the combined final effect of these interactions. This point should be kept in view while examining planetary influences and signs affecting the Fourth house, though of course this principle applies to all houses.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Astrology of Glaucoma ( The Eye disease)

Glaucoma and astrology.

Glaucoma is a disease that damages the eye’s optic nerve. The optic nerve is connected to the retina — a layer of light-sensitive tissue lining the back of the eye — and is made up of many nerve fibers, like an electric cable is made up of many wires. It is the optic nerve that sends signals from your retina to your brain, where these signals are interpreted as the images you see.

In the healthy eye, a clear fluid called aqueous (pronounced AY-kwee-us) humor circulates inside the front portion of your eye. To maintain a constant healthy eye pressure, your eye continually produces a small amount of aqueous humor while an equal amount of this fluid flows out of your eye. If you have glaucoma, the aqueous humor does not flow out of the eye properly. Fluid pressure in the eye builds up and, over time, causes damage to the optic nerve fibers.
Glaucoma can cause blindness if it is left untreated. Only about half of the estimated three million Americans who have glaucoma are even aware that they have the condition. When glaucoma develops, usually you don’t have any early symptoms and the disease progresses slowly.
In the healthy eye, a clear fluid called aqueous (pronounced AY-kwee-us) humor circulates inside the front portion of your eye. To maintain a constant healthy eye pressure, your eye continually produces a small amount of aqueous humor while an equal amount of this fluid flows out of your eye. If you have glaucoma, the aqueous humor does not flow out of the eye properly. Fluid pressure in the eye builds up and, over time, causes damage to the optic nerve fibers.
Glaucoma can cause blindness if it is left untreated. Only about half of the estimated three million Americans who have glaucoma are even aware that they have the condition. When glaucoma develops, usually you don’t have any early symptoms and the disease progresses slowly.
Ayurveda explains that Pitta dosha, the element of fire and light, governs our eyes. Specifically, the sub-dosha “Alochaka Pitta” lives in the eyes. Alochaka pitta absorbs images and colors, allowing us to take in and digest all of the visual impressions coming to us. When Alochaka pitta is in balance, eyes are healthy, bright, clear, shiny, luminous, and we enjoy sharp eyesight.
If pitta becomes aggravated, we can experience excess heat, anger, frustration, and liver problems. As pitta rises in a person, they become stressed, feel over worked, and eventually burnout. Impaired vision and eye problems are often related to pitta overdrive and liver imbalance. The best remedy is to keep pitta cool and calm with proper foods and daily meditation.
Tarpaka Kapha is responsible for keeping the eyes lubricated, moist and cool. Prana Vata is responsible for the life force that runs throughout the head region, for movement of the eyes, blinking, and sensory perception.
Vata (Wind)
Air and Akasha
Prana Vata
Chest region
Udana Vata
Thoracic and throat region
Samana Vata
Hearth and navel region
Vyana Vata
Hearth and circulatory vessels
Apana Vata
Pelvic region
Pitta (Bile)
Fire and Water
Pachaka Pitta
Liver and pancreas
Ranjaka Pitta
Liver and spleen
Sadhaka Pitta
Alochaka Pitta
Bhrajaka Pitta
Kapha (Mucus)
Water and Earth
Kledaka Kapha
Avalambaka Kapha
Hearth, chest and lower back regions
Bodhaka Kapha
Mouth, Tongue and throat
Tarpaka Kapha
Head (cerebrospinal fluid)
Sleshaka Kapha

. Vata dosha is related with the air element. Hence, an exacerbation in the vata dosha will lead to drying up. When the vata dosha in the body is vitiated, the eye lens loses its moisture and suppleness
Astrological indicators to work on.
Eileen Nauman
The eyes, then, actually have three rulers: Aries, Cancer and Aquarius. And the one that usually causes eye issues is Cancer, although Aquarius is a strong second.

Ruler of the sense
Other related rulerships and special cases
Dim sight is Capricorn, Darkness is Libra
Right male eye is Sun, Left male eye is Moon; Reverse in female.

Other than Aries ,cancer,aquarius signs of venus taurus and libra are to an extent prominent in glaucoma patient charts.
element: air
signs: Gemini, Virgo, Libra, Capricorn, Aquarius
planets: Mercury, Saturn, Venus (secondary), Rahu.
element: earth and water
signs: Taurus, Cancer, Pisces
planets: Moon, Venus (primary), Jupiter (primary) Saturn (secondary),
element: fire
signs: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, Scorpio
planets: Mars, the Sun, Jupiter (secondary), Ketu.

Apart from this Jupiter rules over Ether element and is responsible for expanding the good or bad of anything.

Nakshtras - Bharani ,kritika

Taurus and pisces for eyes as per kaal pursh chart.

Planets Sun,moon,venus .
2nd house for left eye and 12th for right.

As per the data above though 8th lord sun is in bharani nakshatra representing eyes ,though exalted but with two quality malefics saturn and mars,second house has ketu and jupiter opposed  by rahu and moon from 8th house. As discussed above sign aquarius  is mostly responsible for glaucoma .6th lord mercury is hemmed  by malefics on both sides and thus form paap kartaari yoga and is with gulika in 3rd with significator of all body fluids venus .As an ascendant lord saturn is debilitated in both D1 and D9 .Significator planets of eyes sun and moon are not well placed and aspected.The glaucoma was triggered in the MD of Mars and was discovered and diagnosed in AD of rahu . Mars is combust and with 8th lord and karak of eyesight sun and vata planet and debilitated ascendant lord saturn . Mars a pitta planet with another pitta planet triggers excess heat and vata planet saturn so the disease is triggered the second house is also afflicted and is under aquarius the vata element the 12 th lord signifying left eye is afflicted and with ketu in second .So we have clear case of eye disease Glaucoma here.