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Tuesday, December 27, 2011

8*th house and female horoscopes

Sun in the 8th house may cause widowhood or severe calamity to the husband whereby the native will be drowned in sorrow. Moon in the 8th house may make one cruel, ugly, ill-dressed, angry and even aggrieved and if the Moon is weak, he may make her a widow or cause severe adversity to the husband and even otherwise she may not have conjugal happiness. Mars in the 8th house indicates that the native might be a prostitute and if such Mars is in conjunction with a malefic, the native will have no husband or she will become a widow or reject her husband and accept a paramour. If Mars in the 8th house in the horoscope of a male is likely to cause his own death. Mars in the 8th in the natal chart of a female will cause her husband's death. Thus there is Kuja dosha in both cases. Mercury in the 8th house may make the native commit sinful acts, be cruel and unrighteous and she may become a widow or be a grief stricken on account of severe mishap to the husband if Mercury gets afflicted. Jupiter in the 8th house denotes loss of children. The native may have abortions or the children may die early if Guru is in the 8th in his own house. If Guru is in the 8th house is with Kuja, the pregnancy may end in miscarriage. Sukra in the 8th house makes the native haughty, aggrieved but resourceful, cruel, cheating in nature, ill dressed and unrighteous. If Sukra is weak, the natives is likely to become a widow and more so, if in conjunction with Kuja. In any case, she will be quite unhappy with regard to her married life. Sani in the 8th house may make the native a widow especially if aspected by Kuja, sinful, cruel, unrighteous, dishonest and cheating in nature and her husband will always be sick or her married life will be with no romance and charmless. Rahu in the 8th house is said to be a Vishakanaya or one who violates the tradition of her family and becomes a widow. If the week moon is also in the 8th house with Rahu, widowhood is almost certain. If this combination of Rahu, Chandra has the aspect of Kuja, the native may become a widow in her 18th or 36th year. Ketu in the eighth house is likely to make the native a widow in life, probably during the Dasa of Ketu is not associated or aspected by a strong malefic.
Before proceeding for marriage alliance, it is advised the readers to take into consideration of the 8th house and its aspects on and take a professional astrologer's guidance. Mere matching of stars is not sufficient and in depth analysis is advised for a happy life. During my three decades of experience, we found that success rate is more than 80 to 90 percent after careful analysis of the natal charts of both the boy as well as girl.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

diseases in life

According to the scriptures the universe was born of the body of the Kaal Purush or Aadi Purush. From the mind of the Divine was born Moon, from his eyes was born sun, life energy from ears, beauty from air and fire from mouth. From his navel was born the universe, sky from his head, earth from his feet and all directions from his ears.
The Divine assumed the form of Hiranyagarbh and established true values on earth and created the five elements - air, water, earth, fire and ether. From the planets and stars was born the science of determining the future. From the seasons were born the festivals and the various Yagnas.
From the soul of the Divine, man and all other creatures were born. When a person goes against natural laws of planets and stars then diseases are born. Birth and death are two ends of life. The cycle starts with birth and ends with death. The Lord of Death is Yamraj who is the son of Sun. Another son is Saturn who represents sorrows in life.
From sorrows, pain, ignorance, anger, fear, lust are born hundreds of diseases. To destroy these ailments Lord Shiva assumed the form of Mahamrityunjay. Lord Rudra represents both joys and sorrows in life. As Rudra he curses and punishes for one’s sins and in the form of Rudra he blesses one with joys and longevity.
Comforts in human life are signified by the planet Jupiter. Jupiter is also the significator of knowledge. This planet is related to the memory centre in the human brain. It also signifies divine consciousness. If it aspects a planet that might be the cause of ailments one becomes free of the diseases. The Guru of demons or passions i.e. Venus forms the background for development of Samskars. He makes an individual indulge in pleasures and thus keeps the world moving in a vicious cycle. Mercury encourages these tendencies of Venus. Mars along with Venus makes a person indulge in sins. Under the influence of Venus even Saturn forgets its duty to punish a person for his sins. One gains wealth and prosperity as a result of the good deeds of the past birth and this effect is manifested by Jupiter. And it is Venus that induces a person to spend his money for pleasure. Due to the knowledge bestowed by Jupiter one develops a good memory of science and also the power of eloquence. Eloquence is ruled by the planet mercury. Thus eloquence, mercury and Jupiter are related. It is in fact stated in the texts that mercury is the illegitimate son of Jupiter. This is why Mercury feels inimical towards Jupiter. But he is friendly towards Venus. Mercury was born when the moon copulated with the wife of Jupiter. If mercury is in the ninth house, in Sagittarius or with Jupiter in the horoscope one becomes indebted towards one’s parents. A wise person has control over his tongue and he is able to ward off the influence of Venus. But Maya (delusion) represented by Moon makes the mind, represented by Mercury, pervert. This is why evil continues to exist in the world. If Saturn had not been so easily swayed by Venus then it would have destroyed all evil and made every person a Sanyasi. Even Lord Shiva was compelled by the pleadings of Rati to revive Kaamdev after he had turned him to ashes by the fierce power of his Third Eye. The link between knowledge (Jupiter),Maya (Moon) and pleasures (Venus) is Mercury. The universe has been created by limiting (effect of mercury) the infinite represented by Jupiter. Jupiter takes care of one’s physique according to one’s past good deeds and the control one has over one’s tongue.
But Mercury if situated in the ninth, in Sagittarius or with Jupiter creates the problem of Pitra Rinn (indebtedness to the parents). If such a combination is present in the horoscope then the course of life of a person is not determined by the ordinary rules of Astrology. Determining the Pitra Rinn and paying it off is the only way through which such a person can be free from his problems in life.
Jupiter is the significator of the sky element and of diseases like obesity, ailments of the stomach, cough etc. If situated in the sixth house Jupiter makes one suffer from eye problems. Venus represents wealth and Jupiter represents knowledge. It is stated in the ancient text Vishnnu Bhrigu that where there is Lakshmi, there will not be knowledge and where there is knowledge there will not be wealth. This is what happens normally in the world. Hence when Venus is in the ninth, in Sagittarius or with Jupiter then too one is burdened by Pitra Rinn. The individual has to suffer the consequences of the sins of his ancestors. The rules of Karma state that a person has not only to experience the effect of deeds of past lives rather he also has to experience effect of the deeds of his ancestors. In the twelfth house Venus is very auspicious and if situated in the twelfth sign Pisces then the individual indulges a lot in pleasures. If Jupiter too is in this house or with the Lord of the twelfth house then one suffers from severe constipation. Association with Saturn worsens the situation. Jupiter creates trouble for the house in which it is situated. For example, if situated in ascendant Aries the individual suffers from problems in the feet specially if Mars is in the twelfth house or Pisces. If Jupiter is aspected by Saturn or Jupiter and Saturn are together in the ascendent then the individual suffers from frequent wounds in the feet and there might even be loss of the lower limbs.
Jupiter in the ascendent in Aries also makes the digestion weak. If Jupiter is in ascendent in Taurus or Leo and Mercury is in fifth house then the individual suffers from skin problems. Similarly if Jupiter is in ascendent in Taurus or Leo and Mercury is in 3rd, 6th, 8th or 12th house aspected or with malefic planets like Saturn, Rahu or Ketu then too one suffers from skin diseases. Sex power is weakened if Jupiter is in Capricorn or Aquarius in the ascendent. If Jupiter is in Aquarius then one suffers from child related problems. Jupiter in Capricorn in the twelfth brings constipation. Jupiter in Gemini in ascendent makes one suffer in childhood.
If the ascendent is Virgo or Libra and Jupiter is posited there then the individual is cunning. The family of the individual has to suffer a lot. If Jupiter is situated in ascendent and Sun, Mars aspect it then one suffers from blood disorders. If Jupiter, Sun and Ketu are together in any house except the fifth one suffers from blood disorders and digestion problems. If Guru and Rahu are together in the ascendent or the Lord of ascendent is in eighth house then one suffers from Hydrocele. If Jupiter, Sun or Ketu are together then one suffers from Thyroid problem. If Jupiter is in ascendent and Mars in the seventh house then one suffers from madness. If Jupiter, Venus and Mars are together then the Pancreas gland is affected. If Jupiter is in the second house and aspected by Mercury then the individual loses all his wealth in getting medical treatment. Those born in Aries or Virgo ascendent generally have this experience. If Jupiter is in second house in Libra the person becomes immoral. One also has no happiness from children and one is not married to the right person. If Jupiter is in Virgo in the second house one becomes poor. If Rahu has any influence over this Jupiter one suffers from stomach related problems. If Jupiter is in second house in Leo then too one suffers from this problem. If Jupiter is in second house in Scorpio and Mars and Rahu are in eighth house then one suffers from ailments of the anus. Jupiter is auspicious if situated in Sagittarius. But if this Jupiter is in second house then one suffers from digestive problems. But if Jupiter is in Capricorn in the second house then one is long lived. In the second house Jupiter in Aquarius makes one suffer from anal diseases. The problem is aggravated if Rahu, Mars and Saturn influence Scorpio or the eighth house.
In the third house Jupiter makes that house the cause of a person’s death. Such an individual could earn wealth by illegal means or violence. But if aspected by Mercury one becomes poor. If Jupiter in the third is with Saturn or Mars one has to even go to jail. If Jupiter is in third house in Libra one suffers from back problems. Also if Sun and Mars aspect the seventh house then one suffers from kidney problems and pain in back. In the third house Jupiter in Virgo curtails one’s life. If Saturn aspects Jupiter in third or fourth house one has extra marital relations. A strong Jupiter in the third makes one immoral. On the other hand Jupiter in an inimical sign in the third makes one moral. If Jupiter in the fourth is influenced by Saturn then one suffers from various physical ailments.
If Jupiter is in the sixth and influenced by Mars one suffers from kidney problems. In this house Jupiter in Scorpio makes one wounded by enemies. In the sixth in Cancer Jupiter makes one suffer from back problems. In Gemini in the sixth house Jupiter makes one never suffer from eye problems. But one is ever in danger of attacks from enemies. If Jupiter is in Leo in sixth one’s death might be caused by enemies. The situation becomes grave if there is influence of Rahu, Mars and Saturn. One then also has to suffer from fear of poison and snakes. If Saturn aspects such a Jupiter one’s death could be caused by drinking poison or snake bite. In this house the same effect is caused by Jupiter in Capricorn. In the sixth house Jupiter in Aquarius causes sexually transmitted diseases.
If Jupiter is in seventh in Scorpio or Capricorn then one suffers from cancer, piles, sores etc. If this combination is in Aries then one has to suffer from fear from the state side. One also gains a tendency to steal and defraud others. If Jupiter is in seventh in Taurus or Libra one spends a lot on prostitutes. But if Jupiter is in signs of Mercury one is very moral. If Jupiter is in Gemini then one becomes uninterested in the world and a Sanyaasi. If Saturn and moon are together in any house then this tendency becomes even stronger.
If Jupiter is in eighth then the diseases caused by Jupiter leads one to death. One can die due to problems of nerve failure, pain, ears, murder, diarrhoea, blood disorders, accidents, state punishment or overeating depending on the sign that is in the eighth house.
if Jupiter is in ninth house one earns through one’s own efforts. Such a individual is a self made man. There are problems in life which leave scars on the body. Jupiter in the tenth makes one immoral.
Jupiter in eleventh removes problems of life. In this house almost all planets give good results. But if this house is influenced by malefic planets then many problems could be created.
One could commit suicide if Jupiter is in twelfth house in Aries or Jupiter conjoins Mars in twelfth house. This combination could also lead to poisoning and pain in the body. If Jupiter is in Scorpio in this house one is adopted and one has to leave one’s home.
Jupiter helps one get the good results of good deeds of past lives. Of course the effect of bad deeds also manifest. Venus induces passions and makes the good effects of past deeds weak. It makes one move towards evil. Good deeds in past lives lead to pleasures. And too many pleasures could lead to ailments. 

Astrology and your fate

When shall luck favour me? This is generally the first question that arises in the mind when showing one's horoscope to the astrologer. Or one might wish to know when a favourable change would take place in one's life. Although one's actions are quite important in life but without luck even hard work can prove futile. You can study your won horoscope and know about your life from it. The objective behind publication of this article is to make the readers self aware. One should not follow the dictate of Baabaa Vaakyam Pramannam i.e. one should not consider the astrologer's words to be final. You can yourself study your horoscope and know about your stars.
But for this one should at least have some basic knowledge of the horoscope. A horoscope has twelve houses and each house is called a Bhaav. In each house a number is written from one to twelve. The number in a house represents the sun sign. In the houses are situated nine planets. Some astrologers also include Uranus and Pluto in the horoscope. But actually there effect is not so marked. Generally a horoscope contains nine planets only.
Just open your horoscope and observe the number written in its houses. Each number symbolises a sign.
1. Aries
2. Taurus
3. Gemini
4. Cancer
5. Leo
6. Virgo
7. Libra
8. Scorpio
9. Sagittarius
10. Capricorn
11. Aquarius
12. Pisces
Each sign has a Lord which are as follows.
Sun - Leo
Moon - Cancer
Mars - Aries and Scorpio
Mercury - Gemini and Virgo
Jupiter - Sagittarius and Pisces
Venus - Taurus and Libra
Saturn - Capricorn and Aquarius
Ketu - Sagittarius
Rahu - Gemini
The twelve houses of the horoscope represent special aspects of life. The Lord of the sign in a particular house is the Lord of that house. For example if in the first house of the horoscope the number 3 has been written i.e. the sign is Gemini then because the Lord of Gemini is Mercury hence the Lord of the house is also Gemini. The same shall apply for the other houses.
In a horoscope with Gemini ascendent the Lord of the first house is Mercury. The number in the second house is 4 and hence the Lord is Moon, in the third house is 5 i.e. Leo and hence the Lord is Sun, in the fourth house is 6 and hence Lord is Mercury, fifth Lord is Venus, sixth Lord is Mars, seventh Lord is Jupiter, eight and ninth is Saturn, tenth is Jupiter, eleventh is Mars and twelfth is Venus.
Effect of different houses
From each house different aspects of human life can be studied. Here it is being revealed what all we can study from each house.
First house
From the house we can know about the physique, early life, childhood, health, character, physical build, complexion, virtues, will power, fame, beauty, age, comforts and sorrows, mind, physical frame, nature and one's inclinations. Gemini, Libra, Aquarius and Virgo signs are good in this house.
Second house
Wealth, paternal property, family, friends, cattle, imprisonment, captivity, eyes, nose, voice, beauty, singing, love, comforts, savings, sale and purchase, brokerage, food, artistic tendencies, habits, reason of death, accidents, selfishness, personality and secrets are studied from the second house.
Third house
Younger sisters and brothers, servants, courage, valour, trade, perseverance, ornaments, bravery, patience, asthama, kidney, cough, breath problems, Prannayam, Yogic tendencies, cleverness, nephews and nieces and other family relations are studied from this house.
Fourth house
Mind, peace, family life, motherly love, home, village, vehicles, friends, relatives, houses, property, gardens, stomach ailments, entertainment, deceit, kindness, affection, land related matters, neck and shoulders are studied from this house. This house in particular relates to the mother and vehicles. Cancer, Pisces and Capricorn are the favourable signs here.
Fifth house
Education, children, grandfather, skills, feelings, fame, brains, managerial skills, humbleness, womb, losing a job, means of earning wealth, sudden monetary gains like lottery or gambling, digestive power, virtues, eloquence and worldly aspects are studied from this house.
Sixth house
Enemies, worries, diseases, quarrels, law suits, wounds from knife, subordinates, harm, maternal uncle, maternal grandfather, pain, debts, misunderstandings, sorrows, ailments and wrong actions are studied from this house.
Seventh house
Spouse, health of spouse, love, sex life, daily jobs, pleasures, problems related to sex life, ailments of sex organs, business, marriage, love affairs, success or failure in love, beauty, appearance, character and complexion of the spouse, divorce, differences among husband and wife, business partners, diplomacy, happiness, death and problem of pile are studied from this house. Scorpio sign is strong here.
Eighth house
Age, mental tension, death, love for archaeology, settling abroad, secret plans, savings, buried treasures, knowledge of past lives, life after death, debts, wars, loss of wealth, cause of death, untimely death, lowliness, downfall, travel by sea, sex disorders are studied from this house.
Ninth house
Fortune, righteousness, religious inclinations, change of faith, glimpse of the Divine, Guru, Sadhana, divine help, virtues, travelling on pilgrimage, father, luxuries, mental build up, travel by air, charity, Yagnas, grandchildren, kindness, fame, leadership, duty, sincerity are studied from this house. The planets Sun and Jupiter are favourable if placed here.
Tenth house
State, fame, job, retirement, respect, father, benefits from father, business, father's job, respect in the society, authority, rights, luxuries, pleasures, profits, nature of job, office cadre, State job, foreign tours, self confidence, knowledge and style of life are studied from this house. Here the signs Aries, Taurus and Leo are considered strong.
Eleventh house
Profits, earnings, fulfillment of needs, secret wealth, ornaments, clothes, vehicles, cattle, travel by air, elder brothers and sisters and their numbers, gains from them and free and independent thinking are studied from this house.
Twelfth house
Losses, charity, spending, punishment, fine, bad habits, relations with outside world, enmity, eye problems, extravagance, sudden losses, emancipation and death are studied from this house.
The above mentioned aspects of life can be studied from the respective houses.
In brief we can say that we can study the personality from the first house, wealth from the second brothers and sisters from the third, mother from the fourth, education and children from the fifth, enemies from the sixth, spouse from the seventh, age from the eighth, fortune from the ninth, work from the tenth, earnings from the eleventh and spending from the twelfth.
Ninth - house of fortune
By studying the following we can know about the ninth house.
The ninth house, its sign, planets placed in the ninth, planets aspecting the ninth, sign occupied by the ninth Lord, planets aspecting the ninth Lord, significator of the ninth house, Dasa, Antardaasa of the ninth Lord etc.
For example in a horoscope with Cancer ascendent the number in the ninth house is 12 i.e. the sign is Pisces. Its Lord is Jupiter. Hence the Lord of this house too is Jupiter. For the person with this horoscope Jupiter shall rule his fortune throughout his life.
What is the effect of placement of different planets in the ninth house is being revealed here.
If Sun is in the ninth house the person is of medium height, has a wide chest, large forehead and beautiful eyes. Such a person loves his family and has novel thoughts. As Sun aspects the third house from here the person is brave and hard working. He understands the value of hard work and keeps persevering even in adverse circumstances. His childhood is generally not very happy. He has to struggle hard for education and a job. He travels a lot and fortune smiles on him after he is 24.
Moon is favourable if placed in the ninth. Such an individual is a self made man. Fortune always favours him and he comes out shining through adversities. He has the quality of leadership. He is able to assess the situation and act according to the situation. The middle age is most successful. Such a person is a terror for enemies. Adversaries fear to face him. He also travels a lot. He is religious minded and participates in such activities. He can be successful as a politician. He is wealthy, kind, humble and wise.
If Mars is positioned in the ninth house the person is courageous, hard working and persevering. He makes good progress in life. If Mars is in enemy sign he can become prey to diseases. Fortune is not so good especially in the early years. He has to struggle hard to make a living. If Mars is in its own sign or exaltion then his fortune is really good. He has interest in studies and he can be a successful journalist, writer, publisher or novelist. He has a good character and leads a simple life.
Mercury in the ninth house makes a person wise and humble. He is hard working and very popular.
He makes good progress in life. He has to face many obstacles and conspiracies in life. But he overcomes them with a smile on his lips. He becomes successful after the 17th year. He enjoys all comforts in life. He possesses many vehicles. His family life is happy and successful.
If Jupiter is in the ninth it is considered very favourable. Such a person rises high in life even if born in an ordinary family. He has an impressive personality and he easily wins the hearts of others. He can be a very successful politician. He has the qualities of leadership and management. He is kind even to his adversaries. He does not lose his temper easily rather he has a peaceful nature. His family life is happy.
If Venus is in the ninth house the person leads a luxurious life. Yet he has a balanced life as well. He becomes successful in life after the 22nd year. Childhood is spent in happiness. But in the middle part of his life he has to struggle hard.
Through hard work however he is able to turn the fortune in his favour. He likes to travel and travels far and wide in his lifetime. He has orthodox religious beliefs. He has a happy and successful married life. He is very virtuous and becomes famous in middle age.
If Saturn is in the ninth the person is eloquent and politically inclined. He has an ordinary childhood. But when he grows up through his skills he changes his luck and progresses in life. He always keeps his goal in mind and carries out his work with great patience.
He has to struggle for education and to get a job. But he is hard-working. He understands the value of hard work and progresses by virtue of his perseverance. Luck favours him and he gets to travel a lot.
Rahu in the ninth house brings good luck. Such an individual remains conscious of his rights and he follows the orders of his superiors with great care. His family life is happy.
If Ketu is in the ninth the person surely enters into the political arena and achieves success in it. He becomes successful in middle age. The very special virtue of this person in that he succeeds and becomes famous even when the circumstances do not favour him.
There are various ups and downs in life but he never waivers from his goal. He keeps endeavouring to achieve his aim. He travels a lot. He easily overcomes all opposition and becomes successful in politics.
Along with the planets posited in the ninth house one should also study the position of the Lord of ninth house. For example in a horoscope with Gemini ascendent the ninth house has Aquarius sign and the Lord is Saturn. So whenever Saturn shall be exhalted or in its own sign he shall rise in life. Or in the Mahadasa of Saturn he shall make good progress in life. Also in the Antardasa of Saturn in Mahadasa of other planets he shall shine in life.
If friendly planets aspects the ninth house it is considered very good. To improve one's fortune a person should surely chant the Mantra pertaining to the Lord of the ninth house.
According to the rules of astrology a chance to improve one's luck always manifests in every person's life. If one knows about this period in one's life one can try harder to change one's luck.
Some special combinations for good lucks
1. If the Lord of seventh or Venus is in the 3rd, 6th, 7th, 10th or 11th house the person becomes successful after marriage.
2. If Lord of ninth house is Sun then success comes after 22nd year.
3. If Lord is Moon in 24th year.
4. If Lord is Mars in 28th year.
5. If Lord is Mercury in 32nd year.
6. If Lord is Jupiter in 16th year.
7. If Lord is Venus then success comes in 25th year.
8. If Lord is Saturn then in 36th year.
9. If Lord is Rahu or Ketu in 42nd year.
Fortune has great influence on one's life and besides being hard working one should also have good luck in order to succeed in life.

Planets In The Eighth House-And medical astrology

The 8th House rules diseases and death. This is the most important malefic house in a horoscope. The 8th lord is the most malefic planet and he can destroy any Bhava or House. The 8th lord in the 8th is considered to be good for longevity, but a weak constitution will be conferred. Saturn, the Ayus Karaka or significator of longevity is considered good in the 8th. All sorts of misfortunes are given by the lord of the 8th.

The 8th House indicates disease, defeat, punishments, accidents, longevity, mode of death & surgery.

To understand whether a disease will be chronic, study the 8th house in detail. Malefic planets spoil the 8th house significations.

The malefic houses in Astrology are known as Trika houses, viz, 6, 8 & 12.

Shastam tadha dwadasa mashtamam cha

Bhavan Anishtal pravadanti that jna

Saturn, Rahu and Mercury in the 8th House indicate that the disease may make a chronic turn.

The first decanate or Drekkana of the Eighth House represents the first 1/3 rd of the body, the second Drekkana or decanate the second half and third, the third half.

We have said that the 8th house is the house of Diseases and Death.

Whenever the lord of the 8th house is afflicted by malefic planets, the native undergoes operation connected with reproductive organs and sex.

Diseases caused by Different planets in the Eighth House

Sun in the 8th - Causes high fever, eye sight defects, urinary tract infections. palpitations and migraine. Sun in the Eighth is not at all desirable for Health.

Moon in the 8th - In the EIghth House, Moon causes mental tension, as he rules the Psyche ( Mano Matharo Sheetharashmi ). Generally not conducive to good health, Luna can cause Diarrohea.

Mars in the 8th - Tumors, boils, accidents, operations are all caused by Mars. He is the planet of Surgery. Mental aberrations are also caused by him, if he be conjunct with the Moon. Eighth Mars makes one over-sexed.

The North Node - Ulcers are caused by this shadowy planet. Eighth Rahu can create immense mental tension, as he will not allow mental peace to reign supreme. For females, he will create incompatibility of temperament with spouse and sometimes widowhood.

Jupiter in the EIghth - Although he is the least harmful planet in the House of Death, it causes pancreatic diseseas and jaundice. He may give luck and a regal life, but sleeping sickness, gall bladder disease are also caused.

Venus in the Eighth causes sexual weakness and diabetes. Diseases of the bladder and an inferiority complex due to mental fluctuations. Even though Venus in the House of Death is extolled for conferring longevity, financial prosperity and good fortune, he can give health hazards

Saturn in the Eighth is extolled for longevity ( Ashtamasthe Sani Ista Thasyal ). But a long suffering life is indicated, as Saturn can give immense sorrow. There will be a yearning for getting away from it all. Paralysis and tumors caused by this melancholy planet become chronic.

Mercury in the House of Death causes paralysis and nervous diseases. There may be longivity due to the principle that a benefic increases longevity when posited in the Eighth, but a weak constitution will be conferred.

South Node in the Eighth causes ulcers and accidents. Mental fluctuations, quarrels with spouse, operations in the region of the sex organs. Causes pain and discomfort. If posited with Moon, suicidal tendencies.

Diseases And The Nine Planets

Influence of Nakshatras and Planets on the Human Body
The Navgrahas of Astrology
There are nine planets in astrology which are the deciding celestial body in determining how a person’s life would turn out to be. These planets are not the nine planets of the solar system, and hence to differentiate them they are called as the navgrahas, where nav means nine. So navgrahas literally means nine planets.
Astrology considers the sun and the moon as planets. At the same time, distant planets such as Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are not included. Earth itself is also not included as a planet because it is considered to be the focal point of the universe in astrology. Important additions to the list of the navgrahas are Rahu and Ketu, which represent the head and the tail of a banished demon into space, respectively. Hence, the navgrahas are the Sun, the Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu.
These nine planets determine various aspects of the person’s body. Astrology has deeply studied the correlation of the navgrahas with different spiritual and physical aspects of the person’s body. The following chart will help to understand which the parts of the body represented by the navgrahas are.
Planet in Astrology
Western Name
Body Part Represented
Guru or Brihaspati
Sex organs
North Lunar Node
South Lunar Node
Secret parts
The Navgrahas in the Kundali
Kundali is the birth horoscope chart that represents the positions of the nakshatras and the planets in them at the time of the birth of the person. The nakshatras are fixed in the sky, but the planets are moving. So depending on which planet lies in which nakshatra when the person is born, it would exert a positive (benefic) or negative (malefic) effect on the life of the person.
Planets are inherently benefic or malefic. The Sun, Mars, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu are always malefic. They will have negative effects if they are present in the nakshatra of the person at the time of birth. The Moon and Mercury could be either malefic or benefic depending on circumstances. If these planets are combust or present in a weak position, then their negative effects are more prominent. Jupiter and Venus are the only planets that are always benefic.
But the situation is not as simple as it seems. Planets have their inter-relations; they also have constructive and destructive alliances. Hence, what the overall effects of the navgrahas in the final count will be will only be revealed by a careful study of the kundali.
Diseases are caused when the planets are malefic. According to Jyotish Shastra, planets that are weak, combust, debilitated, retrograde, in inimical houses or malefic are responsible for causing the diseases in a human being.
Typical Diseases of the Navgrahas
Studies over millennia have shown that the nine planets do exert unique influences on the human system. Let us see what the typical diseases that are caused by each of the navgrahas are.
Diseases Caused
Weak, debilitated, in inimical house or unaspected by benefics.
Bone fractures, eye problems, respiratory diseases, indigestion problems, etc.
Mental depression, blood diseases, colds, cough, venereal diseases, nasal inflammation, etc.
Marrow diseases, fevers, smallpox, swelling, boils, jaundice, blood diseases, menstrual problems, etc.
Weak, combust, retrograde, in inimical house, debilitated.
Skin problems such as itching, eczema, etc., nervous system problems, speech disorders, inability to concentrate on work.
Weak, aspected with malefics, unaspected with benefics, debilitated, combust.
Obesity, diabetes.
Sun or Saturn is in two or twelve houses from the ascendant or the moon.
Diseases of semen, sore throat, venereal diseases, eye diseases, etc.
Weak, aspected with malefics, unaspected with benefics, debilitated, combust.
Muscular pain, colds, melancholy, epilepsy, fistula, deafness, problems with the limbs, paralysis, rheumatic troubles, gastric troubles, mental problems such as dejection and sorrow, etc.
Sudden unexpected attacks depending on the place where it is positioned.
Epilepsy, pox, worms, thoughts of suicide, leprosy, pains, etc. It also causes infestation of the body with spirits and ghosts.
Mysterious pains in the body, diseases that resemble effects of curses of the previous birth.
Some aspects of the diseases caused by the various planets must be noted quite carefully.
1. The sun represents the human soul. For this reason, it is not only the master of the solar system, but also the master of the human body. If the position of the sun is strong in the kundali of the person, then his/her body composition also would be strong.
2. The moon is a cooling planet. If its balance is proper, then the person would not find much mental problems in his/her life. On the contrary, if the moon is weak, then the person’s mind would also not function effectively.
3. Mars is a hot planet. Among the navgrahas, its status is closes to that of the sun.
4. Mercury is responsible also for natural diseases, which may not be directly related to the body. These include natural disasters like earthquakes, volcanoes, hurricanes, etc. and also problems with business, family life, and such others.
5. Jupiter causes the lowest amount of diseases of any graha. Its strength in the kundali is an essential element for a person’s wellbeing.
6. Venus is also a great benefic planet. It does not cause many diseases. People with Venus in their kundali are quite lovable.
7. Saturn is the biggest cause of diseases in the human body. Most human diseases are caused due to the prevalence of Shani or Saturn in the kundali.
8. Rahu is known as a cheating planet. This is because it can attack suddenly even if it was not in the chart before.
9. Similarly, Ketu is called as a hidden planet. It is very difficult to predict the presence of Ketu before the affliction actually strikes

Pushkar Navmansh

Pushkar Navmansh

Brihaspati, The Myth of Pushkara and the Pushkara Navamsha
Part One
Komilla Sutton
posted on 3 october 2006
Pushkara navamshas are special navamshas that enhance the quality of the planet. Pushkara bhagas are special degrees, which bring good luck and auspicious energy to the chart. Push means to nourish and kara means who does or what causes. So pushkara navamsha nourishes the quality of the planet placed within it. This can take the quality of the planet from ordinary to extra-ordinary. Pushkara are not given in many texts. They form the secret part of Vedic astrology in which when you dig deep, you come up with gems of analysis. The secret part was essential to give serious astrologers insight where the amateurs could fail. Chandra Kala Nadi, Jataka Parijata have a few shlokas that mention them. Their importance is understood through understanding the myth of pushkara and its relationship with the creator Brahma and Brihaspati (Jupiter).
Myth of Pushkara
After a prolonged penance a Brahmin called Tundila was granted a boon that he would remain permanently with Shiva in form of Jalamayatva Siddhi. Shiva has eight forms and one of them is Jalamayatva Siddhi, the ability to live in water. Tundila became known as Pushkara, the one who nourishes the world as this penance gave him the power to purify all the holy rivers for the benefit for all.
Brahma wanted water for creation and Pushkara’s ability to purify it. He pleaded with Shiva to allow Pushkara to live in his kamandal (the water pot that Brahma keeps by his side). Shiv granted this request. Brihaspati (Jupiter) asked Brahma that Pushkara should be with him, as water was essential for mankind and Pushkara’s ability to purify unique. Pushkara refused, as he did not want to leave Brahma.
Brahma resolved the situation by asking Pushkara to stay with Brihaspati for 12 days when the latter was entering a new Rashi and 12 days when he was leaving it. On a daily basis, Pushkara would stay with Brihaspati for a length of two Muhurta (48 minutes is one muhurta) in the afternoon. Brahma, accompanied by all the other gods, would go with Pushkara to the holy river being blessed. Thus, Pushkara could be with Brahma as well as with Brihaspati at the same time. Brihaspati stays in one rashi for a year and takes 12 years to complete one cycle of the Zodiac. When Brihaspati comes into a Rashi then the Pushkara would be with him in the first 12 days (Aadi Pushkara) and the last 12 days (Antya Pushkara) as Brihaspati exits the rashi. When people bathe in a holy river at the time of Pushkaram, they take the blessings of Jupiter into the next twelve-year cycle of Brihaspati.
The twelve main rivers were blessed by Pushkara and purified once every twelve years. Pushkaram signifies the entry of Pushkara into the river water along with all gods and goddesses, which makes the water of that river pure for another 12 years. The entire year is considered holy to have the dip because earthly one-year amounts to only one divine day. During Pushkaram, the old sins can be washed away and the souls leave the water purified. People also pay homage to their departed ancestors during this time as well. All can experience the blessings of Pushkara twice a day when the pushkara muhurta is on by taking a dip the holy waters.
The temple town of Pushkar in Rajasthan is blessed, as its lake is the living kamandal of Brahma. There is a rare Brahma temple there as well. This is one of the holiest place and people throng there to find absolution for negative past karma.
Daily there are two Pushkaram when the holy waters get energized with the godly presence and these are the special times to take a dip in the holy waters as they are specially energized and purified. All the gods are residing with Brahma to give their blessing to the aspirants.
Brihaspati ( Jupiter) transits and Pushkara of the Holy Rivers
There are twelve holy rivers in ancient India and these rivers are not always easy to trace in the present times. The rivers blessed by Pushkar during Brihaspati Rashi transits are
As Jupiter goes into Vrishchika ( Scorpio) on 28 october 2006, he will be blessing Bhima river. Bhima river rises near Pune in the western ghats near an ancient shiva temple known as Bhimashankar. Bhima Shankar is one of the twelve jyotirlingas of Shiva. this is where Shiva killed the demon Tripurantikari. The Bhima flows through the states of Maharashtra and karnataka into Krishna river, blessing its people. The major shrines on the banks of Bhima will hold festivals to welcome the pushkara of its river. All the major gods will visit the river along with Pushkara and cleanse the river and its people.
Pushkara Bhaga, Navamsha and the Myth
There are two pushkara bhagas/navamshas in each sign. This reflects the fact that there are two Pushkara muhurta daily in the afternoon. Two degrees became highly beneficial during each month. A muhurta is 48 minutes, the start of the muhurta would represent the Bhaga/degree as duration of it the navamsha. The navamsha and the bhaga do not always coincide. I do not have any answers for it as yet. How the exact daily calculation is done, I am still not aware of but will keep on researching and keep you all posted. In all these would make 24 positions within the solar year (360º Zodiac). These positions have been transposed into the natal chart to show degrees or navamshas, which become special placement for the planets. The planets in these positions take a virtual dip in the holy waters and regardless of their previous karma or weaknesses they have the ability to get redeemed and be strengthened.
While humans can get rid of their sins by taking a dip in the holy waters during Pushkaram, the planets in the natal chart gets similarly blessed and lose all their negative qualities. What is important to remember is that the individuals in whose chart where the lagna or planets in the pushkara navamshas and bhagas should want to make the changes, to find the blessings. Otherwise these positions can just remain unrealized blessings. Brihaspati (Jupiter) has a special relationship with Pushkara and its position in Pushkara is especially beneficial.
The rishis and spiritualist wait for pushkara time to rise before they take a dip in the holy waters, similarly we can get the same blessings by choosing a pushkara lagna rising in our muhurta.
Note: Part two of this article on Pushkara Navamsha and Bhaga will be published in November 2006.


Pushkara: Navamsha and Bhaga
Part Two
Komilla Sutton
click here for part one 
posted on 1 Nov 2006
Pushkara navamshas are special navamshas that enhance the quality of the planet. Pushkara bhagas are special degrees, which bring good luck and auspicious energy to the chart. Push means to nourish and kara means who does or what causes. So pushkara navamsha nourishes the quality of the planet placed within it. This can take the quality of the planet from ordinary to extra-ordinary. Pushkara are not given in many texts. They form the secret part of Vedic astrology in which when you dig deep; you come up with gems of analysis. The secret part was essential to give serious astrologers insight where the amateurs could fail. Chandra Kala Nadi, Jataka Parijata have a few shlokas that mention them. I read about Pushkara in C S Patel’s book Navamsha and Nadi Astrology, Jataka Parijata and Chandra Kala Nadi, but the final analysis is my own research and experience.
Pushkara navamshas are special navamshas that enhance the quality of the planet. Pushkara bhagas are special degrees, which bring good luck and auspicious energy to the chart. Push means to nourish and kara means who does or what causes. So pushkara navamsha nourishes the quality of the planet placed within it. This can take the quality of the planet from ordinary to extra-ordinary. Pushkara are not given in many texts. They form the secret part of Vedic astrology in which when you dig deep; you come up with gems of analysis. The secret part was essential to give serious astrologers insight where the amateurs could fail. Chandra Kala Nadi, Jataka Parijata have a few shlokas that mention them. I read about Pushkara in C S Patel’s book Navamsha and Nadi Astrology, Jataka Parijata and Chandra Kala Nadi, but the final analysis is my own research and experience.
Pushkara Navamsha
Navamsha is the most important varga. Planet positions in their navamsha finally decide whether they are strong or weak in the chart. Do they feel supported or not. Therefore Pushkara navamshas become very important. They are specific areas in charts that nourish which give planets the capacity to heal and regenerate themselves. This special navamsha allow the personality to flourish. Regardless of the situation of the planet, its qualities become replenished. It is always the navamsha ruled by the same signs within the same elements that become pushkara. Study the table below for further clarification.
Pushkara navamsha table by signs and elements
pushkara degrees
Pushkara navamsha
Fire- Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
20 deg to 23 deg20
26 deg to 30 deg 00
Earth- Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn
06 deg40 to 10 deg 00
13 deg 20 to 16 deg 40
Air- Gemini, Libra, Aquarius
16 deg 40 to 20 deg 00
23 deg 20 to 26 deg 40
Water- Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces
00 deg 00to 03 deg 20
06 deg 40 to 10 deg 00
While there are two Pushkara in each sign, they do not fall in Aries, Gemini, Leo, Scorpio, Capricorn, and Aquarius navamshas. These navamshas can be taken as points of personal development, where individual learns from their own mistakes. Aries, Gemini, Leo and Aquarius are male signs and their navamsha may use up all the energy available to them not try to regenerate the planetary qualities. Scorpio and Capricorn are female signs but these are complex areas within signs. Scorpio creates sudden transformation and Capricorn makes planet feel very burdened, even if they are well placed. As Capricorn makes us face up to our karmic responsibilities and therefore we are not able to nurture the soul.If planets are placed in these navamshas, it should not be taken as minus points. What needs to be understood that these planets have to be self-motivated, their job in this life uses up some of the positive energy saved from previous lives, and therefore pushkara does not nourish them. That may not be negative, just the way life is. Not everything can be saved up or nurtured. But by being aware of these qualities, we can make sure that we learn to nourish them through our actions.
Pushkara navamsha can be classified through nakshatras padas as follows
Ketu Nakshatras (Ashwini, Magha, and Mula) do not have any pushkara navamsha.
3rd pada (Libra) of Venus nakshatras- Bharani, Purva Phalguni, Purva Ashadha
1st pada, Sagittarius and 4th pada, Pisces of Sun nakshatras- Krittika, Uttara Phalguni, Uttara Ashadha
2nd pada Taurus of Moon nakshatras- Rohini, Hasta, Shravana
Mars (Mrigasira, Chitra, and Dhanishta) do not have any pushkara navamsha.
4th pada Pisces of Rahu nakshatra- Ardra, Swati and Shatabhishak
2nd pada (Taurus) and 4th pada (Cancer) of Jupiter nakshatras- Punarvasu, Vishakha, Purva Bhadra
2nd pada (Virgo) of Saturn nakshatra- Pushya, Anuradha, Uttara BhadraMercury (Ashlesha, Jyeshta, and Revati) do not have any pushkara navamsha.
Ketu nakshatra are beginning stages for the development for the soul. These stages can be very intense and therefore personal effort and the struggle of the soul to live a material life is there. In Ketu nakshatras, the soul is taking a new step in its development, so it uses up some of its accumulated nourishment. So while they are aspiring for moksha, their very action depletes their collected good karma and planets find it difficult to find nourishment in these circumstances. That does not make it wrong or bring weakness but pushkara cannot thrive. The soul cannot change the situation and in its pursuit for the next level of development, they have to use up some of their equity. It is like taking a loan for present development, which will bring future rewards. But the present will make them feel burdened.
Ketu nakshatra are beginning stages for the development for the soul. These stages can be very intense and therefore personal effort and the struggle of the soul to live a material life is there. In Ketu nakshatras, the soul is taking a new step in its development, so it uses up some of its accumulated nourishment. So while they are aspiring for moksha, their very action depletes their collected good karma and planets find it difficult to find nourishment in these circumstances. That does not make it wrong or bring weakness but pushkara cannot thrive. The soul cannot change the situation and in its pursuit for the next level of development, they have to use up some of their equity. It is like taking a loan for present development, which will bring future rewards. But the present will make them feel burdened.
Mercury nakshatras are areas of transformation where the debris of all soul’s negativity gets collected, the soul struggles to make the changes, the mind is active trying to make sense of their circumstances. The planets struggle to transcend, therefore there is no calmness and stillness provided by Pushkara. Planets use up their energy and do not always feel nourished.
The pushkara navamshas throw up some interesting points. The rulerships of the navamshas are by benefic planets. Jupiter and Venus ruler nine pushkara each, one in fire, earth and air elements, whereas Moon and Mercury rule one each in Water elements. Water signs are known as moksha houses as well. Moksha houses are about self-realisation and the rulership of Moon and Mercury- the two planets of the mind should that we have to nourish our mind before we can aspire to realise ourselves. Another way of looking at it is that a nourished and quiet mind helps us to go towards self-realization.
The planets that are not placed in pushkara need to be energized, as they do not have the capacity to nourish themselves.
Pushkara Bhaga
Pushkara bhaga are specific degrees where planets become especially auspicious to do good. The exact degree is becomes very powerful agent for being positive, whereas the navamsha is still powerful but not as intense as the degree. Pushkara degrees are used for Muhurta. Choosing the muhurta lagna on a pushkara bhaga makes that a very auspicious moment.
Jataka Parijata- Adhyaya 1 Shloka 58 gives the following degrees:
21º Aries (Libra Navamsha) 19º Leo (Virgo navamsha) 23º Sagittarius (Libra Navamsha) These three in Venus nakshatras and Fire signs

14º Taurus (Taurus navamsha and vargotamma- Moon nakshatra),9º Virgo (Pisces navamsha- Sun nakshatra), 14º Capricorn (Taurus Navamsha- Moon nakshatra)Above Three in Earth signs

18º Gemini (Pisces navamsha- Rahu nakshatra),24º Libra (Taurus Navamsha- Jupiter nakshatra), 19º Aquarius (Pisces Navamsha- Rahu nakshatra)Above three in Air signs

8º Cancer (Virgo Navamsha) 11º Scorpio (Libra Navamsha), 9º Pisces (Virgo Navamsha)Above three in Saturn nakshatras and Water signs
Pushkara degrees given by CS Patel in his book Nadi and Navamsha astrology are:21º of Fire signs: 21º Aries, 21º Leo, and 21º Sagittarius (Venus nakshatras)14º in Earth signs: 14º Taurus, 14º Virgo, and 14º Capricorn (Moon nakshatras)24º in Air signs: 24º Gemini, 24º Libra, and 24º Aquarius (Jupiter Nakshatras)7º in Water signs: 7º Cancer, 7º Scorpio, 7º Pisces (Saturn nakshatras)
According to the CS Patel, Bhagas are not found in Ketu, Sun, Mars, Rahu and Mercury nakshatras while Jataka Parijata has pushkara bhaga in Rahu and Sun nakshatras but not in Ketu, Mars and Mercury nakshatras.
Mostly the Jataka Parijata pushkara bhaga degrees are used. I am also using Jataka Parijata bhagas as it gives these actual degrees in the text. Plus it resonates with my research.
I have been infomred by one of his students that CS Pate'ls information is from Purva Kalamrita. Do research both sets of degrees and come up with your own conclusions.
How to use Pushkara Bhaga and Navamsha.
Jataka Parijata says that pushkara should be used in muhurta, natal and any other factor under consideration. Other factors under consideration are in prashna and maybe relationship compatibility.
Muhurta: There are 24 pushkara navamsha and 12 pushkara therefore every hour a pushkara navamsha rises and every two hours a pushkara degree rises. Therefore when you need to find an auspicious time in a hurry, you can chose a pushkara navamsha or a pushkara degree. Some degrees reflect both the navamsha and degree of pushkara. In Taurus, the pushkara navamsha and the degree are vargotamma; therefore that particular position is extremely strong. Generally when planning a muhurta, it would be good to choose a pushkara degree or navamsha rising. This protects the chart and gives it a benefic quality. To have the benefic planets, lagna lord, 9th lord, 5th lord as well as the lord of the house for which you are performing the muhurta (10th career, 4th- home) to be in pushkara navamsha will further fortify the chart.

Natal: Remember pushkara is added on knowledge. You should analyse the chart by all traditional methods and then study the chart to see whether any planets are placed in pushkara bhaga or navamsha. If a chart does not appear to have any great strength but it has ascendant in pushkara bhaga and 10th lord in pushkara degree, the quality of the is chart changes and your analysis will be different. The chart is showing extra ordinary strength with both the lagna and 10th lord fortifies. Pushkara will bring strength to the chart, nourish it after it has used up some of its energy. The individual may not immediately gain the strength, but is guided through these auspicious degrees to work with their issues, accept them and learn to overcome them.
Planet in an exact degree is stronger than the bhaga so the quality will be more intense. If you have Sun exalted in 21º Aries, it is in pushkara navamsha and bhaga. But this is also the debilitated navamsha of the Sun. Sun debilitated by navamsha shows hidden lack of confidence, need for support of others, and low self esteem. The weakness indicated by the Sun in its debilitated navamsha is being over-ridden by the fact that the Sun is pushkara both in navamsha and bhaga. Therefore an individual may experience some weaknesses of this debilitation, but they are quickly able to overcome it and make the Sun, its karakas, house rulerships etc positive. Low esteem will be there but the person learn confidence, pushkara will make them feel strong instead of weak.
All texts say lagna, lagna lord, and 10th lords in Pushkara gives great strength and good luck to the birth chart. In my experience, the more planets in pushkara, the stronger the chart. The lagna is a pushkara degree or navamsha brings fortune and success. If the lord of a house is placed in pushkara or the bhava Madhya of the house is placed in pushkara, this strengthens it and makes it a force to do good. Pushkara imparts sweetness to the chart that brings in higher qualities of goodness, spiritual aspirations and material success as.
Those who have their rajayoga karaka in pushkara or their yogas taking place in pushkara, they are specially blessed. This enhances an already strong position to something sublime.
The experience of pushkara is during their dashas. If the dasha lord is in pushkara or the lord of bhava Madhya that are pushkara, it will give special results in relationship to its signification’s.
Also watch when planets go into their pushkara positions by transit. In June 2005, many planets, Jupiter, Venus, Mercury, Mars, Saturn, Sun while as I write this article (23 July2005) only Saturn and Sun are pushkara in 6º Cancer. But Saturn is combust and Saturn is spoiling Sun. Therefore the ability of these planets to do good is limited. But their being in pushkara position, it suggests that despite their limitations and the pain that this conjunction has generated is there, but also there is hope and capacity for improvement.
Prashna: If the prashna ascendant falls in pushkara or the karaka falls in pushkara, there will be a good ending. Lets suppose the question was about buying a new home. 4th lord is Mercury and is placed in the 8th house in Taurus navamsha in Libra. The immediate answer would be that there is difficulty in buying the house. But this is a pushkara navamsha; therefore there are some underlying factors that will make this negative aspect positive. It may be that not buying the house saved you from a big loss or there may be a better property ahead so not buying this property will be for your good in the long run.

Relationships: if Venus, the karaka of relationships is placed in 14º Virgo. Now Venus in Virgo would usually create problems with relationships but the pushkara aspect will nourish Venus, make it feel supported and that would have good effect for relationships.Your lagna lord is pushkara in your partner’s chart or vice versa means that you have the ability to nourish your partners. The karakas Venus and Jupiter in pushkara degrees help make partnerships good. If a woman has Jupiter in pushkara, then she will experience good partners and children. A pushkara Venus gives nourishing relationships

Pushkara: Navamsha and Bhaga
Copyright by Komilla Sutton

Pushkara: Navamsha and Bhaga
Part Two
Komilla Sutton
click here for part one 
posted on 1 Nov 2006
Pushkara navamshas are special navamshas that enhance the quality of the planet. Pushkara bhagas are special degrees, which bring good luck and auspicious energy to the chart. Push means to nourish and kara means who does or what causes. So pushkara navamsha nourishes the quality of the planet placed within it. This can take the quality of the planet from ordinary to extra-ordinary. Pushkara are not given in many texts. They form the secret part of Vedic astrology in which when you dig deep; you come up with gems of analysis. The secret part was essential to give serious astrologers insight where the amateurs could fail. Chandra Kala Nadi, Jataka Parijata have a few shlokas that mention them. I read about Pushkara in C S Patel’s book Navamsha and Nadi Astrology, Jataka Parijata and Chandra Kala Nadi, but the final analysis is my own research and experience.
Pushkara navamshas are special navamshas that enhance the quality of the planet. Pushkara bhagas are special degrees, which bring good luck and auspicious energy to the chart. Push means to nourish and kara means who does or what causes. So pushkara navamsha nourishes the quality of the planet placed within it. This can take the quality of the planet from ordinary to extra-ordinary. Pushkara are not given in many texts. They form the secret part of Vedic astrology in which when you dig deep; you come up with gems of analysis. The secret part was essential to give serious astrologers insight where the amateurs could fail. Chandra Kala Nadi, Jataka Parijata have a few shlokas that mention them. I read about Pushkara in C S Patel’s book Navamsha and Nadi Astrology, Jataka Parijata and Chandra Kala Nadi, but the final analysis is my own research and experience.
Pushkara Navamsha
Navamsha is the most important varga. Planet positions in their navamsha finally decide whether they are strong or weak in the chart. Do they feel supported or not. Therefore Pushkara navamshas become very important. They are specific areas in charts that nourish which give planets the capacity to heal and regenerate themselves. This special navamsha allow the personality to flourish. Regardless of the situation of the planet, its qualities become replenished. It is always the navamsha ruled by the same signs within the same elements that become pushkara. Study the table below for further clarification.
Pushkara navamsha table by signs and elements
pushkara degrees
Pushkara navamsha
Fire- Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
20 deg to 23 deg20
26 deg to 30 deg 00
Earth- Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn
06 deg40 to 10 deg 00
13 deg 20 to 16 deg 40
Air- Gemini, Libra, Aquarius
16 deg 40 to 20 deg 00
23 deg 20 to 26 deg 40
Water- Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces
00 deg 00to 03 deg 20
06 deg 40 to 10 deg 00
While there are two Pushkara in each sign, they do not fall in Aries, Gemini, Leo, Scorpio, Capricorn, and Aquarius navamshas. These navamshas can be taken as points of personal development, where individual learns from their own mistakes. Aries, Gemini, Leo and Aquarius are male signs and their navamsha may use up all the energy available to them not try to regenerate the planetary qualities. Scorpio and Capricorn are female signs but these are complex areas within signs. Scorpio creates sudden transformation and Capricorn makes planet feel very burdened, even if they are well placed. As Capricorn makes us face up to our karmic responsibilities and therefore we are not able to nurture the soul.If planets are placed in these navamshas, it should not be taken as minus points. What needs to be understood that these planets have to be self-motivated, their job in this life uses up some of the positive energy saved from previous lives, and therefore pushkara does not nourish them. That may not be negative, just the way life is. Not everything can be saved up or nurtured. But by being aware of these qualities, we can make sure that we learn to nourish them through our actions.
Pushkara navamsha can be classified through nakshatras padas as follows
Ketu Nakshatras (Ashwini, Magha, and Mula) do not have any pushkara navamsha.
3rd pada (Libra) of Venus nakshatras- Bharani, Purva Phalguni, Purva Ashadha
1st pada, Sagittarius and 4th pada, Pisces of Sun nakshatras- Krittika, Uttara Phalguni, Uttara Ashadha
2nd pada Taurus of Moon nakshatras- Rohini, Hasta, Shravana
Mars (Mrigasira, Chitra, and Dhanishta) do not have any pushkara navamsha.
4th pada Pisces of Rahu nakshatra- Ardra, Swati and Shatabhishak
2nd pada (Taurus) and 4th pada (Cancer) of Jupiter nakshatras- Punarvasu, Vishakha, Purva Bhadra
2nd pada (Virgo) of Saturn nakshatra- Pushya, Anuradha, Uttara BhadraMercury (Ashlesha, Jyeshta, and Revati) do not have any pushkara navamsha.
Ketu nakshatra are beginning stages for the development for the soul. These stages can be very intense and therefore personal effort and the struggle of the soul to live a material life is there. In Ketu nakshatras, the soul is taking a new step in its development, so it uses up some of its accumulated nourishment. So while they are aspiring for moksha, their very action depletes their collected good karma and planets find it difficult to find nourishment in these circumstances. That does not make it wrong or bring weakness but pushkara cannot thrive. The soul cannot change the situation and in its pursuit for the next level of development, they have to use up some of their equity. It is like taking a loan for present development, which will bring future rewards. But the present will make them feel burdened.
Ketu nakshatra are beginning stages for the development for the soul. These stages can be very intense and therefore personal effort and the struggle of the soul to live a material life is there. In Ketu nakshatras, the soul is taking a new step in its development, so it uses up some of its accumulated nourishment. So while they are aspiring for moksha, their very action depletes their collected good karma and planets find it difficult to find nourishment in these circumstances. That does not make it wrong or bring weakness but pushkara cannot thrive. The soul cannot change the situation and in its pursuit for the next level of development, they have to use up some of their equity. It is like taking a loan for present development, which will bring future rewards. But the present will make them feel burdened.
Mercury nakshatras are areas of transformation where the debris of all soul’s negativity gets collected, the soul struggles to make the changes, the mind is active trying to make sense of their circumstances. The planets struggle to transcend, therefore there is no calmness and stillness provided by Pushkara. Planets use up their energy and do not always feel nourished.
The pushkara navamshas throw up some interesting points. The rulerships of the navamshas are by benefic planets. Jupiter and Venus ruler nine pushkara each, one in fire, earth and air elements, whereas Moon and Mercury rule one each in Water elements. Water signs are known as moksha houses as well. Moksha houses are about self-realisation and the rulership of Moon and Mercury- the two planets of the mind should that we have to nourish our mind before we can aspire to realise ourselves. Another way of looking at it is that a nourished and quiet mind helps us to go towards self-realization.
The planets that are not placed in pushkara need to be energized, as they do not have the capacity to nourish themselves.
Pushkara Bhaga
Pushkara bhaga are specific degrees where planets become especially auspicious to do good. The exact degree is becomes very powerful agent for being positive, whereas the navamsha is still powerful but not as intense as the degree. Pushkara degrees are used for Muhurta. Choosing the muhurta lagna on a pushkara bhaga makes that a very auspicious moment.
Jataka Parijata- Adhyaya 1 Shloka 58 gives the following degrees:
21º Aries (Libra Navamsha) 19º Leo (Virgo navamsha) 23º Sagittarius (Libra Navamsha) These three in Venus nakshatras and Fire signs

14º Taurus (Taurus navamsha and vargotamma- Moon nakshatra),9º Virgo (Pisces navamsha- Sun nakshatra), 14º Capricorn (Taurus Navamsha- Moon nakshatra)Above Three in Earth signs

18º Gemini (Pisces navamsha- Rahu nakshatra),24º Libra (Taurus Navamsha- Jupiter nakshatra), 19º Aquarius (Pisces Navamsha- Rahu nakshatra)Above three in Air signs

8º Cancer (Virgo Navamsha) 11º Scorpio (Libra Navamsha), 9º Pisces (Virgo Navamsha)Above three in Saturn nakshatras and Water signs
Pushkara degrees given by CS Patel in his book Nadi and Navamsha astrology are:21º of Fire signs: 21º Aries, 21º Leo, and 21º Sagittarius (Venus nakshatras)14º in Earth signs: 14º Taurus, 14º Virgo, and 14º Capricorn (Moon nakshatras)24º in Air signs: 24º Gemini, 24º Libra, and 24º Aquarius (Jupiter Nakshatras)7º in Water signs: 7º Cancer, 7º Scorpio, 7º Pisces (Saturn nakshatras)
According to the CS Patel, Bhagas are not found in Ketu, Sun, Mars, Rahu and Mercury nakshatras while Jataka Parijata has pushkara bhaga in Rahu and Sun nakshatras but not in Ketu, Mars and Mercury nakshatras.
Mostly the Jataka Parijata pushkara bhaga degrees are used. I am also using Jataka Parijata bhagas as it gives these actual degrees in the text. Plus it resonates with my research.
I have been infomred by one of his students that CS Pate'ls information is from Purva Kalamrita. Do research both sets of degrees and come up with your own conclusions.
How to use Pushkara Bhaga and Navamsha.
Jataka Parijata says that pushkara should be used in muhurta, natal and any other factor under consideration. Other factors under consideration are in prashna and maybe relationship compatibility.
Muhurta: There are 24 pushkara navamsha and 12 pushkara therefore every hour a pushkara navamsha rises and every two hours a pushkara degree rises. Therefore when you need to find an auspicious time in a hurry, you can chose a pushkara navamsha or a pushkara degree. Some degrees reflect both the navamsha and degree of pushkara. In Taurus, the pushkara navamsha and the degree are vargotamma; therefore that particular position is extremely strong. Generally when planning a muhurta, it would be good to choose a pushkara degree or navamsha rising. This protects the chart and gives it a benefic quality. To have the benefic planets, lagna lord, 9th lord, 5th lord as well as the lord of the house for which you are performing the muhurta (10th career, 4th- home) to be in pushkara navamsha will further fortify the chart.

Natal: Remember pushkara is added on knowledge. You should analyse the chart by all traditional methods and then study the chart to see whether any planets are placed in pushkara bhaga or navamsha. If a chart does not appear to have any great strength but it has ascendant in pushkara bhaga and 10th lord in pushkara degree, the quality of the is chart changes and your analysis will be different. The chart is showing extra ordinary strength with both the lagna and 10th lord fortifies. Pushkara will bring strength to the chart, nourish it after it has used up some of its energy. The individual may not immediately gain the strength, but is guided through these auspicious degrees to work with their issues, accept them and learn to overcome them.
Planet in an exact degree is stronger than the bhaga so the quality will be more intense. If you have Sun exalted in 21º Aries, it is in pushkara navamsha and bhaga. But this is also the debilitated navamsha of the Sun. Sun debilitated by navamsha shows hidden lack of confidence, need for support of others, and low self esteem. The weakness indicated by the Sun in its debilitated navamsha is being over-ridden by the fact that the Sun is pushkara both in navamsha and bhaga. Therefore an individual may experience some weaknesses of this debilitation, but they are quickly able to overcome it and make the Sun, its karakas, house rulerships etc positive. Low esteem will be there but the person learn confidence, pushkara will make them feel strong instead of weak.
All texts say lagna, lagna lord, and 10th lords in Pushkara gives great strength and good luck to the birth chart. In my experience, the more planets in pushkara, the stronger the chart. The lagna is a pushkara degree or navamsha brings fortune and success. If the lord of a house is placed in pushkara or the bhava Madhya of the house is placed in pushkara, this strengthens it and makes it a force to do good. Pushkara imparts sweetness to the chart that brings in higher qualities of goodness, spiritual aspirations and material success as.
Those who have their rajayoga karaka in pushkara or their yogas taking place in pushkara, they are specially blessed. This enhances an already strong position to something sublime.
The experience of pushkara is during their dashas. If the dasha lord is in pushkara or the lord of bhava Madhya that are pushkara, it will give special results in relationship to its signification’s.
Also watch when planets go into their pushkara positions by transit. In June 2005, many planets, Jupiter, Venus, Mercury, Mars, Saturn, Sun while as I write this article (23 July2005) only Saturn and Sun are pushkara in 6º Cancer. But Saturn is combust and Saturn is spoiling Sun. Therefore the ability of these planets to do good is limited. But their being in pushkara position, it suggests that despite their limitations and the pain that this conjunction has generated is there, but also there is hope and capacity for improvement.
Prashna: If the prashna ascendant falls in pushkara or the karaka falls in pushkara, there will be a good ending. Lets suppose the question was about buying a new home. 4th lord is Mercury and is placed in the 8th house in Taurus navamsha in Libra. The immediate answer would be that there is difficulty in buying the house. But this is a pushkara navamsha; therefore there are some underlying factors that will make this negative aspect positive. It may be that not buying the house saved you from a big loss or there may be a better property ahead so not buying this property will be for your good in the long run.

Relationships: if Venus, the karaka of relationships is placed in 14º Virgo. Now Venus in Virgo would usually create problems with relationships but the pushkara aspect will nourish Venus, make it feel supported and that would have good effect for relationships.Your lagna lord is pushkara in your partner’s chart or vice versa means that you have the ability to nourish your partners. The karakas Venus and Jupiter in pushkara degrees help make partnerships good. If a woman has Jupiter in pushkara, then she will experience good partners and children. A pushkara Venus gives nourishing relationships

Pushkara: Navamsha and Bhaga
Copyright by Komilla Sutton