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Sunday, May 22, 2011

North node Rahu in different Rashis.


Dear all this is taken from----

Competition & vitality entitlement. Rahu magnifies aggression & competition, gives desire to be a hero & a winner, selfishness, athleticism, physical-body-oriented lifestyle. Can become extremely focused on a single goal; which can manifest in a childlike or ruthless way, depending on Kuja.

Balance & design entitlement. Rahu magnifies sensual & self-indulgent behaviors, gives desire to have pleasures of the physical senses, love of nature, craving for beautiful people & things. Can become extremely focused on the pursuit of wealth, fine food & drink.

Communicative relationship entitlement. Rahu magnifies a desire to define & solve problems, enthusiasm for conversation, sexual attractions & pairings, & craving for intellectual stimulation. Can become extremely focused on short-term solutions to long-term problems. 

Psycho-emotional entitlement. Rahu magnifies the whole range of mind's astral awareness, including sensitivity to deep currents of nurturing emotion in self and others. Intensely desires security & stability, is never satisfied with depth of family bonding. Can never have enough opportunity to give and receive parental love and care. Yet, the native is by nature emotionally fluctuating & changing every day. Highly unstable parent. Will often make a great display of parenting, or patriotism, or both - but the display is intended to attract attention and create opportunities for deeper sensual experience. It is not a display of contentment. Can develop a parent complex, taking care of everyone within reach. Has a special attraction to those who are 'separated' from their roots: destitute, homeless, and stateless. Can become extremely focused on protecting their family, home and homeland from invaders - psychic or physical. Yet, the native also seeks public validation of the parenting role, in which the native feels unstable. 

Ethical leadership entitlement. Rahu magnifies rational, philosophical attitude & confidence that one's view is correct. Desires attention, recognition of their social & ethical worth. Can become extremely focused on glamorous companions, celebrity events, etc. Can be obsessed with personal appearance, media handling, their public image. 

Communicative relationship entitlement. Rahu magnifies analytical tendencies and can lead to obsession with details, with clear articulation, exquisite writing, with cleanliness, with health. Wants to be exhaustively thorough, yet in their passion for completeness can overlook essentials. Can be driven perfectionists.

Balance & design entitlement. Rahu magnifies a passion for good design, harmonious relationships, and social order. Will take risks, with surprising energy, to achieve their goal of beautifully balanced, equitable social arrangements. Can become obsessed with formal aesthetic issues, balancing multiple relationships, and keeping up a flawless public appearance.

Competition & vitality entitlement. Rahu magnifies manipulative & secretive behaviors. Wants substantial but anonymous, hidden power. Gives desire to assume & maintain control, occultism, fascination with the cycle of birth & death, potentially deep healing powers. Can become extremely focused on the discovery or recovery process.

Wisdom & expansion entitlement. Rahu magnifies optimism & humanistic faith in empowerment through education. Can be an obsessive coach that believes passionately in their athletes, or a bootstrapping teacher who transforms wayward youth. Can be obsessed with religious faith, to the point of fanaticism over even a compulsive gambler betting on the dark horse. Maintains a positive vision through excessive faith.

Structure, position, ranking, & social justice entitlement. Rahu magnifies the desire for respectability and prestige, which can make their style simple & unassuming. Rahu will take risks in pursuit of Shani's conventional goals, so this is a complex & often ironic placement. Crave leadership & position. Can become obsessed with notable achievement, to the point of taking individual credit for the work of a group.

Scientific, conceptual, ideological structure & large-system regulatory entitlement Rahu magnifies the desire to promote a visionary worldview, showing the connections between all things. Often working at cross-purposes with their own goals; promoting a viewpoint that they personally don't believe, because they are hooked into a network of people who pay them to serve as a mouthpiece for the worldview. Contradictory folk. Their vision may be authentic or fraudulent. If they're making a good profit from promoting an exclusive or negative ideology, look out. 

Wisdom & expansion entitlement. Rahu magnifies the desire to seek sanctuary in the world of intuitive, private perceptions. Likes foreign travel. Increases the psychic capabilities. Can amplify childlike play or paranoia, depending on the supporting planets. Prone toward clandestine activities, whether these are disappearing into an ashram for a week of prayer, traveling incognito, or conducting unauthorized espionage. Depends which spirits they are channeling.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Ganesh Mantras


Gayatri refers to a special three-line Vedic meter used in mantras for invoking and focusing consciousness on the Deity. The three gayatris below are intoned during pujas and yajnas. They may also be recited as powerful japa -- repeated again and again, while gently regulating the breath according to systematic rhythms given by one's guru to establish a deep inner connection with Lord Ganesha.
Aum ekadantaya vidmahe
vakratundaya dhimahi
tanno dantih prachodayat
We devote our thought to the one-tusked Lord.
We meditate upon Him who has a curved trunk.
May the tusked One guide us on the right path.
Ganapati Upanishad
Aum tatpurushaya vidmahe
vakratundaya dhimahi
tanno dantih prachodayat
We devote our thought to that supreme person.
We meditate upon Him who has a curved trunk.
May the tusked One guide us on the right path.
Narayana Upanishad
Aum tat karataya vidmahe
hasti mukhaya dhimahi
tanno dantih prachodayat
We devote our thoughts to the mysterious Lord.
We meditate on His elephant face.
May the tusked One guide us on the right path.
Maitrayani Samhita 2.6-9
A Special Collection of Ganesha Mantras
Ganesha mantras are siddhi mantras . Each mantra contains certain specific powers of Lord Ganesha. When chanted with the proper pranayama (rhythmic breathing) and sincere devotion, they will yield good results. In general, Ganesha mantras will ward off all evil and bless the devotee with abundance, prudence and success. Evil spirits dare not enter the home or the mind of the devotee where Ganesha mantras are recited. Those so mystically inclined and knowledgeable of the seven chakras below the muladhara use these powerful incantantions under the direction of the guru to close off these regions of the mind one by one and free consciousness from deep depression, confusion, jealousy, rage, lingering anger and fear. Some such mantras are given below for the spiritual benefit of the readers.
One more point to remember is that one should bathe or wash the limbs before sitting for repetition of the mantra. Also, one should do three or more pranayama before beginning the mantra. The minimum repetition of the mantra should be one full mala, or 108 times. When this is done at a fixed hour and place regularly for 48 days, it becomes an upasana, which means intense meditation, that will yield siddhis, or spiritual powers. Another warning to bear in mind is that one should use those powers only for healing the sick and other such selfless actions for the benefit of mankind. These powers should not be misused. Misuse of power may bring the curse of the asuras.
Aum gam ganapataye namah
This is a mantra from Ganapati Upanishad. One may always use it before beginning a journey, a new course in school, new career or job, or before entering into any new contract or business so that impediments are removed and your endeavor may be crowned with success.
Aum shri ganeshaya namah
This mantra is usually taught to children for their good education. It increases their memory power, and they become successful in their examinations. Of course, people of any age may use this mantra when taking courses in a school or university, and for success in attaining their degree.
Aum vakratundaya hum
This is a very powerful mantra, as discussed in the Ganesha Purana. When something is not working properly, individually or universally, nationally or internationally, or when the minds of the people turn crooked, negative, depressed or discouraged, the attention of Ganesha may be drawn by this mantra to straighten their ways. The HUM symbolizes "Delay no more, my Lord, in straightening the paths of the crooked-minded ones." This mantra is used many times in the Ganesha Purana to curb the atrocities of cruel demons. In addition, this mantra could also be used for healing any spinal deficiency, such as curvature of the spine or curved limbs. Dedicate 1,008 repetitions of this holy word to straighten and heal such deficiencies.
Aum kshipra prasadaya namah
Kshipra means instantaneous. If some danger or negative energy is coming your way and you don't know how to get rid of that trouble, with true devotion, practice this mantra for quick blessing and purification of one's aura.
Aum shrim hrim klim glaum gam
ganapataye vara varada sarva
janamme vashamanaya svaha
There are several bija (seed) mantras in this mantra . Among other things, it signals, "Shower Your blessings, O Lord. I offer my ego as an oblation."
Aum sumukhaya namah
This mantra has a lot of meaning, but to make it simple, it means you will be always very beautiful in soul, in spirit, in face, everything. By meditating on this mantra, very pleasing manners and a beauty comes on you. Along with that comes peace, which constantly dances in your eyes; and the words you speak are all filled with that power of love.
Aum ekadantaya namah
Ekadanta refers to one tusk in the elephant face, which means God broke the duality and made you to have a one-pointed mind. Whoever has that oneness of mind and single-minded devotion will achieve everything.
Aum kapilaya namah
Kapila (red) means that you are able to give color therapy. You are able to create colors around yourself and around others, bathe them in that color and heal them. As per the mantra you create, so will you create the colors. Another meaning is "wish cow," the "cow of plenty." It means that whatever you wish, that comes true. There is a wish-cow inside you. Whatever you wish, especially for healing others, comes true immediately.
Aum gajakarnikaya namah
The ears of Ganesha, the elephant, are constant fanning, which means people may talk a lot, but you are not receiving inside anything other than that which is important. It also means that you can sit anywhere and tune this cosmic television (the body) with seven channels (chakras) and all 72,000 nadis, to any loka and be able to hear ancestors, angels, the voice of God or the voice of prophets. That kind of inner ear you will develop through this mantra.
Aum lambodaraya namah
This means you feel that you are this universe. It means that all the universes are within you. Like an entire tree is in the seed, the whole universe is in the sound of creation, which is Aum, and that Aum consciousness in you makes you feel that you are the universe. Therefore, if you say, realizing the oneness with the universe, "shanti to the world" every day, then the grace of God will come and there will be world peace, universal peace. It is the universes within Aum and Aum within you.
Aum vikataya namah
This means realizing this world as a dream or a drama. When you are in that high consciousness, this whole world looks like a dream. All of us have taken a role. We have to play our role in life as wife or husband or children or citizens, all consistent with the role we have taken. When an actor bitten by a sponge cobra that is brought on the stage falls, the entire audience cries; but that boy who has fallen knows it was not a real cobra and he is not dead. Life is a drama -- definitely life in this material world, this physical world of ego, is a drama. But inside, like the boy on the stage who is quite happy knowing that he didn't die by the bite of the sponge cobra, like that, the truth never dies in us; it is immortal. So everything else you consider as drama. That consciousness comes to you by knowing this mantra.
Aum vighna nashanaya namah
This mantra invokes the Lord Ganesha to remove every impediment in your life and in your works. By constant meditation on this mantra, all obstacles and blocked energy in your physical and astral bodies are released.
Aum vinayakaya namah
Vinayaka is the name of Ganesha in the golden age. So by realizing this mantra, your life will have a golden age. In your office, in your work, you'll be the boss. Vinayaka means something under control. Vinayaka means the Lord of problems.
Aum dhumraketuve namah
Halley's Comet is called Dhumraketu in the Vedas. Whenever Halley's Comet appears, on the whole planet Earth, and in other places also, there will be fear and terror. The guiding masters and those who have the wisdom to face it will all withdraw to the higher worlds. Important people die during that time, and bloodshed and various other problems come. To overcome that, it's important for us to remember this mantra for world peace.
Aum ganadhyakshaya namah
This mantra is so important. Suppose you have a group, a country, neighbors, or any kind of group therapy, group healing or a whole country needing healing, then you have to bring that entire group to your mind's arena and say this mantra. A group healing takes place by this mantra.
Aum bhalachandraya namah
In Sanskrit, bhala means the forehead center. Chandra means the crescent moon. Bhalachandra means that chakra from where the nectar drips. That is the secret of all healing. It is to feel yourself as Siva, identifying yourself with the Truth and feeling constantly that you are carrying the crescent moon, the symbol of growth and nectar and peace.

Significance of 108

The Indian Subcontinent rosary or set of mantra counting has 108 beads. 108 has been a sacred number in the Indian Subcontinent for a very long time. This number is explained in many different ways.
The ancient Indians were excellent mathematicians and 108 may be the product of a precise mathematical operation (e.g. 1 power 1 x 2 power 2 x 3 power 3 = 108) which was thought to have special numerological significance.
Powers of 1, 2, and 3 in math: 1 to 1st power=1; 2 to 2nd power=4 (2x2); 3 to 3rd power=27 (3x3x3). 1x4x27=108
Sanskrit alphabet: There are 54 letters in the Sanskrit alphabet. Each has masculine and feminine, shiva and shakti. 54 times 2 is 108.
Sri Yantra: On the Sri Yantra there are marmas where three lines intersect, and there are 54 such intersections. Each intersections has masculine and feminine, shiva and shakti qualities. 54 x 2 equals 108. Thus, there are 108 points that define the Sri Yantra as well as the human body.
9 times 12: Both of these numbers have been said to have spiritual significance in many traditions. 9 times 12 is 108. Also, 1 plus 8 equals 9. That 9 times 12 equals 108.
Heart Chakra: The chakras are the intersections of energy lines, and there are said to be a total of 108 energy lines converging to form the heart chakra. One of them, sushumna leads to the crown chakra, and is said to be the path to Self-realization.
Marmas: Marmas or marmastanas are like energy intersections called chakras, except have fewer energy lines converging to form them. There are said to be 108 marmas in the subtle body.
Time: Some say there are 108 feelings, with 36 related to the past, 36 related to the present, and 36 related to the future.
Astrology: There are 12 constellations, and 9 arc segments called namshas or chandrakalas. 9 times 12 equals 108. Chandra is moon, and kalas are the divisions within a whole.
Planets and Houses: In astrology, there are 12 houses and 9 planets. 12 times 9 equals 108.
Gopis of Krishna: In the Krishna tradition, there were said to be 108 gopis or maid servants of Krishna.
1, 0, and 8: 1 stands for God or higher Truth, 0 stands for emptiness or completeness in spiritual practice, and 8 stands for infinity or eternity.
Sun and Earth: The diameter of the sun is 108 times the diameter of the Earth.
Numerical scale: The 1 of 108, and the 8 of 108, when added together equals 9, which is the number of the numerical scale, i.e. 1, 2, 3 ... 10, etc., where 0 is not a number.
Smaller divisions: The number 108 is divided, such as in half, third, quarter, or twelfth, so that some malas have 54, 36, 27, or 9 beads.
Islam: The number 108 is used in Islam to refer to God.
Jain: In the Jain religion, 108 are the combined virtues of five categories of holy ones, including 12, 8, 36, 25, and 27 virtues respectively.
Sikh: The Sikh tradition has a mala of 108 knots tied in a string of wool, rather than beads.
Chinese: The Chinese Buddhists and Taoists use a 108 bead mala, which is called su-chu, and has three dividing beads, so the mala is divided into three parts of 36 each.
Stages of the soul: Said that Atman, the human soul or center goes through 108 stages on the journey.
Meru: This is a larger bead, not part of the 108. It is not tied in the sequence of the other beads. It is the quiding bead, the one that marks the beginning and end of the mala.
Dance: There are 108 forms of dance in the Indian traditions.
Pythagorean: The nine is the limit of all numbers, all others existing and coming from the same. ie: 0 to 9 is all one needs to make up an infinite amount of numbers.
We have listed below 108 Upanishads as per the list contained in the Muktikopanishad . We have arranged them in four categories according to the particular Veda to which each of them belong.
Rigveda(10): Aitareya , Atmabodha, Kaushitaki, Mudgala, Nirvana, Nadabindu, Akshamaya, Tripura, Bahvruka, Saubhagyalakshmi.
Yajurveda(50): Katha, Taittiriya , Isavasya , Brihadaranyaka, Akshi, Ekakshara, Garbha, Prnagnihotra, Svetasvatara, Sariraka, Sukarahasya, Skanda, Sarvasara, Adhyatma, Niralamba, Paingala, Mantrika, Muktika, Subala, Avadhuta, Katharudra, Brahma, Jabala, Turiyatita, Paramahamsa, Bhikshuka, Yajnavalkya, Satyayani, Amrtanada, Amrtabindu, Kshurika, Tejobindu, Dhyanabindu, Brahmavidya, YogakundalinI, Yogatattva, Yogasikha, Varaha, Advayataraka, Trisikhibrahmana, mandalabrahmana, Hamsa, Kalisantaraaa, Narayana, Tarasara, Kalagnirudra, Dakshinamurti, Pancabrahma, Rudrahrdaya, SarasvatIrahasya.
SamaVeda(16): Kena, Chandogya, Mahat, Maitrayani, Vajrasuci, Savitri, Aruneya, Kundika, Maitreyi, Samnyasa, Jabaladarsana, Yogacudaman, Avyakta, Vasudevai, Jabali, Rudrakshajabala.
Atharvaveda(32): Prasna , Mandukya, Mundaka, Atma, Surya, Narada-Parivrajakas, Parabrahma, Paramahamsa-Parivrajakas, Pasupatha-Brahma, Mahavakya, Sandilya, Krishna, Garuda, Gopalatapani, Tripadavibhuti-mahnarayana, Dattatreya, Kaivalya, NrsimhatapanI, Ramatapani, Ramarahasya, HayagrIva, Atharvasikha, Atharvasira, Ganapati, Brhajjabala, Bhasmajabala, Sarabha, Annapurna, TripuratapanI, Devi, Bhavana, SIta.

Navagraha Peeda Hara Stotra

Navagraha Peeda Hara Stothra

( Mantras for destroying the afflictions of the planets )
Surya Stotra
Grahanam Adiradithyo, Loka Rakshana Karakah
Vishamasthana Sambhootham, Peedam Harathu Me Ravih
Chandra Stotra
Rohineesa Sudha Moorthim, Sudhagathra Sudhasanah
Vishamasthana Sambhootham, Peedam Harathu Me Vidhuh
Kuja Stora
Bhoomi Putro Maha Thejo, Jagatha Bhayakrith Sada
Vishtikrith Vrishti Hartha Cha, Peedam Harathu Me Kujah
Budha Stotra
Uthpatharoopo Jagatham, Chandraputro Mahadyuthi
Soorya Priya Karo Vidwan, Peedam Harathu Me Budhah
Guru Stotra
Deva Manthri Vishalakshah, Sada Loka Hithe Rathah
Aneka Shishya Sampoornah, Peedam Harathu Me Guruh
Sukra Stotra
Daithya Mantri Gurusthesham, Pranadascha MahamathiH
Prabhusthara Grahanam Cha, Peedam Harathu Me Brighu
Shani Stotra
Soorya Putro Deergha Deho, Vishalaksha Siva Priyah
Mandachara Prasannatma, Peedam Harathu Me Shanih
Rahu Stotra
Aneka Roopa Varnaischa, Shathasotha Sahasra sa
Uthpatharoopo Jagatham, Peedam Harathu Me Thamah
Kethu Stotra
Mahasiro Mahavakthro, Deergha Dhamshtro Mahabalah
Athanushchordhwa Keshascha, Peedam Harathu Me Sikhih

Shri Shani Chalisa

Shri Shani Chalisa

Jai Ganesh Girija Suwan, Mangal karan kripaal.
Deenan ke Dhuk dhoor kari, Kheejai Naath Nihaal.
JaiJai SriShanidev Prabhu, Sunahu Vinay Maharaaj
Karahu Kruia hey Ravitanay, Rakhahu Jan ki Laaj.
Jayathi jayathi shani dayaala, karath sadha bhakthan prathipaala.
Chaari bhuja, thanu shyam viraajay, maathey ratan mukut chavi chaajay.
Param vishaal manohar bhaala, tedi dhrishti bhrukuti vikraala.
Kundal shravan chamaacham chamke, hiye maal mukthan mani dhamkay.
Kar me gadha thrishul kutaara, pal bich karai arihi samhaara.
Pinghal, krishno, chaaya, nandhan, yum, konasth, raudra, dhuk bhamjan.
Sauri, mandh shani, dhasha naama, bhanu puthra poojhin sab kaama.
Jaapar prabu prasan havain jhaahin, rakhhun raav karai shan maahin.
Parvathhu thrun hoi nihaarath, thrunhu ko parvath kari daarath.
Raaj milath ban raamhin dheenhyo, kaikeyihu ki mathi hari linhiyo.
Banhu mae mrag kapat dhikaayi, maathu Janki gayi chooraayi.
Lakanhin shakthi vikal kari daara, machiga dhal mae haahaakaar.
Raavan ki ghathi-mathi bauraayi, Ramchandra so bair badaayi.
Dheeyo keet kari kanchan Lanka, baji bajarang beer ki danka.
Nrip vikram par thuhin pagu dhaara, chitra mayur nigli gai haara.
Haar naulakka laagyo chori, haath pair darvaayo thori.
Bhaari dhasha nikrusht dhikaayo, telhin ghar kholhu chalvaayo.
Vinay raag dheepak mah khinho, tab prasann prabhu hvai sukh dheenho.
Harishchandra nrip naari bhikani, aaphun bharen dome gar paani.
Tasse nal par dasha sirani, bhunji-meen koodh gayi paani.
Sri Shankarhin gahyo jab jaayi, Paarvathi ko sathi karaayi.
Thanik vilokath hi kari reesa, nabh udi gayo gaurisuth seesa.
Paandav par bhay dasha thumhaari, bachi draupadhi hothi udhaari.
Kaurav ke bi gathi mathi maaryo, yudh mahabharath kari daryo.
Ravi kah mukh mahn dhari thathkala, lekar koodhi paryo paathaala.
Saish dhev-lakhi vinthi laayi, Ravi ko mukh thay dhiyo chudaayi.
Vaahan prabhu kay saah sujana, jag dhigaj gadharbh mragh swaana.
Jambuk singh aadhi nakh dhari, so phal jyothish kahath pukari.
Gaj vahan lakshmi gruha aavai, hay thay sukh sampathi upjaavay.
Gadharbh haani karai bahu kaaja, singh sidh kar raaj samaja.
Jhambuk budhi nasht kar darai, mrag dhe kasht praan sangharay.
Jab aavahi prabu swaan savaari, chori aadi hoy dar bhaari.
Thaishi chaari charan yeh naama, swarn laoh chaandhi aru taama.
Lauh charan par jab prabu aavain, daan jan sampathi nashta karavain.
Samatha thaamra rajath shubhkari, swarn sarva sukh mangal bhaari.
Jo yeh shani charithra nith gavai, kabahu na dasha nikrushta sathavai.
Adhbuth nath dhikavain leela, karaen shaatru kay nashi bhali dheela.
Jo pundith suyogya bulvaayi vidhyvath shani graha shanti karayi.
Peepal jal shani diwas chadavath, deep dhaan dai bahu sukh pawath.
Kahath Ram Sundhar prabu dasa, Shani sumirath sukh hoth prakasha.
II Doha II

Paath Shanichar Dev ko, ko hoon Vimal Taiyaar.
Karat Paath Chalis Din, ho Bhav Sagar Paar

Navgrah mantras