One of the vital aspects of predictive astrology is the strength of the planets. The planets in their own planetary sub-periods give the results of their general and particular significations as per their natal and transit strength. Debilitation is a measure for ascertaining the strength of planets. While in its sign of debilitation, a planet is considered weak. When the planet is weak on account of its placement in its sign of debilitation, the planet delays its results, fails to protect its significations fully and causes stresses and strains when under the close affliction of functional malefic planets. During the period of a debilitated planet one meets with sorrows, unhappy events, is timid, miserable and faces worried conditions. So, this is a negative factor as during its sub-periods, it denies, delays and/or deteriorates the opportunities and significations in life of an individual. The operational period of a planet whether strong or weak, whether benefic or malefic etc., is of great importance and the same is very pertinent in this case also. Saravarth Chintamani indicates that the native lives by despicable and low means, forsaken by people and suffers from disease. As per Saravali a debilitated planet during its main/ sub-periods will trouble the native through his enemies, defeat and poverty, even if he were a king.Saravali declares the debilitated planets fully inauspicious. Such planets lose their capacity to do well in addition to becoming capable of bestowing malefic effects, in full.A lot can be read on the subject in print in clear contravention of the hints given by ancient astrological writers in the name of Raja Yogas arising out of cancellation of debilitation of debilitated planets. It does not appear to be true in all cases. The so-called rise in life around the age of 33 years is experienced by an individual only in cases where there are other Raj Yogas in the horoscope and the main periods of the Yogakaraka planets are in operation. This in itself shows/supports the applicability of delay caused by the weak planets due to debilitation. The inference of some modern writers or the ancient commentators that the Neechbhanga Raj yoga gives rise in life after the age of 33 years shows the truth of the classical dictum on results of debilitated planets.A debilitated planet in angular position to the Moon aspected by benefics, its dispositor being strong by exaltation or occupying own house or in an angular position to the Moon/lagna etc. are the factors advanced by the proponents of the concept of Neechbhanga Rajyoga as the basis for these so called cancellation of debilitation. In a way this gives a little strength to the planet that is weak due to debilitation and can reduce the malefic effects of the debilitated planet to a limited extent. In no way this can match the Raj yoga (combinations of fortunes) caused by a Yogakaraka planet. A debilitated planet gives its results for the houses ruled, its significations and the planets/houses it aspects/occupies close to the most effective point. In case it is further afflicted by way of placement in dusthanas, in conjunction with malefic planets/combustion, it damages all sectors mentioned in the earlier sentence.If two debilitated planets mutually and closely aspect each other and one of them is a functional malefic planet, the said planetary influence produces disastrous results pertaining to the weak functional benefic planet. During the sub-periods of these debilitated planets the natives suffered so much that the indications of both the houses where these planets are located almost got destroyed because in the sub-period of any planet, problems in the relative areas are indicated.The author has closely observed such combinations and have found that in case the period of such a planet operates, it gives overall negative results through delays, denials and sufferings caused by the transit planetary influences. In case the main period of such a planet does not operate, its sub-period in the main periods of other planets results in delay in the general growth of the individual. Of course, it goes without saying that whenever the sub-period of debilitated planets, even with so called debilitation cancellation in operation, is clubbed by unfavorable transits or in the main periods of functional malefic planets, it really gives very bad results. It does not promote or protect its own general and particular significations. On the other hand, it can cause sufferings to the native. The learned readers would find the efficacy of this point of view in the analysis of horoscopes. It can and acts as a very powerful predictive tool because one rarely finds a horoscope without debilitated planet(s). In the sub-periods of functional benefic planets, which are in the state of debilitation, the significations ruled not only lack protection but the same are also delayed, denied or face deterioration.To augment the strength of the debilitated planets the natives are recommended to wear planetary Kavach in auspiciously elected times to (i) protect the significations ruled by these planets during transit afflictions; and (ii) to promote the significations of these planets.During the sub-period of debilitated Sun one finds that social circles are ignoring the person. Some conflict springs up with government authorities. The person develops fear of unfavorable action from government. The son, father or husband may find trouble. One has to put in lot of efforts for success and recognition. One gets little time and peace for attending to one's spiritual pursuits.During the sub-period of debilitated Moon, the mental peace of the person is lost. One's mother or wife may not enjoy good health. The property matters may give unfavorable results. People try to avoid the person. If such a debilitated Moon is under the close influence of Rahu or the lords of the eighth and twelfth houses, the person gets involved in many vices and loses mental peace. One is vulnerable to epileptic fits.During the sub-period of debilitated Mars one is angry and suffers from injuries due to rashness. One suffers from blood impurities, hypertension and multiple boils. If such a debilitated Mars is under the exact or close affliction of Rahu one becomes vulnerable to Cancer. One incurs losses in property matters and disputes.During the sub-period of debilitated Mercury one is confused, sensitive, slow in decision making and one suffers from lack of confidence and nervous pressures. The peace of mind is disturbed. One becomes vulnerable to convulsions, paralysis and skin diseases if the debilitated Mercury is under the influence of Rahu, especially from the malefic houses.During the sub-period of debilitated Jupiter one suffers from liver disorders and fevers. One cannot concentrate on studies. There are obstructions in one's spiritual pursuits. One becomes selfish. One suffers on account of problems to one's male progeny and husband. If such debilitated Jupiter is badly placed and is under the severe affliction of Rahu/Ketu or the lords of the eighth or twelfth houses, one becomes vulnerable to liver cirrhosis, jaundice and diabetes.During the sub-periods of debilitated Venus, one faces loss of comforts. One's wife suffers from ill-health. In the case of females they suffer from urinary infections, malfunctioning of uterus and fallopian tubes. One becomes vulnerable to skin problems, eye-diseases and renal problems if debilitated Venus is severely afflicted by Rahu/Ketu or the most malefic planet. During the sub-periods of debilitated Saturn one has to struggle more for success. One may suffer from bone fractures, pain in legs or spinal problems. One may get involved in leading the low class people or laborers. One does not enjoy good social respect.During the sub-periods of debilitated Rahu one is vulnerable to vices and loss of reputation. During the sub-periods of debilitated Ketu one confronts many unfavorable incidents and failures. During the sub-period of debilitated lord of the first house one suffers from health problems and loss of status. The debilitated lord of the first house when severely afflicted by Rahu/Ketu or the most malefic planet makes one vulnerable to addictions and loss of status. During the sub-period of debilitated lord of the second house one loses wealth, status and harmonious relationship. The debilitated lord of the second house when severely afflicted by Rahu/Ketu or the most malefic planet makes one vulnerable to the diseases of eyes, thyroid, problems to teeth, problem of speech and results in sorrows on account of tragedy to male relations. During the sub-period of debilitated lord of the third house one faces isolation and one's younger brothers face troubles. The debilitated lord of the third house when severely afflicted by Rahu/Ketu or the most malefic planet makes one vulnerable to the breathing problems and financial losses through business ventures.During the sub-period of debilitated lord of the fourth house one loses mental peace and properties and one's mother and education suffer. The debilitated lord of the fourth house when severely afflicted by Rahu/Ketu or the most malefic planet makes one vulnerable to the loss of assets, loss of parents, cardiac disorders and unhappiness through marital discord.During the sub-period of debilitated lord of the fifth house one's concentration is lost and one suffers unhappiness on the performance of children. The debilitated lord of the fifth house when severely afflicted by Rahu/Ketu or the most malefic planet makes one vulnerable to the loss of children, losses through speculative investments, liver cirrhosis, stomach disorders, spinal inflammations and gall bladder problem.During the sub period of debilitated lord of the sixth house one suffers from ill-health arising out of acidity, inflammation of intestine, renal disorders, etc. The debilitated lord of the sixth house when severely afflicted by Rahu/Ketu or the most malefic planet makes one vulnerable to losses through thefts, fires, litigation and cheatings.During the sub-period of debilitated lord of the seventh house one suffers from problems in marriage, partnerships and in foreign lands. The debilitated lord of the seventh house when severely afflicted by Rahu/Ketu or the most malefic planet makes one vulnerable to marital discord, cheating in partnership business and suffers from severe difficulties in foreign lands.During the sub-period of debilitated lord of the eighth house one suffers from obstructions and delays and one's life is threatened. The debilitated lord of the eighth house when severely afflicted by Rahu/Ketu or the most malefic planet makes one vulnerable to fatal accidents and one's father may suffer financial setbacks and severe health problems. One also faces divorce in marital relationship.During the sub-period of debilitated lord of the ninth house one's father suffers from problem and the person gets setbacks in life. The debilitated lord of the ninth house when severely afflicted by Rahu/Ketu or the most malefic planet makes one vulnerable to physical handicap and prolonged health problems.During the sub-period of debilitated lord of the tenth house one gets professional setbacks and has to move away from his native place. The debilitated lord of the tenth house when severely afflicted by Rahu/Ketu or the most malefic planet makes one vulnerable to arthritis, government action, loss of reputation and sufferings on account of one's child(ren). During the sub-period of debilitated lord of the eleventh house one faces loss of income and trouble to friends and elder brother(s). The debilitated lord of the eleventh house when severely afflicted by Rahu/Ketu or the most malefic planet makes one vulnerable to blood Cancer, isolation and penury. During the sub-period of debilitated lord of the twelfth house one faces separation in marital relationships and loss of comforts. The debilitated lord of the twelfth house when severely afflicted by Rahu/Ketu or the most malefic planet makes one vulnerable to drug addiction, imprisonment and prolonged hospitalisation.It is imperative to seek astrological help through preventive horoscope analysis and strengthen one's debilitated and other weak planets to avert setbacks in life. It is also necessary to perform propitiatory astrological remedial measures for the afflicting planets to enjoy a peaceful life. Hereunder, I would cite a few cases, which have prompted me to elaborate this subject here.
Birth: February 24, 1950. (Click here to see chart)
The sign Cancer rises in the ascendant and Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu are the functional malefic planets. In the D-I chart, the lord of the sixth house, Jupiter is weak as it occupies its sign of debilitation and is in old age. This weakness shows that the native is vulnerable to losses through disputes and litigation. The lord of the second house, Sun, is badly placed in the eighth house. Saturn, the most malefic planet, occupies the second house. As per traditional view the debilitation of Jupiter is cancelled because of Saturn occupying angular house with reference to the Moon.
However, the weakness of Jupiter did not improve. The native suffered from professional debacle due to the badly placed Sun, ruling the second house. The tenth lord, Mars, is closely associated by Ketu. Jupiter's sub-period in its own main period has not created any raja yoga but instead has been disastrous for the native. He had been entangled in a false case and dismissed from the Government service without any charge sheet and enquiry. Top-level political and official sympathies did not prove beneficial even after persistent efforts and his appeal being granted by the concerned Minister. The following sub-period of the lord of the eighth house also failed to help as the most malefic planet was occupied the second house. The native was suggested propitiatory remedial measures for Saturn, Ketu and Jupiter and strengthening measures for Mars, the Moon, the Sun and Venus. The performance of astral remedies blessed the native with reinstatement of his official position.
Birth: November 5, 1940. (Click here to see chart)
The sign Libra rises in the ascendant and Mercury, Rahu and Ketu become functional malefic planets. The Sun, Venus and Saturn are in their signs of debilitation. As per the classical commentaries, the debilitation of all these three planets stands cancelled due to the placement of Venus and Mars in angular house from the Moon and the Sun occupying a house, angular to the ascendant.As per Systems' Approach these planets rule the houses connected with self-health (first house), children (fifth house) and gains (eleventh house). In addition to these the lord of the seventh house is placed in the twelfth house along with Rahu and debilitated Venus. The lord of the house of losses occupies the house of family. The lord of the seventh house, which happens to be the lord of the ascendant of D-IX as well, is weak as it is badly placed in the chart and is in old-age. Rahu-Ketu axis is close to the most effective points of the houses occupied and afflicts the houses occupied and aspected.In dasamsa, the sign Aries rises and the Sun is exalted in lagna. The lord of the ascendant, Mars, also occupies its sign of exaltation. Saturn is also exalted in D-X. The Moon, lord of the tenth house of the main chart, occupies the sixth house in D-X. The exaltation of the Sun, Mars and Saturn in dasamsa made little difference as these planets are week in the rasi chart. In navamsa, the lord of the ascendant, Mars, is badly placed in the sixth house. The Moon, Venus and the ascendant are afflicted by Ketu. Due to concentrated and multiple unfavorable influences on the significators for marriage, Mars, Venus and Mercury, and on house connected with happiness of marriage, the twelfth house, the native’s marriage was inordinately delayed and he married at the age of 55 years primarily for companionship. In spite of enjoying a senior post the native did not enjoy the matching authority and respect due to weakness of the majority of the planets.
Birth: October 21, 1940.(Click here to see chart)
The Sun and Saturn occupy their signs of debilitation. The Sun rules the ninth house and Saturn rules the third house ruling initiatives. The initiatives of the native have not turned fruitful to their potential. Rather he got average results to his hard work in relation to the long cherished goals.
The sign Libra rises in the ascendant and Mercury Rahu and Ketu become functional malefic planets. The lord of the fifth house Mars is closely conjunct with Rahu. The Sun is weak as it is placed in its sign of debilitation. Jupiter is weak due to the weakness and exact affliction of its dispositor. Mercury is weak as it is placed in the state of old-age. The Moon is weak as it is badly placed in the chart and is in old-age. Rahu-Ketu axis is close to the most effective points of the houses occupied and afflicts the houses occupied and aspected. All these combinations had put the significators of the fifth house in focus. The native was blessed with a son in 1972. The main period of Jupiter was operative. From 1979 onwards, the main period of debilitated Saturn started. The native revealed that during the 14 years age of his elder son there was hardly any time when he had kept good health. The eyesight is weak; he had high temperatures, jaundice, damaged liver, etc. The younger one who was born after 13 years of his elder brother also had repeated health problems. The reason is that whenever the weak significators are transited/ aspected by functional malefics and/or Rahu and Ketu the native suffers from problems related to these areas.
In this case the functional malefic is the Moon, who due to its fast speed comes into contact with weak significators more often. The exact affliction to weak planets causes persistent problems. The weakness of Saturn as lord of the third house makes the person lethargic.
Birth: August 24, 1957.(Click here to see chart)
The sign Cancer rises in the ascendant and Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu are the functional malefic planets. The prime significators of marriage in this case are the Sun and Venus. The significator for marriage, Venus, is weak as it is in its sign of debilitation and its dispositor is in the state of infancy The weak Jupiter is closely conjunct with the functional malefic planet Jupiter and is afflicted.. As per the classical commentators the debilitation of Venus would have been cancelled as the sign where Venus gets exalted is placed in the same sign in which Venus is placed. However, nothing of the sort happened. The native had crossed the age of 31 years when his parents contacted the author for suggesting astrological remedies for expediting the marriage, which was eluding in spite of the native enjoying good health, personality, family status and employment. The main reason was the operation of main period of debilitated Venus, which is the significator for wife.
In D-IX as well, the lord of the ascendant was associated with the debilitated Moon. Venus is conjunct with Rahu.The planets enjoying strength were Mars and the Sun. The Sun had already had his sub-period in the main period of Jupiter. The remedial measures were suggested for strengthening of Venus and Mars and propitiating Rahu, afflicting the second house by way of aspect and Jupiter. The marriage of the native was solemnized in early 1990 with the help of remedial measures.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Finding lost objects with the help of numerology.
Finding lost objects with the help of numerology.
Every action you take and every observation you make, whether consciously, or distractedly, is
permanently stored somewhere in your subconscious.
When a car passes by while you are talking to someone, the car may take up no more than a blur in
your peripheral vision. Yet, it is recorded and stored permanently. It happened, your eye caught it
and sent the information to the brain, and there it leaves an imprint. This is the case whether you
have a good memory or not. Your ability to retrieve such information is another matter entirely.
In theory, it is possible to remember at a much later date, the license-plate number of the
aforementioned car. In fact, this kind of thing is commonly achieved with the help of hypnosis.
Numerology can help you to take advantage of the vast storage room of information your
subconscious contains by offering you a unique retrieval system.
Let's say, you have lost a ring. The only thing you know for sure is that you were there when you last
had the ring in your possession.
Perhaps it fell out of your pocket, which caused a barely noticeable decrease in weight, or made a
quiet "ploink" when it hit the carpet and rolled under the couch.
Or you put it somewhere and forgot it. Whatever happened, you do not discover the loss of your ring
until several days later.
The moment you lost the ring, however, is stored in your subconscious.
The way to tap into that source is by exercising your subconscious.
How to Find Your Lost Object Number.
Concentrate on the lost object, then scribble a nine-digit number on a piece of paper.
Add the nine digits together, but do not reduce them to a single digit.
For example, if you scribbled down the number 934710138, which totals to 36, look under 36 to find
out where to look for your lost object.
Next, look for that number in the listing below.
(The numbers 1 through 5 do not apply.)
6 Lost Object number
It is near cleaning materials or foot gear. Be careful not to blame someone else.
7 Lost Object number
It is near items of clothing.
8 Lost Object number
Someone you dislike will deliver it to you.
9 Lost Object number
It is in the possession of a young person, but this person is not aware of that. It will be presented to
you innocently as a gift.
10 Lost Object number
Look for it in the room you occupy most during your waking hours; not necessarily in your own
11 Lost Object number
The object is close to a large body of water, such as a lake, pond, or ocean.
12 Lost Object number
It is in a safe place, and you will find it while looking for something else. It is better not to look for it
13 Lost Object number
It is in you clothes closet, possibly in a box containing shoes or a hat.
14 Lost Object number
It is under water. You may need a plumber to recover it. If the object is made of cloth, look among
your umbrellas, coats, and head or neckwear.
15 Lost Object number
It is near animals or items kept for animals. A child will be involved with the recovery of the object.
16 Lost Object number
Without being consciously aware of it, you desired to lose it -- permanently.
17 Lost Object number
It is close to expensive items stored in a small place.
18 Lost Object number
It is near soft objects, pillows, clothing, towels, or blankets. You will find it and lose it again. You will
not retrieve it the second time.
19 Lost Object number
It is near your house, but not near water. Look around dry dirt or sand.
20 Lost Object number
It is close to water inside the house. Look near the sink, in the bathroom, or around the water heater.
21 Lost Object number
You will find it in a small storage area, possibly a file cabinet. Also, look in your briefcase or purse.
22 Lost Object number
You will find it shortly, possibly through a dream.
23 Lost Object number
It is not far from where you are at this time. Look under or inside furniture.
24 Lost Object number
Look in places where you used to store it in the past. Also, ask other members of the household to
look for it; they have a better chance of retrieving it.
25 Lost Object number
It is surrounded by something white, or a source of light. It is not far away from you.
26 Lost Object number
An older man, probably a relative, knows where to find it, but is not aware that your are looking for
27 Lost Object number
It's in the garage, possibly inside a car. It is damaged.
28 Lost Object number
Someone else has found it and is unwilling to surrender it to the rightful owner. This is a Karmic
Lesson in detachment.
29 Lost Object number
Someone close to you will return it to you. This person is either much older than you are, or is a very
young child.
30 Lost Object number
You lost the object while you were enjoying yourself in the company of children, probably during a
creative endeavor. Look among toys or art materials.
31 Lost Object number
It is near moving water, not far from the house. You will find it.
32 Lost Object number
It is in a high place, probably outside the house or on a window ledge.
33 Lost Object number
It is near a religious artifact that has been stored. Also look where you store Christmas decorations.
34 Lost Object number
It is near a light or heat source in your house or in your place of work.
35 Lost Object number
It is near running water inside the house. It is not visible without moving other items.
36 Lost Object number
It is in the possession of someone close to you. Look in the closets and storage places of other
members of your household.
37 Lost Object number
Look near a religious artifact in your house or in the house to the east of you.
38 Lost Object number
It was lost on your way to a place you visit regularly, such as a grocery store, a friend's home in the
neighborhood, or your place of work. It is visible and in the open.
39 Lost Object number
It is in a high place. The items surrounding it are related to play or creative activities.
40 Lost Object number
It is surrounded by soft material, possibly as a form of safekeeping and protection.
41 Lost Object number
It is low in a closet or near foot gear.
42 Lost Object number
It is in a place where cooking is done, probably not your own house. Call restaurants or other places
you visited.
43 Lost Object number
It is near a place of rest, a bed or a lounge. It may also be between folded sheets or blankets.
44 Lost Object number
The object is in a dirty place, or in a part of the house that is being remodeled, and it will be found
by a worker.
45 Lost Object number
You pass it closely every day. Keep your eyes open.
46 Lost Object number
Ask a co-worker, in particular one you feel close to. Wait a few days from now before asking.
47 Lost Object number
More than one person is aware of the location of the object. One is a liar. Question your subordinates.
48 Lost Object number
It is close to water or cooking utensils. Also look in any place you store alcoholic beverages.
49 Lost Object number
Don't bother looking for it. The chances of finding it are remote, and it has already been badly
50 Lost Object number
It has been moved since you lost it. Look inside carrying cases of vehicles of transportation.
51 Lost Object number
It is in a church or another place of worship. It may also be in a place of healing, such as a hospital.
52 Lost Object number
At least one person has handled the object since you lost it, probably someone you have never met,
but who is close to someone your know well.
53 Lost Object number
You are going on a trip, and you will receive it upon your return. It will be found during your absence.
54 Lost Object number
It is carried around, or otherwise being transferred from one place to another. Recovery is certain,
but it will take some time.
55 Lost Object number
It was displaced by the movement of water. You will find it when you least expect it.
56 Lost Object number
Retrace your steps now. Even when you lost it several days ago, you passed by it a short while later.
Water is nearby.
57 Lost Object number
You lost it, and you will find it during sporting activities. In particular, look in the pants pockets of
sport gear.
58 Lost Object number
You are the victim of someone's greed or anger. Your chances of getting it back are slim.
59 Lost Object number
It is in a dry and dark place, probably a small cabinet. Look around food or cooking utensils.
60 Lost Object number
There is no chance of recovery.
61 Lost Object number
Look in the cellar or in some other place underneath the house. It is exposed to the elements.
62 Lost Object number
You lost it a considerable distance from the house, and you will not recover it.
63 Lost Object number
The object is in a forgotten place of storage, surrounded by items you have not laid eyes on in some
64 Lost Object number
There is no need to look for it. You will find it when you clean or reorganize your house.
65 Lost Object number
You will pass by it in the next few hours. Your chances of finding it, however, are not good.
66 Lost Object number
Thievery is the cause of your loss. The person who took it has a physical problem; either the hand or
the foot is damaged.
67 Lost Object number
A younger family member, probably female, will find it and return it.
68 Lost Object number
It was lost twice. Someone has retrieved it, and lost it before returning it to you. That someone will
not admit to this. A third person will find it and return it.
69 Lost Object number
It is a considerable distance from your house. Call friends or relatives you visited not too long ago. It
was found, but the honest finder does not know that it is yours.
70 Lost Object number
You did not lose it. It is simply mislaid. Look near study materials. Think!
71 Lost Object number
The object is close by. You will find it when you relax. It is near printed material.
72 Lost Object number
Look in vases, bowls, or other containers that have an open top.
73 Lost Object number
You should involve the police or another official. It was most likely taken from you.
74 Lost Object number
It will be returned to you by someone whom you have not respected, or whom you have treated with
some injustice.
75 Lost Object number
It will be returned to you, but it will be damaged.
76 Lost Object number
It is in the kitchen or pantry. Look near flour products.
77 Lost Object number
Don't spend too much time searching. It will be found and returned to you only after you do the
potential finder a favor.
78 Lost Object number
It is near animals. It is damaged, and the chances of recovery are not good.
79 Lost Object number
It is in a tin can or other metal container.
80 Lost Object number
It was locked away with other items and it is now in a container inside another container. You will find
it when you are not looking.
81 Lost Object number
It went out with the garbage; you will not be able to retrieve it. It's covered by dirt, and it will soon
Numerology is a science of patterns and cycles.
Every action you take and every observation you make, whether consciously, or distractedly, is
permanently stored somewhere in your subconscious.
When a car passes by while you are talking to someone, the car may take up no more than a blur in
your peripheral vision. Yet, it is recorded and stored permanently. It happened, your eye caught it
and sent the information to the brain, and there it leaves an imprint. This is the case whether you
have a good memory or not. Your ability to retrieve such information is another matter entirely.
In theory, it is possible to remember at a much later date, the license-plate number of the
aforementioned car. In fact, this kind of thing is commonly achieved with the help of hypnosis.
Numerology can help you to take advantage of the vast storage room of information your
subconscious contains by offering you a unique retrieval system.
Let's say, you have lost a ring. The only thing you know for sure is that you were there when you last
had the ring in your possession.
Perhaps it fell out of your pocket, which caused a barely noticeable decrease in weight, or made a
quiet "ploink" when it hit the carpet and rolled under the couch.
Or you put it somewhere and forgot it. Whatever happened, you do not discover the loss of your ring
until several days later.
The moment you lost the ring, however, is stored in your subconscious.
The way to tap into that source is by exercising your subconscious.
How to Find Your Lost Object Number.
Concentrate on the lost object, then scribble a nine-digit number on a piece of paper.
Add the nine digits together, but do not reduce them to a single digit.
For example, if you scribbled down the number 934710138, which totals to 36, look under 36 to find
out where to look for your lost object.
Next, look for that number in the listing below.
(The numbers 1 through 5 do not apply.)
6 Lost Object number
It is near cleaning materials or foot gear. Be careful not to blame someone else.
7 Lost Object number
It is near items of clothing.
8 Lost Object number
Someone you dislike will deliver it to you.
9 Lost Object number
It is in the possession of a young person, but this person is not aware of that. It will be presented to
you innocently as a gift.
10 Lost Object number
Look for it in the room you occupy most during your waking hours; not necessarily in your own
11 Lost Object number
The object is close to a large body of water, such as a lake, pond, or ocean.
12 Lost Object number
It is in a safe place, and you will find it while looking for something else. It is better not to look for it
13 Lost Object number
It is in you clothes closet, possibly in a box containing shoes or a hat.
14 Lost Object number
It is under water. You may need a plumber to recover it. If the object is made of cloth, look among
your umbrellas, coats, and head or neckwear.
15 Lost Object number
It is near animals or items kept for animals. A child will be involved with the recovery of the object.
16 Lost Object number
Without being consciously aware of it, you desired to lose it -- permanently.
17 Lost Object number
It is close to expensive items stored in a small place.
18 Lost Object number
It is near soft objects, pillows, clothing, towels, or blankets. You will find it and lose it again. You will
not retrieve it the second time.
19 Lost Object number
It is near your house, but not near water. Look around dry dirt or sand.
20 Lost Object number
It is close to water inside the house. Look near the sink, in the bathroom, or around the water heater.
21 Lost Object number
You will find it in a small storage area, possibly a file cabinet. Also, look in your briefcase or purse.
22 Lost Object number
You will find it shortly, possibly through a dream.
23 Lost Object number
It is not far from where you are at this time. Look under or inside furniture.
24 Lost Object number
Look in places where you used to store it in the past. Also, ask other members of the household to
look for it; they have a better chance of retrieving it.
25 Lost Object number
It is surrounded by something white, or a source of light. It is not far away from you.
26 Lost Object number
An older man, probably a relative, knows where to find it, but is not aware that your are looking for
27 Lost Object number
It's in the garage, possibly inside a car. It is damaged.
28 Lost Object number
Someone else has found it and is unwilling to surrender it to the rightful owner. This is a Karmic
Lesson in detachment.
29 Lost Object number
Someone close to you will return it to you. This person is either much older than you are, or is a very
young child.
30 Lost Object number
You lost the object while you were enjoying yourself in the company of children, probably during a
creative endeavor. Look among toys or art materials.
31 Lost Object number
It is near moving water, not far from the house. You will find it.
32 Lost Object number
It is in a high place, probably outside the house or on a window ledge.
33 Lost Object number
It is near a religious artifact that has been stored. Also look where you store Christmas decorations.
34 Lost Object number
It is near a light or heat source in your house or in your place of work.
35 Lost Object number
It is near running water inside the house. It is not visible without moving other items.
36 Lost Object number
It is in the possession of someone close to you. Look in the closets and storage places of other
members of your household.
37 Lost Object number
Look near a religious artifact in your house or in the house to the east of you.
38 Lost Object number
It was lost on your way to a place you visit regularly, such as a grocery store, a friend's home in the
neighborhood, or your place of work. It is visible and in the open.
39 Lost Object number
It is in a high place. The items surrounding it are related to play or creative activities.
40 Lost Object number
It is surrounded by soft material, possibly as a form of safekeeping and protection.
41 Lost Object number
It is low in a closet or near foot gear.
42 Lost Object number
It is in a place where cooking is done, probably not your own house. Call restaurants or other places
you visited.
43 Lost Object number
It is near a place of rest, a bed or a lounge. It may also be between folded sheets or blankets.
44 Lost Object number
The object is in a dirty place, or in a part of the house that is being remodeled, and it will be found
by a worker.
45 Lost Object number
You pass it closely every day. Keep your eyes open.
46 Lost Object number
Ask a co-worker, in particular one you feel close to. Wait a few days from now before asking.
47 Lost Object number
More than one person is aware of the location of the object. One is a liar. Question your subordinates.
48 Lost Object number
It is close to water or cooking utensils. Also look in any place you store alcoholic beverages.
49 Lost Object number
Don't bother looking for it. The chances of finding it are remote, and it has already been badly
50 Lost Object number
It has been moved since you lost it. Look inside carrying cases of vehicles of transportation.
51 Lost Object number
It is in a church or another place of worship. It may also be in a place of healing, such as a hospital.
52 Lost Object number
At least one person has handled the object since you lost it, probably someone you have never met,
but who is close to someone your know well.
53 Lost Object number
You are going on a trip, and you will receive it upon your return. It will be found during your absence.
54 Lost Object number
It is carried around, or otherwise being transferred from one place to another. Recovery is certain,
but it will take some time.
55 Lost Object number
It was displaced by the movement of water. You will find it when you least expect it.
56 Lost Object number
Retrace your steps now. Even when you lost it several days ago, you passed by it a short while later.
Water is nearby.
57 Lost Object number
You lost it, and you will find it during sporting activities. In particular, look in the pants pockets of
sport gear.
58 Lost Object number
You are the victim of someone's greed or anger. Your chances of getting it back are slim.
59 Lost Object number
It is in a dry and dark place, probably a small cabinet. Look around food or cooking utensils.
60 Lost Object number
There is no chance of recovery.
61 Lost Object number
Look in the cellar or in some other place underneath the house. It is exposed to the elements.
62 Lost Object number
You lost it a considerable distance from the house, and you will not recover it.
63 Lost Object number
The object is in a forgotten place of storage, surrounded by items you have not laid eyes on in some
64 Lost Object number
There is no need to look for it. You will find it when you clean or reorganize your house.
65 Lost Object number
You will pass by it in the next few hours. Your chances of finding it, however, are not good.
66 Lost Object number
Thievery is the cause of your loss. The person who took it has a physical problem; either the hand or
the foot is damaged.
67 Lost Object number
A younger family member, probably female, will find it and return it.
68 Lost Object number
It was lost twice. Someone has retrieved it, and lost it before returning it to you. That someone will
not admit to this. A third person will find it and return it.
69 Lost Object number
It is a considerable distance from your house. Call friends or relatives you visited not too long ago. It
was found, but the honest finder does not know that it is yours.
70 Lost Object number
You did not lose it. It is simply mislaid. Look near study materials. Think!
71 Lost Object number
The object is close by. You will find it when you relax. It is near printed material.
72 Lost Object number
Look in vases, bowls, or other containers that have an open top.
73 Lost Object number
You should involve the police or another official. It was most likely taken from you.
74 Lost Object number
It will be returned to you by someone whom you have not respected, or whom you have treated with
some injustice.
75 Lost Object number
It will be returned to you, but it will be damaged.
76 Lost Object number
It is in the kitchen or pantry. Look near flour products.
77 Lost Object number
Don't spend too much time searching. It will be found and returned to you only after you do the
potential finder a favor.
78 Lost Object number
It is near animals. It is damaged, and the chances of recovery are not good.
79 Lost Object number
It is in a tin can or other metal container.
80 Lost Object number
It was locked away with other items and it is now in a container inside another container. You will find
it when you are not looking.
81 Lost Object number
It went out with the garbage; you will not be able to retrieve it. It's covered by dirt, and it will soon
Numerology is a science of patterns and cycles.
Ashtothram for the 9 planets.
Ashtothram for the 9 planets.
Surya Ashtothram Aum arunaya namah Aum sharanyaya namah Aum karuna-rasa-sindhave namah Aum asmanabalaya namah Aum arta-raksa-kaya namah Aum adityaya namah Aum adi-bhutaya namah Aum akhila-gamavedine namah Aum acyutaya namah Aum akhilagnaya namah Aum anantaya namah Aum inaya namah Aum visva-rupaya namah Aum ijyaya namah Aum indraya namah Aum bhanave namah Aum indriramandiraptaya namah Aum vandaniyaya namah Aum ishaya namah Aum suprasannaya namah Aum sushilaya namah Aum suvarcase namah Aum vasupradaya namah Aum vasave namah Aum vasudevaya namah Aum ujjvalaya namah Aum ugra-rupaya namah Aum urdhvagaya namah Aum vivasvate namah Aum udhatkiranajalaya namah Aum hrishikesaya namah Aum urjasvalaya namah Aum viraya namah Aum nirjaraya namah Aum jayaya namah Aum urudvayavirnimuktanijasarakrashivandyaya namah Aum rugdhantre namah Aum kraksacakracaraya namah Aum krajusvabhavavittaya namah Aum nityastutyaya namah Aum krukaramatrikavarnarupaya ujjvalatejase namah Aum kruksadhinathamitraya namah Aum pushakaraksaya namah Aum luptadantaya namah Aum shantaya namah Aum kantidaya namah Aum dhanaya namah Aum kanatkanaka sushanaya namah Aum khalotaya namah Aum lunit-akhila-daityaya namah Aum satya-ananda-svarupine namah Aum apavarga-pradaya namah Aum arta-sharanyaya namah Aum ekakine namah Aum bhagavate namah Aum sushtisthityantakarine namah Aum gunatmane namah Aum dhrinibhrite namah Aum brihate namah Aum brahmane namah Aum esvaryadaya namah Aum sharvaya namah Aum haridashvaya namah Aum shauraye namah Aum dashadiksam-prakashaya namah Aum bhakta-vashyaya namah Aum ojaskaraya namah Aum jayine namah Aum jagad-ananda-hetave namah Aum taya janma-mrtyu-jara-vyadhi-varji aounnatyapadasamcararathasthaya-asuraraye namah Aum kamaniyakagaya namah Aum abjaballabhaya namah Aum antar-bahih prakashaya namah Aum acintyaya namah Aum atma-rupine namah Aum acyutaya namah Aum amareshaya namah Aum parasmai jyotishe namah Aum ahaskaraya namah Aum ravaye namah Aum haraye namah Aum param-atmane namah Aum tarunaya namah Aum tarenyaya namah Aum grahanam pataye namah Aum bhaskaraya namah Aum adimadhyantara-hitaya namah Aum saukhyapradaya namah Aum sakalajagatam pataye namah Aum suryaya namah Aum kavaye namah Aum narayanaya namah Aum pareshaya namah Aum tejorupaya namah Aum shrim hiranyagarbhaya namah Aum hrim sampatkaraya namah Aum aim istarthadaya namah Aum am suprasannaya namah Aum shrimate namah Aum shreyase namah Aum saukhyadayine namah Aum diptamurtaye namah Aum nikhilagamavedhyaya namah Aum nityanandaya namah
Chandra Ashtothram Aum srimate namah Aum shasha-dharaya namah Aum chandraya namah Aum tara-adhishaya namah Aum nisha-karaya namah Aum sugha-nighaye namah Aum sadaradhya namah Aum sat-pataye namah Aum sadhu-pujitaya namah Aum jitendriyaya namah Aum jayodhyogaya namah Aum jyotish-cakra-pravartakaya namah Aum vikartananujaya namah Aum viraya namah Aum vishveshaya namah Aum vidusham pataye namah Aum doshakaraya namah Aum dushta-duraya namah Aum pushtimate namah Aum shishta-palakaya namah Aum ashta-murti-priyaya namah Aum anantaya namah Aum kashta-daru-kutharakaya namah Aum sva-prakashaya namah Aum prakash-atmane namah Aum dyu-caraya namah Aum deva-bhojanaya namah Aum kala-dharaya namah Aum kala-hetave namah Aum kama-krite namah Aum kama-dayakaya namah Aum mrityu-saharakaya namah Aum amartyaya namah Aum nityanushthana-dayakaya namah Aum ksapa-karaya namah Aum ksina-papaya namah Aum ksaya-vriddhi-samanvitaya namah Aum jaivatrikaya namah Aum shucaye namah Aum shubhraya namah Aum jayine namah Aum jaya-phala-pradaya namah Aum sudha-mayaya namah Aum sura-svamine namah Aum bhaktanam-ishtha-dayakaya namah Aum bukti-daya namah Aum mukti-daya namah Aum bhadraya namah Aum bhakta-daridhya bhanjanaya namah Aum sama-gana-priyaya namah Aum sarva-raksakaya namah Aum sagarodbhavaya namah Aum bhayanta-krite namah Aum bhakti-gamyaya namah Aum bhava-bandha-vimocakaya namah Aum jagat-prakasa-kiranaya namah Aum jagad-ananda-kiranaya namah Aum nissapatnaya namah Aum niraharaya namah Aum nirvikaraya namah Aum niramayaya namah Aum bhu-cchaya-cchaditaya namah Aum bhavyaya namah Aum bhuvana-prati-palakaya namah Aum sakalarti-haraya namah Aum saumya-janakaya namah Aum sadhu-vanditaya namah Aum sarvagama-jnaya namah Aum sarva-jnaya namah Aum sanakadi-muni-stutaya namah Aum sita-chatra-dhvajopetaya namah Aum sitangaya namah Aum sita-bhusanaya namah Aum sveta-malyambara-dharaya namah Aum sveta-gandhanulepanaya namah Aum dasasva-ratha-samrudhaya namah Aum danda-pananye namah Aum dhanur-dharaya namah Aum kunda-pusyojjvalakaraya namah Aum nayanabja-samudbhavaya namah Aum atreya-gotra-jaya namah Aum atyanta-vinayaya namah Aum priya-dayakaya namah Aum karuna-rasa-sampurnaya namah Aum karkata-prabhave namah Aum avyayaya namah Aum catur-ashrasanarudhaya namah Aum caturaya namah Aum divya-vahanaya namah Aum vivasvan mandalajneya-vasaya namah Aum vasu-samrddhi-daya namah Aum mahesvara-priyaya namah Aum dantaya namah Aum meru-gotra-pradaksinaya namah Aum graha-mandala-madhyasthaya namah Aum grasitarkaya namah Aum grahadhipaya namah Aum dvija-rajaya namah Aum dyuti-lakaya namah Aum dvibhujaya namah Aum dvija-pujitaya namah Aum audumbara-nagavasaya namah Aum udaraya namah Aum rohini-pataye namah Aum nityodayaya namah Aum muni-stutyaya namah Aum nityananda-phala-pradaya namah Aum sakalahladana-karaya namah Aum palashedhma-priyaya namah
Kuja Ashtothram Aum mahisutaya namah Aum maha-bhagaya namah Aum mangalaya namah Aum mangala-pradaya namah Aum maha-virayam namah Aum maha-shuraya namah Aum maha-balaparakramaya namah Aum maharoudraya namah Aum mahabhadraya namah Aum mananiyaya namah Aum dayakaraya namah Aum manad ya namah Aum aparvanaya namah Aum kruraya namah Aum tapa-traya-vivarjitaya namah Aum supratipaya namah Aum sutamrakshaya namah Aum subrahmanyaya namah Aum sukhapradaya namah Aum vakra-stambhadi-gamanaya namah Aum varenyaya namah Aum varadaya namah Aum sukhine namah Aum virabhadraya namah Aum virupaksaya namah Aum vidurasthaya namah Aum vibhavasave namah Aum naksatra-cakra-samcarine namah Aum ksatrapaya namah Aum ksatravarjitaya namah Aum ksayavriddhivinirmuktaya namah Aum ksama-yuktaya namah Aum vicaksanaya namah Aum aksinaphaladaya namah Aum caturvarga-phala-pradaya namah Aum vitaragaya namah Aum vitabhayaya namah Aum vijvaraya namah Aum vishva-karanaya namah Aum naksatra-rashisancaraya namah Aum nanabhayanikrintanaya namah Aum vandarujanamandaraya namah Aum vakrakuncitamurddhajaya namah Aum kamaniyaya namah Aum dayasaraya namah Aum kanatkanakabhusanaya namah Aum bhayaghnaya namah Aum bhavya-phaladaya namah Aum bhakta-bhaya-varapradaya namah Aum shatru-hantre' namah Aum shamope'taya namah Aum sharanagataposhanaya namah Aum sahasine' namah Aum sad-gunadhyaksaya namah Aum sadhave' namah Aum samaradurjayaya namah Aum dushtha-duraya namah Aum shishtha-pujyaya namah Aum sarva-kashtha-nivarakaya namah Aum dushche'shtha-varakaya namah Aum duhkha-bhanjanaya namah Aum durdharaya namah Aum haraye namah Aum dhu-svapna-hamtre' namah Aum dur-dharshaya namah Aum dushta-garva-vimocanaya namah Aum bharadvaja-kulam-adbhutaya namah Aum bhu-sutaya namah Aum bhavya-bhushanaya namah Aum raktam-varaya namah Aum rakta-vapushe' namah Aum bhakta-palana-tatparaya namah Aum catur-bhujaya namah Aum gada-dharine' namah Aum mesha-vahaya namah Aum sitashanaya namah Aum shakti-shula-dharaya namah Aum shaktaya namah Aum shastra-vidya-visharadaya namah Aum tarkakaya namah Aum tamasa-dharaya namah Aum tapasvine' namah Aum tamra-locanaya namah Aum taptakancana-samkashaya namah Aum rakta-kinjalkamannibhaya namah Aum gotra adhi-devaya namah Aum gomadhy-acaraya namah Aum guna-vibhushanaya namah Aum asrije' namah Aum angarakaya namah Aum avanti-desha-adhishaya namah Aum janardanaya namah Aum suryayamya-pradeshasthaya namah Aum ghune' namah Aum yamya-harin-mukhaya namah Aum trikona-mandala-gataya namah Aum tridasha-adhipasannutaya namah Aum shucaye' namah Aum shucikaraya namah Aum shuraya namah Aum shuci-vashyaya namah Aum shubha-vahaya namah Aum mesha-vriscika-rashishaya namah Aum medhavine' namah Aum mita-bhashanaya namah Aum sukha-pradaya namah Aum surupa-aksaya namah Aum sarva-bhishta-phala-pradaya namah
Budha Ashtothram Aum bhudhaya namah Aum budharcitaya namah Aum saumyaya namah Aum saumyachittaya namah Aum shubha-pradaya namah Aum drida-brataya namah Aum hadaphalaya namah Aum shruti-jala-prabodhakaya namah Aum satya ' vasaya namah Aum satya-vacase namah Aum shreyasam pataye namah Aum abyayaya namah Aum soma-jaya namah Aum sukhadaya namah Aum shrimate namah Aum soma-vamsha-pradipa-kaya namah Aum vedavide namah Aum veda-tattvashaya namah Aum vedanta-jnana-bhaskaraya namah Aum vidya-vicaksanaya namah Aum vidushe namah Aum vidvat-pritikaraya namah Aum krajave namah Aum vishva-anukula-sancaraya namah Aum vishesha-vinayanvitaya namah Aum vividhagamasarajnaya namah Aum viryavate namah Aum vigatajvaraya namah Aum trivarga-phaladaya namah Aum anantaya namah Aum tridasha-dhipa-pujitaya namah Aum buddhimate namah Aum bahu-shastra-jnaya namah Aum baline namah Aum bandha-vimocakaya namah Aum vakativakagamanaya namah Aum vasavaya namah Aum vasudhadhipaya namah Aum prasannavadanaya namah Aum vandhyaya namah Aum varenyaya namah Aum vagvilaksanaya namah Aum satya-vate namah Aum satya-samkalpaya namah Aum satya-bamdhave namah Aum sadadaraya namah Aum sarva-roga-prashamanaya namah Aum sarva-mrityu-nivarakaya namah Aum vanijyanipunaya namah Aum vashyaya namah Aum vatan-gaya namah Aum vata-roga-hrite' namah Aum sthulaya namah Aum sthairya-guna-adhyaksaya namah Aum sthula-suksma-adi-karanaya namah Aum aprakashaya namah Aum prakash-atmane' namah Aum ghanaya namah Aum gagana-bhushanaya namah Aum vidhi-stutyaya namah Aum visha-laksaya namah Aum vidvajjana-manoharaya namah Aum caru-shilaya namah Aum svaprakashaya namah Aum capalaya namah Aum jitendriyaya namah Aum udan-mukhaya namah Aum bukhamakkaya namah Aum magadha-adhi-pataye namah Aum haraye namah Aum saumya-vatsara-samjataya namah Aum soma-priya-karaya namah Aum mahate namah Aum sihma-adhirudhaya namah Aum sarva-jnaya namah Aum shikhivarnaya namah Aum shivam-karaya namah Aum pitambaraya namah Aum pitavapushe' namah Aum pitacchatradhvajankitaya Aum khanga-carma-dharaya namah Aum karya-kartre' namah Aum kalushaharakaya namah Aum atreya-gotra-jaya namah Aum atyanta-vinayaya namah Aum vishva-pavanaya namah Aum campeya-puspa-samkashaya namah Aum caranaya namah Aum caru-bhushanaya namah Aum vita-ragaya namah Aum vita-bhayaya namah Aum vishuddha-kanaka-prabhaya Aum bandhu-priyaya namah Aum bandhu-yuktaya namah Aum bana-mandala--samshritaya namah Aum arkesana-nivasasthaya tarka-shastra-visharadmaya namah Aum prashantaya namah Aum priti-samyuktaya namah Aum priya-krite' namah Aum priya-bhushanaya namah Aum medhavine' namah Aum madhava-saktaya namah Aum mithuna-adhi-pataye' namah Aum sudhiye namah Aum kanya-rashi-priyaya namah Aum kama-pradaya namah Aum ghana-phala-ashrayaya namah
Guru Ashtothram Aum gurave namah Aum gunakaraya namah Aum goptre namah Aum gocaraya namah Aum gopatipriyaya namah Aum gunive namah Aum gunavatam shrepthaya namah Aum gurunam gurave namah Aum avyayaya namah Aum jetre namah Aum jayantaya namah Aum jayadaya namah Aum jivaya namah Aum anantaya namah Aum jayavahaya namah Aum amgirasaya namah Aum adhvaramaktaya namah Aum viviktaya namah Aum adhvarakritparaya namah Aum vacaspataye namah Aum vashine namah Aum vashyaya namah Aum varishthaya namah Aum vagvacaksanaya namah Aum citta-shuddhi-karaya namah Aum shrimate namah Aum caitraya namah Aum citrashikhandijaya namah Aum brihad-rathaya namah Aum brihad-bhanave namah Aum brihas-pataye namah Aum abhishtadaya namah Aum suracaryaya namah Aum suraradhyaya namah Aum surakaryakritodyamaya namah Aum girvanaposhakaya namah Aum dhanyaya namah Aum gishpataye namah Aum girishaya namah Aum anaghaya namah Aum dhivaraya namah Aum dhishanaya namah Aum divya-bhushanaya namah Aum deva-pujitaya namah Aum dhanurddharaya namah Aum daitya-hantre namah Aum dayasaraya namah Aum dayakaraya namah Aum dariddya-nashanaya namah Aum dhanyaya namah Aum daksinayanasambhavaya namah Aum dhanurminadhipaya namah Aum devaya namah Aum dhanurbana-dharaya namah Aum haraye namah Aum angarovarshasamjataya namah Aum angirah kulasambhavaya namah Aum sindhu-desha-adhipaya namah Aum dhimate namah Aum svarnakayaya namah Aum catur-bhujaya namah Aum heman-gadaya namah Aum hemavapushe namah Aum hemabhushanabhushitaya namah Aum pushyanathaya namah Aum pushyaragamanimandanamandi kasha-pushpa-samanabhaya namah Aum indradyamarasamghapaya namah Aum asamanabalaya namah Aum satva-guna-sampadvibhavasave bhusurabhishtadaya namah Aum bhuriyashase namah Aum punya-vivardhanaya namah Aum dharma-rupaya namah Aum dhana-adhyaksaya namah Aum dhanadaya namah Aum dharma-palanaya namah Aum sarva-veda-artha-tattva-jnaya namah Aum sarva-padvinivarakaya namah Aum sarva-papa-prashamanaya namah Aum svramatanugatamaraya namah rigveda-paragaya namah Aum riksarashimargapracaravate sada-anandaya namah Aum satya-samdhaya namah Aum satya-samkalpa-manasaya namah Aum sarva-gamajnaya namah Aum sarva-jnaya namah Aum sarva-vedanta-vide namah Aum brahma-putraya namah Aum brahmaneshaya namah Aum brahma-vidya-avisharadaya namah Aum samana-adhi-kanirbhuktaya namah Aum sarva-loka-vashamvadaya namah Aum sasura-asura-gandharva-vanditaya satya-bhashanaya namah Aum brihaspataye namah Aum suracaryaya namah Aum dayavate namah Aum shubha-laksanaya namah Aum loka-traya-gurave namah Aum shrimate namah Aum sarva-gaya namah Aum sarvato vibhave namah Aum sarveshaya namah Aum sarvadatushtaya namah Aum sarva-daya namah Aum sarva-pujitaya namah
Sukra Ashtothram Aum shukraya namah Aum shucaye' namah Aum shubha-gunaya namah Aum shubha-daya namah Aum shubha-laksanaya namah Aum shobhanaksaya namah Aum shubravahaya namah Aum shuddhasphadikabhasvaraya namah Aum dinartiharakaya namah Aum daitya-gurave' namah Aum deva-abhivanditaya namah Aum kavya-asaktaya namah Aum kama-palaya namah Aum kavaye' namah Aum kalyana-dayakaya namah Aum bhadra-murtaye' namah Aum bhadra-gunaya namah Aum bhargavaya namah Aum bhakta-palanaya namah Aum bhoga-daya namah Aum bhuvana-adhyaksaya namah Aum bhukti-mukti-phala-pradaya namah Aum caru-shilaya namah Aum caru-rupaya namah Aum caru-candra-nibhananaya namah Aum nidhaye' namah Aum nikhila-shastra-jnaya namah Aum niti-vidya-dhuram-dharaya namah Aum sarva-laksana-sampannaya namah Aum sarva-vaguna-varjitaya namah Aum samana-adikanir-muktaya namah Aum sakala-gamaparagaya namah Aum bhrigave' namah Aum bhoga-karaya namah Aum bhumi-sura-palana-tat-paraya namah Aum manasvine namah Aum manadaya namah Aum manyaya namah Aum mayatitaya namah Aum maha-yashase' namah Aum bali-prasannaya namah Aum abhaya-daya namah Aum baline namah Aum satya-parakramaya namah Aum bhavapasha-parityagaya namah Aum bali-bandha-vimocakaya namah Aum ghana-shayaya namah Aum ghana-adhyaksaya namah Aum kambhugrivaya namah Aum kala-dharaya namah Aum karunya-rasa-sampurnaya namah Aum kalyana-guna-varddhanaya namah Aum shvetambaraya namah Aum svetavapushe' namah Aum catur-bhuja-samanvitaya namah Aum akshamala-dharaya namah Aum acintyaya namah Aum akshinagunabha-asuraya namah Aum nashatra-gana-samcaraya namah Aum nayadaya namah Aum niti-marga-daya namah Aum barsha-pradaya namah Aum hrishikeshaya namah Aum klesha-nasha-karaya namah Aum kavaye namah Aum cintitarya-pradaya namah Aum shanta-mataye' namah Aum citta-samadhi-krite' namah Aum adhi-vyadhi-haraya namah Aum bhurivikramaya namah Aum punya-dayakaya namah Aum purana-purushaya namah Aum pujyaya namah Aum puruhuta-adi-sannutaya namah Aum ajeyaya namah Aum vijitarataye' namah Aum vividha-bharanojjvalaya namah Aum kunda-pushpa-pratikashaya namah Aum mandahasaya namah Aum maha-mataye' namah Aum mukta-phala-samanabhaya namah Aum mukti-daya namah Aum munisannutaya namah Aum ratna-simhasana-rudaya namah Aum rathasthaya namah Aum rajataprabhaya namah Aum surya-pragdesha-samcaraya namah Aum sura-shatru-suhride' namah Aum kavaye' namah Aum tula-avrishabharashishaya namah Aum durddharaya namah Aum dharma-palakaya namah Aum bhagyadaya namah Aum bhavya-caritraya namah Aum bhavapasha-vimotrakaya namah Aum gauda-desh-eshvaraya namah Aum goptre namah Aum gunite namah Aum guna-vibhushanaya namah Aum jyeshtha-nakshatra-sambhutaya namah Aum jyeshthaya namah Aum shreshthaya namah Aum shuci-smitaya namah Aum apavarga-pradaya namah Aum anantaya namah Aum santana-phala-dayakaya namah Aum sarva-ishvarya-pradaya namah Aum sarva-girvanaganasannutaya namah
Sani Ashtothram Aum shanaescaraya namah Aum shantaya namah Aum sarvabhistapradayine namah Aum sharanyaya namah Aum vagenyaya namah Aum sarveshaya namah Aum saumyaya namah Aum suramvandhaya namah Aum suralokaviharine namah Aum sukhasonapavishtaya namah Aum sundaraya namah Aum ghanaya namah Aum ghanarupaya namah Aum ghanabharanadharine namah Aum ghanasaravilepaya namah Aum khadyotaya namah Aum mandaya namah Aum mandaceshtaya namah Aum maha-niyaguna-atmane namah Aum martyapavanapadaya namah Aum maheshaya namah Aum dhayaputraya namah Aum sharvaya namah Aum shatatuniradharine namah Aum carasthirasvabhavaya namah Aum acamcalaya namah Aum nilavarnaya namah Aum nityaya namah Aum nilanjana-nibhaya namah Aum nilambara-vibhushaya namah Aum nishcalaya namah Aum vedyaya namah Aum vidhi-rupaya namah Aum virodha-dhara-bhumaye namah Aum bhedaspadasvabhavaya namah Aum vajradehaya namah Aum vairagyadaya namah Aum viraya namah Aum vitarogabhayaya namah Aum vipatparampareshaya namah Aum vishva-vandyaya namah Aum gridhnavahaya namah Aum gudhaya namah Aum kurmangaya namah Aum kurupine namah Aum kutsitaya namah Aum gunadhyaya namah Aum gocaraya namah Aum avidhya-mula-nashaya namah Aum vidhya-avidhya-svarupine namah Aum ayushyakaranaya namah Aum apaduddhartre namah Aum vishnu-bhaktaya namah Aum vishine namah Aum vividhagamavedine namah Aum vidhistutyaya namah Aum vandhyaya namah Aum virupa-akshaya namah Aum varishthaya namah Aum garishthaya namah Aum vajram-kushagharaya namah Aum varada bhayahastaya namah Aum vamanaya namah Aum jyeshthapatni-sametaya namah Aum shreshthaya namah Aum mitabhashine namah Aum kashtaughanashakartre namah Aum pushtidaya namah Aum stutyaya namah Aum stotra-gamyaya namah Aum bhakti-vashyaya namah Aum bhanave namah Aum bhanuputraya namah Aum bhavyaya namah Aum pavanaya namah Aum dhanur-mandala-samsthaya namah Aum dhanadaya namah Aum dhanushmate namah Aum tanu-prakasha-dehaya namah Aum tamasaya namah Aum asheshajanavandyaya namah Aum visheshaphaladayine namah Aum vashikritajaneshaya namah Aum pashunam pataye namah Aum khecaraya namah Aum khageshaya namah Aum ghana-nilambaraya namah Aum kathinyamanasaya namah Aum aryaganastutyaya namah Aum nilacchatraya namah Aum nityaya namah Aum nirgunaya namah Aum gunatmane namah Aum niramayaya namah Aum nandyaya namah Aum vandaniyaya namah Aum dhiraya namah Aum divya-dehaya namah Aum dinartiharanaya namah Aum dainyanashakaraya namah Aum aryajanaganyaya namah Aum kruraya namah Aum kruraceshtaya namah Aum kama-krodha-karaya namah Aum kalatraputrashatrutvakaranaya pariposhita-bhaktaya namah Aum parabhitiharaya namah Aum bhakta-sangha-manobhishta-phaladaya namah
Rahu Ashtothram Aum rahave namah Aum saumhikeyaya namah Aum vidhuntudaya namah Aum surashatrave namah Aum tamase namah Aum phanine namah Aum gargyaynapa namah Aum surapye namah Aum nibajimutasamkashaya namah Aum caturbhujava namah Aum khangakhetaka-dharine namah Aum varadayakahastakaya namah Aum shulayudhaya namah Aum megha-varnaya namah Aum krishna-dhvajapatakavate namah Aum dakshinashamukharathaya namah Aum tikshnadamshtakarallakaya namah Aum shupokarasansthaya namah Aum gomedha-bharana-priyaya namah Aum mashapriyaya namah Aum kashyaparshinandanaya namah Aum bhujageshvaraya namah Aum ulkapatayitre namah Aum shuline namah Aum nidhipaya namah Aum krishna-sarpa-raje namah Aum vishajvalavrita ' asyaya addhashariraya namah Aum shatravapradaya namah Aum ravindubhikaraya namah Aum chaya-svarupine namah Aum kathinangakaya namah Aum dvishacchatracchedakaya namah Aum karallasyaya namah Aum bhayamkaraya namah Aum krura-karmane namah Aum tamo-rupaya namah Aum shyam-atmane namah Aum nila-lohitaya namah Aum kiritine namah Aum nilavasanaya namah Aum sanisamntavartmagaya namah Aum candala-varnaya namah Aum ashvyriksa-bhavaya namah Aum mesha-bhavaya namah Aum shanivat-phaladaya namah Aum shuraya namah Aum apasavyagataye namah Aum uparagakagaya namah Aum soma-surya-cchavivimardakaya namah Aum nila-pushpa-viharaya namah Aum graha-shreshthaya namah Aum ashtama-grahaya namah Aum kabamdhamatradehaya namah Aum yatudhanakulodbhavaya namah Aum govinda-vara-patraya namah Aum deva-jati-pravishtakaya namah Aum kruraya namah Aum gharaya namah Aum shanir-mitraya namah Aum shukra-mitraya namah Aum agocaraya namah Aum mani ganga-snanadatre' namah Aum svagrihe' pravaladhyadaya namah Aum sad-grihe'anyabaladhrite' namah Aum caturthe matri-nashakaya namah Aum candrayukte candalajati sihmajanmane rajyadatre namah Aum mahakayaya namah Aum janma-kartre' namah Aum vidhuripave' namah Aum madakajnanadaya namah Aum janmakanyarajyadatre' namah Aum janmahanidaya namah Aum navame pitrihantre' namah Aum pancame' shokadayakaya namah Aum dhyune' kalatrahantre' namah Aum saptame kalahapradaya namah Aum shashthe' vittadatre' namah Aum caturthe' vairadayaka namah Aum navame' papadatre' namah Aum dashame shokadayakaya namah Aum adau yashah pradatre' namah Aum ante vairapradayakaya namah Aum kalatmane' namah Aum gocaracaraya namah Aum ghane' kakutpradaya namah Aum pancame' ghishanashringadaya namah Aum svarbhanave' namah Aum baline' namah Aum maha-saukhya-pradayine' namah Aum chandra-vairine namah Aum shashvataya namah Aum surashatrave' namah Aum papagrahaya namah Aum shambhavaya namah Aum pujyakaya namah Aum patirapuranaya namah Aum paithinasakulodbhavaya bhakta-rakshaya namah Aum rahu-murtaye' namah Aum sarva-bhishta-phala-pradaya namah Aum dirghaya namah Aum krishnaya namah Aum atanave' namah Aum vishnu-netraraye' namah Aum devaya namah Aum danavaya namah.
Kethu Ashtothram Aum ketave' namah Aum sthulashirase' namah Aum shiromantraya namah Aum dhvajakrtaye' namah Aum nava-graha-yutaya namah Aum simhika-asuri-garbha-sambhavaya maha-bhitikaraya namah Aum chitravarnaya namah Aum sri-pingalaksakaya namah Aum phulladhumasakashaya namah Aum tishnadamshtaya namah Aum mahodaraya namah Aum rakta-netraya namah Aum citra-karine namah Aum tivrakopaya namah Aum maha-suraya namah Aum krura-kanthaya namah Aum kradha-nidhaye' namah Aum chaya-graha-vishoshakaya namah Aum antya-grahaya namah Aum maha-shirshaya namah Aum surya-araye' namah Aum pushpavad-grahine' namah Aum varahastaya namah Aum gadapanaye' namah Aum citra-vastra-dharaya namah Aum citra-dhvaja-patakaya namah Aum ghoraya namah Aum citra-rathaya namah Aum shikhine' namah Aum kullutthabhaksakaya namah Aum vaidurya-bharanaya namah Aum utpatajanakaya namah Aum shukra-mitraya namah Aum mandasakhaya namah Aum gada-dharaya namah Aum naka-pataye' namah Aum antar-vedishvaraya namah Aum jaimini-gotra-jaya namah Aum citragupta-atmane' namah Aum dakshina-mukhaya namah Aum mukunda-varapatraya namah Aum maha-asura-kulod-bhavaya namah Aum ghana-varnaya namah Aum lamba-devaya namah Aum mrityu-putraya namah Aum utpata-rupa-dharine' namah Aum adrishyaya namah Aum kala-agni-sannibhaya namah Aum nripidaya namah Aum griha-karine' namah Aum sarvopadravavarakaya namah Aum citra-prasutaya namah Aum analaya namah Aum sarva-vyadhi-vinashakaya namah Aum apasavyapracarine' namah Aum navame' papadayakaya namah Aum pancame' shokadaya namah Aum uparagakhe'cagaya namah Aum ati-purushakarmane namah Aum turiye sukhapradaya namah Aum tritiye vairadaya namah Aum papa-grahaya namah Aum sphatakakarakaya namah Aum prana-nathaya namah Aum pancame shrimakarakaya namah Aum dvitiye' asphutavamdatre namah Aum vishakulitavaktakaya namah Aum kamarupine' namah Aum simha-dantaya namah Aum kushedhma-priyaya namah Aum caturthe' matrinashaya namah Aum navame pitrenashakaya namah Aum antye vairapradaya namah Aum sutanandam-nidhanakaya namah Aum sarpakshijataya namah Aum anangaya namah Aum karmarashyudbhavaya namah Aum upante kirtidaya namah Aum saptame'kalahapradaya namah Aum ashtame' vyadhikartre' namah Aum dhane' bahu-sukha-pradaya namah Aum janane rogadaya namah Aum urdhvamurdhajaya namah Aum grahanayakaya namah Aum papadyashtaye namah Aum khecaraya namah Aum shambhavaya namah Aum asheshapujitaya namah Aum shashvataya namah Aum nataya namah Aum shubhashubha-phala-pradaya namah Aum dhumraya namah Aum sudhapayine' namah Aum ajitaya namah Aum bhakta-vatsalaya namah Aum simha-asanaya namah Aum ketu-murtaye' namah Aum ravindudyutinashakaya namah Aum amaraya namah Aum pidakaya namah Aum amartya namah Aum vishnu-drishtaya namah Aum asureshvaraya namah Aum bhakta-rakshaya namah Aum vaicitryakapatasyandanaya namah Aum vicitraphaladayine namah Aum bhakta-bhishta-phala-pradaya namah
Surya Ashtothram Aum arunaya namah Aum sharanyaya namah Aum karuna-rasa-sindhave namah Aum asmanabalaya namah Aum arta-raksa-kaya namah Aum adityaya namah Aum adi-bhutaya namah Aum akhila-gamavedine namah Aum acyutaya namah Aum akhilagnaya namah Aum anantaya namah Aum inaya namah Aum visva-rupaya namah Aum ijyaya namah Aum indraya namah Aum bhanave namah Aum indriramandiraptaya namah Aum vandaniyaya namah Aum ishaya namah Aum suprasannaya namah Aum sushilaya namah Aum suvarcase namah Aum vasupradaya namah Aum vasave namah Aum vasudevaya namah Aum ujjvalaya namah Aum ugra-rupaya namah Aum urdhvagaya namah Aum vivasvate namah Aum udhatkiranajalaya namah Aum hrishikesaya namah Aum urjasvalaya namah Aum viraya namah Aum nirjaraya namah Aum jayaya namah Aum urudvayavirnimuktanijasarakrashivandyaya namah Aum rugdhantre namah Aum kraksacakracaraya namah Aum krajusvabhavavittaya namah Aum nityastutyaya namah Aum krukaramatrikavarnarupaya ujjvalatejase namah Aum kruksadhinathamitraya namah Aum pushakaraksaya namah Aum luptadantaya namah Aum shantaya namah Aum kantidaya namah Aum dhanaya namah Aum kanatkanaka sushanaya namah Aum khalotaya namah Aum lunit-akhila-daityaya namah Aum satya-ananda-svarupine namah Aum apavarga-pradaya namah Aum arta-sharanyaya namah Aum ekakine namah Aum bhagavate namah Aum sushtisthityantakarine namah Aum gunatmane namah Aum dhrinibhrite namah Aum brihate namah Aum brahmane namah Aum esvaryadaya namah Aum sharvaya namah Aum haridashvaya namah Aum shauraye namah Aum dashadiksam-prakashaya namah Aum bhakta-vashyaya namah Aum ojaskaraya namah Aum jayine namah Aum jagad-ananda-hetave namah Aum taya janma-mrtyu-jara-vyadhi-varji aounnatyapadasamcararathasthaya-asuraraye namah Aum kamaniyakagaya namah Aum abjaballabhaya namah Aum antar-bahih prakashaya namah Aum acintyaya namah Aum atma-rupine namah Aum acyutaya namah Aum amareshaya namah Aum parasmai jyotishe namah Aum ahaskaraya namah Aum ravaye namah Aum haraye namah Aum param-atmane namah Aum tarunaya namah Aum tarenyaya namah Aum grahanam pataye namah Aum bhaskaraya namah Aum adimadhyantara-hitaya namah Aum saukhyapradaya namah Aum sakalajagatam pataye namah Aum suryaya namah Aum kavaye namah Aum narayanaya namah Aum pareshaya namah Aum tejorupaya namah Aum shrim hiranyagarbhaya namah Aum hrim sampatkaraya namah Aum aim istarthadaya namah Aum am suprasannaya namah Aum shrimate namah Aum shreyase namah Aum saukhyadayine namah Aum diptamurtaye namah Aum nikhilagamavedhyaya namah Aum nityanandaya namah
Chandra Ashtothram Aum srimate namah Aum shasha-dharaya namah Aum chandraya namah Aum tara-adhishaya namah Aum nisha-karaya namah Aum sugha-nighaye namah Aum sadaradhya namah Aum sat-pataye namah Aum sadhu-pujitaya namah Aum jitendriyaya namah Aum jayodhyogaya namah Aum jyotish-cakra-pravartakaya namah Aum vikartananujaya namah Aum viraya namah Aum vishveshaya namah Aum vidusham pataye namah Aum doshakaraya namah Aum dushta-duraya namah Aum pushtimate namah Aum shishta-palakaya namah Aum ashta-murti-priyaya namah Aum anantaya namah Aum kashta-daru-kutharakaya namah Aum sva-prakashaya namah Aum prakash-atmane namah Aum dyu-caraya namah Aum deva-bhojanaya namah Aum kala-dharaya namah Aum kala-hetave namah Aum kama-krite namah Aum kama-dayakaya namah Aum mrityu-saharakaya namah Aum amartyaya namah Aum nityanushthana-dayakaya namah Aum ksapa-karaya namah Aum ksina-papaya namah Aum ksaya-vriddhi-samanvitaya namah Aum jaivatrikaya namah Aum shucaye namah Aum shubhraya namah Aum jayine namah Aum jaya-phala-pradaya namah Aum sudha-mayaya namah Aum sura-svamine namah Aum bhaktanam-ishtha-dayakaya namah Aum bukti-daya namah Aum mukti-daya namah Aum bhadraya namah Aum bhakta-daridhya bhanjanaya namah Aum sama-gana-priyaya namah Aum sarva-raksakaya namah Aum sagarodbhavaya namah Aum bhayanta-krite namah Aum bhakti-gamyaya namah Aum bhava-bandha-vimocakaya namah Aum jagat-prakasa-kiranaya namah Aum jagad-ananda-kiranaya namah Aum nissapatnaya namah Aum niraharaya namah Aum nirvikaraya namah Aum niramayaya namah Aum bhu-cchaya-cchaditaya namah Aum bhavyaya namah Aum bhuvana-prati-palakaya namah Aum sakalarti-haraya namah Aum saumya-janakaya namah Aum sadhu-vanditaya namah Aum sarvagama-jnaya namah Aum sarva-jnaya namah Aum sanakadi-muni-stutaya namah Aum sita-chatra-dhvajopetaya namah Aum sitangaya namah Aum sita-bhusanaya namah Aum sveta-malyambara-dharaya namah Aum sveta-gandhanulepanaya namah Aum dasasva-ratha-samrudhaya namah Aum danda-pananye namah Aum dhanur-dharaya namah Aum kunda-pusyojjvalakaraya namah Aum nayanabja-samudbhavaya namah Aum atreya-gotra-jaya namah Aum atyanta-vinayaya namah Aum priya-dayakaya namah Aum karuna-rasa-sampurnaya namah Aum karkata-prabhave namah Aum avyayaya namah Aum catur-ashrasanarudhaya namah Aum caturaya namah Aum divya-vahanaya namah Aum vivasvan mandalajneya-vasaya namah Aum vasu-samrddhi-daya namah Aum mahesvara-priyaya namah Aum dantaya namah Aum meru-gotra-pradaksinaya namah Aum graha-mandala-madhyasthaya namah Aum grasitarkaya namah Aum grahadhipaya namah Aum dvija-rajaya namah Aum dyuti-lakaya namah Aum dvibhujaya namah Aum dvija-pujitaya namah Aum audumbara-nagavasaya namah Aum udaraya namah Aum rohini-pataye namah Aum nityodayaya namah Aum muni-stutyaya namah Aum nityananda-phala-pradaya namah Aum sakalahladana-karaya namah Aum palashedhma-priyaya namah
Kuja Ashtothram Aum mahisutaya namah Aum maha-bhagaya namah Aum mangalaya namah Aum mangala-pradaya namah Aum maha-virayam namah Aum maha-shuraya namah Aum maha-balaparakramaya namah Aum maharoudraya namah Aum mahabhadraya namah Aum mananiyaya namah Aum dayakaraya namah Aum manad ya namah Aum aparvanaya namah Aum kruraya namah Aum tapa-traya-vivarjitaya namah Aum supratipaya namah Aum sutamrakshaya namah Aum subrahmanyaya namah Aum sukhapradaya namah Aum vakra-stambhadi-gamanaya namah Aum varenyaya namah Aum varadaya namah Aum sukhine namah Aum virabhadraya namah Aum virupaksaya namah Aum vidurasthaya namah Aum vibhavasave namah Aum naksatra-cakra-samcarine namah Aum ksatrapaya namah Aum ksatravarjitaya namah Aum ksayavriddhivinirmuktaya namah Aum ksama-yuktaya namah Aum vicaksanaya namah Aum aksinaphaladaya namah Aum caturvarga-phala-pradaya namah Aum vitaragaya namah Aum vitabhayaya namah Aum vijvaraya namah Aum vishva-karanaya namah Aum naksatra-rashisancaraya namah Aum nanabhayanikrintanaya namah Aum vandarujanamandaraya namah Aum vakrakuncitamurddhajaya namah Aum kamaniyaya namah Aum dayasaraya namah Aum kanatkanakabhusanaya namah Aum bhayaghnaya namah Aum bhavya-phaladaya namah Aum bhakta-bhaya-varapradaya namah Aum shatru-hantre' namah Aum shamope'taya namah Aum sharanagataposhanaya namah Aum sahasine' namah Aum sad-gunadhyaksaya namah Aum sadhave' namah Aum samaradurjayaya namah Aum dushtha-duraya namah Aum shishtha-pujyaya namah Aum sarva-kashtha-nivarakaya namah Aum dushche'shtha-varakaya namah Aum duhkha-bhanjanaya namah Aum durdharaya namah Aum haraye namah Aum dhu-svapna-hamtre' namah Aum dur-dharshaya namah Aum dushta-garva-vimocanaya namah Aum bharadvaja-kulam-adbhutaya namah Aum bhu-sutaya namah Aum bhavya-bhushanaya namah Aum raktam-varaya namah Aum rakta-vapushe' namah Aum bhakta-palana-tatparaya namah Aum catur-bhujaya namah Aum gada-dharine' namah Aum mesha-vahaya namah Aum sitashanaya namah Aum shakti-shula-dharaya namah Aum shaktaya namah Aum shastra-vidya-visharadaya namah Aum tarkakaya namah Aum tamasa-dharaya namah Aum tapasvine' namah Aum tamra-locanaya namah Aum taptakancana-samkashaya namah Aum rakta-kinjalkamannibhaya namah Aum gotra adhi-devaya namah Aum gomadhy-acaraya namah Aum guna-vibhushanaya namah Aum asrije' namah Aum angarakaya namah Aum avanti-desha-adhishaya namah Aum janardanaya namah Aum suryayamya-pradeshasthaya namah Aum ghune' namah Aum yamya-harin-mukhaya namah Aum trikona-mandala-gataya namah Aum tridasha-adhipasannutaya namah Aum shucaye' namah Aum shucikaraya namah Aum shuraya namah Aum shuci-vashyaya namah Aum shubha-vahaya namah Aum mesha-vriscika-rashishaya namah Aum medhavine' namah Aum mita-bhashanaya namah Aum sukha-pradaya namah Aum surupa-aksaya namah Aum sarva-bhishta-phala-pradaya namah
Budha Ashtothram Aum bhudhaya namah Aum budharcitaya namah Aum saumyaya namah Aum saumyachittaya namah Aum shubha-pradaya namah Aum drida-brataya namah Aum hadaphalaya namah Aum shruti-jala-prabodhakaya namah Aum satya ' vasaya namah Aum satya-vacase namah Aum shreyasam pataye namah Aum abyayaya namah Aum soma-jaya namah Aum sukhadaya namah Aum shrimate namah Aum soma-vamsha-pradipa-kaya namah Aum vedavide namah Aum veda-tattvashaya namah Aum vedanta-jnana-bhaskaraya namah Aum vidya-vicaksanaya namah Aum vidushe namah Aum vidvat-pritikaraya namah Aum krajave namah Aum vishva-anukula-sancaraya namah Aum vishesha-vinayanvitaya namah Aum vividhagamasarajnaya namah Aum viryavate namah Aum vigatajvaraya namah Aum trivarga-phaladaya namah Aum anantaya namah Aum tridasha-dhipa-pujitaya namah Aum buddhimate namah Aum bahu-shastra-jnaya namah Aum baline namah Aum bandha-vimocakaya namah Aum vakativakagamanaya namah Aum vasavaya namah Aum vasudhadhipaya namah Aum prasannavadanaya namah Aum vandhyaya namah Aum varenyaya namah Aum vagvilaksanaya namah Aum satya-vate namah Aum satya-samkalpaya namah Aum satya-bamdhave namah Aum sadadaraya namah Aum sarva-roga-prashamanaya namah Aum sarva-mrityu-nivarakaya namah Aum vanijyanipunaya namah Aum vashyaya namah Aum vatan-gaya namah Aum vata-roga-hrite' namah Aum sthulaya namah Aum sthairya-guna-adhyaksaya namah Aum sthula-suksma-adi-karanaya namah Aum aprakashaya namah Aum prakash-atmane' namah Aum ghanaya namah Aum gagana-bhushanaya namah Aum vidhi-stutyaya namah Aum visha-laksaya namah Aum vidvajjana-manoharaya namah Aum caru-shilaya namah Aum svaprakashaya namah Aum capalaya namah Aum jitendriyaya namah Aum udan-mukhaya namah Aum bukhamakkaya namah Aum magadha-adhi-pataye namah Aum haraye namah Aum saumya-vatsara-samjataya namah Aum soma-priya-karaya namah Aum mahate namah Aum sihma-adhirudhaya namah Aum sarva-jnaya namah Aum shikhivarnaya namah Aum shivam-karaya namah Aum pitambaraya namah Aum pitavapushe' namah Aum pitacchatradhvajankitaya Aum khanga-carma-dharaya namah Aum karya-kartre' namah Aum kalushaharakaya namah Aum atreya-gotra-jaya namah Aum atyanta-vinayaya namah Aum vishva-pavanaya namah Aum campeya-puspa-samkashaya namah Aum caranaya namah Aum caru-bhushanaya namah Aum vita-ragaya namah Aum vita-bhayaya namah Aum vishuddha-kanaka-prabhaya Aum bandhu-priyaya namah Aum bandhu-yuktaya namah Aum bana-mandala--samshritaya namah Aum arkesana-nivasasthaya tarka-shastra-visharadmaya namah Aum prashantaya namah Aum priti-samyuktaya namah Aum priya-krite' namah Aum priya-bhushanaya namah Aum medhavine' namah Aum madhava-saktaya namah Aum mithuna-adhi-pataye' namah Aum sudhiye namah Aum kanya-rashi-priyaya namah Aum kama-pradaya namah Aum ghana-phala-ashrayaya namah
Guru Ashtothram Aum gurave namah Aum gunakaraya namah Aum goptre namah Aum gocaraya namah Aum gopatipriyaya namah Aum gunive namah Aum gunavatam shrepthaya namah Aum gurunam gurave namah Aum avyayaya namah Aum jetre namah Aum jayantaya namah Aum jayadaya namah Aum jivaya namah Aum anantaya namah Aum jayavahaya namah Aum amgirasaya namah Aum adhvaramaktaya namah Aum viviktaya namah Aum adhvarakritparaya namah Aum vacaspataye namah Aum vashine namah Aum vashyaya namah Aum varishthaya namah Aum vagvacaksanaya namah Aum citta-shuddhi-karaya namah Aum shrimate namah Aum caitraya namah Aum citrashikhandijaya namah Aum brihad-rathaya namah Aum brihad-bhanave namah Aum brihas-pataye namah Aum abhishtadaya namah Aum suracaryaya namah Aum suraradhyaya namah Aum surakaryakritodyamaya namah Aum girvanaposhakaya namah Aum dhanyaya namah Aum gishpataye namah Aum girishaya namah Aum anaghaya namah Aum dhivaraya namah Aum dhishanaya namah Aum divya-bhushanaya namah Aum deva-pujitaya namah Aum dhanurddharaya namah Aum daitya-hantre namah Aum dayasaraya namah Aum dayakaraya namah Aum dariddya-nashanaya namah Aum dhanyaya namah Aum daksinayanasambhavaya namah Aum dhanurminadhipaya namah Aum devaya namah Aum dhanurbana-dharaya namah Aum haraye namah Aum angarovarshasamjataya namah Aum angirah kulasambhavaya namah Aum sindhu-desha-adhipaya namah Aum dhimate namah Aum svarnakayaya namah Aum catur-bhujaya namah Aum heman-gadaya namah Aum hemavapushe namah Aum hemabhushanabhushitaya namah Aum pushyanathaya namah Aum pushyaragamanimandanamandi kasha-pushpa-samanabhaya namah Aum indradyamarasamghapaya namah Aum asamanabalaya namah Aum satva-guna-sampadvibhavasave bhusurabhishtadaya namah Aum bhuriyashase namah Aum punya-vivardhanaya namah Aum dharma-rupaya namah Aum dhana-adhyaksaya namah Aum dhanadaya namah Aum dharma-palanaya namah Aum sarva-veda-artha-tattva-jnaya namah Aum sarva-padvinivarakaya namah Aum sarva-papa-prashamanaya namah Aum svramatanugatamaraya namah rigveda-paragaya namah Aum riksarashimargapracaravate sada-anandaya namah Aum satya-samdhaya namah Aum satya-samkalpa-manasaya namah Aum sarva-gamajnaya namah Aum sarva-jnaya namah Aum sarva-vedanta-vide namah Aum brahma-putraya namah Aum brahmaneshaya namah Aum brahma-vidya-avisharadaya namah Aum samana-adhi-kanirbhuktaya namah Aum sarva-loka-vashamvadaya namah Aum sasura-asura-gandharva-vanditaya satya-bhashanaya namah Aum brihaspataye namah Aum suracaryaya namah Aum dayavate namah Aum shubha-laksanaya namah Aum loka-traya-gurave namah Aum shrimate namah Aum sarva-gaya namah Aum sarvato vibhave namah Aum sarveshaya namah Aum sarvadatushtaya namah Aum sarva-daya namah Aum sarva-pujitaya namah
Sukra Ashtothram Aum shukraya namah Aum shucaye' namah Aum shubha-gunaya namah Aum shubha-daya namah Aum shubha-laksanaya namah Aum shobhanaksaya namah Aum shubravahaya namah Aum shuddhasphadikabhasvaraya namah Aum dinartiharakaya namah Aum daitya-gurave' namah Aum deva-abhivanditaya namah Aum kavya-asaktaya namah Aum kama-palaya namah Aum kavaye' namah Aum kalyana-dayakaya namah Aum bhadra-murtaye' namah Aum bhadra-gunaya namah Aum bhargavaya namah Aum bhakta-palanaya namah Aum bhoga-daya namah Aum bhuvana-adhyaksaya namah Aum bhukti-mukti-phala-pradaya namah Aum caru-shilaya namah Aum caru-rupaya namah Aum caru-candra-nibhananaya namah Aum nidhaye' namah Aum nikhila-shastra-jnaya namah Aum niti-vidya-dhuram-dharaya namah Aum sarva-laksana-sampannaya namah Aum sarva-vaguna-varjitaya namah Aum samana-adikanir-muktaya namah Aum sakala-gamaparagaya namah Aum bhrigave' namah Aum bhoga-karaya namah Aum bhumi-sura-palana-tat-paraya namah Aum manasvine namah Aum manadaya namah Aum manyaya namah Aum mayatitaya namah Aum maha-yashase' namah Aum bali-prasannaya namah Aum abhaya-daya namah Aum baline namah Aum satya-parakramaya namah Aum bhavapasha-parityagaya namah Aum bali-bandha-vimocakaya namah Aum ghana-shayaya namah Aum ghana-adhyaksaya namah Aum kambhugrivaya namah Aum kala-dharaya namah Aum karunya-rasa-sampurnaya namah Aum kalyana-guna-varddhanaya namah Aum shvetambaraya namah Aum svetavapushe' namah Aum catur-bhuja-samanvitaya namah Aum akshamala-dharaya namah Aum acintyaya namah Aum akshinagunabha-asuraya namah Aum nashatra-gana-samcaraya namah Aum nayadaya namah Aum niti-marga-daya namah Aum barsha-pradaya namah Aum hrishikeshaya namah Aum klesha-nasha-karaya namah Aum kavaye namah Aum cintitarya-pradaya namah Aum shanta-mataye' namah Aum citta-samadhi-krite' namah Aum adhi-vyadhi-haraya namah Aum bhurivikramaya namah Aum punya-dayakaya namah Aum purana-purushaya namah Aum pujyaya namah Aum puruhuta-adi-sannutaya namah Aum ajeyaya namah Aum vijitarataye' namah Aum vividha-bharanojjvalaya namah Aum kunda-pushpa-pratikashaya namah Aum mandahasaya namah Aum maha-mataye' namah Aum mukta-phala-samanabhaya namah Aum mukti-daya namah Aum munisannutaya namah Aum ratna-simhasana-rudaya namah Aum rathasthaya namah Aum rajataprabhaya namah Aum surya-pragdesha-samcaraya namah Aum sura-shatru-suhride' namah Aum kavaye' namah Aum tula-avrishabharashishaya namah Aum durddharaya namah Aum dharma-palakaya namah Aum bhagyadaya namah Aum bhavya-caritraya namah Aum bhavapasha-vimotrakaya namah Aum gauda-desh-eshvaraya namah Aum goptre namah Aum gunite namah Aum guna-vibhushanaya namah Aum jyeshtha-nakshatra-sambhutaya namah Aum jyeshthaya namah Aum shreshthaya namah Aum shuci-smitaya namah Aum apavarga-pradaya namah Aum anantaya namah Aum santana-phala-dayakaya namah Aum sarva-ishvarya-pradaya namah Aum sarva-girvanaganasannutaya namah
Sani Ashtothram Aum shanaescaraya namah Aum shantaya namah Aum sarvabhistapradayine namah Aum sharanyaya namah Aum vagenyaya namah Aum sarveshaya namah Aum saumyaya namah Aum suramvandhaya namah Aum suralokaviharine namah Aum sukhasonapavishtaya namah Aum sundaraya namah Aum ghanaya namah Aum ghanarupaya namah Aum ghanabharanadharine namah Aum ghanasaravilepaya namah Aum khadyotaya namah Aum mandaya namah Aum mandaceshtaya namah Aum maha-niyaguna-atmane namah Aum martyapavanapadaya namah Aum maheshaya namah Aum dhayaputraya namah Aum sharvaya namah Aum shatatuniradharine namah Aum carasthirasvabhavaya namah Aum acamcalaya namah Aum nilavarnaya namah Aum nityaya namah Aum nilanjana-nibhaya namah Aum nilambara-vibhushaya namah Aum nishcalaya namah Aum vedyaya namah Aum vidhi-rupaya namah Aum virodha-dhara-bhumaye namah Aum bhedaspadasvabhavaya namah Aum vajradehaya namah Aum vairagyadaya namah Aum viraya namah Aum vitarogabhayaya namah Aum vipatparampareshaya namah Aum vishva-vandyaya namah Aum gridhnavahaya namah Aum gudhaya namah Aum kurmangaya namah Aum kurupine namah Aum kutsitaya namah Aum gunadhyaya namah Aum gocaraya namah Aum avidhya-mula-nashaya namah Aum vidhya-avidhya-svarupine namah Aum ayushyakaranaya namah Aum apaduddhartre namah Aum vishnu-bhaktaya namah Aum vishine namah Aum vividhagamavedine namah Aum vidhistutyaya namah Aum vandhyaya namah Aum virupa-akshaya namah Aum varishthaya namah Aum garishthaya namah Aum vajram-kushagharaya namah Aum varada bhayahastaya namah Aum vamanaya namah Aum jyeshthapatni-sametaya namah Aum shreshthaya namah Aum mitabhashine namah Aum kashtaughanashakartre namah Aum pushtidaya namah Aum stutyaya namah Aum stotra-gamyaya namah Aum bhakti-vashyaya namah Aum bhanave namah Aum bhanuputraya namah Aum bhavyaya namah Aum pavanaya namah Aum dhanur-mandala-samsthaya namah Aum dhanadaya namah Aum dhanushmate namah Aum tanu-prakasha-dehaya namah Aum tamasaya namah Aum asheshajanavandyaya namah Aum visheshaphaladayine namah Aum vashikritajaneshaya namah Aum pashunam pataye namah Aum khecaraya namah Aum khageshaya namah Aum ghana-nilambaraya namah Aum kathinyamanasaya namah Aum aryaganastutyaya namah Aum nilacchatraya namah Aum nityaya namah Aum nirgunaya namah Aum gunatmane namah Aum niramayaya namah Aum nandyaya namah Aum vandaniyaya namah Aum dhiraya namah Aum divya-dehaya namah Aum dinartiharanaya namah Aum dainyanashakaraya namah Aum aryajanaganyaya namah Aum kruraya namah Aum kruraceshtaya namah Aum kama-krodha-karaya namah Aum kalatraputrashatrutvakaranaya pariposhita-bhaktaya namah Aum parabhitiharaya namah Aum bhakta-sangha-manobhishta-phaladaya namah
Rahu Ashtothram Aum rahave namah Aum saumhikeyaya namah Aum vidhuntudaya namah Aum surashatrave namah Aum tamase namah Aum phanine namah Aum gargyaynapa namah Aum surapye namah Aum nibajimutasamkashaya namah Aum caturbhujava namah Aum khangakhetaka-dharine namah Aum varadayakahastakaya namah Aum shulayudhaya namah Aum megha-varnaya namah Aum krishna-dhvajapatakavate namah Aum dakshinashamukharathaya namah Aum tikshnadamshtakarallakaya namah Aum shupokarasansthaya namah Aum gomedha-bharana-priyaya namah Aum mashapriyaya namah Aum kashyaparshinandanaya namah Aum bhujageshvaraya namah Aum ulkapatayitre namah Aum shuline namah Aum nidhipaya namah Aum krishna-sarpa-raje namah Aum vishajvalavrita ' asyaya addhashariraya namah Aum shatravapradaya namah Aum ravindubhikaraya namah Aum chaya-svarupine namah Aum kathinangakaya namah Aum dvishacchatracchedakaya namah Aum karallasyaya namah Aum bhayamkaraya namah Aum krura-karmane namah Aum tamo-rupaya namah Aum shyam-atmane namah Aum nila-lohitaya namah Aum kiritine namah Aum nilavasanaya namah Aum sanisamntavartmagaya namah Aum candala-varnaya namah Aum ashvyriksa-bhavaya namah Aum mesha-bhavaya namah Aum shanivat-phaladaya namah Aum shuraya namah Aum apasavyagataye namah Aum uparagakagaya namah Aum soma-surya-cchavivimardakaya namah Aum nila-pushpa-viharaya namah Aum graha-shreshthaya namah Aum ashtama-grahaya namah Aum kabamdhamatradehaya namah Aum yatudhanakulodbhavaya namah Aum govinda-vara-patraya namah Aum deva-jati-pravishtakaya namah Aum kruraya namah Aum gharaya namah Aum shanir-mitraya namah Aum shukra-mitraya namah Aum agocaraya namah Aum mani ganga-snanadatre' namah Aum svagrihe' pravaladhyadaya namah Aum sad-grihe'anyabaladhrite' namah Aum caturthe matri-nashakaya namah Aum candrayukte candalajati sihmajanmane rajyadatre namah Aum mahakayaya namah Aum janma-kartre' namah Aum vidhuripave' namah Aum madakajnanadaya namah Aum janmakanyarajyadatre' namah Aum janmahanidaya namah Aum navame pitrihantre' namah Aum pancame' shokadayakaya namah Aum dhyune' kalatrahantre' namah Aum saptame kalahapradaya namah Aum shashthe' vittadatre' namah Aum caturthe' vairadayaka namah Aum navame' papadatre' namah Aum dashame shokadayakaya namah Aum adau yashah pradatre' namah Aum ante vairapradayakaya namah Aum kalatmane' namah Aum gocaracaraya namah Aum ghane' kakutpradaya namah Aum pancame' ghishanashringadaya namah Aum svarbhanave' namah Aum baline' namah Aum maha-saukhya-pradayine' namah Aum chandra-vairine namah Aum shashvataya namah Aum surashatrave' namah Aum papagrahaya namah Aum shambhavaya namah Aum pujyakaya namah Aum patirapuranaya namah Aum paithinasakulodbhavaya bhakta-rakshaya namah Aum rahu-murtaye' namah Aum sarva-bhishta-phala-pradaya namah Aum dirghaya namah Aum krishnaya namah Aum atanave' namah Aum vishnu-netraraye' namah Aum devaya namah Aum danavaya namah.
Kethu Ashtothram Aum ketave' namah Aum sthulashirase' namah Aum shiromantraya namah Aum dhvajakrtaye' namah Aum nava-graha-yutaya namah Aum simhika-asuri-garbha-sambhavaya maha-bhitikaraya namah Aum chitravarnaya namah Aum sri-pingalaksakaya namah Aum phulladhumasakashaya namah Aum tishnadamshtaya namah Aum mahodaraya namah Aum rakta-netraya namah Aum citra-karine namah Aum tivrakopaya namah Aum maha-suraya namah Aum krura-kanthaya namah Aum kradha-nidhaye' namah Aum chaya-graha-vishoshakaya namah Aum antya-grahaya namah Aum maha-shirshaya namah Aum surya-araye' namah Aum pushpavad-grahine' namah Aum varahastaya namah Aum gadapanaye' namah Aum citra-vastra-dharaya namah Aum citra-dhvaja-patakaya namah Aum ghoraya namah Aum citra-rathaya namah Aum shikhine' namah Aum kullutthabhaksakaya namah Aum vaidurya-bharanaya namah Aum utpatajanakaya namah Aum shukra-mitraya namah Aum mandasakhaya namah Aum gada-dharaya namah Aum naka-pataye' namah Aum antar-vedishvaraya namah Aum jaimini-gotra-jaya namah Aum citragupta-atmane' namah Aum dakshina-mukhaya namah Aum mukunda-varapatraya namah Aum maha-asura-kulod-bhavaya namah Aum ghana-varnaya namah Aum lamba-devaya namah Aum mrityu-putraya namah Aum utpata-rupa-dharine' namah Aum adrishyaya namah Aum kala-agni-sannibhaya namah Aum nripidaya namah Aum griha-karine' namah Aum sarvopadravavarakaya namah Aum citra-prasutaya namah Aum analaya namah Aum sarva-vyadhi-vinashakaya namah Aum apasavyapracarine' namah Aum navame' papadayakaya namah Aum pancame' shokadaya namah Aum uparagakhe'cagaya namah Aum ati-purushakarmane namah Aum turiye sukhapradaya namah Aum tritiye vairadaya namah Aum papa-grahaya namah Aum sphatakakarakaya namah Aum prana-nathaya namah Aum pancame shrimakarakaya namah Aum dvitiye' asphutavamdatre namah Aum vishakulitavaktakaya namah Aum kamarupine' namah Aum simha-dantaya namah Aum kushedhma-priyaya namah Aum caturthe' matrinashaya namah Aum navame pitrenashakaya namah Aum antye vairapradaya namah Aum sutanandam-nidhanakaya namah Aum sarpakshijataya namah Aum anangaya namah Aum karmarashyudbhavaya namah Aum upante kirtidaya namah Aum saptame'kalahapradaya namah Aum ashtame' vyadhikartre' namah Aum dhane' bahu-sukha-pradaya namah Aum janane rogadaya namah Aum urdhvamurdhajaya namah Aum grahanayakaya namah Aum papadyashtaye namah Aum khecaraya namah Aum shambhavaya namah Aum asheshapujitaya namah Aum shashvataya namah Aum nataya namah Aum shubhashubha-phala-pradaya namah Aum dhumraya namah Aum sudhapayine' namah Aum ajitaya namah Aum bhakta-vatsalaya namah Aum simha-asanaya namah Aum ketu-murtaye' namah Aum ravindudyutinashakaya namah Aum amaraya namah Aum pidakaya namah Aum amartya namah Aum vishnu-drishtaya namah Aum asureshvaraya namah Aum bhakta-rakshaya namah Aum vaicitryakapatasyandanaya namah Aum vicitraphaladayine namah Aum bhakta-bhishta-phala-pradaya namah
Monday, October 6, 2008
Mantras for all types.
Mantra for vanishing diseases Om Rogansheshanpahansi Tushta Rusta Tu Kaman Saklanbhishtan, Tvamashritanam Na Vipannrananam Tvamashrita Hyashraytam PrayantiThis mantra is attributed to Goddess Durga. The use of rudraksha mala (A beaded garland of the seeds of Eleocarpus Ganitrus Tree) while chanting is favourable and helps to cure from diseases
Mantra for specific disease control Om Aadesh Guru Ko Kali Kambali Vale Shyam, Kahaye Hain Unko Ghanshyam Rog Nashe Shok Nashe Nahin To Krishna Ki Aan Radha Meera Manaave, (Name the Patient) Ka rog dosh JaveThe name of the patient of whose disease is to be controlled should be chanted at the right place while murmuring this mantra. The remembrance of Lord Krishna and Shiva be kept in mind.
Mantra for protection of pregnancy Om Rudra Bhi Drava Ho, Ha Ha Ha Hoo Ka The pregnant woman should chant this mantra for 108 times a day.
Riddance from Evil Spirits Ayeim Kreem Kreem Khrim Khrim Khichi Khichi Bhootnaathaay Pishaachaay Khrim Khrim Phat.
Mantra for protection against eye sore Om Namo Ramji Dhani Lakshman Ke Baan Aankh Dard Kare To Lakshman Kuwar Ki Aan Meri Bhakti. Guru Ki Shakti. Phuro Mantra Eswaro Vacha. Satya Naam Aadesh Guru KoThis mantra can lead to siddhi if chanted for 10,000 times
Mantra for protecting oneself Om Shoolena Pahino Devi Pahi Khadgen Chambike, Ghanta Swanena Nah Pahi Chapajjanih Swanen Ch.This mantra is attributed to Goddess Durga. It helps to get rid of enemies, fears and troubles. The use of rudraksha mala (A beaded garland of the seeds of Eleocarpus Ganitrus Tree) while chanting is favourable
Mantra for pregnancy Om Hreem Uljalya Thah Thah Om Hreem The regular and continuous chant of this mantra for 108 times with lighting of lamps of Mustard Oil or butter oil helps in getting pregnancy.
Mantra for peace of ancestors Om Yaam Medham Devganah Pitarasch Upasate, Taya Mamadya Medhayagne Medhavinam Kuru The regular chant of this mantra with red sandal beaded garland and pouring water helps to bring peace to ancestors.
Mantra for Longevity and getting rid of Ailments Om Trayambakam Yajamahe Sugandhim Pusti Vardhanam, Urvarukamiva Bandhanan Mrityormurksheeya Mamritat.This is called “Mrityunjaya Mantra”. The mantra is attributed to Lord Shiva. The mantra is very effective when diseases/ailment is continuously jeopardizing life or there is continuous fear of life. Even otherwise, the chant of this mantra is very beneficial. The regular and continuous chant of this mantra for 1.25 lakh times, following the procedure will produce early result
Mantra for increasing profits in business Om Kansonsmitam Hiranya Prakaram Aardraam Jwalantim Triptam Tarpyenteem, Padhesthitam Padhmavarnaam Tami Hope VhayeshriyamThis mantra is attributed to Goddess Lakshmi. The regular and continuous chant of this mantra helps to increase profits in business. The use of a beaded garland of Tulsi (Basil Plant) is recommended for better and early results
Mantra for getting rid of Incurable Diseases Om Hon Joon Sah Om Bhoorbhuva Swah Om Trayambakam Yajamahe Sugandhim Pustivardhanam Urvarukamiva Bandhanan Mrityormurksheeya Mamritat.Om Swah Bhuvah Bhu Om Swah Joon Hon Om This is called “Maha Mritunjaya Mantra”. It is attributed to Lord Shiva. Its helps in saving life in case of attack from diseases, accidents etc.
Mantra for getting rid of fear Om Sarva Swaroope Sarveshe Sarvshakti Samanvite, Bhayebhyastrahino Devi Durge Devi Namostute This mantra is attributed to Goddess Durga. The mantra helps get rid of fear and anxiety. The use of rudraksha mala (A beaded garland of the seeds of Eleocarpus Ganitrus Tree) while chanting is favourable.
Mantra for getting rid of all kinds of adversities Om Sharangat Dinart Paritran Parayane, Sarvasyarti Hare Devi Narayani Namostute. This mantra is attributed to Lord Narayan. The use of red sandal beaded garland while chanting helps in consolation from troubles and adversities.
Mantra for getting pleasure in life Om Hanumate NamahThis mantra is related to Lord Hanuman. The regular and continuous chant of this mantra for 1.25 lakh times helps to bring back lost pleasures and strength of mind. The use of rudraksha mala (A beaded garland of the seeds of Eleocarpus Ganitrus Tree) or a beaded Garland of red sandal is favourable and helps to attain early results.
Mantra for getting pleasure Om Ram Ramaya Namah.This is a very powerful Mantra. This mantra is attributed to Lord Rama or Lord Narayana. The regular chant of this mantra leads to success in every field of life and worldly pleasure. Moreover, it brings along with it the blessing of the God.
Mantra for getting blessed with son and acquiring wealth Om Sarvabadha Vinurmukto Dhandhanya Sutanvitah Manushyomat Prasaaden Bhavishyati Na SanShaya.This mantra is attributed to Goddess Durga. The regular and continuous chant of this mantra between 08:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. will help get blessed with son and acquiring wealth
Mantra for getting all round success Om Shreem Hreem Kleem Namah This mantra is called “Seed Mantra”. The Mantra helps to eliminate all odds and troubles. It’s power is doubled when the chant is performed along with a red sandal beaded garland.
For male use there is a Mantra to get a good wife ( or desired women as wife) called Gandharva Raja mantra. Om Gandharvaraaja visvaavase Mamabilashida Kanyaam Prayacha SwaahaaThe meening: O Gandarva King Visvavasu let me get my desired girl.You just have to chant it more than 320 at a time regularly till the goal is achieved. Note: Double vovals 'aa' indicate long sound and singla voval short. As to changing your complexion there are three methods stated in occult litrature1) Obtain Kamaruba siddhi - a magical power by which you can take any form you desire. It is a long tedious sadana of certain tantric deity. If you are up to it you can try . ( If you are ready let me know I will write to you the method as founfd in tantric treaties)2) Obtain Kaya sidhi By yogic practice - you will get eternal youth , moltan golden complexion 1000 elephants strength and indefenet life span by this method. This is also long and tedious path. You can refer to Patanjali's yoga sutra for detail.3) There is a shotcut to become lovely and fair. This is invoking a spirit of King solomon. I shall get back to this latter as I need to refer to King Solomon's book 'Goetia' for this. ( I will get back to you on this soon)
Mantra for getting a good wife Om Patnim Manoram Dehi Manovritanusarineem, Tareneem Durgasansar Sagarasye Kulodbhavam.This mantra is attributed to Goddess Durga. The regular and continuous chant of this mantra by the male section of the society helps them get a wife of their expectation. The use of rudraksha mala (A beaded garland of the seeds of Eleocarpus Ganitrus Tree) while chanting is favourable.
Mantra for cure of fear Om Aghorebhyo Thaghorebhyo Ghor Ghor Tarebhyah Sarvebhyah Sarva Sarvebhyo Namaste Astu Rudra Rupebhyah For controlling of fear of death etc., meditate on Lord Shiva and perform a mala of chant everyday with burning of Dhoop.
Mantra for controlling piles Om Kaka Karta Krori Karta Om Karta Se Hoye Ye Rasna Desh Hus Pragate Khooni Badi Bavasir Na Hoye. Mantra Janke Na Bataye to Dwadash Brahma Hatya Ka pap Hoy Lakh Jap Kare To Vansh Mein Na Hoye Shabda Sancha, Hanuman Ka Mantra Sancha, Phure Mantra Eswaro Vacha .After easing the motion, chant this mantra while cleaning the refuse of anus. After that eat two guavas.
Mantra for controlling jaundice Om Shriram Sar Sadha, Lakshman Sadha Baan, Neela, Peela, Rita, Neela Thotha Peela Peela Sarvavidha Rahe to Ramchandraji Ka Rahe Naam Meri Bhakti Guru Ki Shakti Phure Mantra Eswaro Vacha.Murmuring this mantra and touching the body of a jaundice patient can help overpower the disease. For Siddhi, 10,000 Mantra chant is needed.
Mantra for controlling fever Om Namo Bhagvate Rudray Shoolpanaye Pishachadhipataye Aavashye Krishna Pingal Phate Swaha.Make the patient drink water after speaking the mantra three times carrying a pot of water in hand
Mantra for controlling big diseases (Epidemics)Om Ithyam Yadaa Yadaa Badhaa Danvttha BhavishyetiThe chant of this mantra for 10,000 times helps to avert big diseases.
Mantra for control of epilepsy Om Haal Hal Mandiye Pudiye Shri RamjiPhunke, Mrigi Vayu Sukhe, Sukh Hoi, Om Thah Thah Swaha.Make holy black thread for the patient or sprinkle water on the patient after the chant of the mantra. Siddhi is achieved with chant of the mantra for 10,000 times
Mantra for attainment of Wealth and Pleasure
Om Shri Ganeshaya Namah This mantra is attributed to Goddess Lakshmi, the Goddess of Wealth and Lord Ganesha, the elder son of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvathi. The regular chant of this mantra helps in growth of business and brings wealth. Moreover, it helps in stopping and arresting heavy odds. The use of a red sandal beaded garland while chanting of this mantra is favourable.
Mantra for attainment of wealth and getting rid of ailments Om Hreem Om Markatesh Mahotsaha Sarv Vyadhi Vinashana Shatroon Sanhar Mamraksh Shriyam Dapaya Dehi Mein. Om Hreem Om This mantra is attributed to Lord Hanuman. The regular chant of this mantra helps in early cure of diseases and bestowment of wealth. The use of a red sandal beaded garland helps to attain early result.
Mantra for attainment of wealth Om Shreem Namah The regular and continuous chant of this mantra for atleast 4 lakh times along with a Tulsi (Basil Plant) beaded garland helps to attain wealth.
Mantra for attainment of Pleasure Aum Namo Bhagwate Vasudevaya This mantra of Lord Narayan is very powerful and advantageous. It gives peace of mind. Moreover, in brings happiness.
Mantra for attainment of happiness Om Namah Shivaya This mantra is considered as the five-lettered mantra related to Lord Shiva. The Mantra has a number of advantages. The regular and continuous chant of this mantra for 1.25 lakh times brings pleasure and peace of mind. In addition, it helps to minimize sins, if any. The use of rudraksha mala (A beaded garland of the seeds of Eleocarpus Ganitrus Tree) while chanting is favourable.
Om Gana Ganapataye Namah Mantra for attainment of education and success in examinationThis mantra is attribute to Lord Ganesha. It helps to acquire education and good success in exam. It is specially useful for students. The regular chant of this mantra will bring early results.
Aum Aem Khreem Kleem Chamundaya Vich Mantra for all round happiness and killing of enemiesThis mantra of Goddess Durga gives happiness and leads to destruction of the enemies.
Mantra for acquiring wealth Om Ya Devi SarvaBhuteshu Lakshmirupen sansthita, Namastasyei Namastasyei Namastasyei Namo Namah.The mantra is attributed to Goddess Lakshmi. She is well known as the Goddess of wealth among the Hindus. The continuous chant of this mantra for 108 times everyday can help to acquire fabulous wealth. The use of a beaded garland of Tulsi (Basil Plant) is favourable
Mantra for acquiring education Om Aim Namah This mantra is attributed to Goddess Saraswati. She is known as the Goddess of Education and Knowledge among the Hindus. The mantra helps very much in acquiring effective education. The use of a red beaded sandal garland while chanting is favourable.
All round Pleasure giving Mantra Om Bhoorbhuva Swah Tatsaviturvarenyam Bhargo DevasyeDheemahi Dhiyo Yo Nah Prachodayat This is known as “Gayatri Mantra”. It helps in early fulfillment of all desires of life. It resides in the category of Great Mantras in the Hindu Mythology. The use of a beaded garland of 108 beads, chanting three times a day (Morning, Noon and Evening) is favorable.
Mantras for specific purposes
Mantras for wealth:1. Om Lakshmi Vam shri kamaladhram svaha2. Jimi sarita sagar mahu jahiJadyapi tahi kamana nahi3. Bishva bharana poshana kara joiTakar nama Bharat asa hoi4. Om shrim hrim shrim kamale kamalalaye mahya prasidaprasida prasida svaha5. Omm shrim hrim shrim mahalakshmyai namahFor Marriage:1. Taba janaka pai bashishtha ayasu byaha saja savari kaiMandavi shruta kirati Urmila kuwari lai hankari kai2. Katyayani mahamaye mahayogindadhishvariNandagopasutam devi patim me kurute namahFor having children:1. Devakisutam Govindam Vasudevam JagatpatimDehimeTanayam Krishna twam-aham Sharanagatah.To have a son:1. Sarvabadhabinirmukto dhanadhanyasutanvitahManushyo tatprasaden bhavishyati na samshayah2. Om hrim lajja jjalyam thah thah lah om hrim svahaFor safety of the child in the womb:1. Om tham tham thim thim thum them thaim thoum thah thah omCuring fever:1. Om namo bhagavate rudraya namah krodhesvaraya namahjyoti patangaya namo namah siddhi rudra ajapayati svaha2. Om vindhya vanana hum fat svaha3. Om namo bhagavate chhandi chhandi amukasya jvarasyashara prajjvilita parashupaniye parashaya fat4. Om namo maha uchchhishta yogini prakirna dranshta khadatitharvati nashyati bhakshyati om thah thah thah thahRemoving any disease:1. Om Hrim hansah2. Om shrim hrim klim aim Indrakshyai namah3. Om sam, sam sim, sum sum sem saim sam saha vam vam vim vim vum vum vemvaim voim voum vam van saha amrita varech svaha.For sound health:1. Mam mayat sarvato raksha shriyam vardhaya sarvadaSharirarogyam me dehi deva deva namostute2. Om aim hrim shrim namah sarvadharaya bhagavate asyamama sarva roga vinashaya jvala jvala enam dirghayusham kuru kuru svaha3. Achyutam chamritam chaiva japedoushadhakarmani4. Om namo paramatamne para brahma mama sharire pahi pahi kuru kuru svahaFor curing piles:1. Om chhai chhui chhalaka chhalai ahumAhum klam klam klim humFor curing pox:1. Om shrim shrim shrum shram shroum shrah om kharasthadigambara vikata nayanam toyasthitam bhajami svahaSvangastham prachandarupam namabhyatmabhibutayeFor stimulating digestive fire:1. Agastyam kumbhakaranam cha shamincha vadavanalamBhojanam pachanarthaya smaredabhyam cha panchakamFor sound sleep:1. Om agasti shayinahFor long life:1. Hroum om jom sa om bhurbhuvah svaha omTryambakam yajamahe sugandhim pushtivardhanamUrvarukamiva bandhanata mrityormukshiyamamritatFor children's diseases:1. Avyadajoangdhri manimanstava janvathoru,yajnoachyutah kati tatam jatharam ka hayasyaFor removing obstructions and difficulties:1. Sakal vighna vyopahin nahin tehinRama sukripan bilokahin jehin2. Sarva badha prashamanam trailokyasyakhileshvariEvameva tvayakaryamasmad vairi binashanam3. Om ram ram ram ram ram ro ro ram kashtam svaha4. Om namah shante prashante gum hrim hrim sarva krodha prashamani svahaFor winning court cases:1. Pavan tanaya bala pavan samanaBuddhi viveka bigyana nidhanaTo Keep safe from snakes:1. Om Narmadayai vicharana2. Ananta vasukim shesham padmanabham cha kambalamShankhapalam dhritarashtram takshakam kaliyam tatha munirajam Astikam namah3. Om plah sarpakulaya svaha ashehakula sarva kulaya svahaFor removing the venom of snakes:1. Garudadhvajanusmaranat vishaviryam vyapohati2. Nama prabhau jana Siva nikoKalakuta falu dinha amikoTo keep safe from theft:1. Om kafall-kafall-kafall2. Om karalini svaha om kapalini svaha hroum hrim hrim hrim chora bandhaga thah thah For peace and detachment:1. Daihika daivika bhoutika tapaRama raja nahin kahu byapa2. Bharata charita kari mamu tulasije sadar sunahinSiya Rama pada prema avasi hoi bhava rasa biratiFor removing doubt:1. Rama katha sundar karatariSansaya bihaga unavana hariFor purification of thought:1. Take juga pada kamala manavaunJasu kripa niramala mati pavaunReomova of the evil eye:1. Shyama Gaura sundara dou joriNirakhahin chhabi janani trina toriFor vision of Sitaji:1. Janakasuta jagajanani janakiAtisaya priya karunanidhana kiTo please Hanuman:1. Sumiri pavan suta pavana namuApane basa kari rakhe RamuFor devotion to God:1. Bhagata kalpataru pranatahita kripasindhu sukaddhamaSoi nija bhagati mohi prabhu dehu kaya dari RamaFor acquiring knowledge:1. Chhiti jala pavaka gagana samiraPancha rachita yaha adhama shariraFor God's forgiveness:1. Anuchita bahuta kaheun agyataKshamahun kshama mandira dou bharata
Hanuman-Mantra Mantra Om Hoom Hanumate Rudratamakaye Hoom Phut SwahaThis mantra is to Lord Hanuman, the "monkey god", who is the greatest devotee of Lord Rama. The stroy of His exploits are famous from the epic "Ramayana" (also known as the "Ramakyen" in Thailand) He is said to give good qualities of character
Ancient Sacred ChantsAUM.In chapter 17 of Bhagwadgita, one of the most sacred texts of the Hindus. Lord Krishna has said that the word Aum Signifies the omni presence of God.AUM TATSAT.(From the beginning of the universe) These three words are used to significant the omni present God is Aum and it is said that the Aum came into being with the creation.Aum is a musical bliss through the regular use of which, a restive heart and stressful mind can achieve eternal peace and harmony and happiness of being at one with creator.GANESHA PRAYER.VAKRATUNDA MAHAKAYASURYAKOTI SAMAPRABHANIRVIGNAM KURU ME DEVASARVA KARYESHU SARVADHA.O. Lord Ganesha, of the large body, the curved trunk, who shines with the lustre of a million suns, please make life and my work free of abstracles, forever.MAHALAKSHMI MANTRA.AUM HREEM SHREEM LAKSHMIBHYO NAMAHA.The Goddess of wealth, prosperity & good luck. It is believed that sincere, heartfelt prayers to this Goddess can unlock the doors of prosperity for each and everyone. It is belived that the Goddess Mahalakshmi has eight forms or aspects, as the term ASHTA LAKSHMI connotes. Only when one prays to all eight of them, one has prayed to her in totality.HER EIGHT FORMS ARE:-AADI LAKSHMI.DHAANYA LAKSHMI.DHAIRYA LAKSHMI.GAJA LAKSHMI.SANTAANA LAKSHMI.VIJAYA LAKSHMI.VIDYA LAKSHMI.DHANA LAKSHMI.GAYATRI MANTRA.SHUBH LAABH MANTRA. (PRAYER FOR ABUNDANCE).AUM SHREEM GAM SAUBHAAGYAGANAPATHAYE VARAVARADASARVAJANAM MEVASHAMAANAYA NAMAHA.A Mantra is a divine combinations of divine vibrations, syllables or sounds. Which when chanted with devotion, faith and emotions gravitate the concerned God or Goddess or Deity and secure their divine blessings. Here SHREEM is the seed mantra for the principle of abundance. It is the aspect of divine energy that brings abundance. An abundance of material wealth, health, prosperity, family and friends. GAM represents the divinity and energy of Lord Ganesha and through the Laxmi Ganesh mantra we seek to invoke all their cosmic energies and realign them. So as to smoothen our path of attaining wealth, health, prosperity & worldly happiness.AUM POORNAMADA.AUM POORNAMADA POORNAMIDAMPOORNAAT POORNAMUDACHYATEPOORNASYA POORNAMADAAYAPOORNAMEVAA VASHISHYATEAUM SHANTIH SHANTI SHANTI.That is perfact : this is perfect ! What comes from such perfection is again truly perfect! What remains if the perfection is negated is yet again perfect. May there be peace, peace, perfect peace.AUM ASATOMA.AUM ASATOMA SADGA MAYATAMASOMA JYOTHIRGA MAYAMRUTORMA AMRUTHAMGA MAYAAUM SHANTIH SHANTI SHANTI. Oh Lord, lead me from the unreal to the ultimate reality, from the darkness to light, and from the death of ignorance to the immortality of knowledge.TVAMEVA MATA.TVAMEVA MATA CHA PITA TVAMEVATVAMEVA BANDHU CHA SAKHA TVAMEVATVAMEVA VIDHYAM DRAVINAM TVAMEVATVAMEVA SARVAM MAMA DEVA DEVAITHI NARAYANI SWAMI SAMARPAYAAMI. You are my Mother and father; You are my brother and companian; You alone are knowledge and wealth. Oh Lord, you everything to me.NAMOKAR MANTRA.AUM NAMO ARIHANTAANAMAUM NAMO SIDHAANAMAUM NAMO AAYARIYAANAMAUM NAMO UVAJZAAYANAMNAMO LONA BAVASSAAHUNAMAISO PANCHA NAMOKKAARO SAVVAPAAVAPPANAABANOMANGALAM CHA SAVVESIM PADHAM HAVAI MANGALAM.My oblisance to all Arihantas. My oblisance to all Siddhas. My oblisance to all Acharyas. My oblisance to all Upadhyayas. My oblisance to all Sadhus (Saints) this five fold salutation which destroys all sin is pre-eminent as the most auspicious of all auspicious things.AUM SARVAMANGALA MAANGALYE. AUM SARVA MANGALA MAANGALYESHIVE SARVARTHA SAADHIKESHARANYE TRAYAMBAKE GAURINARAYANI NAMOSTUTE.Oh Goddess Parvati, consort of Shiva, who bestows well being and happiness into all, I surrender before you. O Gauri, wife of Tryabaka (Shiva) and offer my salutations.SHREE VISHNU STUTI.SHANTHAKARAM BHUJAGA SHAYANAM PADMANABHAM SURESHAMVISHVADHARAM GAGANASADRUSHAM MEGHAVARNAM SHUBHANGAM LAXMIKANTHAM KAMALANAYANAM YOGIBHIRDHYANAGAMYAM VANDE VISHNUM BHAVABHAYAHARAM SARVA LOKAIKA NAATHAM.My salutations to you, Oh Lord Vishnu, seated in a peaceful posture on a snake, from whose navel is emanating a lotus, the king of the gods, who is the support of the universe whose colour is that of the clouds, with the graceful body. Oh consort of Laxmi, with lotus eyes, one in peaceful meditation, one who removes all fears, you are the Lord of all the world.MAHA MRITYUNJAY MANTRA.AUM TRAYAMBAKAM YAJAMAHESUGANDIM PUSTI VARDHANAMURVAA RUKAM IVA BANDHANAATMRYTYOR MUKSHIYA MAAMRTAAT.Aum, we worship Lord Shiva (The Three eyes done) who is full of fragrance and who nourishes all beings, may he liberath from death, for the sake of immortality, just as the ripe cucumber is severed from its bondage (of the creator) known as the Moksha Mantra of Lord Shiva, Maha Mrityunjay Mantra evokes the Shiva with in and removes the tear of death, liberating us from the cycle of death and rebirth.AUM SARVE BHAVANTU.AUM SARVE BHAVANTU SUKHINAHA SARVE SANTU NIRAAMAYAAHA SARVE BHADRANI PASHYANTU MAA KASCHIT DUKHKHA BHAAKBHAVAT.May all attain happiness, May all be healthy, May all enjoy good fortune, May none suffer misery and sorrow.YA DEVI SARVA BHUTESU.YA DEVI SARVA BHUTESUMATRU RUPENA SANISTHITANAMASTASYAI NAMASTASYAINAMASTASYAI NAMO NAMAHA.O Supreme Goddess, who dwells in all living beings as the kind loving mother, accept my humble salutations our and our again.SHIVA PRARTHANA.AUM NAMASTESTU BHAGAVANVISHVESHVARAYA NAMAHAMAHADEVAYA NAMAHATRAYAMBAKAYA NAMAHATRIPURANTAKAYA NAMAHATRIKAGNI KALAYA NAMAHAKALAGNI RUDRAYA NAMAHANILAKANTAYA NAMAHAMRITYUNJAYAYA NAMAHASARVESHVARAYA NAMAHASADASHIVAYA NAMAHASRIMAN MAHADEVAYA NAMAHA.Aum, I bow to Lord Shiva who is the creator and protector of the universe, who is the greatest among Gods, who has three eyes, who is the annihilator of all the three words, who is the master of the sacrifical fire of three kinds, who is the Lord of Pralaya, one whose throat is blue, who is the conqueror of death, who is the Lord of all, who is always propitious, who is possessed of all marks of greatness and who is the greatest amongst Gods, to him my prostrations.
Mantra for specific disease control Om Aadesh Guru Ko Kali Kambali Vale Shyam, Kahaye Hain Unko Ghanshyam Rog Nashe Shok Nashe Nahin To Krishna Ki Aan Radha Meera Manaave, (Name the Patient) Ka rog dosh JaveThe name of the patient of whose disease is to be controlled should be chanted at the right place while murmuring this mantra. The remembrance of Lord Krishna and Shiva be kept in mind.
Mantra for protection of pregnancy Om Rudra Bhi Drava Ho, Ha Ha Ha Hoo Ka The pregnant woman should chant this mantra for 108 times a day.
Riddance from Evil Spirits Ayeim Kreem Kreem Khrim Khrim Khichi Khichi Bhootnaathaay Pishaachaay Khrim Khrim Phat.
Mantra for protection against eye sore Om Namo Ramji Dhani Lakshman Ke Baan Aankh Dard Kare To Lakshman Kuwar Ki Aan Meri Bhakti. Guru Ki Shakti. Phuro Mantra Eswaro Vacha. Satya Naam Aadesh Guru KoThis mantra can lead to siddhi if chanted for 10,000 times
Mantra for protecting oneself Om Shoolena Pahino Devi Pahi Khadgen Chambike, Ghanta Swanena Nah Pahi Chapajjanih Swanen Ch.This mantra is attributed to Goddess Durga. It helps to get rid of enemies, fears and troubles. The use of rudraksha mala (A beaded garland of the seeds of Eleocarpus Ganitrus Tree) while chanting is favourable
Mantra for pregnancy Om Hreem Uljalya Thah Thah Om Hreem The regular and continuous chant of this mantra for 108 times with lighting of lamps of Mustard Oil or butter oil helps in getting pregnancy.
Mantra for peace of ancestors Om Yaam Medham Devganah Pitarasch Upasate, Taya Mamadya Medhayagne Medhavinam Kuru The regular chant of this mantra with red sandal beaded garland and pouring water helps to bring peace to ancestors.
Mantra for Longevity and getting rid of Ailments Om Trayambakam Yajamahe Sugandhim Pusti Vardhanam, Urvarukamiva Bandhanan Mrityormurksheeya Mamritat.This is called “Mrityunjaya Mantra”. The mantra is attributed to Lord Shiva. The mantra is very effective when diseases/ailment is continuously jeopardizing life or there is continuous fear of life. Even otherwise, the chant of this mantra is very beneficial. The regular and continuous chant of this mantra for 1.25 lakh times, following the procedure will produce early result
Mantra for increasing profits in business Om Kansonsmitam Hiranya Prakaram Aardraam Jwalantim Triptam Tarpyenteem, Padhesthitam Padhmavarnaam Tami Hope VhayeshriyamThis mantra is attributed to Goddess Lakshmi. The regular and continuous chant of this mantra helps to increase profits in business. The use of a beaded garland of Tulsi (Basil Plant) is recommended for better and early results
Mantra for getting rid of Incurable Diseases Om Hon Joon Sah Om Bhoorbhuva Swah Om Trayambakam Yajamahe Sugandhim Pustivardhanam Urvarukamiva Bandhanan Mrityormurksheeya Mamritat.Om Swah Bhuvah Bhu Om Swah Joon Hon Om This is called “Maha Mritunjaya Mantra”. It is attributed to Lord Shiva. Its helps in saving life in case of attack from diseases, accidents etc.
Mantra for getting rid of fear Om Sarva Swaroope Sarveshe Sarvshakti Samanvite, Bhayebhyastrahino Devi Durge Devi Namostute This mantra is attributed to Goddess Durga. The mantra helps get rid of fear and anxiety. The use of rudraksha mala (A beaded garland of the seeds of Eleocarpus Ganitrus Tree) while chanting is favourable.
Mantra for getting rid of all kinds of adversities Om Sharangat Dinart Paritran Parayane, Sarvasyarti Hare Devi Narayani Namostute. This mantra is attributed to Lord Narayan. The use of red sandal beaded garland while chanting helps in consolation from troubles and adversities.
Mantra for getting pleasure in life Om Hanumate NamahThis mantra is related to Lord Hanuman. The regular and continuous chant of this mantra for 1.25 lakh times helps to bring back lost pleasures and strength of mind. The use of rudraksha mala (A beaded garland of the seeds of Eleocarpus Ganitrus Tree) or a beaded Garland of red sandal is favourable and helps to attain early results.
Mantra for getting pleasure Om Ram Ramaya Namah.This is a very powerful Mantra. This mantra is attributed to Lord Rama or Lord Narayana. The regular chant of this mantra leads to success in every field of life and worldly pleasure. Moreover, it brings along with it the blessing of the God.
Mantra for getting blessed with son and acquiring wealth Om Sarvabadha Vinurmukto Dhandhanya Sutanvitah Manushyomat Prasaaden Bhavishyati Na SanShaya.This mantra is attributed to Goddess Durga. The regular and continuous chant of this mantra between 08:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. will help get blessed with son and acquiring wealth
Mantra for getting all round success Om Shreem Hreem Kleem Namah This mantra is called “Seed Mantra”. The Mantra helps to eliminate all odds and troubles. It’s power is doubled when the chant is performed along with a red sandal beaded garland.
For male use there is a Mantra to get a good wife ( or desired women as wife) called Gandharva Raja mantra. Om Gandharvaraaja visvaavase Mamabilashida Kanyaam Prayacha SwaahaaThe meening: O Gandarva King Visvavasu let me get my desired girl.You just have to chant it more than 320 at a time regularly till the goal is achieved. Note: Double vovals 'aa' indicate long sound and singla voval short. As to changing your complexion there are three methods stated in occult litrature1) Obtain Kamaruba siddhi - a magical power by which you can take any form you desire. It is a long tedious sadana of certain tantric deity. If you are up to it you can try . ( If you are ready let me know I will write to you the method as founfd in tantric treaties)2) Obtain Kaya sidhi By yogic practice - you will get eternal youth , moltan golden complexion 1000 elephants strength and indefenet life span by this method. This is also long and tedious path. You can refer to Patanjali's yoga sutra for detail.3) There is a shotcut to become lovely and fair. This is invoking a spirit of King solomon. I shall get back to this latter as I need to refer to King Solomon's book 'Goetia' for this. ( I will get back to you on this soon)
Mantra for getting a good wife Om Patnim Manoram Dehi Manovritanusarineem, Tareneem Durgasansar Sagarasye Kulodbhavam.This mantra is attributed to Goddess Durga. The regular and continuous chant of this mantra by the male section of the society helps them get a wife of their expectation. The use of rudraksha mala (A beaded garland of the seeds of Eleocarpus Ganitrus Tree) while chanting is favourable.
Mantra for cure of fear Om Aghorebhyo Thaghorebhyo Ghor Ghor Tarebhyah Sarvebhyah Sarva Sarvebhyo Namaste Astu Rudra Rupebhyah For controlling of fear of death etc., meditate on Lord Shiva and perform a mala of chant everyday with burning of Dhoop.
Mantra for controlling piles Om Kaka Karta Krori Karta Om Karta Se Hoye Ye Rasna Desh Hus Pragate Khooni Badi Bavasir Na Hoye. Mantra Janke Na Bataye to Dwadash Brahma Hatya Ka pap Hoy Lakh Jap Kare To Vansh Mein Na Hoye Shabda Sancha, Hanuman Ka Mantra Sancha, Phure Mantra Eswaro Vacha .After easing the motion, chant this mantra while cleaning the refuse of anus. After that eat two guavas.
Mantra for controlling jaundice Om Shriram Sar Sadha, Lakshman Sadha Baan, Neela, Peela, Rita, Neela Thotha Peela Peela Sarvavidha Rahe to Ramchandraji Ka Rahe Naam Meri Bhakti Guru Ki Shakti Phure Mantra Eswaro Vacha.Murmuring this mantra and touching the body of a jaundice patient can help overpower the disease. For Siddhi, 10,000 Mantra chant is needed.
Mantra for controlling fever Om Namo Bhagvate Rudray Shoolpanaye Pishachadhipataye Aavashye Krishna Pingal Phate Swaha.Make the patient drink water after speaking the mantra three times carrying a pot of water in hand
Mantra for controlling big diseases (Epidemics)Om Ithyam Yadaa Yadaa Badhaa Danvttha BhavishyetiThe chant of this mantra for 10,000 times helps to avert big diseases.
Mantra for control of epilepsy Om Haal Hal Mandiye Pudiye Shri RamjiPhunke, Mrigi Vayu Sukhe, Sukh Hoi, Om Thah Thah Swaha.Make holy black thread for the patient or sprinkle water on the patient after the chant of the mantra. Siddhi is achieved with chant of the mantra for 10,000 times
Mantra for attainment of Wealth and Pleasure
Om Shri Ganeshaya Namah This mantra is attributed to Goddess Lakshmi, the Goddess of Wealth and Lord Ganesha, the elder son of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvathi. The regular chant of this mantra helps in growth of business and brings wealth. Moreover, it helps in stopping and arresting heavy odds. The use of a red sandal beaded garland while chanting of this mantra is favourable.
Mantra for attainment of wealth and getting rid of ailments Om Hreem Om Markatesh Mahotsaha Sarv Vyadhi Vinashana Shatroon Sanhar Mamraksh Shriyam Dapaya Dehi Mein. Om Hreem Om This mantra is attributed to Lord Hanuman. The regular chant of this mantra helps in early cure of diseases and bestowment of wealth. The use of a red sandal beaded garland helps to attain early result.
Mantra for attainment of wealth Om Shreem Namah The regular and continuous chant of this mantra for atleast 4 lakh times along with a Tulsi (Basil Plant) beaded garland helps to attain wealth.
Mantra for attainment of Pleasure Aum Namo Bhagwate Vasudevaya This mantra of Lord Narayan is very powerful and advantageous. It gives peace of mind. Moreover, in brings happiness.
Mantra for attainment of happiness Om Namah Shivaya This mantra is considered as the five-lettered mantra related to Lord Shiva. The Mantra has a number of advantages. The regular and continuous chant of this mantra for 1.25 lakh times brings pleasure and peace of mind. In addition, it helps to minimize sins, if any. The use of rudraksha mala (A beaded garland of the seeds of Eleocarpus Ganitrus Tree) while chanting is favourable.
Om Gana Ganapataye Namah Mantra for attainment of education and success in examinationThis mantra is attribute to Lord Ganesha. It helps to acquire education and good success in exam. It is specially useful for students. The regular chant of this mantra will bring early results.
Aum Aem Khreem Kleem Chamundaya Vich Mantra for all round happiness and killing of enemiesThis mantra of Goddess Durga gives happiness and leads to destruction of the enemies.
Mantra for acquiring wealth Om Ya Devi SarvaBhuteshu Lakshmirupen sansthita, Namastasyei Namastasyei Namastasyei Namo Namah.The mantra is attributed to Goddess Lakshmi. She is well known as the Goddess of wealth among the Hindus. The continuous chant of this mantra for 108 times everyday can help to acquire fabulous wealth. The use of a beaded garland of Tulsi (Basil Plant) is favourable
Mantra for acquiring education Om Aim Namah This mantra is attributed to Goddess Saraswati. She is known as the Goddess of Education and Knowledge among the Hindus. The mantra helps very much in acquiring effective education. The use of a red beaded sandal garland while chanting is favourable.
All round Pleasure giving Mantra Om Bhoorbhuva Swah Tatsaviturvarenyam Bhargo DevasyeDheemahi Dhiyo Yo Nah Prachodayat This is known as “Gayatri Mantra”. It helps in early fulfillment of all desires of life. It resides in the category of Great Mantras in the Hindu Mythology. The use of a beaded garland of 108 beads, chanting three times a day (Morning, Noon and Evening) is favorable.
Mantras for specific purposes
Mantras for wealth:1. Om Lakshmi Vam shri kamaladhram svaha2. Jimi sarita sagar mahu jahiJadyapi tahi kamana nahi3. Bishva bharana poshana kara joiTakar nama Bharat asa hoi4. Om shrim hrim shrim kamale kamalalaye mahya prasidaprasida prasida svaha5. Omm shrim hrim shrim mahalakshmyai namahFor Marriage:1. Taba janaka pai bashishtha ayasu byaha saja savari kaiMandavi shruta kirati Urmila kuwari lai hankari kai2. Katyayani mahamaye mahayogindadhishvariNandagopasutam devi patim me kurute namahFor having children:1. Devakisutam Govindam Vasudevam JagatpatimDehimeTanayam Krishna twam-aham Sharanagatah.To have a son:1. Sarvabadhabinirmukto dhanadhanyasutanvitahManushyo tatprasaden bhavishyati na samshayah2. Om hrim lajja jjalyam thah thah lah om hrim svahaFor safety of the child in the womb:1. Om tham tham thim thim thum them thaim thoum thah thah omCuring fever:1. Om namo bhagavate rudraya namah krodhesvaraya namahjyoti patangaya namo namah siddhi rudra ajapayati svaha2. Om vindhya vanana hum fat svaha3. Om namo bhagavate chhandi chhandi amukasya jvarasyashara prajjvilita parashupaniye parashaya fat4. Om namo maha uchchhishta yogini prakirna dranshta khadatitharvati nashyati bhakshyati om thah thah thah thahRemoving any disease:1. Om Hrim hansah2. Om shrim hrim klim aim Indrakshyai namah3. Om sam, sam sim, sum sum sem saim sam saha vam vam vim vim vum vum vemvaim voim voum vam van saha amrita varech svaha.For sound health:1. Mam mayat sarvato raksha shriyam vardhaya sarvadaSharirarogyam me dehi deva deva namostute2. Om aim hrim shrim namah sarvadharaya bhagavate asyamama sarva roga vinashaya jvala jvala enam dirghayusham kuru kuru svaha3. Achyutam chamritam chaiva japedoushadhakarmani4. Om namo paramatamne para brahma mama sharire pahi pahi kuru kuru svahaFor curing piles:1. Om chhai chhui chhalaka chhalai ahumAhum klam klam klim humFor curing pox:1. Om shrim shrim shrum shram shroum shrah om kharasthadigambara vikata nayanam toyasthitam bhajami svahaSvangastham prachandarupam namabhyatmabhibutayeFor stimulating digestive fire:1. Agastyam kumbhakaranam cha shamincha vadavanalamBhojanam pachanarthaya smaredabhyam cha panchakamFor sound sleep:1. Om agasti shayinahFor long life:1. Hroum om jom sa om bhurbhuvah svaha omTryambakam yajamahe sugandhim pushtivardhanamUrvarukamiva bandhanata mrityormukshiyamamritatFor children's diseases:1. Avyadajoangdhri manimanstava janvathoru,yajnoachyutah kati tatam jatharam ka hayasyaFor removing obstructions and difficulties:1. Sakal vighna vyopahin nahin tehinRama sukripan bilokahin jehin2. Sarva badha prashamanam trailokyasyakhileshvariEvameva tvayakaryamasmad vairi binashanam3. Om ram ram ram ram ram ro ro ram kashtam svaha4. Om namah shante prashante gum hrim hrim sarva krodha prashamani svahaFor winning court cases:1. Pavan tanaya bala pavan samanaBuddhi viveka bigyana nidhanaTo Keep safe from snakes:1. Om Narmadayai vicharana2. Ananta vasukim shesham padmanabham cha kambalamShankhapalam dhritarashtram takshakam kaliyam tatha munirajam Astikam namah3. Om plah sarpakulaya svaha ashehakula sarva kulaya svahaFor removing the venom of snakes:1. Garudadhvajanusmaranat vishaviryam vyapohati2. Nama prabhau jana Siva nikoKalakuta falu dinha amikoTo keep safe from theft:1. Om kafall-kafall-kafall2. Om karalini svaha om kapalini svaha hroum hrim hrim hrim chora bandhaga thah thah For peace and detachment:1. Daihika daivika bhoutika tapaRama raja nahin kahu byapa2. Bharata charita kari mamu tulasije sadar sunahinSiya Rama pada prema avasi hoi bhava rasa biratiFor removing doubt:1. Rama katha sundar karatariSansaya bihaga unavana hariFor purification of thought:1. Take juga pada kamala manavaunJasu kripa niramala mati pavaunReomova of the evil eye:1. Shyama Gaura sundara dou joriNirakhahin chhabi janani trina toriFor vision of Sitaji:1. Janakasuta jagajanani janakiAtisaya priya karunanidhana kiTo please Hanuman:1. Sumiri pavan suta pavana namuApane basa kari rakhe RamuFor devotion to God:1. Bhagata kalpataru pranatahita kripasindhu sukaddhamaSoi nija bhagati mohi prabhu dehu kaya dari RamaFor acquiring knowledge:1. Chhiti jala pavaka gagana samiraPancha rachita yaha adhama shariraFor God's forgiveness:1. Anuchita bahuta kaheun agyataKshamahun kshama mandira dou bharata
Hanuman-Mantra Mantra Om Hoom Hanumate Rudratamakaye Hoom Phut SwahaThis mantra is to Lord Hanuman, the "monkey god", who is the greatest devotee of Lord Rama. The stroy of His exploits are famous from the epic "Ramayana" (also known as the "Ramakyen" in Thailand) He is said to give good qualities of character
Ancient Sacred ChantsAUM.In chapter 17 of Bhagwadgita, one of the most sacred texts of the Hindus. Lord Krishna has said that the word Aum Signifies the omni presence of God.AUM TATSAT.(From the beginning of the universe) These three words are used to significant the omni present God is Aum and it is said that the Aum came into being with the creation.Aum is a musical bliss through the regular use of which, a restive heart and stressful mind can achieve eternal peace and harmony and happiness of being at one with creator.GANESHA PRAYER.VAKRATUNDA MAHAKAYASURYAKOTI SAMAPRABHANIRVIGNAM KURU ME DEVASARVA KARYESHU SARVADHA.O. Lord Ganesha, of the large body, the curved trunk, who shines with the lustre of a million suns, please make life and my work free of abstracles, forever.MAHALAKSHMI MANTRA.AUM HREEM SHREEM LAKSHMIBHYO NAMAHA.The Goddess of wealth, prosperity & good luck. It is believed that sincere, heartfelt prayers to this Goddess can unlock the doors of prosperity for each and everyone. It is belived that the Goddess Mahalakshmi has eight forms or aspects, as the term ASHTA LAKSHMI connotes. Only when one prays to all eight of them, one has prayed to her in totality.HER EIGHT FORMS ARE:-AADI LAKSHMI.DHAANYA LAKSHMI.DHAIRYA LAKSHMI.GAJA LAKSHMI.SANTAANA LAKSHMI.VIJAYA LAKSHMI.VIDYA LAKSHMI.DHANA LAKSHMI.GAYATRI MANTRA.SHUBH LAABH MANTRA. (PRAYER FOR ABUNDANCE).AUM SHREEM GAM SAUBHAAGYAGANAPATHAYE VARAVARADASARVAJANAM MEVASHAMAANAYA NAMAHA.A Mantra is a divine combinations of divine vibrations, syllables or sounds. Which when chanted with devotion, faith and emotions gravitate the concerned God or Goddess or Deity and secure their divine blessings. Here SHREEM is the seed mantra for the principle of abundance. It is the aspect of divine energy that brings abundance. An abundance of material wealth, health, prosperity, family and friends. GAM represents the divinity and energy of Lord Ganesha and through the Laxmi Ganesh mantra we seek to invoke all their cosmic energies and realign them. So as to smoothen our path of attaining wealth, health, prosperity & worldly happiness.AUM POORNAMADA.AUM POORNAMADA POORNAMIDAMPOORNAAT POORNAMUDACHYATEPOORNASYA POORNAMADAAYAPOORNAMEVAA VASHISHYATEAUM SHANTIH SHANTI SHANTI.That is perfact : this is perfect ! What comes from such perfection is again truly perfect! What remains if the perfection is negated is yet again perfect. May there be peace, peace, perfect peace.AUM ASATOMA.AUM ASATOMA SADGA MAYATAMASOMA JYOTHIRGA MAYAMRUTORMA AMRUTHAMGA MAYAAUM SHANTIH SHANTI SHANTI. Oh Lord, lead me from the unreal to the ultimate reality, from the darkness to light, and from the death of ignorance to the immortality of knowledge.TVAMEVA MATA.TVAMEVA MATA CHA PITA TVAMEVATVAMEVA BANDHU CHA SAKHA TVAMEVATVAMEVA VIDHYAM DRAVINAM TVAMEVATVAMEVA SARVAM MAMA DEVA DEVAITHI NARAYANI SWAMI SAMARPAYAAMI. You are my Mother and father; You are my brother and companian; You alone are knowledge and wealth. Oh Lord, you everything to me.NAMOKAR MANTRA.AUM NAMO ARIHANTAANAMAUM NAMO SIDHAANAMAUM NAMO AAYARIYAANAMAUM NAMO UVAJZAAYANAMNAMO LONA BAVASSAAHUNAMAISO PANCHA NAMOKKAARO SAVVAPAAVAPPANAABANOMANGALAM CHA SAVVESIM PADHAM HAVAI MANGALAM.My oblisance to all Arihantas. My oblisance to all Siddhas. My oblisance to all Acharyas. My oblisance to all Upadhyayas. My oblisance to all Sadhus (Saints) this five fold salutation which destroys all sin is pre-eminent as the most auspicious of all auspicious things.AUM SARVAMANGALA MAANGALYE. AUM SARVA MANGALA MAANGALYESHIVE SARVARTHA SAADHIKESHARANYE TRAYAMBAKE GAURINARAYANI NAMOSTUTE.Oh Goddess Parvati, consort of Shiva, who bestows well being and happiness into all, I surrender before you. O Gauri, wife of Tryabaka (Shiva) and offer my salutations.SHREE VISHNU STUTI.SHANTHAKARAM BHUJAGA SHAYANAM PADMANABHAM SURESHAMVISHVADHARAM GAGANASADRUSHAM MEGHAVARNAM SHUBHANGAM LAXMIKANTHAM KAMALANAYANAM YOGIBHIRDHYANAGAMYAM VANDE VISHNUM BHAVABHAYAHARAM SARVA LOKAIKA NAATHAM.My salutations to you, Oh Lord Vishnu, seated in a peaceful posture on a snake, from whose navel is emanating a lotus, the king of the gods, who is the support of the universe whose colour is that of the clouds, with the graceful body. Oh consort of Laxmi, with lotus eyes, one in peaceful meditation, one who removes all fears, you are the Lord of all the world.MAHA MRITYUNJAY MANTRA.AUM TRAYAMBAKAM YAJAMAHESUGANDIM PUSTI VARDHANAMURVAA RUKAM IVA BANDHANAATMRYTYOR MUKSHIYA MAAMRTAAT.Aum, we worship Lord Shiva (The Three eyes done) who is full of fragrance and who nourishes all beings, may he liberath from death, for the sake of immortality, just as the ripe cucumber is severed from its bondage (of the creator) known as the Moksha Mantra of Lord Shiva, Maha Mrityunjay Mantra evokes the Shiva with in and removes the tear of death, liberating us from the cycle of death and rebirth.AUM SARVE BHAVANTU.AUM SARVE BHAVANTU SUKHINAHA SARVE SANTU NIRAAMAYAAHA SARVE BHADRANI PASHYANTU MAA KASCHIT DUKHKHA BHAAKBHAVAT.May all attain happiness, May all be healthy, May all enjoy good fortune, May none suffer misery and sorrow.YA DEVI SARVA BHUTESU.YA DEVI SARVA BHUTESUMATRU RUPENA SANISTHITANAMASTASYAI NAMASTASYAINAMASTASYAI NAMO NAMAHA.O Supreme Goddess, who dwells in all living beings as the kind loving mother, accept my humble salutations our and our again.SHIVA PRARTHANA.AUM NAMASTESTU BHAGAVANVISHVESHVARAYA NAMAHAMAHADEVAYA NAMAHATRAYAMBAKAYA NAMAHATRIPURANTAKAYA NAMAHATRIKAGNI KALAYA NAMAHAKALAGNI RUDRAYA NAMAHANILAKANTAYA NAMAHAMRITYUNJAYAYA NAMAHASARVESHVARAYA NAMAHASADASHIVAYA NAMAHASRIMAN MAHADEVAYA NAMAHA.Aum, I bow to Lord Shiva who is the creator and protector of the universe, who is the greatest among Gods, who has three eyes, who is the annihilator of all the three words, who is the master of the sacrifical fire of three kinds, who is the Lord of Pralaya, one whose throat is blue, who is the conqueror of death, who is the Lord of all, who is always propitious, who is possessed of all marks of greatness and who is the greatest amongst Gods, to him my prostrations.
The navgrah stotar.

The Navagraha Sthothram, given below, is so powerful, it appeals to all the planets and safeguards the reciter from any planetary ill effects.
aarokyam pradhathu noh dinakarachandroh yaso nirmalambhoodim bhoomisudha sudham sudhanayapragnam gurur gowravm kanyakomala vaak vilasa madhulammandho mudham saravadharagur bhahoopala virodha samanamketu kulasyonidham
Let us pray to Lord Surya who bestows well-being and healthLet us pray to Lord Chandra to bestow eminence and recognitionLet us pray to Lord Kuja to bestow opulence and prosperityLet us pray to Lord Bhudhan to bless us with astuteness and wisdomLet us pray to Lord Guru for knowledge and good judgmentLet us pray to Lord Shukra for graciousness and enhancement Let us pray to Lord Shanishwara for harmony and contentmentLet us pray to Lord Rahu for vigour and valourLet us pray to Lord Ketu for progeny, kith and kin
aarokyam pradhathu noh dinakarachandroh yaso nirmalambhoodim bhoomisudha sudham sudhanayapragnam gurur gowravm kanyakomala vaak vilasa madhulammandho mudham saravadharagur bhahoopala virodha samanamketu kulasyonidham
Let us pray to Lord Surya who bestows well-being and healthLet us pray to Lord Chandra to bestow eminence and recognitionLet us pray to Lord Kuja to bestow opulence and prosperityLet us pray to Lord Bhudhan to bless us with astuteness and wisdomLet us pray to Lord Guru for knowledge and good judgmentLet us pray to Lord Shukra for graciousness and enhancement Let us pray to Lord Shanishwara for harmony and contentmentLet us pray to Lord Rahu for vigour and valourLet us pray to Lord Ketu for progeny, kith and kin
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